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Large falcons (genus Falco ) do not build their own nests and, in North America at least, usually nest on high cliffs. Occasionally they nest in abandoned stick nests built by another large bird on the cliff. In Asia and particularly South Africa, they sometimes nest in stick nests on electrical transmission towers. This use of electric transmission towers was recently (1980) reported for the Prairie Falcon ( Falco mexicanus ) in North America but is unknown, except for 1 anocdotically documented use of an ""electric-power pole"" at the turn of century in California, for the Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrines ) in North America. Here we report such nesting of the peregrine in North America and additional tower nestings of the Prairie Falcon.  相似文献   

We examined home range size of Black-backed Woodpeckers ( Picoides arcticus ) in burned ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) / Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) forests of southwestern Idaho during 2000 and 2002 (6 and 8 years following fire). Home range size for 4 adult males during the post-fledging period was 115.6–420.9 ha using the 95% fixed-kernel method, and 150.4–766.1 ha using the 100% minimum convex polygon method. Smoothed bootstrap estimates (95%) were 130.0–521.9 ha. Home range sizes were significantly smaller 6 years after fire than 8 years after fire. Each male had from 2 to 8 areas of concentrated use within his home range. We provide recommendations for estimating area requirements of Black-backed Woodpeckers in post-fire ponderosa pine / Douglas-fir forests.  相似文献   

We observed a breeding Bald Eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ) pair nesting in a short-grass prairie and agricultural community on the southern Great Plains of the Texas Panhandle in 2004 and 2005. The nesting eagles produced 1 fledgling in 2004 and 2 fledglings in 2005. Our assessment of landcover types within a 5-km radius of the nest indicated that grasslands accounted for most of the area (90%), followed by agricultural lands (8%). Black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) colonies occupied 2.5% of the area, and single human residences with associated structures (i.e., barns) occupied 2.5 ha in surface area was 51 km from the nest. An analysis of regurgitated castings collected near the nest revealed a mammalian-dominated, breeding-season diet with black-tailed prairie dogs occurring in 80.9% of the castings. Other identified prey included cottontails ( Sylvilagus spp., 15.9%), black-tailed jackrabbits ( Lepus californicus , 3.2%), pronghorn ( Antilocapra americana , 3.2%), and plains pocket gopher ( Geomys bursarius , 1.6%). Bird remains were also present in 34.9% of the castings. This is the first reported successful nesting of Bald Eagles in the panhandle region of Texas since 1916; the nest is particularly unique because of its distance from any substantial body of water.  相似文献   

Common ravens are usually rather shy birds around their nests and avoid nesting too near human activity. We here report the use of overpasses along heavily traveled Interstate Highway 84 in Idaho and Utah for nest placement. Nests are within 6 m of passing vehicles.  相似文献   

Although previous research has considered habitat associations and breeding biology of Mountain Plovers in Wyoming at discrete sites, no study has considered these attributes at a statewide scale. We located 55 Mountain Plover nests in 6 counties across Wyoming during 2002 and 2003. Nests occurred in 2 general habitat types: grassland and desert-shrub. Mean estimated hatch date was 26 June ( n = 31) in 2002 and 21 June ( n = 24) in 2003. Mean hatch date was not related to latitude or elevation. Hatch success of nests was inferred in 2003 by the presence of eggshell fragments in the nest scrape. Eggs in 14 of 22 (64%) known-fate nests hatched. All grassland sites and 90% of desert sites were host to ungulate grazers, although prairie dogs were absent at 64% of nest sites. Nest plots had less grass coverage and reduced grass height compared with random plots. More than 50% of nests occurred on elevated plateaus. The Mountain Plover's tendency to nest on arid, elevated plateaus further substantiates claims that the bird is also a disturbed- prairie species.  相似文献   

