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We examined diets of Western Burrowing Owls ( Athene cunicularia hypugaea ) based on contents of pellets and large prey remains collected year-round at burrows in each of the 3 regions in south central Nevada (Mojave Desert, Great Basin Desert, and Transition region). The most common prey items, based on percent frequency of occurrence, were crickets and grasshoppers, beetles, rodents, sun spiders, and scorpions. The most common vertebrate prey was kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys spp.). True bugs (Hemiptera), scorpions, and western harvest mice ( Reithrodontomys megalotis ) occurred most frequently in pellets from the Great Basin Desert region. Kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys spp.) and pocket mice (Perognathinae) were the most important vertebrate prey items in the Transition and Mojave Desert regions, respectively. Frequency of occurrence of any invertebrate prey was high (>80%) in samples year-round but dropped in winter samples, with scorpions and sun spiders exhibiting the steepest declines. Frequency of occurrence of any vertebrate prey peaked in spring samples, was intermediate for winter and summer samples, and was lowest in fall samples. With the possible exception of selecting for western harvest mice in the Great Basin Desert region, Western Burrowing Owls in our study appeared to be opportunistic foragers with a generalist feeding strategy.  相似文献   

Diets of the Common Screech Owl ( Otus asio ) and Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia ) from the Great Basin, Malheur County, southeastern Oregon, were studied. Although there was considerable overlap in the diets of these owls, there were differences related to habitat use.  相似文献   

Burrowing Owls ( Athene cunicularia ) were studied in a prairie dog town of southwestern South Dakota. Pellets regurgitated by Burrowing Owls contained a wide variety of prey remains. Insects, spiders, small mammals, and vegetation were the most frequent items identified in the pellets. Mammals were consumed most frequently during spring and early summer. Insects were consumed in large numbers during the entire period of this study, but they became more frequent in owl pellets during late summer and fall in association with a decline of mammal remains. Some prey items observed around owl nest sites were not found in the pellets examined. Possible secondary poisoning of some prey of Burrowing Owls has not produced any change in owl food habits, based on other studies reported in the literature.      相似文献   

We studied nest success, burrow longevity, and rates of burrow reuse for a migratory population of Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia ) in north central Oregon from 1995 to 1997. Nest success varied annually from 50% to 67%. Principal causes of nest failure were desertion (26%) and depredation by badgers ( Taxidea taxus ; 13%). Reuse of available nest and satellite burrows in subsequent years was 87% in 1996 and 57% in 1997. Reuse was highest at burrows in sandy soils, which may indicate that nest-site availability is a limiting factor in sandier soil types. Trampling by livestock resulted in the loss of 24% of all burrows between one season and the next, and natural erosion resulted in closure of 17%. Both causes of burrow failure occurred more frequently in soils with a sand component due to their friable nature. We recommend that habitat used by livestock be evaluated for use by Burrowing Owls, that occupied areas be managed to minimize destruction of burrows by livestock, and that predator-control efforts be revised to exclude mortality of badgers.  相似文献   

Reports of the occurrence of Crotalus atrox Baird & Girard from Nevada are reviewed. There is no evidence to support the occurrence of this species in Nevada.  相似文献   

Woody plant community composition was analyzed throughout the range of Coleogyne ramosissima in the Spring and Sheep Mountain ranges of southern Nevada. The lower Coleogyne elevational boundary was analyzed in detail in Lucky Strike Canyon, on the eastern edge of the Spring Mountains. TWINSPAN (2-way indicator species analysis) identified 4 primary species and stand groups from the 2 mountain ranges (extensive survey). Analysis of DECORANA (detrended correspondence analysis) results indicated that elevation and soil depth were the environmental factors most significantly associated with distribution of species and stand groups in the extensive survey. Elevation was the only significant physical factor associated with distribution of species and stand groups in the intensive survey. Five vegetation zones form the 2 mountain ranges were identified based on their dominant species in 15 extensive transects. Coleogyne were subdivided into pure stands and upper and lower ecotones for further investigation of species distribution and environmental factors. Selected environmental factors appear to play an important role in structuring the Mojave Desert vegetation zones in southern Nevada.  相似文献   

We record eight species of exotic fishes as established, reproducing populations in certain springs in Clark, Lincoln, and Nye counties. Nevada. These include an unidentified species of Hypostomus, Cyprinus carpio, Poecilia mexicana, Poecilia reticulata, a Xiphophorus hybrid, and Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum. Tilapia mariae, established in a spring near the Overton Arm of Lake Mead, and Tilapia zilli, established in a golf course pond in Pahrump Valley, are recorded for the first time from Nevada waters. Though populations of transplanted Gambusia affinis persist, other populations of Poecilia latipinna are apparently no longer extant. Cichlasoma severum, Notemigonus crysoleucas, Poecilia latipinna, and Carassius auratus were apparently eradicated from Rogers Spring in 1963.  相似文献   

