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At peak standing crop, rillscale ( Atriplex suckleyi ) foliage grown on amended bentonite mine spoil contained adequate digestible energy, crude protein, and all mineral elements except phosphorus necessary for cattle, sheep, antelope, and deer. Amendments (sawdust, NPK, gypsum) generally did not affect forage quality. Iron, manganese, aluminum, sodium, and potassium concentrations were high and may have adversely affected forage quality. Forage utility would be limited to a few months during the growing season.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1501-1510
Arboreal species of the family Succineidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) eat fungi, algae and diatoms and use plants as microhabitats. However, the specific plant taxa that arboreal succineids use have not been thoroughly examined. In this study, plant species used as microhabitats by two succineid species, Boninosuccinea ogasawarae (Pilsbry) and Boninosuccinea punctulispira (Pilsbry), were examined on the oceanic Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands in the western Pacific Ocean. Boninosuccinea ogasawarae and B. punctulispira were recorded on 23 (four introduced and 19 native) and 37 (four introduced and 33 native) plant species, respectively. More individuals of B. ogasawarae and B. punctulispira were found on abundant plant species than on rare plant species. No significant difference in snail density was found between the introduced (Bischofia javanica) and native (Ardisia sieboldii) tree species. Therefore B. ogasawarae and B. punctulispira may use introduced plants as well as native plants as microhabitats.  相似文献   

Throughfall and stemflow are important components of hydrologic processes in forests, but relative contributions of multiple factors, including precipitation volume, plant size, and folivory (leaf removal by defoliators(, on throughfall/stemflow have not been reported. This paper reports the relative influences of precipitation volume (0-230 L m -2 ), sapling size (1.4-6.7 cm diameter at root collar; 0.07-0.45 kg calculated dry foliage mass), and manipulated folivory (0-20% foliage removal) on throughfall volume and N, K, and Ca fluxes as evaluated with stepwise multiple regression in a young Douglass-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) ecosystem. Precipitation volume explained most variation in throughfall volume ( R 2 = 0.81). Folivory and sapling size each had significant but minor effects on throughfall volume and nutrient fluxes. These data indicated that folivore effects, while significant, are masked by precipitation in this wet ecosystem. Wider ranges in sapling size and folivory and/or drier conditions likely would improve interpretation of their influence on throughfall volume and chemistry.  相似文献   

We seeded Agropyron cristatum and 16 native Great Basin perennial species on Bromus tectorum -dominated sites to compare temporal patterns of seedling emergence and early survival among species. To indicate variability between sites and between years, plots were planted on 2 sites in western Utah in autumn 1994, and plantings were repeated near 1 site in autumn 1995. Two sites included burned and unburned seedbed treatments. We monitored seedling emergence and survival from early winter until July of the 1st year. Four seasonal patterns of emergence were evident, indicating considerable potential for different seasonal patterns of precipitation to favor recruitment of difference species. Emergence of all shrubs, except Ephedra nevadensis , began in February and essentially ended by April. Seedlings of Ephedra nevadensis and of the grasses Agropyron and Pseudoroegneria spicata emerged over an extended period from February through June. Most other grasses and the 2 forbs began emerging in April and continued into June. Pleuraphis jamesii emergence did not begin until May. Although many seedlings of the 3 chenopod shrubs emerged, none survived, suggesting their episodic recruitment is more a function of survival than of emergence. Survival of 2 Chrysothamnus species was also low. Pseudoroegneria and Agropyron had the highest numbers of seedlings surviving on the moister site, followed by Elymus elymoides and Stipa comata . Survival of Agropyron , but not the native Elymus , was more depressed on the drier of the 2 sites planted in 1994. Stipa, Oryzopsis hymenoides , Pleuraphis , and Ephedra survived as well on the drier site as on the moister site, or better. On the 1995 planting sites Bromus was greatly reduced by the burn treatment, and, in contrast to the effect of burn treatments on the 1994 site, survival of all species except Oryzopsis and Ephedra was higher on burned than on unburned treatments. Overall, Stipa, Oryzopsis , and Pleuraphis had low emergence but consistently higher survival.  相似文献   