Five species of Ciconiiforms breed in Wyoming: the American Bittern ( Botaurus lentiginosus ), Great Blue Heron ( Ardea herodias ), Snowy Egret ( Egretta thula ), Black-crowned Night-Heron ( Nycticorax nycticorax ), and White-faced Ibis ( Plegadis chihi ). Field surveys conducted from 1984 through 1986 indicate that at least 151 Great Blue Heron colony sites exist in Wyoming, making it the most abundant and widespread Ciconiiform in the state. Only small breeding populations have been discovered for the remaining species. Except for the Snowy Egret, where numbers of active nests have remained relatively stable, population trends are unknown for the other species. We believe most colonies have been found in Wyoming, but additional inventories may result in the discovery of other nesting areas, especially for the Great Blue Heron.  相似文献   

Historically, two California Gull nesting colonies existed in Wyoming. In 1984 there were six breeding locations consisting of 10 different colonies that included approximately 7,273 nests. The increase in the California Gull nesting population in the state is probably a consequence of man-caused environmental changes that have resulted in the creation of additional breeding habitat and new food sources.    相似文献   

A burrowing owl ( Athene cunicularia ) population nesting on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) in southeastern Idaho utilized burrows excavated by badgers ( Taxidea taxus ) or natural cavities in lava flows as nesting sites. The size of the population was small (N = 13–14 pairs) in relation to the number of available nesting sites, suggesting that factors other than burrow availability limited this population. Rodents and Jerusalem crickets ( Stenopelmatus fuscus ) represented the primary prey utilized during the nesting season. This population demonstrated both a numerical (brood size) and functional (dietary) response to a decrease in the density of three species of rodents on the INEL during a drought in 1977.      相似文献   

Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) brood-habitat use was examined during 1992 and 1993 at the Yakima Training Center in Yakima and Kittitas counties, Washington. During the 2 yr we followed 30 broods, of which 12 persisted to 1 August ( ̄ x = approximately 1.5 chicks/brood). Food forb cover was greater at all brood locations than at random locations. Hens with broods in big sagebrush/bunchgrass habitat ( Artemisia tridentata/Agropyron spicatum ) selected for greater food forb cover, total forb cover, and lower shrub heights; broods in altered big sagebrush/bunchgrass habitats selected greater tall grass cover and vertical cover height; broods in grassland showed no preference for any measured vegetation characteristics. During the early rearing period (post-hatching-6 wk) each year, broods selected sagebrush/bunchgrass. Broods in 1993 made greater use of grasslands than in 1992 and selected grassland during the late brood-rearing period (7-12 wk). Broods selected for sagebrush/bunchgrass during the midday, but 52% of brood locations in the afternoon were in grassland. Tall grass cover was greater at morning (0500-1000 h) and afternoon (1501-2000 h) brood locations than at midday (1001-1500 h) and random locations. Midday brood locations had greater shrub cover and height than morning and afternoon locations. Selection of habitat components was similar to the results of other studies, but habitat conditions coupled with a possible lack of alternate brood-rearing cover types resulted in low survival of chicks.  相似文献   

Diets of Northern Goshawks ( Accipiter gentilis ) in western and eastern North America show regional differences. This variation may be explained by the opportunistic feeding behavior of Northern Goshawks and the greater number of potential prey species in western North America. We predicted that a population of Northern Goshawks in the Warner Mountains of California would take significantly more mammals than birds as prey. Goshawk diet in the Warner Mountains was determined by pellet analysis and prey remains. A total of 33 samples from 23 nest sites was collected and analyzed. Diets were quantified by determining the minimum number of individuals per sample at each nest site. As predicted, Warner Mountain Goshawks preyed more heavily on mammalian than avian prey species. Of the 221 individuals identified, 126 (57%) were mammals, while 95 (43%) were birds. These results are in accord with the suggestion that there are potentially more mammalian prey species in western North America than in eastern North America.  相似文献   

