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Winter crude protein content, in vitro digestibility, and productivity were determined for seven accessions of black sagebrush ( Artemisia nova ) grown in a uniform garden. No significant differences were detected among the accessions for any of these attributes. Mean crude protein was 6.8% of dry matter. Accessional range was from 5.8% to 7.3%. Mean in vitro digestion was 54.8% of dry matter; accessional range, 51.9% to 57.2%. Mean current year's growth (a measurement of productivity) was 4.3 cm; accessional range, from 3.7 to 5.1 cm. In comparison to other winter forages, black sagebrush ranks high for winter levels of crude protein and very high in winter digestible dry matter but low in productivity.  相似文献   

I measured songbird abundance and vegetation cover in and around a 420-ha prescribed burn in a mountain big sagebrush community located at 2133 m elevation. Data were collected during the 3rd growing season after the fire. Brewer's Sparrow and Sage Thrasher occurred in lower abundance on sites that were largely or completely burned relative to sites that were outside the fire perimeter or within unburned islands of shrubs. The number of Brewer's Sparrow detections was linearly related to remaining sagebrush cover. In contrast, Horned Lark occurred at higher abundances on sites where shrub cover had been removed in the prescribed burn. Cover of perennial grasses and cover of 4 of the 5 most common forbs was greater on burned sites than on unburned sites.  相似文献   

Mountain big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. vaseyana ) covers large areas in arid regions of western North America. Climate-change models predict a decrease in the range of sagebrush, but few studies have examined details of predicted changes on sagebrush growth and the potential impacts of these changes on the community. We analyzed effects of temperature, precipitation, and snow depth on sagebrush annual ring width for 1969 to 2007 in the Gunnison Basin of Colorado. Temperature at all times of year except winter had negative correlations with ring widths; summer temperature had the strongest negative relationship. Ring widths correlated positively with precipitation in various seasons except summer; winter precipitation had the strongest relationship with growth. Maximum snow depth also correlated positively and strongly with ring width. Multiple regressions showed that summer temperature and either winter precipitation or maximum snow depth, which recharges deeper soil horizons, are both important in controlling growth. Overall, water stress and perhaps especially maximum snow depth appear to limit growth of this species. With predicted increases in temperature and probable reduced snow depth, sagebrush growth rates are likely to decrease. If so, sagebrush populations and cover may decline, which may have substantial effects on community composition and carbon balance.  相似文献   

The sagebrush biotype is the largest in the western United States. This vast sagebrush community is thought to harbor equally vast and diverse arthropod communities, but these remain little explored. Our objective was to examine the diversity, abundance, and seasonal phenology of arthropod taxa found on the dominant shrub of the sagebrush ecosystem, big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ). We wanted to improve understanding of this little-studied arthropod assemblage that may play significant roles in the dynamics of sagebrush populations and the sagebrush ecosystem. We sampled free-living and gall-forming arthropods from a stratified random sample of sagebrush plants at the Barton Road Ecological Research Area, Idaho, resulting in a sample of over 8000 individuals and 232 morphospecies. Species richness and abundance declined from May to August, and abundance of most taxa similarly declined over the summer. A few taxa, including Acari (mites), were notably more abundant in August. Fluid feeders were the most diverse and abundant free-living feeding guild during all months and comprised up to 79% of morphospecies. The gall formers included 4713 individuals of 12 species of gall flies ( Rhopalomyia spp.), primarily (97%) R. ampullaria. Abundance of galls increased from small to large (presumably young to old) plants. Overall, A. tridentata was host to a high diversity of arthropods, some of which have potential to cause or mitigate significant damage to their host plant. Arthropods seem likely to have the greatest impact on sagebrush early in the growing season, when they are most diverse and abundant. Documentation of the full diversity of arthropods associated with sagebrush required samples taken throughout the growing season, but a single sample early in the growing season captured a high proportion of taxa.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are one of the greatest threats to native species in natural ecological systems. One of the most successful invasive species is Bromus tectorum L. (cheatgrass), which is having marked impacts on native plant communities and ecosystem processes. However, we know little about the effects of this invasion on native animal species in the Intermountain West. Because ants have been used to detect ecological change associated with anthropogenic land use, they seem well suited for a preliminary evaluation of the consequences of cheatgrass-driven habitat conversion. In our study, we used pitfall traps to assess ant community assemblages in intact sagebrush and nearby cheatgrass-dominated vegetation. Ant abundance was about 10-fold greater in cheatgrass-dominated plots than in sagebrush plots. We also noted differences in diversity and evenness between habitat types at both the species and the functional-group levels of organization. At the species level, Shannon’s diversity index was greater in sagebrush plots than in cheatgrass-dominated plots. However, at the functional-group level, Simpson’s and Shannon’s diversity indices and the Brillouin evenness index were greater in cheatgrass-dominated plots than in sagebrush plots. Further, common species / functional groups tended to be more abundant while less common species / functional groups tended to be less abundant in cheatgrass-dominated plots compared to intact sagebrush plots. Patterns appear to be at least partially related to resource availabilities. This initial survey of ant communities from intact-native and altered vegetation types may be indicative of similar trends of biodiversity shifts throughout the Intermountain West where cheatgrass has successfully replaced native species. We also discuss the implications of ant communities on land management activities, specifically in the context of aridland restoration.  相似文献   