Seedlings of fourwing saltbush ( Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.) were inoculated with indigenous vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi in a containerized system and transplanted into processed oil shale and disturbed native soil in a semiarid rangeland environment in northwestern Colorado. After two growing seasons in the field, plants inoculated with VAM had greater aboveground biomass, cover, and height than noninoculated plants. Mycorrhizal plants were more effective in the uptake of water and phosphorus. Infection levels of inoculated plants were greatly reduced in processed shale (from 13.0 at outplanting to 3.8 at harvest), but functional VAM associations could be found after two growing seasons. Results indicate that VAM help make processed oil shale a more tractable medium for the establishment of plants representative of later successional stages by allowing these plants to make effective use of the natural resources that are limiting under conditions of high stress.     相似文献   

The interaction between a grass-feeding mirid, Irbisia pacifica (Uhler), and plant growth of intermediate wheatgrass, Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkw. & D. R. Dewey, was examined on a field site in northern Utah in 1985. With egg hatch beginning in April, the bug completed its life cycle within two months. Ovarian development was completed by 11 June, a week after all bugs had become adults. The proportion of feeding damage per leaf (35.1%) peaked on the seventh week of the twelve-week study (18 July). Green leaf area per tiller decreased initially from bug feeding and then continued to decrease because of seasonal aging. All plants senesced within three months. Grass bugs predominantly attacked the second and third youngest leaves. Analyses of age-specific leaf cohorts demonstrated that the major effect of bug feeding was the loss of green leaf area and potential foliage production over time. Bug feeding may also exacerbate other physiological stresses on the host plants.  相似文献   

We describe a case study evaluating the ecological impact of Bromus tectorum L. (cheatgrass) invasion following fire disturbance and the effectiveness of revegetation as a means of rehabilitation in a degraded semiarid shrubsteppe system. The effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts was assessed relative to arthropod richness, vegetation and arthropod community composition, and ground-cover characteristics in 3 habitats: undisturbed, burned and weed infested ( B. tectorum ), and burned then rehabilitated with native and nonnative vegetation. Arthropods were collected in each habitat using pitfall traps. Differences in arthropod richness were compared using rarefaction curves. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and nonparametric multivariate statistical procedures, including analysis of similarity and similarity percentage routines, were used to compare arthropod and vegetation community composition and ground-cover characteristics between habitats. Arthropod communities in the rehabilitated habitat were distinct from those observed in the undisturbed and weed-infested habitats. Rehabilitation in this study resulted in a shift toward conditions observed in an undisturbed habitat and perhaps is an intermediate step to complete restoration. Arthropod richness, arthropod and vegetation community composition, and ground-cover characteristics were all useful indicators but returned slightly different results. Assessing multiple variables yielded the most complete understanding of the habitats studied.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2011-2021

Evidence from flowing-water habitats has confirmed a role of turtles regarding the effective internal transport and viability of riparian plant seeds. We assessed potential propagule dispersal by Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) within a small river in Massachusetts and factors that may influence the diversity and abundance of egested propagules. From August–October 2015 and June–October 2016, we captured 69 turtles (28 male and 13 female), recorded standard measurements (sex, size, mass, BCI), and collected their faeces from which we isolated propagules. Propagules, mostly seeds, were observed in a small (28%) group of individuals. Overall, 4808 seeds of four taxa and 62 tubers were recovered. Most turtles (58%) defaecated propagules of just one taxon and number of seeds per turtle was highly variable (1–1506, 253.05 ± 414.55 seeds). Taxon richness, abundance, and Simpson Index of propagules varied significantly by sampling year. Sex-year interaction was also a significant predictor of propagule abundance. No turtle-specific features (sex or BCI) have any significant influence on any of the seeds egested. While our study suggests a minor role for C. picta as mobilisers of river plant propagules, these highly vagile animals may still create intermittent links between spatially isolated populations within and between waterbodies.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):691-698
Anti-herbivory animal mimicry by plants has been paid scant attention, and as a result additional types are expected to be recognized. Lycium chinense plants growing in Japan have dark axils, and many leaf-eating beetles leave faeces on host plants or use their faeces as defence. The dark axils of Lycium chinense mimic poisonous faeces or faeces-covered larvae of the leaf beetle Lema decempunctata, which may result in reduced herbivory by mammalian and insect herbivores. Field work in the very different flora of Israel revealed that the same morphology/colouration exists in various wild plant species, both monocotyledons and dicotyledons. We therefore propose a new type of beetle and beetle faeces defensive plant mimicry, and suggest that this type of putative defensive mimicry against mammalian and insect herbivores is probably a widespread but overlooked phenomenon. Moreover, such mimicry may also attract visually oriented enemies that can attack various invertebrate herbivores that occupy these plants.  相似文献   

The presence of Crenichthys nevadae Hubbs is verified from 37.8 to 18.3 C in the Big Springs aquatic system.  相似文献   