In the southwestern United States, the nonnative athel pine ( Tamarix aphylla ) was presumed to be sterile and therefore not as likely to spread as its widely distributed, nonnative congener, T. ramosissima . However, at Lake Mead National Recreation Area (LMNRA) in southern Nevada, populations of T. aphylla have recently spread beyond their limited pre-1990 distribution and now form extensive monospecific stands. Over a 3-year period, we quantified seed production and germination from 60 T. aphylla trees at LMNRA. The annual mean seed production period was 50.6 days, and the mean potential germination (under laboratory conditions) was 22%, indicating that T. aphylla trees at LMNRA are capable of sexual reproduction in southern Nevada. No seeds germinated in field experiments, apparently because of high soil salt levels. However, seedling regeneration is becoming increasingly common at LMNRA. Tamarix aphylla trees occupied a distinct zone along the shoreline of Lake Mead, above T. ramosissima in elevation and below native Larrea tridentata communities, suggesting either competitive exclusion or differential resource utilization. The T. aphylla zone tended to have the highest mean values for total vegetation cover, leaf litter depth, soil salinity, soil moisture, pH, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and soil organic matter. The capacity for sexual reproduction of this alien plant, combined with a suite of characteristics shared with the invasive T. ramosissima (e.g., drought tolerance and copious saline leaf litter), makes T. aphylla a potentially invasive species along the shores of LMNRA and other mesic areas in the desert Southwest.  相似文献   

Woody plant community composition was analyzed throughout the range of Coleogyne ramosissima in the Spring and Sheep Mountain ranges of southern Nevada. The lower Coleogyne elevational boundary was analyzed in detail in Lucky Strike Canyon, on the eastern edge of the Spring Mountains. TWINSPAN (2-way indicator species analysis) identified 4 primary species and stand groups from the 2 mountain ranges (extensive survey). Analysis of DECORANA (detrended correspondence analysis) results indicated that elevation and soil depth were the environmental factors most significantly associated with distribution of species and stand groups in the extensive survey. Elevation was the only significant physical factor associated with distribution of species and stand groups in the intensive survey. Five vegetation zones form the 2 mountain ranges were identified based on their dominant species in 15 extensive transects. Coleogyne were subdivided into pure stands and upper and lower ecotones for further investigation of species distribution and environmental factors. Selected environmental factors appear to play an important role in structuring the Mojave Desert vegetation zones in southern Nevada.  相似文献   

The conversion of coastal prairie to farmland in southern Texas has drastically reduced the number of available animal burrows, thereby forcing western Burrowing Owls ( Athene cunicularia hypugaea ) wintering in southern Texas to use nontraditional roost sites such as roadside culverts. We studied factors influencing the selection of road culverts as roost sites by Burrowing Owls by comparing characteristics of 34 occupied and 100 unoccupied culverts. All occupied culverts were in agricultural habitat. Culverts with small diameters (≤16 cm) and those with an east–west orientation were occupied by Burrowing Owls in greater proportions than were culverts with larger diameters or different orientations. Occupied culverts were also associated with absence of grass, absence of woody vegetation, and presence of crop stubble. Our results provide guidelines for making drainage culverts more attractive to Burrowing Owls, but use of roadside culverts by Burrowing Owls may expose the owls to an increased risk of mortality from vehicle collisions. To avoid this dilemma, our guidelines for culverts could also be adapted as criteria for installation of artificial burrows in habitats suitable for wintering Burrowing Owls.  相似文献   

Discovery of distinct mid-elevational bands of blackbrush ( Coleogyne ramosissima Torr.) shrublands on desert mountain slopes in the Mojave Desert caused an investigation of the relationships between environmental factors and Coleogyne distribution. Environmental factors were quantitatively examined to determine which were significant predictors of Coleogyne density at upper-elevational limits (ecotones) in the Spring Mountains of southern Nevada. Path analysis revealed significant, direct causal effects of air temperature, soil moisture, soil depth, and percent litter cover on the distribution of Coleogyne . Specifically, air temperature was a significant positive predictor, while soil moisture, soil depth, and percent litter cover were significant negative predictors of Coleogyne density, with the effects of other environmental variables parceled out. Path analysis also indicated that indirect effects of soil pH, bulk density, compaction, percent pore space, organic matter, soil temperature, salinity, cryptogam, and percent bare soil and rock cover on Coleogyne density were substantially more potent than their direct casual effects. Environmental attributes associated with elevational changes correlate with and may determine the density of Coleogyne shrubs at upper ecotones in southern Nevada.  相似文献   

