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Twelve wild adult Colorado pikeminnow ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), captured in the tailwaters of Taylor Draw Dam on the White River, Colorado, were implanted with radio transmitters and their movement patterns monitored from 1992 to 1994. The spawning migration of these fish was extensive. In 1993, the only full year of the study, the fish migrated an average of 658 km from the White River to spawning sites in the Yampa or Green rivers and back to the White River. Eight of these fish were translocated in the river upstream of the dam in April 1993. These fish and the 4 others below the dam remained in the river until May 1993. All 12 had migrated down the White River to spawning sites in the Green and Yampa rivers by July 1993. The fish that were located above the dam successfully passed over the dam during their downstream migration. Seven fish migrated upstream toward the Yampa River Canyon spawning site and 5 migrated downstream toward the Green River Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. Five of 7 Yampa River fish were found at the spawning site. The other 2 were found 5-8 km downstream of the site. One of 5 Green River fish was found at the spawning site, the other 4 between 16 and 62 km upstream of the site. All fish migrated back to the White River by August 1993 and were found near the dam by October 1993. Two fish were recaptured and translocated above the dam in September 1993. Five fish were located below the dam and 2 above the dam in April 1994. By July 1994 seven of the same fish that had migrated toward the Yampa River in 1993 were found at the Yampa Canyon spawning site. At the same time, 3 of 5 fish that migrated toward the Green River in 1993 were found at the Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. This included 2 fish that had been found upstream of the site in 1993. The 12 fish traveled an average of 6 km d -1 (range: 4-10 km d -1 ) during the migration period from May through October 1993. Generally, fish moved faster to the spawning site than back from the site to the White River. These fish moved very little within their home ranges in the White River. Six fish tagged in 1992 moved only 0.1-2.3 km in the tailwater reach below Taylor Draw Dam from September 1992 through April 1993. All fish, after their spawning runs, had moved up to or near the dam by October 1993. These fish were not tracked again until April 1994. Their movement patterns in April 1994 were similar to those observed in April 1993. The greatest amount of fish movement in the White River was displayed by the 8 fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam in April 1993 and the 2 placed in Kenney Reservoir in September 1993. They moved 1.1-40.6 km in the river before and after their spawning migration in spring and autumn 1993. These spawning migrations suggest that adult Colorado pikeminnow in the White River were recruited from both Green and Yampa river spawning populations and were presumably imprinted to these respective spawning sites. Those fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam established home ranges in habitats previously occupied by Colorado pikeminnow before the dam was completed. They remained there until they migrated downstream during the spawning period. Although we did not study fish passage, our study demonstrates that adult Colorado pikeminnow will use habitat if access is provided. Translocation of wild adult fish into historic but unoccupied habitats may be a valuable recovery option.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted during 1997 and 1998 documenting the distribution and abundance of Colorado River cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus ) in Escalante River tributaries. This documented occurrence of native trout in the Escalante River drainage of southern Utah represents an expansion of the known historic range of this subspecies as reported before the 1990s. We found 5 populations of native trout ranging in biomass from 3.0 to 104.2 kg ha -1 and occupying 13.2 km of stream of 130 km of estimated historic habitat. Current distribution and abundance of Colorado River cutthroat trout were compared to early introductions of nonnative trout stocked for sport fishing purposes. Native cutthroat trout have been displaced by nonnative cutthroat trout ( O. c. bouveri ), rainbow trout ( O. mykiss ), brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ), and brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) except where they were isolated by physical or biological barriers. Displacement may have been more extensive except for the remoteness of the drainage and relatively recent introductions of nonnative trout. These conditions limited the overall amount of the drainage stocked, numbers of nonnative trout stocked, and time over which stocking occurred. Discoveries of native trout populations within the Escalante River drainage have allowed expanded conservation of this subspecies by adding new populations to what was known to exist and by increasing the known natural range of this fish.  相似文献   