Winter crude protein content was determined for the current year's growth of 43 accessions of fourwing saltbush ( Atriplex canescens ) grown on a uniform garden. The crude protein level varied among accessions from 6 percent to 14 percent of dry matter. Individual plants (215) ranged from 5.3 percent to 17.1 percent. The mean winter crude protein level was 9.6 percent. Because these data were generated on even-aged plants, it appears that genetic variation plays an important role in determining the level of crude protein in fourwing saltbush.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to develop a multivariate statistical model related to plant succession, to classify by seral stage, and to monitor succession in Wyoming big sagebrush shrubsteppe habitat ( Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Agropyron smithii–Bouteloua gracilis ) in Thunder Basin National Grassland, Wyoming. This model can be used by range and wildlife managers to evaluate management alternatives by assessing changes in plant species cover and composition within and between seral stages. Four ecological seral stages that represent early to late succession were quantitatively identified with an estimated 92% accuracy. Three key plant species provided the necessary information to define seral stages and monitor trends. Percent canopy cover and percent frequency (used to calculate index values: % canopy cover × % frequency of occurrence) of Wyoming big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis ), western wheatgrass ( Agropyron smithii ), and blue grama ( Bouteloua gracilis ) are the only field measurements required for this model.  相似文献   

The effects of elk ( Cervus elaphus ), pronghorn ( Antilocapra americana ), and mule deer ( Odocoileus hemionus ) browsing on shrubs in big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) communities were monitored over a 31-year period in Yellowstone National Park. Ungulates were restricting Wyoming big sagebrush (spp. wyomingensis ) heights, size, and recruitment on the lower-elevation stratum only, while no such suppression was observed on the high-elevation stratum. Parallel increases in mountain big sagebrush (spp. vaseyana ) densities and cover occurred over the study period on both browsed and unbrowsed sites at the higher-elevation stratum, although big sagebrush, green rabbitbrush ( Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ), and horsebrush ( Tetradymia canescens ) were slightly taller and crown sizes were slightly larger on unbrowsed than browsed sites. Wyoming big sagebrush utilization (percent leader use) was eight times higher ( ̄ x = 87 ± 7.2% by pronghorns, mule deer, and elk) on the low-elevation winter ranges stratum (the Boundary Line Area [BLA] portion of the winter range), while mostly mountain big sagebrush with leader use averaged only 11 ± 4.1% (nearly all by elk) on the high-elevation range stratum. In addition, annual aboveground biomass production of big sagebrush did not differ between browsed and unbrowsed study sites on the high-elevation stratum of the winter range. Population turnover was higher on browsed plots versus unbrowsed plots. No difference was observed in percent dieback of big sagebrush adult plants between browsed and unbrowsed plots at the higher stratum. Browsing did not influence the number of leaves or seedstalks per plant ( P > .05), but leaves averaged 45% longer and seedstalks 42% longer on browsed big sagebrush. Ungulate browsing, however, apparently suppressed production, germination, and survival of Wyoming big sagebrush on the low-elevation stratum. Numbers of Wyoming big sagebrush declined 43% and cover declined 29%, 1957-1990, on browsed sites on the BLA. Annual biomass production on browsed sites at the low-elevation stratum was only 6-35% that of unbrowsed sites, and big sagebrush recruitment was less on browsed sites. Percent leader use of big sagebrush did not differ between the period of ungulate reductions, 1962-1969, and the 1980s on the lower stratum ( ̄ x = 87% leader use), but utilization was less on higher portions of the winter range during the period of elk reductions ( ̄ x = 2%) than during the 1980s following cessation of elk controls ( ̄ x = 11%).  相似文献   