Food habits of a population of the Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia ) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Butte County, were studied. The 421 pellets examined yielded 2,436 prey items of at least 22 prey species. Invertebrates, largely insects, constituted 91 percent of the total prey items, but only 29 percent of the total biomass; mammals constituted 8 percent of the prey items, but 68 percent of the biomass. The prey were mostly nocturnal species; diurnal species were poorly represented.  相似文献   

Vegetation patterns in relation to slope position were studied on four foothill knolls in the Castle Cliffs area of Washington County, Utah. Study plots were established at four different slope positions: ridge top, upper slope, lower slope, and floodplain. Exposed rock was highest on the ridge top; exposed soil was highest on the floodplain; soil depth increased downslope. Plant life form varied with respect to slope position. Grass, annuals, and cryptogamic crust cover was highest on the ridge top and shrubs were most prominent on the midslope. Forb cover gradually increased downslope. Succulents were restricted to the ridge top or floodplain. Species distribution was distinct and strongly correlated to slope position. Two sets of congeneric species showed strong patterns of niche separation. The vegetation of the slopes is highly distinct at the ridge top and floodplain and grades toward the midslope from both ends.      相似文献   

Twenty-six taxa of Grimmiaceae are listed from Nevada, all representing the genera Grimmia and Rhacomitrium. Rhacomitrium heterostichum (Hedw.) Brid. var. heterostichum and Grimmia atricha C. Muell & Kindb. ex Mac. & Kindb. are listed for the first time as occurring in Nevada. Within the state, the Mohave Desert the Great Basin desert, and the Sierra Nevada display unique composition of members of the Grimmiaceae. Grimmia anodon is the most widespread moss in the state. Others, such as Grimmia rivulare, G. conferta, and G. alpicola inhabit only the montane environments of northeastern Nevada.  相似文献   

Thirty - nine species of Coleoptera not previously reported for the Nevada Test Site are listed.  相似文献   

A burrowing owl ( Athene cunicularia ) population nesting on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) in southeastern Idaho utilized burrows excavated by badgers ( Taxidea taxus ) or natural cavities in lava flows as nesting sites. The size of the population was small (N = 13–14 pairs) in relation to the number of available nesting sites, suggesting that factors other than burrow availability limited this population. Rodents and Jerusalem crickets ( Stenopelmatus fuscus ) represented the primary prey utilized during the nesting season. This population demonstrated both a numerical (brood size) and functional (dietary) response to a decrease in the density of three species of rodents on the INEL during a drought in 1977.      相似文献   

Food habits of Burrowing Owls ( Speotyto cunicularia ) were studied during the breeding seasons of 1990 and 1991 in central Colorado. Concurrent insect availability studies were conducted to determine selection for specific insect families. Analysis of 1445 castings indicated use of only one insect family, the carrion beetles (Silphidae), at a rate greater than expected based on availability in one year. Castings and prey remains showed different dietary components. Prey remains showed greater use of small mammals, moths, amphibians, and passerines, and castings indicated greater use of mice and beetles. Methodology in raptor food habits studies may therefore bias results.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1315-1321
Three transient rabbit-burrow systems with openings below the high tide mark in shelly sand at Ballochmartin Bay, Great Cumbrae Island (Scotland) established during late summer/autumn are reported. The first remained in being for <6 days prior to tidal inundation and collapse. The period of its existence followed the first hotter spell of weather experienced during 2002 locally. A second burrow, begun a month later, at a higher elevation on the beach, lasted <1 day due to mechanical collapse. A third high-shore burrow lasted 21 days. Rabbit activity along the high shore was observed directly and evidenced indirectly (by monitoring tracks). Feeding scrapes were frequently noted at the bases of Ammophila arenaria and at the roots of Potentilla anserina. The prostrate foliage and roots of Halimione (=Atriplex) glabriuscula and upright shoots of Raphanus maritimus plants were also heavily grazed. Stranded algae (mostly Fucus spp.) of different ages (from fresh to well decomposed) were also exploited and some feeding scrapes were even observed in apparently clean sand. Perhaps rabbits foraged there for comminuted seaweed fragments incorporated into the beach. The possibility of marine macroalgal consumption by rabbits having a wide choice of vascular plant species in summer appears not to have been reported before.  相似文献   

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