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本文从四类水生植物所产生的化感物质,以及化感抑制机制等方面对化感控藻技术进行了评述。研究发现环境因素,如光照,营养胁迫等会显著影响化感作用效果。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aminoazetonitril entfaltet eine deutliche Wirkung am Bindegewebe des Goldhamsters. Diese Wirkung äussert sich in einer Verminderung der Zugfestigkeit von Wundgewebe. Die Mastzellen zeigten keine morphologischen Änderungen. Sowohl die Anreicherung von Radioschwefel im Wundgewebe wie die Konzentrationen von Hydroxyprolin und Hexosamin im Aortengewebe änderten sich nicht in signifikanter Weise.

Aided by grants from the Danish State Research Foundation, the Danish Rheumatism Association, and the Sigrid Juselius Stiftelse, Finland.  相似文献   

Riassunto Lo studio cariologico di specie di Anuri appartenenti alle famiglie più primitive dell'ordine conduce a formulare le seguenti ipotesi: (1) Ascaphidae e Discoglossidae sono strettamente collegati fra loro, e si differenziano da quasi tutti gli altri Anuri; (2) i Pipidae africani e quelli americani sono molto diversi fra loro; (3) i Pelobatidae hanno varie affinità cariologiche con i Leptodactylidae, e questi con gli Anuri superiori prevalentemente arciferi; (4) i Microhylidae hanno rapporti cariologici con i Ranidae.  相似文献   

Despite deserving a place amongst the historic milestones of the philosophy of disciplines, the system of the sciences put forward by Whewell has so far received little interest. Yet his ideas had a significant impact on the researches subsequently carried out on the topic, exerting in particular a decisive influence on Peirce and Spencer. The present paper aims to display the innovatory nature of the philosophical foundations of the Whewellian classification of the sciences. In this respect, we will argue that the most striking feature of his disciplinary system lies in a heuristic categorization of the sciences according to their “methods of discovery”. This represents a double departure from both the Aristotelian and the Baconian disciplinary paradigms, which are instead underpinned by ontological and epistemological criteria, respectively. Next, we will explore the pivotal role of Whewell's classification of the sciences for his overall project of a philosophy of scientific discovery.  相似文献   

Summary Phorbol myrystate acetate (PMA) activates nitroblue tetrazolium reduction in human polymorphs. The activation is inhibited by dibutyryl cyclic AMP, theophylline and phenylbutazone, but is not influenced by hydrocortisone in vitro, nor is it inhibited by leukocytes from patients treated with prednisone. Peptide analogues of Tuftsin also had no effect on this stimulatory activity. We conclude that the action of PMA on the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction is mediated through cyclic nucleotides.  相似文献   

Riassunto Nel ratto intossicato con estratto diAmanita phalloide le prime alterazioni strutturali dell'epatocita si realizzano a livello del nucleo e del nucleolo con formazioni di «nucleolar caps». Da queste stesse strutture iniziano i fenomeni di regressione delle alterazioni. Le manifestazioni sia del danno che della sua regressione a livello citoplasmatico risultano essere successive a quelle nucleari. Il comportamento del DNA e di alcuni enzimi del tessuto epatico è risultato nel complesso coerente con le alterazioni morfologiche. In rapporto con la dose usata queste alterazioni risultano reversibili poichè nelle cellule colpite entro 12 h cominciano i fenomeni di ristrutturazione.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Cuticula vonFasciola hepatica ist von proteinähnlicher Natur und von einem Saum aus Mucopolysacchariden oder Mucoproteiden umgeben. Sie enthält Glycogen und sudanophile, wohl lipidähnliche Substanzen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Acetylsalicylsäure,p-Hydroxybenzoesäure, 2-Methyl-1,4-Naphthachinon und Vitamin E heben die in einem Hühnerembryo durch Chloramphenicol bewirkte Hemmung der Morphogenese auf, währendp-Aminobenzoesäure undp-Aminosalicylsäure keinen Einfluss auf diese Hemmung haben.  相似文献   

Résumé L'intensité de la dépression qu'entraîne l'hyperchlorémie sur la réabsorption tubulaire du bicarbonate chez le chien paraît être essentiellement déterminée par le niveau initial de la réabsorption du bicarbonate.  相似文献   

基于最优搜索理论的失踪旅游者搜救模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章研究在失踪旅游者搜索问题中引入最优搜索理论的方法.针对失踪者相对静态的情况,在目标分布函数与探测函数的基础上建立搜索模型,通过拉格朗日乘数法最优化计算,导出了探测函数服从指数形式时的静态失踪旅游者最优搜索模型和搜索资源最优配置的计算方法.经示例比较,研究建立的搜索模型大幅度缩短了失踪旅游者的搜索时间,提高了搜索效率与失踪者的生还机会.  相似文献   

Further measurements on the bioluminescence of the seedlings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Riassunto Alcuni di noi recentemente hanno messo in evidenza un 'emissione di luce di debole intensità nello spettro visibile, da parte di semi in germinazione. E argomento del presente lavoro discutere alcune accurate misure di intensità luminosa condotte su semi germinanti e su loro estratti acquosi in varie condizioni di età della plantule da 1 a 20 giorni. Viene anche studiata la dipendenza dell'emissione luminosa dal pH della soluzione e viene indicata la distribuzione spettrale della luce emessa.  相似文献   

Reflections on the ambivalent helix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J W Galloway 《Experientia》1989,45(9):859-872
The helix is nature's favourite shape. Because of its elementary geometry and distinctive appearance it is also the clearest instance of an enantiomorphic object--a helix and its mirror image are identical in all respects except their screw sense. This is a distinction that can be ignored from the points of view of pure geometry and pure group theory but any helical structure is actually available as either or both hands. Whether in nature helices do occur as just one hand, or both, is one of the best--perhaps the best--puzzles of the science of form. In this short review I look at a few examples of naturally occurring helices, some where only one hand is found, some where both are commonly found, and perhaps the most interesting examples in biological terms--those where both are found but one hand is very much rarer than the other. I review what mechanisms--physico-chemical, genetic, evolutionary--underlie the different manifestations of left- and right-handedness.  相似文献   

Phorbol myrystate acetate (PMA) activates nitroblue tetrazolium reduction in human polymorphs. The activation is inhibited by dibutyryl cyclic AMP, theophylline and phenylbutazone, but is not influenced by hydrocortisone in vitro, nor is it inhibited by leukocytes from patients treated with prednisone. Peptide analogues of Tuftsin also had no effect on this stimulatory activity. We conclude that the action of PMA on the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction is mediated through cyclic nucleotides.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Mechanismus der Verhinderung des ACTH-Effektes durch Protaminsulfat wurde untersucht. Papierchromatographisch konnte festgestellt werden, dass beide Substanzen einen Komplex bilden und infolgedessen ACTH seine Aktivität verliert. Während die proteinartigen ACTH-Präparate starke komplexibldende Eigenschaft besitzen, vermögen die peptidartigen Präparate nur in geringem Masse Komplexe zu bilden. Dies konnte auch durchin-vivo-Verhinderungsversuche (Sayers test) mit beiden Präparaten bestätigt werden.  相似文献   

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