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Stomach contents of 650 clouded salamanders ( Aneides ferreus ), collected monthly throughout the year from Curry County, Oregon, were examined. Samples from three age classes were involved: (1) 489 adults, (2) 131 juveniles, and (3) 30 hatchlings. Foods did not vary by sex, but did vary by age and by season. Hatchlings ate small items, particularly mites, springtails, flies, and small beetles. Juveniles fed mainly on flies, isopods (sowbugs), beetles, mites, and centipedes in winter; beetles, ants, and isopods in spring; ants and beetles in summer; and isopods, beetles, and ants in fall. Adults ate isopods and beetles as their major foods in winter, spring, and fall and isopods, ants, beetles, and earwigs in summer. Four species were exceedingly important as foods for these salamanders: an unidentified isopod, the snout beetle ( Trachyphloeus bifoveatus ), the European earwig ( Forficula auricularia ), and an ant ( Lasius alienus ).    相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1755-1787
One hundred and sixty-three frogs representing 21 species collected in Costa Rica were examined for helminths. Those found were: one species of Digenea (Mesocoelium monas), one species of Cestoda (Cylindrotaenia americana), 15 species of Nematoda, 11 species represented by gravid individuals (Aplectana hylambatis, Aplectana incerta, Aplectana itzocanensis, Capillaria recondita, Cosmocerca parva, Cosmocerca podicipinus, Falcaustra costaricae, Hedruris heyeri, Oswaldocruzia costaricensis, Oswaldocruzia nicaraguensis, Rhabdias savagei) and four species represented by larvae (Physaloptera sp., Porrocaecum sp., Spirocamallanus sp., Ascarididae gen. sp.) and three species of Acanthocephala, one species represented by gravid individuals (Anuracanthorhynchus lutzi) and two species by cystacanths (Centrorhynchidae gen. sp. and Oligacanthorhynchidae gen. sp.). Mean helminth diversity (number of helminth species) per frog species was 2.4 ± 0.3 SE, range: 1–6. Forty-nine new host records are reported. Costa Rican frogs are infected by generalist helminths, which infect other species of frogs from Central and South America.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):827-841
New observations on Crotaphatrema lamottei are reported based on fieldwork on Mount Oku between 2006 and 2008. This species was encountered by pitfall trapping and digging, but encounter rates were low. Six new specimens of C. lamottei add substantially to the previous hypodigm for the species and genus, and new morphometric and meristic data are presented. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequence data supports strongly the monophyly of Crotaphatrema. The genetic and morphological distance between C. lamottei and Crotaphatrema tchabalmbaboensis is small, although there is a clear difference in colour pattern. The Data Deficient IUCN conservation status of all three species of Crotaphatrema is likely to change most readily as a result of better data on distribution.  相似文献   

This report is a comparative study of the hyobranchial skeleton of the three species in the family Cyptobranchidae and four species of the family Hynobiidae, all of which are figured. Anatomical differences between the cryptobranchids and their relationship to hynobiids are noted and discussed. Reference is made to a relationship that may exist between these families and other salamander families, particularly the possible relationship of the Hynobiidae to the super families Ambystomatoidea or possibly Plethodontoidea.  相似文献   


A new rhacophorid species is described from Vietnam on the basis of nine specimens collected in Quan Ba District, Ha Giang Province, northeastern Vietnam. The new species is morphologically similar to Zhangixalus pinglongensis, Z. dorsoviridis, and Z. nigropunctatus, however, it differs from the latter by having the flank cream with large black blotches on axilla and groin. The genetic distance between the new species and Zhangixalus pinglongensis, Z. dorsoviridis and Z. nigropunctatus is >3.57% (16S mtDNA gene fragment). Zhangixalus jodiae sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other species of Zhangixalus and other small rhacophorid species from Southeast Asia by a combination of the following characters: size small (SVL 36.1–39.8 mm in males); head as long as wide; vomerine teeth present; dorsal surface of head and body green without spots; axilla cream with large black blotches, groin and front-rear parts of the thigh, ventral surface of tibia black with orange blotches; lower jaw region greyish, chest and belly cream.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:89597718-024F-4FFC-B0AE-2005F12CF66C  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1047-1055

