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Samples of pupfish from Crystal, Marsh, and Point of Rocks springs, Ash Meadows, Nevada, were examined to determine the subspecific identity of Cyprinodon nevadensis presently inhabiting Crystal Spring. Meristic and morphometric analyses indicate that Crystal Spring is inhabited by C. n. mionectes. The presence of this subspecies is most likely explained by their precarious survival in the spring's outflow after they were eliminated by transplanted largemouth bass in the spring pool, and their subsequent reestablishment throughout the spring system after the extirpation of the bass.  相似文献   

We surveyed historic collecting localities in south central Arizona during July, August, and September 1993-94 to determine the presence of 3 little-known Sonoran Desert anurans, Bufo retiformis, Gastrophryne olivacea, and Pternohyla fodiens . All 3 species were present at most historic localities visited under appropriate conditions (following rainfall in July and August). Pternohyla fodiens was restricted to San Simon Wash and associated tributaries in south central Pima County. Gastrophryne olivacea ranged from Vekol Valley in extreme southern Maricopa County south to the Mexican border, and southeast near Tucson and Nogales in Pima and Santa Cruz counties. Bufo retiformis occurred over the widest area, from southern Rainbow Valley in Maricopa County southwest to the vicinity of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, and southeast to the vicinity of Tucson and Sasabe in Pima County.  相似文献   

The presence of cattle at Browning Spring and Ash Springs in Pahranagat Valley, Nevada, impacted fish populations by causing an increase in ammonia (NH 3 ) and nitrite (NO 2 ) levels, an increase in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas hydrophila , and increased, mortality and morbidity. One of the affected fishes, the White River springfish, is listed as endangered by the Department of the Interior. After removal of the cattle from Ash Springs, NH 3 and NO 2 levels decreased and fish populations increased. At Brownie Spring the NH 3 and NO 2 levels are chronically elevated, cattle are still present, and the speckled dace population has not recovered.  相似文献   

The grass spider ( Agelena naevia ), commonly found in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, uses rodent burrows located under a shrub canopy more frequently for web construction than burrows located in the open. The average number of prey available in canopy microhabitat was greater than in open microhabitat, and unequal prey abundance may explain spider microhabitat use.     相似文献   

Symphyotrichum expansum (Puepp ex Spreng.) Nesom is reported new to Utah from the Escalante River drainage. A major range extension is reported for Aralia racemosa L. in the Escalante drainage, and additional populations are reported of the rare species Imperata brevifolia Vasey in Utah, including the 1st record for the Grand Staircase--Escalante National Monument. Heterotheca grandiflora Nutt. is reported new to north central Arizona. New locations and notes on an additional 22 rare species in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area are listed.  相似文献   

Symphyotrichum expansum (Puepp ex Spreng.) Nesom is reported new to Utah from the Escalante River drainage. A major range extension is reported for Aralia racemosa L. in the Escalante drainage, and additional populations are reported of the rare species Imperata brevifolia Vasey in Utah, including the 1st record for the Grand Staircase--Escalante National Monument. Heterotheca grandiflora Nutt. is reported new to north central Arizona. New locations and notes on an additional 22 rare species in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area are listed.  相似文献   

The diatom flora of the Oregon Caves National Monument, Josephine Co., Oregon, was investigated. Diatoms were distributed throughout the cave system with abundance and species diversity depending upon moisture, light, availability of mineral nutrients, and proximity to cave openings. Twenty-six taxa were identified and described.  相似文献   

Vegetation patterns in Navajo National Monument, Arizona, were studied over a five-year period from 1977 to 1981. Twelve distinct plant community types occur within the boundaries of the park. These communities are characterized and the dominant plant species of each are recorded. The relationships of parent material, soils, and moisture to plant communities are also discussed. It appears that discrete communities occupy soils of different characteristics, particularly with respect to amount of weathering of parent material.      相似文献   

Four species of junipers, Juniperus osteosperma, J. scopulorum, J. monosperma, and J. deppeana, occur in mixed stands at Walnut Canyon National Monument, Arizona. All are parasitized by Phoradendron juniperinum, but the mistletoe was most common on J. osteosperma and least common on J. scopulorum. Fernbush ( Chamaebatiaria millefolium, Rosaceae) was a very rare host.  相似文献   

Four populations of the spotted frog, Rana pretiosa , occur in western Bonneville Basin. Only the Tule Valley populations occupy aquatic habitats associated with warm (28°C) and slightly saline (1700-2700 μmhos/cm) springs. The spotted frog in Tule Valley breeds in cold-water portions of the peripheral wetlands, which exhibit maximum temperature variations (1-25°C), maximum conductivity up to 3200 μmhos/cm, and maximum pH values up to 9.7. Adult frogs are found in habitats with temperatures of 29°C, conductivity of 4700 μmhos/cm, and pH above 9.0 in the summer. The increased summer salinity and pH in frog habitats returns to lower values by the next breeding season due to underground recharge. Breeding in Tule Valley occurs earlier than in other Bonneville locations because of the warm-water sources. Spatial and temporal distribution of the spotted frog since the regression of Lake Bonneville 15,000 years ago and threats to present habitats are discussed.  相似文献   