Northern pike, Esox lucius , stocked in the Yampa River in 1977, invaded the mainstream Green River by 1981 and subsequently increased in range and abundance. The speed of this invasion is indicated by two recaptured pike that moved 78 and 110 km, respectively, downstream in about one year. Pike stomachs (n = 123) were usually empty (54.5%), but some contained fish (43%) and nonfish items (2.4%). Red shiner, Notropis lutrensis , and fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas , predominated among the 12 fish species eaten. Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum , presumably introduced to the Green River drainage in the 1960s, was widely distributed but low in abundance. Most of 61 adult walleye stomachs contained food (60.7%) ; of 6 fish species eaten, channel catfish, lctalurus punctatus , and fathead minnow were most frequently consumed. Northern pike and walleye were captured in habitats occupied by endangered Colorado River fishes, particularly Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius . Predation on endangered fishes was not detected, but northern pike and walleye consumed at least three other native fishes. The northern pike may pose a threat to endangered fishes due to its population expansion, piscivory, and resource sharing. Diets of northern pike and walleye species should be further evaluated if their abundance increases.  相似文献   

We captured >2000 Crawford’s gray shrews ( Notiosorex crawfordi ) in a riparian forest mainly consisting of cottonwoods ( Populus deltoides ) along the Rio Grande in central New Mexico. Little has been published about abundance and habitat of Crawford’s gray shrew throughout its distributional range. During 7 summers, we captured shrews in pitfall traps at 13 study sites in Bernalillo, Valencia, and Socorro counties. Capture rates of shrews were greatest in August and September, and we did not detect a response of shrews to restoration treatments that removed nonnative plants from riparian forests. Results from our study indicate that (1) Crawford’s gray shrews are more abundant in riparian habitats than historically presumed and (2) pitfall traps with drift fences are an effective means to capture shrews.  相似文献   

Wild turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo ) brood-rearing sites have been described for portions of their range, but brood-rearing habitat use and characteristics of brood-rearing sites used by Rio Grande Wild Turkeys ( M. g. intermedia ) in the Pacific Northwest were unknown. We described cover types at 362 brood-rearing sites and measured habitat characteristics at 64 of these sites used by a recently established Rio Grande Wild Turkey population in southwestern Oregon during May-September 1989 and 1990. Hens with broods used 9 of 10 available cover types. Meadows, mixed hardwood/conifer woodlands, and savannas were used more often than expected (47% of observations, P ≤ 0.05). Broods used mature mixed conifer and dense sapling/pole mixed conifer cover types less than expected and did not use brush-fields. Many brood-rearing sites were characterized by a parklike appearance. Understory vegetation averaged P ≤ 0.05). We suggest that land managers maintain mixed hardwood/conifer woodland and savanna cover types adjacent to meadows on south slopes to provide brood-rearing habitat for Rio Grande Wild Turkeys in southwestern Oregon.  相似文献   

Archaeological sites in the Salton Basin of southeastern California and along the lower Colorado River provided opportunities to determine which fish species were present prior to extirpations, environmental degradation, and the recession of Lake Cahuilla. These remains also represent the fishes exploited by Native Americans. Bonytail ( Gila elegans ), razorback sucker ( Xyrauchen texanus ), Colorado pikeminnow ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), striped mullet ( Mugil cephalus ), and machete ( Elops affinis ) have been recovered from 117 sites in the Salton Basin, once filled by the Colorado River forming Lake Cahuilla. Bonytail and razorback sucker comprise nearly 99% of the remains. Along the lower Colorado River itself, fragmentary elements of bonytail, razorback sucker, Colorado pikeminnow, and roundtail chub ( G. robusta ) have been recovered, documenting a disappearing native fish fauna. Anatomical details are described that permit identification of diagnostic materials commonly recovered during archaeological excavations.  相似文献   

