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采用原位法粉末装管工艺制备了MgB2-xCx/Nb/Cu单芯线材.通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(EMS)和物性测试仪(PPMS)等手段研究了无定形C掺杂对线材微观结构及超导电性的影响.结果显示,随着C掺杂量的增加,进入MgB2晶格的C含量增加,MgB2层间结构不变.样品性能达到实用化超导磁体要求,在温度30 K外场0.2 T条件下,C掺杂量x=0,0.05,0.10,0.15的样品临界电流密度分别达8.1×104,1.7×105,1.6×105和1.0×105A/cm2.实验表明最佳C掺杂量x在0.05与0.10之间. 相似文献
采用平面波赝势方法计算了MgB2超导薄膜的电子结构.结果发现,表面层B(S)在费米能级处的态密度显著增强.在线性响应的密度泛函微扰理论框架下计算了MgB2薄膜的动力学性质及电-声子相互作用,分析了MgB2超导薄膜在Γ点的振动模的频率.结果发现,MgB2薄膜中的声子存在软化现象,并且声子的软化提高了电-声子相互作用,从而增强了薄膜的超导电性. 相似文献
MgB2适合于制备约瑟夫森结,在超导电子学领域有很好的应用前景。制备高质量的MgB2薄膜至关重要,应用Mg-B/Mg-B-O体系的相图指导MgB2薄膜生长意义重大。总结MgB2相体系及相关系,详细对比分析Mg-B/Mg-B-O体系的热力学相图,总结分析富氧区杂项MgO的生成机理及其对MgB2薄膜质量和性能的影响,研究分析有氧体系下Mg-B/Mg-B-O热力学相图对MgB2薄膜材料制备生长的指导意义,探讨HPCVD环境下采用原位生长技术制备MgB2超导薄膜时热力学相图的指导作用及相关制备工艺。 相似文献
采用快速热压烧结技术,在流动的高纯氩气保护氛围下,成功地制备出致密MgB2块材.系统地介绍了快速热压技术烧结MgB2块材的工艺,找出了烧结温度、保温时间、原料配比等最佳工艺参数;讨论了SiC纳米相的掺杂对MgB2块体的影响,包括微观显微组织、物相分析、临界电流密度(Jc)等.实验表明,在快速热压条件下,950℃保温30min,随后炉冷,可以制备出理想的MgB2块材,质量分数为5%SiC的掺杂可以极大地提高MgB2的超导性能.测试温度在20K以下,在自场下Jc可达到106A/cm2以上;在5K下,当外加磁场增加到7T时,Jc缓慢下降,但仍在105A/cm2以上,使其实用性得到更进一步改善. 相似文献
作者在BCS理论对于超导体电声耦合组成库珀对解释超导电性的基础上,从MgB2能带结构出发,通过紧束缚近似理论对其的详细计算和系统分析,比较合理的解释了MgB2的超导电性。 相似文献
多晶MgB2相形成中纳米尺寸硼粉的作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
原料硼粉在MgB2相形成中的作用已经利用原位高温电阻率(HT-ρT)的测量技术进行了研究.MgB2相形成中的起始转变温度Tonset和相转变完成温度TPF在完成了的热处理过程中已直接确定了.用纳米硼粉和镁粉制备MgB2样品(简称为NanoB-MgB2)时的Tonset和TPF这2个温度值分别是440和 490 ℃,类似于用微米硼粉和纳米镁粉制备MgB2样品(简称为MicroB-MgB2)的情况.这表明MgB2相形成的温度并不特别依赖于硼粉的尺寸.另外,烧结温度的上极限TN是750 ℃,在此温度下NanoB-MgB2样品的超导电性将丧失.此温度远低于用微米硼粉和毫米尺寸的镁粉制备的MgB2样品(简称为DM-MgB2)的TN= 980 ℃.把直接在650 ℃<T N,烧结的样品与先在750 ℃下烧结,之后又再次重磨和处理后,并于富镁的环境中在650 ℃下再烧结处理的样品相比较,观察到了MgB2的不可逆的晶体结构转变. 相似文献
YAN Guo FENG Yong FU Baoquan LIU Chunfang JI Ping ZHANG Pingxiang & ZHOU Lian . School of Materials Metallurgy Northeastern University Shenyang China . Superconducting Materials Research Center Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research Xi抋n China 《科学通报(英文版)》2003,48(13):1331-1333
The discovery of superconductivity at 39 K in MgB2has attracted a lot of interest in the world[15]. Recently, many results on the magnetic and transport properties of bulks have been reported. And high critical currentdensities (Jc) in polycrystalline MgB2 materials indicate that Jc is not limited by the weak link of grain boundaries as high temperature superconductor (HTS), suggestingthat MgB2 has a good potential for electrical engineering applications[2,48]. The fabrication of high qua… 相似文献
本本文报道了基于混合物理化学气相沉积方法制备高质量干净极限MgB2薄膜和碳掺杂MgB2薄膜的最新结果.c轴外延干净的MgB2薄膜具有高达41.4K的超导转变温度,低于0.3μΩcm的正常态剩余电阻率.样品处于干净极限.薄膜表面RMS粗糙度小于5nm,在150nm宽的纳桥上测量到了大于1×108A/cm2的临界电流密度,接近MgB2,材料理论上的拆对电流密度,同样的结果也从对相同样品的磁性测量中推导得到.利用甲烷作为碳源,基于改进的热丝辅助混合物理化学气相沉积装置,高性能碳掺杂MgB2薄膜得以成功实现.不同程度的碳掺杂调制了MgB2双能带的带内和带间散射,进而明显增强了薄膜的上临界场.在重碳掺杂MgB2薄膜样品中,平行于样品表面的上临界场分量,Hc2//ab在临界温度(27K)附近对温度的斜率,-dHc2//ab/dT达到了3 T/K,暗示了样品具有非常高的上临界场Hc2//ab(0).碳掺杂同时使得样品的磁通钉扎能力得到很大增强.高场下具有比干净样品高出数个量级的临界电流密度,和更高的不可逆场. 相似文献