Samples from soils and other xeric substrates in Navajo National Monument, Navajo County, Arizona, were collected in 1978. After being moistened with deionized water for three days, these samples were analyzed for algae. Thirty algal taxa were identified. Five species of filamentous Cyanophyta comprised the majority of the biomass. Diatoms were ubiquitous in the soils although low in density. Diatom floras were very similar throughout the monument. Well-developed algal crusts were common in sites where grazing and excessive litter were absent.  相似文献   

Migrating bands Mormon crickets ( Ananbrus simplex ) were observed crossing the Green and Yampa rivers in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado and Utah, in 1986 and 1987. Swimming crickets were swept downstream and eaten by four- endemic and seven introduced fish species. Included were two endangered fishes, Colorado squawfish ( Ptychocheilus lucius ) and humpback chub ( Gila cypha ). Direct and indirect effects to aquatic food webs associated with application of pesticides for Mormon cricket control may pose a threat to these fishes and to man.  相似文献   

The mammalian community of Fossil Butte National Monument, Wyoming, consisted of at least 45 species. Snap trap sampling of the smaller species combined with sight and sign observations of the larger species formed the basis of this preliminary survey in the summers of 1974 and 1975. Snap - trapping samples (2880 trap days) yielded 44 least chipmunks and 89 deer mice. The distribution of all species was characterized by plant community occupancy. Heavy domestic livestock use of the communities nearest water has resulted in severe alteration in community structure; this has probably affected the distribution and abundance of at least some of the smaller mammals.  相似文献   

We compared 3 naturally ignited burns with unburned sites in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Each burn site was restored with native and nonnative seed mixes, restored with native seeds only, or regenerated naturally. In general, burned sites had significantly lower native species richness (1.8 vs. 2.9 species), native species cover (11% vs. 22.5%), and soil crust cover (4.1% vs. 15%) than unburned sites. Most burned plots, seeded or not, had significantly higher average nonnative species richness and cover and lower average native species richness and cover than unburned sites. Regression tree analyses suggest site variation was equally important to rehabilitation results as seeding treatments. Low native species richness and cover, high soil C, and low cover of biological soil crusts may facilitate increased nonnative species richness and cover. Our study also found that unburned sites in the region had equally high cover of nonnative species compared with the rest of the Monument. Cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum ) dominated both burned and unburned sites. Despite the invasion of cheatgrass, unburned sites still maintain higher native species richness; however, the high cover of cheatgrass may increase fire frequency, further reduce native species richness and cover, and ultimately change vegetation composition in juniper woodlands.  相似文献   

A survey of terrestrial vertebrates was conducted at the Scotts Bluff National Monument (SBNM), Nebraska, to determine species composition, relative abundance, and distribution by habitat of the existing amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Various sampling methods were used to detect animal species richness and to estimate population densities. The seven major habitat types at SBNM contained 4 species of amphibians, 8 reptiles, 96 birds, and 28 mammals. The only endangered or threatened species observed was a dead bald eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ). The racer ( Coluber constrictor ) and prairie rattlesnake ( Crotalus viridis ) were the two most abundant snakes. The prairie falcon ( Falco mexicanus ) was a common raptor that nested in Scotts Bluff. Sympatric populations of mule deer ( Odocoileus hemionus ) and white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ) appeared to be hybridizing. The riverine woodland contained the greatest number of fauna species with only 4% surface area of SBNM. Sharp-tailed grouse ( Tympanuchus phasianellus ) and pronghorn antelope ( Antilocapra americana ), absent from the Monument, are two potential native species for reintroduction.  相似文献   