From 1999 through 2001 we located and monitored Western Tanager ( Piranga ludoviciana ) nests in public open-space properties in Boulder County, Colorado. Fifty-four of 58 nests were located in ponderosa pine and the remainder in Douglas-fir. Nests were generally placed near the midpoint of branches in areas of high canopy cover (> 50%) in the middle section of nest trees. Nest height varied as a function of nest tree height, and nests were oriented randomly in relation to trunks of nest trees. Tanager nesting success varied annually, with estimates using the Mayfield method ranging from 11.3% in 2000 to 75.3% in 2001. At least 8 nests were predated, and predation was the primary cause of nest failure. Parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) occurred in 7 of 17 (41%) nests found during egg-laying or incubation. Clutch size averaged 3.8 in 10 unparasitized nests, but only 2.4 in 8 parasitized nests. Brood parasitism dramatically reduced the number of tanager fledglings produced per nest.  相似文献   

This study explores how the relationship between flow and riparian vegetation varies along a montane river. We mapped occurrence of woody riparian plant communities along 58 km of the San Miguel River in southwestern Colorado. We determined the recurrence interval of inundation for each plant community by combining step-backwater hydraulic modeling at 4 representative reaches with Log-Pearson analysis of 4 stream gaging stations. Finally, we mapped bottomland surficial geology and used a Geographic Information System to overlay the coverages of geology and vegetation. Plant communities were distinctly arrayed along the hydrologic gradient. The Salix exigua Nuttall (sandbar willow) community occurred mostly on surfaces with a recurrence interval of inundation shorter than 2.2 years; the Betula occidentalis Hooker (river birch) community peaked on sites with recurrence intervals of inundation between 2.2 and 4.6 years. The hydrologic position occupied by communities dominated by Populus angustifolia James (narrowleaf cottonwood) was strongly related to age of trees and species composition of understory shrubs. The fraction of riparian vegetation on surfaces historically inundated by the river decreased in the upstream direction from almost 100% near Uravan to <50% along the South Fork of the San Miguel River. In upstream reaches much of the physical disturbance necessary to maintain riparian vegetation is provided by valley-side processes including debris flows, floods from minor tributaries, landslides, and beaver activity. Where valley-side processes are important, prediction of riparian vegetation change based on alterations of river flow will be incomplete.  相似文献   

Streambed surveys were conducted along the upper Colorado River, Colorado, to describe the distributions of Claassenia sabulosa larvae in relation to current speed and to determine their diets. We also addressed diel feeding periodicity by sampling during both day and night. Claassenia sabulosa was more abundant in riffle habitats than in runs. A positive relationship existed between C. sabulosa abundance and stream current, with larval size increasing with current speed. Chironomidae, Baetidae, and Simulidae collectively accounted for 93% of the prey found in stonefly guts; however, these categories were not consumed equally by all C. sabulosa . Smaller C. sabulosa primarily ate chironomids, and larger individuals consumed more baetids. Only a slight difference existed in the percentage of empty guts between night- and day-collected stoneflies, and ranges of prey per gut at night were higher than those in the day, suggesting that these stoneflies may forage more intensively at night.  相似文献   

A 5-year winter bald eagle survey was conducted along 22 km of the Snake River Canyon in northwestern Wyoming. Surveys were done on 94 days requiring 1,414 hrs and 1,888 km driving. In all, 220 (85 percent adults) bald eagles were seen. Seventy-seven percent of all eagles were perching, 15 percent were flying, 4 percent were feeding on road-killed mule deer, and 4 percent were flying low over water. Perching sites were identified as 32 percent cottonwoods, 30 percent spruce, 17 percent Douglas-fir, and 22 percent other. Eagles were somewhat clumped in distribution.  相似文献   