Great Salt Lake wetlands were inundated in 1983, displacing approximately 20,000 nesting waterfowl. Ten protected marshes in the Great Basin were surveyed for changes in numbers of breeding pairs of waterfowl during each of four years preceding Great Salt Lake flooding and four years following flooding. The hypothesized increase in numbers of breeding birds did not occur, indicating that flood-displaced waterfowl did not move into nearby suitable habitat to nest.  相似文献   

Historically, one American White Pelican nesting area was known in Wyoming. In 1986 White Pelicans nested at four locations consisting of four different colonies and approximately 949 active nests. Nesting success was probably adequate for population stability at Pathfinder Reservoir from 1984 through 1986 and at Yellowstone Lake in 1984 and 1985, but insufficient there in 1986. White Pelican colonies at Bamforth and Cooper lakes most likely failed because of predation. With the exception of the Yellowstone Lake colony, the future of White Pelican nesting colonies in Wyoming is uncertain. Current threats are human disturbance of nesting birds, predation, and loss of habitat, including breeding areas and foraging sites.  相似文献   

The stomach contents were examined from 324 western Washington bobcats ( Felis rufus ) and 123 from eastern Washington taken by hunters from 1976 through 1980, for major prey items as well as sex- and age-related differences in diet. Western Washington bobcats ate primarily mountain beavers ( Aplodontia rufa ) (42% occurrence) and snowshoe hares ( Lepus americanus ) (26%). Within that population females ate larger quantities of smaller prey such as douglas squirrels ( Tamiasciurus douglasi ) and lesser amounts of deer ( Odocoileus sp.) than males. Bobcat diets in eastern Washington were more diverse; main foods consisted of lagomorphs ( Sylvilagus nuttallii, Lepus sp.) (20%), red squirrels ( Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ) (15%), deer (11%), and voles ( Microtus sp.) (11%). Age-related differences were most prevalent in this population, with adults consuming larger quantities of deer and larger prey than did kittens.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1481-1499
This work analyses the biology and nesting behaviour of Xylocopa ordinaria and Xylocopa frontalis, providing information for their conservation and management. The study was performed from August 2006 to December 2007 and considered 25 nests of X. ordinaria and 23 of X. frontalis. The X. frontalis nested between December and April, while X. ordinaria nested throughout the year. Nests of X. ordinaria dug in wider substrates had more tunnels, and the width of nest tunnels and the dimensions of brood cells were smaller than were observed for X. frontalis. Females spent most of their time in activities inside their nests, followed by nectar and pollen flights and nectar dehydration. Pollen resources used by these bees presented more than 40% similarity, and they were constant to flower resources while provisioning cells. Cissites maculata and a Diptera species were the natural enemies found.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-16):937-948
The use of space by anuran amphibians during reproductive activities was studied at eight forest streams in the Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Santuário do Caraça, southeastern Brazil. Identified microhabitats were classified into 18 types based on substrate and height above ground/water. A total of 440 individual anurans of 19 species was recorded in these microhabitat types. Electivity indices were calculated for the three most abundant species and indicated that specimens actively selected microhabitats. Species with broad niches (generalists) did not occur in more streams than species with narrow niches (specialists), and streams with higher species richness did not contain more specialists. Species showed high levels of overlap in microhabitat use, which were not related to the number of co‐occurring species. The distribution patterns observed in the studied anuran assemblages likely reflect specific reproductive preferences and colonization abilities rather than the result of competitive pressures.  相似文献   