MgB2穿透深度的各向异性:两带Ginzburg-Landau理论 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
刘敏霞 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》2008,44(4)
用两带各向异性GL(Ginzburg-Landau)模型计算了两带超导体MgB2的穿透深度,结果表明MgB2在c方向的穿透深度与ab平面内的穿透深度的比值(γλ)随温度的升高而变大,当选取适当的参数时,在高温区理论结果与实验结果符合的很好.另外还讨论了在脏极限下γλ的情况. 相似文献
We prepared a series of MgB2 bulk samples under different temperatures, holding time and increasing rates in temperature by the solid state reaction. The thermodynamic behavior and phase formation in the Mg-B system were studied by using DTA, XRD and SEM. The results indicate that the formation of the MgB2 phase is very fast and the high increasing rate in temperature is necessary to obtain high quality MgB2. In addition, the effects of the Zr-doping in Mg1-xZrxB2 bulk samples fabricated by the solid state reaction at ambient pressure on phase compositions, microstructure and flux pinning behavior were investigated by using XRD, SQUID magnetometer, SEM and TEM. Critical current density Jc can be significantly enhanced by the Zr-doping and the best data are achieved in Mg0.9Zr0.1B2. For this sample, Jc values are remarkably improved to 1. 83 × 106 A/cm2 in self-field and 5. 51 × 105 A/cm2in 1T at 20K. Also, high quality MgB2/Ta/Cu wires and tapes with and without Ti-doping, MgB2/Fe wires and 18 filamen 相似文献
MA Yanwei 《科学通报(英文版)》2006,51(21):2669-2672
We have investigated the effects of ZrC and ZrB2 doping on the superconducting properties of the powder-in-tube processed MgB2/Fe tapes. Sam- ples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDX), transport and magnetic measurements. We confirmed the fol- lowing quite different roles of ZrC and ZrB2 in MgB2. ZrC doping was found to decrease the transport critical current density (Jc) at 4.2 K, while the critical temperature (Tc) kept constant. In contrast, the Jc values in magnetic fields were enhanced greatly by the ZrB2 addition, which resulted in a decrease in Tc by only 0.5 K. The reason for different effects of two dopants is also discussed. 相似文献
玻璃包裹铁基合金非晶细丝制备方法的研究 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
该文介绍了利用高频感应加热熔融快淬法制备玻璃包裹合金非晶细丝的方法,叙述了选材、加热、拉丝、淬火等环节的技术关键,并用高分辨率显微镜、动态磁滞回线和穆斯堡尔谱等方法对非晶细丝进行特性表征,结果表明细丝直径17μm,玻璃壁厚5μm,细丝的磁晶各向异性场比薄带大得多。 相似文献
H.K.Liu S.H.Zhou S.Soltanian J.Horvat A.V.Pan M.J.Qin X.L.Wang M.Ionescu S.X.Dou 《清华大学学报》2003,8(3):307-315