Two subspecies of the big brown bat ( Eptesicus fuscus ) are reported to occur in Nebraska. The eastern race, E. f. fuscus , is reportedly bigger and darker than its western counterpart E. f. pallidus . Where these 2 subspecies come in contact is the subject of debate. We used external, cranial, and colorimetric data to investigate geographic variation among populations of E. fuscus in Nebraska to determine the location of the zone of contact between E. f. fuscus and E. f. pallidus . We discovered significant variation in external, cranial, and colorimetric data, suggesting that E. fuscus is represented by 2 subspecies in Nebraska. Our results showed that E. f. pallidus is smaller, possesses lighter pelage, and is restricted to the northern and western parts of Nebraska, whereas E. f. fuscus is larger, possesses darker pelage, and occurs in southern and southeastern parts of the state. Populations located between these regions represent intergrades of the 2 subspecies. We suggest that the subspecific boundary represents a broad zone of integration running in a northeast to southwest direction and may reflect the position of temperature and precipitation clines.  相似文献   

Big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) is one of the most successful plants in the Great Basin based on its abundance and wide distribution. The development of dimorphic leaves may be an important mechanism attributing to its adaptive and competitive abilities. Development, persistence, and proportions of ephemeral and perennial leaves on Wyoming big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis ) were studied for two years. The large ephemeral leaves are the first to develop in early spring. As early developing ephemerals mature and stems elongate, new ephemeral and perennial leaves develop in the axes of these large ephemerals. Perennial leaves expanded in the summer of their first growing season, persisting on the shrub until their abscission during summer drought of the second growing season. Plants maintained 33% of their leaf weight through the winters of 1985 and 1986. Active leaf and stem growth occurred at soil water potentials above –0.2 MPa.  相似文献   

We measured predation on 120 artificial Sage Grouse ( Centrarcus urophasianus ) nests in montane sagebrush grassland in northern Utah. We examined nests in areas that had been chained and seeded 25 years previously (treated areas) and in areas that were untreated. Predation rates of artificial nests were higher in areas of untreated sagebrush, even though these areas had greater sagebrush cover, taller shrubs, and greater horizontal plant cover. These results differ from those previously hypothesized for treated sagebrush habitat and may reflect a greater abundance of other potential prey species, especially lagomorphs, in untreated areas that attracted greater densities of predators. In addition, over 80% of nests were depredated by mammals, which hunt using olfaction and are less likely than avian predators to be affected by nest cover. We conclude that, after treated sagebrush has recovered to some degree, predation rates of Sage Grouse nests may be lower in treated sagebrush. Consequently, factors other than nest predation (e.g., winter food, thermal cover, insects, perennial forb abundance) may be more important reasons for preserving mature sagebrush stands for Sage Grouse.  相似文献   

Circumstantial evidence is presented that suggests the Mourning Cloak undergoes regular seasonal up- and downslope movements in northern California. The species breeds at low elevations in spring and then disappears until autumn; its disappearance coincides with the appearance of fresh individuals in the Sierra Nevada alongside obvious hibernators.   相似文献   

We examined relationships between high-elevation sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) steppe habitats altered by prescribed fire and western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis ) encroachment on breeding distributions of Brewer's Sparrows ( Spizella breweri ), Vesper Sparrows ( Pooecetes gramineus ), Green-tailed Towhees ( Pipilo chlorurus ), and Sage Thrashers ( Oreoscoptes montanus ) on Steens Mountain in southeastern Oregon. In 2000 we conducted fixed-radius point count surveys at 172 sites encompassing burned and unburned sagebrush habitat and a range of juniper densities. For each bird species we developed habitat models using local variables measured in the field and landscape variables derived from remotely sensed data. Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC c ) was used to select the best-approximating model from a suite of a priori candidate models. Brewer's Sparrows, Sage Thrashers, and Green-tailed Towhees were positively related to increasing local sagebrush cover or percent sagebrush in the landscape, whereas Vesper Sparrows were negatively associated with sagebrush cover and positively related to increases in sagebrush fragmentation at local and landscape scales. Including a measure of juniper encroachment substantially improved models for all species in the analysis. Green-tailed Towhees showed a curvilinear response to the amount of juniper in the landscape. All other species showed a strong negative relationship with juniper. Our results indicate that, although changes in sagebrush habitat associated with fire had a negative influence on sagebrush birds, juniper encroachment due to fire suppression also impacted this high-elevation sagebrush bird community.  相似文献   

Habitat use and food selection data were collected for deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), montane voles ( Microtus montanus ), Ord's kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys ordii ), and Townsend's ground squirrels ( Spermophilus townsendii ) near a sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata )/crested wheatgrass ( Agropyron cristatum ) interface in southeastem Idaho. Significantly more captures occurred in the native sagebrush habitat than in areas planted in crested wheatgrass or in disturbed sites. Crested wheatgrass, a prolific seed producer, still accounted for over 30% of the total captures. Montane voles and Townsend's ground squirrels (during periods of aboveground activity) used the crested wheatgrass habitat throughout the summer, while deer mice and, Ord's kangaroo rats exhibited heavy use after seed set.  相似文献   