During 1999 and 2000 we trapped and radio-marked 156 Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse ( Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus ) on leks in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP, n = 73) and mine reclamation (MR, n = 83) lands in northwestern Colorado. Median spring--fall home range sizes using the 95% fixed kernal and minimum convex polygon estimators for 54 grouse were 86 ha and 61 ha, respectively. Median fixed kernal home range size did not differ between males (79 ha) and females (87 ha). Home ranges of grouse associated with CRP (112 ha) were larger than those of grouse in MR (75 ha). Directional orientation of movements from leks of capture to wintering areas was nonrandom, and there was a positive elevation gain (median = 102 m) associated with these movements. Movements did not differ between grouse captured in CRP and MR for any season but did differ between genders for the spring--fall period. Males exhibited stronger fidelity and less variation in their movements than females; 96% of males compared with only 77% of females remained within 2.0 km of their lek of capture from spring through fall. Ninety percent of females nested within 2.5 km of their lek of capture. During winter all grouse were found farther (median = 21.5 km) from lek sites than in any other season. Males remained on the breeding range longer in the fall and returned earlier in the spring than females even though they wintered similar distances away (median males = 21.5 km, median females = 21.4 km). Our findings support the 2.0-km radius used in the Habitat Suitability Index model for Columbian Sharptailed Grouse to assess nest and brood-rearing cover around leks, but not the 6.5-km radius used to evaluate winter cover.  相似文献   

Winter populations of raptors and scavengers were surveyed along 175 km of rural roads in Moffat County, northwestern Colorado. The survey began in 1988 and is currently continuing. Over the 7 yr of the survey reported here, we found Golden Eagles in high abundance ( ̄ x = 5.8 km/eagle) compared to most studies in similar habitat. Bald Eagles were less abundant, but increasing compared to 20 yr earlier. American Rough-legged Hawks were in low abundance, probably due to the predominance of sagebrush habitat along the route. Northern Ravens were seen in low numbers in 4 yr. American Crows were seen in 2 yr. Black-billed Magpies were nearly as abundant ( ̄ x = 6.5 km/magpie) as Golden Eagles and often scavenged with them. Magpie and Golden Eagle numbers were significantly correlated over the years of study. We conclude that northwestern Colorado is a significant overwintering area for Golden Eagles.  相似文献   

The exotic shrub Tamarix ramosissima (saltcedar) has replaced the native Populus fremontii (cottonwood) along many streams in southwestern United States. We used a controlled outdoor experiment to examine the influence of river salinity on germination and first year survival of P. fremontii var. wislizenii (Rio Grande cottonwood) and T. ramosissima on freshly deposited alluvial bars. We grew both species from seed in planters of sand subjected to a declining water table and solutions containing 0, 1, 3, and 5 times the concentrations of major ions in the Rio Grande at San Marcia, NM (1.2, 10.0, 25.7 and 37.4 meq 1 -1 ; 0.11, 0.97, 2.37, and 3.45 dS m -1 ). Germination of P. fremontii declined by 35% with increasing salinity ( P = .008). Germination of T. ramosissima was not affected. There were no significant effects of salinity on morality or above- and belowground growth of either species. In laboratory tests the same salinities had no effect on P. fremontii germination. P. fremontii germination is more sensitive to salinity outdoors than in covered petri dishes, probably because water scarcity resulting from eavaportion intensifies the low soil water potential associated with high salinity. River salinity appears to play only a minor role in determining relative numbers of P. fremontii and T. ramosissima seedlings on freshly deposited sandbars. However, over many years salt becomes concentrated on floodplains as a result of evaporation and salt extrusion from saltcedar leaves. T. ramosissima is known to be more tolerant of the resulting extreme salinities than P. fremontii . Therefore, increases in river salinities could indirectly contribute to decline of P. fremontii forests by exacerbating salt accumulation on floodplains.  相似文献   

The Upper Arkansas catchment has been polluted with heavy metals from mining for almost 140 yr. Adult Plecoptera and Trichoptera species distributions were recorded from 22 stations along 259 km of main river during 1984-85 so that these could be related to metal deposition and other environmental characteristics. Chemically or physically perturbed sites had poor species richness compared with adjacent sites. There was no sequential downstream increase in species numbers. Filter-feeders proportionally increased downstream as predators declined; these proportions were reset at a high-energy site before the trend resumed. Using canonical correspondence analysis, we found that species composition was most strongly related to changes in distance/altitude and to temperature, particularly after regulatory flows entered the river. The proportion of biological variation explained by river measurements indicated that collected adults were largely derived from the main Arkansas River. Species tolerant of high sedimentary metal concentrations were identified while some other species appeared to be sensitive. The study provides a disturbed-state reference for monitoring effects of remedial actions begun in 1991, and for comparisons with other Colorado rivers.  相似文献   

