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In Tuoyun area of southwestern Tianshan, mantle and lower crust xenoliths are present in the volcanic rocks with ages of 101–123 Ma. Mantle xenoliths include mineral megacrysts such as kaersutite and pargasite, feldspar, biotite, and rare pyroxene and rock fragments such as perodotite, pyroxenite, amphibolite, and rare glimmerite. Lower crust xeno-liths are mainly banded and massive granulite. The volcanic rocks were produced by within-plate magmatism. Occurrence of hydrous and volatile mineral megacrysts, amphibolite, and some pyroxenite containing hydrous and volatile minerals indicates that mantle metasomatism was intense. Undoubtedly, this discovery is very important to understanding of the crust-mantle structure and geodynamic background in depth in southwestern Tianshan and geological correlation with adjacent regions.  相似文献   

P-and S-wave velocities in eclogites and granulites from the Dabie ultrahigh pressures (UHP) meta morphic belt, China, were measured at room temperature under the hydrostatic pressures up to 1.0 GPa. The ultrahigh pressure eclogites had the highest densities (3.3 ~ 3.6 g.cm-3) , high velocities and the lowest anisotropy (1.4%c ~ 2.6 % ) . The lowest densities (2.8 ~ 3.1 g. cm-3 ) and the highest Poisson' s ratios (0.28 ~ 0.29) were found in gran ulites, whereas the strongest anisotropies (6. 1 % ~8.4% ) were found in the high-pressure (HP) eclogites. Compari son of the velocities in rocks with that observed in the deep seismic sounding profile crossing Dabieshan suggests that e clogites might exist in the lower crust of Dabieshan, but the quantity might be small. The upper mantle has very similar velocities as the UHP eclogites and serpentinizated/water-bearing dunite. The formation of eclogite represents the crust mantle recycling processes. Crustal material is delaminated and sinks into the mantle by way of eclogite, whereas only a small part of the eclogite could return to the crust.  相似文献   

Backscattered electron images, in situ Hf isotopes, U-Pb ages and trace elements of zircons in a banded granulite xenolith from Hannuoba basalt have been studied. The results show that the banded granulite is a sample derived from the early lower crust of the North China craton. It is difficult to explain the petrogenesis of the xenolith with a single process. Abundant information on several processes, however, is contained in the granulite. These processes in-clude the addition of mantle material, crustal remelting, metamorphic differentiation and the delamination of early lower crust. About 80% of zircons studied yield ages of 1842 ±40 Ma, except few ages of 3097-2824 Ma and 2489-2447 Ma. The zircons with ages older than 2447 Ma have high εHf (up to +18.3) and high Hf model age (2.5-2.6 Ga), indicating that the primitive materials of the granulite were derived mainly from a depleted mantle source in late Archean. Most εhf of the zircons with early Proterozoic U-Pb age vary around zero, but two have  相似文献   

Lattice preferred orientations (LPO) of plagioclase and augite are measured on layered gabbro from the Panxi region, Sichuan Province. The LPO concentration [010] of plagioclase and [100] of augite are perpendicular to the foliation, which indicates a kind of growth fabric associated with crystallizing habits of minerals when the magma is solidifying under the compaction. Calculated seismic velocities based on LPO data of minerals give rise to rather strong anisotropy 5.81% and 5.54% for compressional seismic wave (Vp) and shear seismic wave (Vs), respectively. The experiments at high temperature and high pressure show that the P-wave velocity of layered gabbro is 6.4-6.97 km/s with the maximum Vp anisotropy 5.22% and the Poisson‘s ratio is between 0.28-0.31. According to the comparison of fabrics with seismic velocities of layered gabbro, it is suggested that the large-scale layered intrusive body or the similar layered geological body may exist in the lower crust of this area. Such a layered intrusive body which has strong seismic anisotropy may be the seismic reflector in the lower crust.  相似文献   

为进一步了解岩石弹性参数(如杨氏模量、泊松比)与超声波波速的关系,将岩石加卸载循环实验和超声波测量实验同时进行,得到同一组样品的测量数据并作对比分析。实验结果表明,应力的变化会导致岩石样品的孔隙度、裂隙、岩石结构和构造的改变。受这些因素的影响砂岩的杨氏模量、泊松比、波速,也都会有规律地变化。较低应力水平时用小循环加卸载测得的动态弹性模量是不准确的,计算的波速也不准确,只有通过波速实验才能准确测出;饱水情况的加卸载纵波波速之差比干燥情况小,饱水波速大于干燥波速;动态泊松比比较稳定,但静态泊松比随着应力的增加而增加,从0.07增加到0.12,有趋近于动态泊松比的趋势;用P-M模型从微观概率分布入手,能够很好地解释静态和动态弹性参数的差别。通过本实验,采用回归分析的方法,成功建立起了岩石介质中弹性参数与波速的关系,为类似实验提供参考依据。  相似文献   

