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Resumen El clorhidrato de Ketamina (1×10–3 M y 1×10–4 M) incrementa el consumo de oxigeno de cortes de cerebro de rata incubados en Krebs-Ringer fosfato conteniendo 5 mM ó 100 mM de potasio. La droga no modifica el consumo de oxigeno de homogeneizado de cerebro total.  相似文献   

Summary The hydrolysis of acetylcholine chloride (0.01M) by frog's rectus extracts, is inhibited by low concentrations of 3318 CT (CI-50 3.2×10–7) and high concentrations of D.F.P. (CI-50 1.3×10–5). Inversely, the hydrolysis of butyrylcholine perchlorate is inhibited by low concentrations of D.F.P. (CI-50 3×10–9) and high concentrations of 3318 CT (CI-50 3×10–4). Both are inhibited by similar concentrations of neostigmine (CI-50 1.1×10–7 and 1.5×10–7). Frog's rectus thus contains true and pseudo-cholinesterases. The inhibitions produced by D.F.P. added to the muscle itself (and not the extract) correlates well with the potentiation of the corresponding ester. Sensitization to AcCh and to BuCh appears to be specifically related to the inhibition of Ac ChE for the former ester, of XChE for the second one.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Strychnin in einer Konzentration von 3×10–6 bis 3,5×10–5 M/l verursacht eine vorübergehende Vergrösserung derb-Welle des ERG der isolierten Kaninchennetzhaut, in einer Konzentration von 7×10–5 bis 7×10–4 M/l verkleinert es dieb-Welle. Aus den Ergebnissen wird geschlossen, dass die Substanz zumindest teilweise schon auf die Schicht des zweiten Neurons wirkt.  相似文献   

Summary The absorption of3H-digitoxin from perfused rat small intestine was inhibited by probenecid (1.0×10–2 M), ethacrynic acid (0.5×10–3 M), and mersalyl (8.0×10–3 M) indicating that digitoxin absorption is at least partly an active process.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation of leucice-14C into protein in bovine mesenteric arteries was augmented by cyclic GMP (10–3 M) and decreased by cyclic AMP (10–3 M). There was no effect of 5 AMP (10–3 M). The phosphodiesterase inhibiting drugs theophylline (10–3 M) and papaverine (5×10–5 g/ml) both decreased the leucine-14C incorporation.We are indebted to Mrs.Lena Burlin for hear assistance. Finacial support has been provided by the Swedish State Medical Research Council (No. 04X-101X-4498).  相似文献   

Resumen El Sulpiride in vitro a la concentración de 1×10–2 M disminuye el consumo de Oxígeno en cortes de cerebro de rata. El exceso de potasio o ausencia de calcio en el medio de incubación, no modifican este efecto. En homogeneizado de cerebro total, unicamente a la concentración de 1×10–2 M deprime el consumo de oxígeno. A las concentraciones 1×10–3 y 1×10–4 M no modifica el consumo de oxígeno en cortes ni homogeneizados de cerebro.  相似文献   

Résumé L'enzyme glutamate décarboxylase se trouve dans les extraits d'eau de l'aleurone de l'orge. Au début de la germination, l'activité de cette enzyme augmente, mais après, quand apparait l'enzyme -amylase, elle diminue. Quoiqu'au dessous d'une concentration de 2×10–6 M l'acide -amino butyrique (GABA) n'affecte pas l'activité de l'-amylase in vitro, la GABA à 5×10–6 M peut provoquer une inhibition de 25% qui n'est pas modifiée par des concentrations de GABA comprises entre 5×10–6 M et 10–3 M.  相似文献   

Resumen El fenilmentano sulfonil fluoro (FMSF) 4×10–5 M inhibe a la acetilcolinesterasa (E. C. de cerebro de rata en más de 50%, y 9×10–4 M más de 90%. La constante de reacción inhibidor enzima es de 4.7×102 (1 mol–1 min–1). La colinesterasa (E. C. de cerebro de rata es insensible a FMSF.

Supported by NIMH Grant No. 1 RO3 MH 19125, by Comisión Nacional de Investigación Cientiffica Proyecto No. 80, and by Comisión de Investigación Cientiffica Universidad de Chile, Proyecto No. 95.  相似文献   