The discovery of superconductivity in magnesium diboride (MgB2) has opened up a new field in materials science research. It offers a possibility of a new class of high performance superconducting materials for practical applications because of the relatively low cost of fabrication, high critical current densities (Jc)and fields, large coherence length, absence of Weak links, higher Tc (Tc = 39 K) compared with Nb3Sn and Nb-Ti alloys (two or four times that of Nb3Sn and Nb-Ti alloys). However, the weak flux pinning in the magnetic field remains a major challenge. This paper reports the most interesting results on nenomaterial (SiC and Si) doping in magnesium diboride. The high density of nano-scele defects introduced by doping is responsible for the enhanced pinning. The fabrication method, critical current density, microstructures, flux pinning and cost for magnesium diboride bulks, wires and tapes are also discussed. It is believed that high performance SiC doped MgB2 will have a great potential for many practical applications at 5K to 25K up to 5T. 相似文献
MgB2 superconducting films have been successfully fabricated on single crystal MgO(111) and c-AL2O3 substrates by different methods. The film deposited by pulsed laser deposition is c-axis oriented with zero resistance transition temperature of 38.4 K, while the other two films fabricated by chemical vapor deposition and electrophoresis are c-axis textured with the zero resistance transition temperature of 38 K and 39 K, respectively. Magnetization hysteresis measurements yield critical current density Jc of 107 A/cm2 at 15 K in zero field for the thin film and of 105 A/cm2 for the thick film. For the thin film deposited by chemical vapor deposition, the microwave surface resistance at 10 K is found to be as low as 100μΩ, which is comparable with that of a high-quality high-temperature superconducting thin film of YBCO. 相似文献
本文报导了常压下HgBa_2CuO_x高温超导体的合成方法,X光的测量结果表明超导样品的质量好,几乎不含其它杂相,超导转变温度为91.5K,零电阻温度为83K。 相似文献
报道了采用电子束蒸发技术实现MgB2薄膜制备的实验工作。通过蒸镀B膜和Mg/B多层膜两种前驱体,分别经高温区(~900℃)和中温区(~700℃)退火处理后成功获得了高质量的MgB2薄膜样品。对样品的超导性能、晶体结构和表面形貌进行了详细的测量和表征,并对两类样品性质上所表现出的差异进行了分析。此外,还报道了在薄膜制备基础上利用微加工技术实现的超导微波谐振器的结果。 相似文献
以Bi( NO3)3·5H2O为原料,利用弱碱并流沉淀法制备Bi2O3粉体,实验结果表明最佳的工艺条件为:反应温度为30℃,Bi(NO3)3溶液的浓度为0.20 mol/L,最佳反应pH为8.XRD分析结果表明产物为α - Bi2O3,晶粒尺寸约为34 nm. 相似文献
Jialin Zhu Shaochun Li Richeng Yu Fengying Li Zhengxing Liu Changqing Jin 《科学通报(英文版)》2001,46(22):1932-1933
The single-phase sample of MgB2 was prepared successfully at the temperature of 900℃ and under the pressure of 3 GPa. The structure of the sample was investigated using powder X-ray diffraction and Rietveld analysis. The results show that the structure of the sample belongs to the hexagonal structure with space group of P6/mmm, a=3.0861(5) Å, c=3.5222(8) Å. The magnetic and resistance measurements indicate that the superconducting transition temperature Tc is 39 K. 相似文献