Studying animal space use patterns can help increase our understating of ecological processes such as competition and community dynamics. To quantify space and habitat use in an isolated and patchy cloud forest community in Mexico, we evaluate the vertical stratification, home range and habitat selection of two arboreal rodents: Habromys schmidlyi and Reithrodontomys microdon. Using live-traps at ground level and different forest strata, we radio-equipped nine individuals of H. schmidlyi and seven of R. microdon, and evaluated fine-scale space use and broad-scale habitat selection between cloud forest and oak forest. We found an average home range of 0.24 ha for R. microdon males and 0.72 ha for females, with a preference for higher canopy in the cloud forest. For H. schmidlyi the home range was 0.83 ha for males and 0.29 ha for females, with a preference for the understory level in the cloud forest. Home range is three-dimensional for these rodents, so we estimate that on average, individuals of both species used eight trees in the time they were tracked. We characterised the vegetation at the trap sites, and used recursive partitioning to relate the presence of different plants with the probability of finding these two species and Peromyscus aztecus, a third rodent species also present in the area and considered in our analysis of habitat use. The highest probability of finding R. microdon (96%) was related to the presence of Brachythecium occidentale and Renauldia mexicana, while H. schmidlyi (95%) was found in close proximity to Fabronia ciliaris and Everniastrum. We highlight the importance of arboreal trapping in biodiversity assessments, and the role of arboreal rodents in maintaining tropical forest ecosystems. We suggest that these rodent species could avoid or reduce competition by using the vertical strata differentially, and that H. schmidlyi and R. microdon can be biological indicators for cloud forest management and conservation.  相似文献   

The second nesting record for the Great - tailed Grackle ( Quiscalus mexicanus ) in Nevada is reported from the central part of the state approximately 240 km north of the previous record. Since 1912 this species has undergone a dramatic northward extension of its previous range in the United States, presumably as a result of increased agricultural irrigation in areas that were previously desert or short - grass prairie.      相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1633-1648
Pompilid wasps prey upon spiders and use a single spider per nest cell. The majority of species dig simple burrows in the soil in which to cache their spider, on which an egg is laid. The nest is not revisited, but another nest is prepared elsewhere. However, members of the tribe Ageniellini show much diversity in nesting behaviour. Species of the genus Ageniella nest in pre-existing cavities in the soil, closing off their cells with bits of debris. Most other Ageniellini that have been studied carry water to make mud pellets, from which ovoid nest cells are made. Usually a series of such cells is made in close proximity, often under loose bark or stones or in hollow stems. A few species make free nests above ground, usually in protected places or with thick mud walls. In some cases nest sites are known to be re-occupied by members of successive generations. Several species are known to nest communally, co-operating in nest defense and in cell building. In many ways the evolution of nesting behaviour in this group parallels that in the mud-using Vespidae, but the use of a single prey per cell precludes development of progressive provisioning and of eusociality similar to that of many Vespidae.  相似文献   

Vernal pools are seasonal pools occurring in Mediterranean-type climates within which grow concentric zones of vegetation. We studied two vernal pools that lie within an Artemisia tridentata/Festuca idahoensis shrub-steppe landscape in the Channeled Scabland of eastern Washington to determine the relationship between vegetation zonation and soil characteristics. Abundant plant species in the pools include Elymus cinereus, Poa scabrella, Lomatium grayi, Allium geyeri, Eleocharis palustris, Epilobium minutum, Myosurus aristatis, Deschampsia danthonioides, and Psilocarphus oregonus . We surveyed topography, measured plant species frequency and cover to describe the vegetation zones, and used Sorenson's index of percent to similarity to verify our designation of plant zones as communities. In one pool we described soil profiles and sampled soils throughout the growing season according to plant communities. We analyzed soils for pH; electrical conductivity; sodium, calcium, and magnesium ions; sodium absorption ratio; particle size; organic carbon; and water matric potential. ANOVA tests of soil characteristics and topography among plant communities showed that only differences in topography are statistically significant. There are, however, trends in particle size, some soil chemical parameters, and soil moisture potential among plant communities along the topographic gradient. Electrical conductivity decreased with increasing dryness of the soil through spring and summer. Seasonal changes in soil moisture potential showed that shallower soils in the centers of pools were wetter during the wet season and drier during the dry season than are deeper soils. These changes in moisture may be the most important influence on vegetation distribution within the vernal pools.  相似文献   

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