Summary Melatonin, in concentrations up to 10–3 M, showed no effect on mitosis in cultures of HeLa or KB cells. However, when melatonin at 10–4 M was preincubated with HeLa cells prior to addition of 10–7 M colchicine, a reduction in the mitotic index, in comparison to colchicine alone, was observed.This work was supported by PHS Grant No. CA 16425.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Kinetik der Aufnahme von S35-Taurin in Rattencortex-Schnittchen wird im Konzentrationsbereich von 9×10–8 M bis 5×10–3 M untersucht. Nach Abzug des Transportes durch Diffusion (K D ×S) findet man einen Mechanismus, der Michaelis-Menten Kinetik folgt (v sat ), mitK m =1,73×10–4 M. Ein solcher Transport liegt nicht im Bereich des spezifischen «uptake» der Neurotransmitter. Auch die sehr niedrige Aufnahme-Rate und die subzelluläre Verteilung nach «uptake» sprechen gegen eine Neurotransmitter-Funktion von Taurin.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Wachstumstimulation von 2,3-Dibromo-4,5-Dihydroxybenzylalkohol (Lanosol) in Konzentrationen von 4×10–5–4×10–6 wurde in axenischen Kulturen der RotalgenGoniotrichum alsidii undPolysiphonia urceolata festgestellt. Während das Disulfatdikaliumsalz nicht toxisch und von niedrigerer Aktivität war, hatte 2×10–4 M Lanosol eine Hemmwirkung aufPolysiphonia.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Reaktion des mit Eserin vorbehandelten musculus rectus abdominis des Frosches auf Acetylcholin liess sich durch Oxotremorin (2.0·10–5 M), Arecolin (2.0·10–5M), Aceclidin (1.0·10–4 M) und Carbachol (2.0·10–7 M) verstärken, während Atropin (1.0·10–5 M) hemmend wirkte. Perchlorationen in Konzentrationen über 2 · 10–4 M sensibilisierten den Froschmuskel erheblich und reduzierten die Grenzdosis, bei der eine Potenzierung durch Substanzen mit muskarinähnlicher Wirkung beobachtet wird. Alle beschriebenen Reaktionen liessen sich durch Gehirnextrakte verstärken, in denen zuvor Acetylcholin durch Kochen in alkalischer Lösung zerstört worden war.

This work was supported by NIH Grants No. NB 03007 and No. 5-F1-GM-22,905.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei Prüfung des Einflusses vonp-Benzochinon auf die Aktivität der partiell gereinigten IES-Oxidase aus Wurzeln von Maiskeimlingen wurde bei Konzentrationen von 5×10–6 bis 5×10–4 M eine 50-bzw. 100%ige Hemmung beobachtet.  相似文献   

Riassunio La citidina deaminasi, parzialmente purificata da lievito di pane, è capace di deaminare sia la citidina che la deossicitidina. I valori delleK m per ambedue i 2 substrati sono 25×10–5 M e 9.1×10–5 M rispettivamente. Inoltre l'enzima è inibito da numerosi nucleosidi monofosfati, difosfati e trifosfati. È molto significativa il tipo di inibizione allosterica esercitata dal dTTP. Si riporta una ipotesi sul ruolo metabolico della citidina deaminasi.  相似文献   

Riassunto É stato studiato l'effetto della ouabaina sul trasporto di Na, Cl e fluido in digiuno e ileo isolato di coniglio. Mentre in entrambi i tratti intestinali il flusso mucosa-serosa di Na è inibito dal glicoside, il flusso nello stesso senso di Cl, di cui è stata dimostrata una componente attiva, non viene modificato. Poichè inoltre il trasporto di fluido viene inibito dalla ouabaina in misura diversa in digiuno e in ileo, si suggerisce la presenza di sistemi ATPasici non ouabaino-sensibili accanto alla Na–K ATPasi sensibile alla ouabaina che si ammette essere responsabile del trasporto di Na.

Experiments not reported in this paper show that ouabain 5×10–4 M does not enhance the ileal Na influx inhibition and also does not modify the Cl influx. Moreover ouabain 10–4 M affects jejunal Na influx to a less significant extent than 5×10–4 M.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of DTPA on the chromosome aberration rate of Chinese hamster cells in culture was studied. No increase of the aberration rate was observed after treatment with 10–2 and 10–3 M concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary DCP increases IAA destruction by bothLens andPhaseolus root breis. H2O2 inhibits catabolism byLens extracts but activates it whenPhaseolus is used, mainly when roots are cultivated in the dark and contain inhibitors of IAA destruction. DCP 1·10–3 M and H2O2 1·10–4 or 1·10–3 volume forLens and DCP 1·10–4 M and H2O2 1·10–3 volume forPhaseolus nullify auxin catabolism.  相似文献   

Summary 2, 4-dichlorophenol (DCP), 2, 4-dinitrophenol (DNP) and 2, 4-dinitro-o-cresol (DNC) applied at a concentration of 1.10–7 to 1.10–3 M, produce a dramatic increase in IAA-oxidase activity in young cells ofLens root. IAA destruction by breis from root tissues was inhibited by Mn++ ion at low concentrations of DCP (1·10 to 1.10–7 M), but was enhanced by Mn++ ion at higher (1.10–5 to 1.10–3 M) DCP levels.

Ce travail a pu être entreprise grâce à l'appui duFonds national suisse pour la Recherche scientifique.  相似文献   

Riassunto La naringenina alla concentrazione di 10–4 M inibisce in modo totale l'emissione di gemme in radici diCichorium intybus in vitro senza tuttavia bloccare completamente la callogenesi. A concentrazioni scalari minori (10–5, 10–6, 10–7 M) questa sostanza causa una inibizione solo nella fase iniziale dell'esperienza.  相似文献   

Summary With a suitable modification of the Farquhar and Palade technique the Na++K+-ATPase activity in guineapig thyroid is demonstrated. The addition of c-AMP (5×10–6 M or 1.5×10–5 M) to the incubation media produced an apparent intensification of the Na++K+-ATPase activity in the thyroid.This work was supported by a grant from ZMNU of Serbia.  相似文献   

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