Widespread karyotypic sampling in the lizard Sceloporus graciosus Baird & Girard has confirmed previous reports of chromosomal monotypy. Most individuals throughout the range have a diploid karyotype of 2N = 30 consisting of 12 biarmed macrochromosomes and 18 microchromosomes. A single female karyotyped from the vicinity of Riverside, California, was unmistakably triploid, showing 3N = 45 with 18 macrochromosomes and 27 microchromosomes. This female appeared phenotypically normal but appeared reproductively incompetent. A male from Zion National Park, Utah, showed an extra bivalent in some diakinesis arrays, which apparently represents a supernumerary chromosome.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):3005-3016

Research related to the comparative biology of phylogenetically close ant species has received little attention, although it is the basis for understanding the systematics of some sibling groups. The objective was to study the polygyny, oviposition, life cycle and longevity of the three subspecies of leaf-cutting ants. For that, we studied: oviposition rate – queens from three colonies were individually placed in plastic containers, and at 24-hour intervals, the laid eggs were quantified over a period of 96 hours; the workers’ life cycle – the development of immature ants was observed every 24 hours and, as a result, the duration of each stage of development was determined; the workers’ longevity – newly emerged adults were tagged and returned to the fungus chamber of their respective nests, and daily observations were made in each of the nest’s chamber. Laying rates were variable in the three queens studied, with a mean of total eggs laid of 271 for Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus, 113 for Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus and 119 for Acromyrmex subterraneus molestans.The incubation period was 21.2 days in A. s. brunneus, 22.8 days in A. s. subterraneus and 20.4 days in A. s. molestans. The larval phase and pupal phase lasted on average 22.5 and 21.2 days in A. s. brunneus, 22.8 and 15.8 days in A. s. subterraneus and 17.2 and 14.2 days in A. s. molestans, respectively. Life cycle was different in the studied taxa, from 62 to 77 days in A. s. brunneus, from 59–68 days in A. s. subterraneus and from 51 to 55 days in A. s. molestans. The workers’ longevity varied between subspecies A. s. brunneus, A. s. subterraneus and A. s. molestans.  相似文献   

Vegetation trends due to climatic changes are difficult to separate from disturbances caused by varying land uses. To separate climatic influences from livestock grazing and fire disturbances within sagebrush steppe, we compared vegetation structure and productivity during 2 periods (10-year sequences of data from the late 1950s to the late 1960s and 3 years in the early 1990s) at 12 stands within 3 relict areas in or near the Great Rift of southern Idaho. Yearto- year fluctuations in annual net aboveground phytomass accumulation (ANAPA) were considerable in response to varying climate during both periods. More importantly, an apparently significant increase in ANAPA was observed during the latter study period. However, this apparent increase may have been due to the unusually wet conditions of 1993. Throughout both study periods, ANAPA was even more positively correlated with species richness than with precipitation, although both influences were statistically significant. Aggregation of these data by plant growth forms showed that shrubs, particularly sagebrushes, have progressively increased their proportion relative to herbaceous understory. This directional (successional) change in the proportional contributions of growth forms to ANAPA was probably due more to long-term absence of fire at these isolated locations than to any detectable climate change or lack of grazing. This finding reduces our confidence in the use of such areas as reference sites for monitoring or as living examples for restoration efforts, but it does increase our understanding of vegetation dynamics within sagebrush steppe. ACRONYMS. ANAPA—annual net aboveground phytomass accumulations, ANOVA—analysis of variance, ANPP—aboveground net primary production, COV—coefficient of variation, CY—crop year, CYP—crop-year precipitation, ES—ecological site, MANOVA—multivariate analysis of variance, MAT—mean annual temperature, NRCS—Natural Resources Conservation Service, PDSI—Palmer Drought Severity Index, RUE—rainfall use efficiency.  相似文献   

The majority of characters used to separate the nymphs of Ecdyonurus dispar, venosus and torrentis are related to the relative proportions of parts of the body. Extensive measurements suggest that at least certain of these characters are the consequence of heterogonic growth and are not of taxonomic significance. The characters of importance in the taxonomy of the imagines appear to be related either to the effect of the environment during nymphal development on the subsequent pigmentation, limb and body size of the adult, or to the changing spatial relationships between the sclerites of the genitalia during copulatory movements, relationships which are retained when the imago is killed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1849-1863
Based on morphometric and allozyme data of a large sample of black-chinned tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron, originating from over its entire geographical distribution range, the subspecific classification of this species has been revised. One subspecies, S. m. paludinosus, is synonymized with S. m. heudelotii. The validity of another subspecies, S. m. leonensis, is questioned. The remaining three subspecies, S. m. melanotheron, S. m. heudelotii and S. m. nigripinnis are clearly distinguished as separate taxa.  相似文献   

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