At different constant temperatures specimens of Acrotrichis intermedia (Gillm. 1845) (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) were cultivated. The life cycle is described and data are given concerning egg production, oviposition, lifespan and duration of developmental stages.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):2119-2131
Recent surveys of the plethodontid salamander fauna of Oaxaca, Mexico, disclosed the existence of a new, morphologically distinct arboreal species of the genus Pseudoeurycea. The new species, described here, is from the Sierra Mazateca in northern Oaxaca. Sequences of 1833 base pairs of the 16S, cytochrome b and ND4 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes from the new taxon were used to assess its phylogenetic position. Previous phylogenetic analyses based on mtDNA supported recognition of four clades within Pseudoeurycea: P. bellii, P. gadovii, P. juarezi and P. leprosa-Lineatriton species groups. One additional species, P. unguidentis, was not closely allied to any of the four groups. Re-analysis including the additional sequences reported here establishes a sister-group relationship between the new species and P. unguidentis. Moreover, it supports this clade as part of the P. juarezi species group.  相似文献   


Using integrative approaches, a new large-bodied species of Phrynobatrachus is described from a series of 48 specimens from the montane forests of the West Usambara and North Pare Mountains of Tanzania. The most distinguishing morphological feature separating Phrynobatrachus ambanguluensis sp. nov from similar species is the markedly overhanging and pointed upper jaw and snout. Mitochondrial 16S rRNA indicates that the new species differs from all other species with published sequence data by a minimum distance of 4.75% and is sister to P. krefftii, with which it has been confused in the past. The new species is known from two forest reserves and is of high conservation concern given these areas are highly impacted by anthropogenic change.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E0C82A87-47A5-426B-978D-96D27FA7A3B7  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):859-865
In late July 2010, three clutches of eggs of the caecilian amphibian Ichthyophis bannanicus (Gymnophiona: Ichthyophiidae) were found in the field in the suburbs of Beiliu City, south-east Guangxi Province, South China. This is the first observation of eggs, guarding and characteristics of oviposition sites in the field for this species. Ichthyophis bannanicus is oviparous and there is no post-hatching parental care. The terrestrial oviposition sites were located in underground chambers close to small streams or rice fields. Nest chambers were connected to the surface by two small openings. Clutches contained 24–68 eggs, and were each associated with one or two adult females.  相似文献   

Nest structure, morphology of all stages and behaviour have contributed to the phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of social vespids. Two aerial nests of Dolichovespula intermedia were discovered in China. The morphology of the three castes, the five larval instars, and the nest structure of D. intermedia Birula, are described in detail and illustrated. The presence of only one campaniform sensillum above each labial palp and the dense minute spicules on the posterior gena found in D. intermedia larvae are mentioned here for the first time for Dolichovespula. The identification characters between D. intermedia and Dolichovespula sylvestris are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2935-2959
The caecilian Ichthyophis longicephalus was described in 1986 based on a single specimen. Only one specimen has been referred subsequently to this species, and the validity of that referral has been questioned. Seven specimens discovered in 2009–2010 at two new localities and two specimens collected in 1990 from a third locality are referred here to I. longicephalus. These specimens are described and compared with the poorly preserved holotype. Mitochondrial DNA data are consistent with the interpretation that the new specimens represent a single species distinct from (and most closely related to I. tricolor among) sampled congeners. The previously referred specimen, from c. 320 km south of the type locality, is not I. longicephalus and probably represents an undescribed species. The “rediscovery” of I. longicephalus in forests and disturbed habitats indicates that the species probably could be transferred from the Data Deficient to the Least Concern category of the IUCN Red List.  相似文献   