The status of the genus Urosaurus Hallowell and its relationship to the genus Uta Baird and Girard as presented in previous studies are reviewed. Additional data from the head and throat osteology and myology are included in the analysis. Each bone and muscle is measured, ratios determined, and the position noted. Five distinct anatomical differences are noted between Uta and Urosaurus, and it is concluded that both of these genera are sufficiently different to warrant generic status. Uta is considered to be phylogenetically more primitive.  相似文献   

In the desert Southwest, migrating birds have been documented using upland habitat and xeroriparian washes as well as riparian areas. Yet aside from the river corridors, natural water sources (e.g., natural rock tanks [tinajas], springs, and ephemeral washes) in upland areas are scarce. Because of this scarcity, state and federal resource managers augmented water sources throughout the Southwest by constructing permanent wildlife water developments with the intention of enhancing game populations. However, despite these increases in free-standing water, there is a paucity of information on the use of water by birds during migration. Our objectives were to document use of these wildlife water developments by resident and migratory songbirds and assess the effectiveness of monitoring these species using remote color videography. We placed color video cameras at 2 wildlife water developments in southwestern Arizona during the spring and fall of 2004. Although we observed more use by migrants during spring than fall, overall use by migratory birds was low. However, the wildlife water developments were frequently used by resident birds. Remote videography provided continuous information on daily and seasonal patterns of bird use at wildlife water catchments with negligible disturbance by observers, yet for passerines, we felt that the benefits of remote videography did not justify the high cost of equipment purchase, installation, maintenance, and data processing.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):1079-1093
Theoretically, Lepidoptera should be able to adapt to using annuals as larval host plants through increased development rates and migration capacity. Even so, we show that annuals are used less frequently as host plants than expected among British and continental European butterflies. In particular, no example has been found of a European butterfly monophagous on an annual plant over its entire range. Use of annuals is proportionately greater among species that exploit increasing numbers of host plants and among subsidiary host plants than among primary (main) host plants. Annuals as host plants change status as habitat components with changes in species' spatial dynamics. The statistical findings point to perennials as providing host plant refuges, whereas the few case examples of site monophagy suggest that annuals can become valuable complementary resources during range extensions such as those currently associated with climatic warming. Annuals are more likely to be used in highly restricted circumstances, when environmental conditions allow the plants to persist over prolonged periods (i.e. when they are behaving like biennials) or when their spatial predictability is high because of low seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Exomalopsis are ground-nesting species, and their food-niche breadth is little known due the difficulty in locating the nests and finding efficient bait plants to attract these bees. Some species of Exomalopsis were recorded as tomato, hot pepper and eggplant pollinators. Information about the food niche could be useful to increase Exomalopsis populations, providing consistent and comparable data for the enrichment of natural and crop areas with adequate plant sources. This study aimed to determine the food niche and the role of pollen size in the diet of E. fulvofasciata. We analysed pollen loads of 28 individuals of E. fulvofasciata collected from bait plants, in two natural areas of the Brazilian savannah. Only five pollen types belonging to the families Malpighiaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosae, Myrtaceae and Lythraceae were important for this species. This result indicates that E. fulvofasciata is probably a polylectic species. However, we noticed that the Byrsonima used as bait plants contribute significantly for its larval provision, indicating that small pollen grains were more frequently collected.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1951-1960

Temperature appears to have pervasive effects on larval development, feeding and movement patterns of tri-spine horseshoe crabs, Tachypleus tridentatus. To investigate how temperature determines their geographic distribution range, we examined the survival rate (SR), survival time (ST) and food intake of subadult T. tridentatus under different temperature levels in a seven-day experiment, followed by a three-day recovery to room temperature at 25°C. Significantly lower SR and ST of subadults were found at 40°C after the end of the seven-day experiment. Meanwhile, SR and ST of individuals at 0°C were negatively affected when the temperature was brought back to 25°C. Mean food intake of the subadults was statistically lower at 0–20°C and 35–40°C compared to that at 25°C and 30°C. After the subsequent three-day recovery to 25°C, only the individuals previously exposed to 15°C and 20°C had recovered to their normal level of feeding activities, but not the other treatment groups. These findings may provide preliminary data on how thermal tolerance determines the present distribution of T. tridentatus, which are found in large numbers around Beibu Gulf (annual temperature variation: 22–30°C), while considerably lower population densities are observed in the colder southern Sea of Japan and warmer seas of Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

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