Several amphibian species historically inhabited sparsely distributed wetlands in the Mojave Desert of western North America, habitats that have been dramatically altered or eliminated as a result of human activities. The population status and distributional changes of amphibians were investigated over a 20,000-km 2 area in the eastern Mojave Desert in 2 ways. For upland sites (i.e., sites outside of major valleys and river floodplains), where wetland habitat is almost exclusively springs, encounter surveys were conducted at 128 sites in 1997-1999, and results were compared to historical (pre-1970) locality records. For lowland sites (i.e., sites within major valleys and river floodplains), locality records and field surveys in 1995-2004 were reviewed to detect changes in distribution over time. Amphibians were found at 79% of upland sites. By far the most common species was the red-spotted toad ( Bufo punctatus , 73% of sites), followed by the Pacific chorus frog ( Pseudacris regilla ), Woodhouse's toad ( B. woodhousii ), relict leopard frog ( Rana onca ), and the introduced American bullfrog ( R. catesbeiana ). Taxa observed or collected in the lowlands since 1990 were Woodhouse's toad, Pacific chorus frog, American bullfrog, and the introduced tiger salamander ( Ambystoma tigrinum ). Four taxa (Vegas Valley leopard frog [ Rana sp.], Arizona toad [ B. microscaphus ], Great Plains toad [ B. cognatus ], and Great Basin spadefoot [ Spea intermontana ]) had historical records but no evidence of occurrence in the study area within the past 5 decades. The amphibian fauna of the study area has changed dramatically in the past century, primarily at lowland sites where habitat loss and modification have been extreme. Striking changes are the nearly complete replacement of native leopard frogs (i.e., Vegas Valley and relict leopard frogs) with the introduced bullfrog, and the complete replacement of the Arizona toad in Las Vegas Valley with Woodhouse's toad or hybrids with predominantly Woodhouse's traits. In contrast, the distributions of 2 species characteristic of upland springs, red-spotted toad and Pacific chorus frog, appear to have changed little from their historical distributions, despite habitat modification at many sites.  相似文献   

The floristic composition of Navajo National Monument is presented. The flora of the monument consists of 293 species of vascular plants, representing 177 genera and 66 families. The species are scattered throughout 12 plant communities found within the monument. The flora is dominated by forbs (60 percent), followed by shrubs (16 percent), grasses (12 percent) and trees (5 percent). Betatakin canyon exhibits the greatest floristic richness with 223 species being represented and 123 species found only in that area. This is due primarily to two factors: (1) the greater variety of habitats available in the area, and (2) the much longer time the area has been protected from grazing and other manmade disturbance.  相似文献   

This report establishes a baseline inventory of microorganisms in acidic hot springs of Yellowstone National Park (YNP). The analysis is based on observations carried out over the past 25 years using light microscopy, DNA staining, and electron microscopy of environmental samples. The inventory, while incomplete in that not all organisms have been cultured or examined using genetic approaches, represents a study of several solfatara (acid sulfate) geyser basins in YNP. We found that the types of microorganisms in flowing springs had changed over time. In contrast, no such changes occurred in mixing pools. We solicited opinions of prominent YNP microbiologists to address the issue of change in the context of human cross-contamination of springs and to suggest sampling protocols. While the consensus is that research has not introduced exotic species, this explanation is always uncertain. The issues related to this uncertainty, including human cross-contamination, are discussed, and sampling methods designed to best preserve the springs for future investigations are described.  相似文献   

The European earwig, Forficula auricularia L., was surveyed using pitfall traps at 3 sites at the Hanford Reach National Monument in south central Washington State. Pitfall traps were collected weekly from April 2002 through April 2003. The earwig was consistently taken during all months of the year at a disturbed, weedy site along the Columbia River (White Bluffs Ferry site) but was rare or not collected in 2 less-disturbed shrubsteppe habitats. Highest numbers occurred during April–May, when immatures accounted for the majority of the catch; immatures reached the adult stage during mid-July, and the species is univoltine at the site. Possible reasons why earwigs have not colonized the monument’s shrubsteppe habitat include the arid climate with lack of available moisture, especially for breeding purposes, and a lack of burrow sites. La tijereta Europea, Forficula auricularia L., fue estudiada usando trampas de caída en tres sitios del Hanford Reach National Monument en el sur del estado de Washington. Se colectaron los contenidos de las trampas de caída semanalmente desde abril de 2002 hasta abril de 2003. La tijereta apareció constantemente durante todos los meses del año en un sitio perturbado de vegetación herbácea en la orilla del Río Columbia (el lugar del antiguo transbordador White Bluffs) pero su colecta fue escasa o nula en dos hábitats de estepa arbustiva menos perturbados. Los mayores números ocurrieron durante abril y mayo cuando los organismos inmaduros representaron la mayoría de los especímenes capturados; éstos alcanzaron la etapa adulta a mediados de julio y la especie es univoltina en este sitio. Posibles causas de que las tijeretas no hayan colonizado el hábitat de estepa arbustiva del Monumento podrían incluir su clima árido carente de agua disponible, especialmente para la reproducción, y una falta de sitios para madrigueras.  相似文献   

Microbial spatial heterogeneity and bacterial composition of homogeneous surface soils showing evident microbiotic crust development located under Utah juniper canopies in Colorado National Monument were studied. Four distinct homogeneous sampling sites positioned along a 12-m transect were compared on the basis of bacterial density and taxa composition. Bacterial densities showed a range differing by several orders of magnitude. In comparisons of adjacent soil samples or samples taken from two different sampling sites within close proximity, adjacent samples showed no more similarity to each other on the basis of bacterial density or taxa composition than did more widely separated samples. The bacterial composition of these soils included members of the genera Bacillus , Micrococcus , and Arthrobacter . Actinomycetes were also prevalent.  相似文献   

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