The indotyphlid caecilian amphibian Idiocranium russeli Parker, 1936 is the only nominal species in its genus. Apart from two additional, largely overlooked locality records that we consider to be of an undescribed species, I. russeli is known with certainty from only a single collection of c.50 specimens from a single locality in 1933. We report new material from fieldwork in 2012 carried out in the vicinity of the type locality. Digging surveys at 34 sites for a total of >2000 person minutes found 50 I. russeli at 15 of these sites, extending the known range of the species by more than 40 km south and from an elevation of c.670 m to 104–820 m. The species probably occurs in nearby Nigeria and in some protected areas, is tolerant of some human disturbance, and is likely to move from Data Deficient to Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. Males have relatively longer and wider heads than females. Total length measured for preserved specimens is less than for freshly anaesthetized specimens, by up to 14.1%. Previously, preserved I. russeli were reported as having a maximum length of 114 mm, but the new sample includes specimens with total lengths of 145 mm in preservation and 167 mm when fresh. The sex of the smallest independent specimens (total length 62 mm in preservation) could be determined from examination of the gonads, hatchlings are c.30 mm, and I. russeli is confirmed as one of the smallest known caecilian species.  相似文献   


Recent data from the mitochondrial genome reveal six lineages of Gulf Coast Waterdogs traditionally classified as Necturus beyeri. Here, we use patterns of colour and body size, along with previously published data, to reveal a large, heavily spotted phenotype with an unstriped larva possessing numerous white spots; we re-describe N. beyeri to correspond to this phenotype. We also reveal a small, weakly spotted phenotype possessing an unstriped larva lacking numerous white spots. This phenotype characterises the Apalachicola and Escambia lineages, which current evidence suggests are paraphyletic. We reject taxonomies that place these two lineages in N. lodingi because the type specimen of this species appears to be a melanistic member of N. beyeri. Therefore, we describe the Apalachicola and Escambia lineages as independent new species.


http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:F044B2CC-55F0-4FFA-A312-9CAD9E73CD69  相似文献   

In this report emphasis is placed on the dorsal skull characters of the genus Spea and the three species, bombifrons , hammondii , and intermontana . Spea hammondii is a polytypic species with at least three subspecies, hammondii , multiplicatus , and stagnalis , each of which is described and the distribution indicated. Drawings and photographs of skulls are provided for each species, with hammondii and intermontana receiving special consideration.  相似文献   

Pseudosiphonops ptychodermis Taylor is designated a junior synonym of Mimisiphonops vermiculatus Taylor, and Pseudosiphonops Taylor is designated a junior synonym of Mimosiphonops Taylor. A new species of Mimosiphonops is described and taxonomy of the genus reviewed. Relationships between Mimosiphonops and the closely related caecilian genera Siphonops and Lutkenotyphlus are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1715-1747
The old world date mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) is an important spider mite pest of the date palms Phoenix dactylifera in most of North Africa and the Middle East. To identify potential predators of this key pest we monitored the phytoseiids in the date palm canopy and on the orchard floor for three consecutive years in the Southern Arava Valley of Israel. In this study we report on the phytoseiid species found. We describe two new species, Neoseiulus cozae and Typhlodromus shoshae, and redescribe seven species, Proprioseiopsis beatus, Neoseiulus marginatus, N. conterminus, N. rambami, N. bicaudus, Cydnoseius negevi and Typhlodromus athiasae, found on date palms or on the understorey Bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon, gramineae in these orchards. A key to all species collected from date palm orchards worldwide is given. Proprioseiopsis beatus, N. marginatus and N. conterminus are recorded for the first time in Israel.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2567-2571

Biological invasions can have serious consequences for native communities. The Asian date mussel Arcuatula senhousia is an Asian species that has been accidentally introduced into coastal areas of North America, Oceania and the Mediterranean, with significant impact on local benthic communities. Here, we present the first record of this species in West Africa, after having found one live specimen in a mudflat off the island of Bubaque, in the Bijagós archipelago of Guinea-Bissau. Given the importance of the benthic communities for wintering shorebirds and local fisheries at this key West African wetland, and considering the invasive behaviour of Asian date mussels, we recommend further monitoring to confirm whether a self-maintaining population has settled in the area.  相似文献   

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