龙门山岩石圈地壳三维结构及汶川大地震成因浅析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
地质构造研究和地震测深剖面的构造解析显示,龙门山碰撞遣山带岩石圈存在既有显著差异又有密切联系的两套断裂系统:一是以地壳表层脆性剪切带为主的浅层断裂系统;另一是以切割莫霍界面或壳幔过渡带的壳幔韧性剪切带为主的深部断裂系统.根据地质构造和地震测深成果的综合研究,在建立起龙门山遣山带及邻区岩石圈地壳结构模型的基础上,论述了两套断裂系统的特征与相互关系,提出岩石圈壳幔韧性剪切带可能是四川汶川8.0级强烈地震的发震构造之一,以及强烈地震形成的动力学模式等.  相似文献   

Compressional wave velocities in a trachybasalt, from Yichuan County, Henan Province, have been measured at 2.0 GPa and up to 1 350℃ in a YJ-3000 t cubic-anvil high-pressure apparatus. The run products have been gained at the same pressure but different temperatures, the observation of the thin sections of the run products indicates that, corresponding to the variation of the compressional wave velocity in the trachybasalt, the phase transition has taken place. The relationship between the change of the compressional wave velocity and the hydrous mineral dehydration, solid-solid phase transformation and partial melting has been discussed. The experimental data presented here are of great importance to elucidating the geological process in the earth's interior.  相似文献   

利用在破波带内连续采集的污染团图像,研究平直斜坡上规则波斜向入射时破波带内污染物的输移扩散特性。在介绍试验情况以及图像处理方法的基础上,获取污染团的形心点和离散程度,通过追踪形心点在水平二维空间的变化,线形拟合得到污染团在沿岸和垂直岸线方向的输移速度,并分析沿岸方向输移速度与时均沿岸流速最大值的关系;基于高斯扩散理论拟合得到垂直岸线方向扩散系数。利用该方法获得了 5 种波况下污染团水平方向输移速度、垂直岸线方向的扩散系数,并对其进行分析。结果表明:沿岸方向的污染物输移速度约为时均沿岸流速最大值的 33%,垂直岸线方向输移速度及扩散系数分别在 0.008~0.030 m/s 和 0.16×10-3~2.6×10-3 m2/s 范围内。  相似文献   

利用布设在山东省境内的宽频带流动地震观测台阵和国家地震局固定地震观测台站记录的地震数据,应用接收函数和SKS波分裂方法,研究山东地区的地壳与上地幔结构,得到该区域的地壳厚度、地壳平均P波与S波的波速比以及SKS波分裂延迟的分布情况。结果表明,山东地区地壳厚度范围为28~39km;胶南隆起的北段和南段以及鲁西隆起北侧济阳凹陷的地壳厚度小于32km,鲁西隆起下方的地壳比较厚。研究区P波与S波的波速比主要分布在1.67~1.94之间,鲁西隆起西南部和胶南隆起北段该比值小于1.75,可能是由中上地壳增厚以及下地壳减薄和拆沉造成。鲁西隆起南北P波与S波的波速比差异反映地壳活动的差异。地幔物质的各向异性显示,山东地区西部的地壳减薄和拆沉可能仍在进行。  相似文献   

Eight Mesozoic sub-volcanic and intrusive rocks in the Lishui Basin have been selected for zircon U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopic analysis. The Laohutou, Datongshan,Daweizhuang, Yeshanao, Yanwaqiao, Xibeishan, Changshantou and Jianshan porphyrites yield concordant early Cretaceous ages of 130.5 ± 1.6 Ma, 136.0 ± 3.4 Ma, 132.7 ±2.7 Ma, 127.0 ± 1.9 Ma, 129.4 ± 1.7 Ma, 133.2 ± 2.1 Ma,131.1 ± 2.3 Ma and 127.4 ± 1.8 Ma, respectively. Zircon eHf(t) values for these rocks range from-3.54 to-9.11, mostly between-3.54 and-5.93, suggesting sources similar to those for coeval igneous rocks in other volcanic basins along the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. Considering the geochemical characteristics of coeval magmatic rocks in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and its adjacent areas, this paper proposes a model of slab rollback to explain the Mesozoic magmatism in the east-central part of China continent. In the middle-late Jurassic to early Cretaceous(170–135 Ma), the Pacific plate started to subduct beneath the Eurasian continent, producing a compressive tectonic setting,and magmatism progressed from coast to the inland. The magmas of this period were derived mostly from partial melting of ancient crust. After *135 Ma, the subduction weakened, and the rollback of the subducted Pacific plate produced an extensional environment. This led to the formation of volcanic basins, the partial melting of enriched mantle sources and less ancient crust, and the intrusion of voluminous intermediate-mafic igneous rocks.  相似文献   

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