During late September 1996, approximately 7000 m 3 of clay- to gravel-sized sediment was flushed from Halligan Reservoir, Larimer County, Colorado, into the North Fork Cache la Poudre River during dam inspections. Approximately 9.6 km of this river was partially or completely affected by this episodic sediment release. Pools up to 3.2 km downstream from the dam lost 50% of their volume. Hess samples taken from October 1996 to September 1997, 100 m downstream from the dam (site 1) and 3.2 km downstream (site 2), revealed effects of sediment on recovery patterns of benthic communities. A 2-way ANOVA was used to determine significant interactions using site and date as main factors. Pairwise differences were then compared using least squares means to determine significant dates within and between sites. Ten days after the sediment release, both density and taxa richness at site 1 (55 organisms per m 2 , 5 taxa) were significantly lower ( P 2 , 25 taxa). These differences remained until June when species richness and densities increased. Plecoptera and Trichoptera colonized from June to September after being eliminated at site 1 and reduced at site 2. No permanently flowing tributaries exist within the study area; therefore, passive downstream drift from such inputs apparently did not influence recovery. Increased densities of taxa such as Baetidae, Hydroptilidae, Hydropsychidae, Chironomidae, Simuliidae, and Oligochaeta occurred plausibly by rapid reproduction. Based on pre-event data, community function completely changed at site 2 from a scraper community to one dominated by collector-gatherers.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven fish of three genera were taken from the Colorado River in west central Colorado and examined for external parasites. No external parasites were found on Ictalurus. Seven percent of the Hybognathus and 100 percent of the Catastomus were infected with a Hirudinean of the species Helobdella stagnalis. &nbsp;&nbsp;  相似文献   

The local spatial arrangement of the coniferous trees Pinus edulis and Juniperus osteosperma was mapped in two woodland stands and measured in two shrub-dominated stands in the semiarid Piceance Basin of northwest Colorado. In the woodlands, small trees were often clumped, while medium and large trees were either randomly or uniformly dispersed. Significant regressions were obtained between a tree?s basal area or canopy area and the area of its Dirichlet domain (the region closer to it than to any other tree). Both findings from the woodland stands accord with results obtained by other workers in other vegetation. Like earlier workers, we interpret these patterns to indicate density-dependent mortality and density-dependent depression of growth rates among the trees in the woodlands. In contrast, the trees in the shrub-dominated stands are located at random with respect to each other. However, they are strongly associated with shrub cover. Apparently tree seeds arrive in these stands primarily by long-distance dispersal, and the establishment of seedlings is more likely in the shade of shrubs.  相似文献   

Examination of gastrointestinal tracts of native cyprinids from the Little Colorado River (LCR) in Grand Canyon, Arizona, 1990-1994, revealed varying rates of prevalence and infrapopulation levels of Asian tapeworm ( Bothriocephalus acheilognathi ). Mean prevalence was 28% (range 0-78%) in humpback chub ( Gila cypha ) and 8% (range 0-46%) in speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ), with infrapopulations as high as 46 and 28, respectively. We also note Asian tapeworm infection of nonnatives common carp ( Cyprinus carpio ), fathead minnow ( Pimephales promelas ), and plains killifish ( Fundulus zebrinus ) from the LCR. Reported pathogenic and chronic effects of this cestode to its definitive hosts add concern for the status of the Grand Canyon population of the federally endangered humpback chub. The rapidity which Asian tapeworm has spread to different drainages of the Colorado River Basin likely portends an eventual cosmopolitan basin distribution in lower elevations suitable to the parasite's thermophilic life history. Such biotic changes must be considered among the most serious threats to conservation and recovery of native fish populations.  相似文献   

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