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In northwestern Colorado, flow regulation on the Green River has created a transitional plant community that features encroachment by upland vegetation into cottonwood ( Populus fremontii )-dominated, riparian forest on topographically high floodplain sites and reduced cottonwood regeneration on low floodplain sites. To assess how these changes might have affected small mammal distributions, in 1994 and 1995 we live-trapped during periods surrounding spring flooding at 3 sites: above and below the confluence of the regulated Green River and at the ecologically similar, but unregulated, Yampa River (reference site). More species were captured at the most regulated site along the Green River above its confluence with the Yampa River. Within sites, more species were captured in riparian habitats than adjacent upland habitats. Despite river regulation-induced habitat changes, we did not detect changes in species distributions within low and high floodplain habitat for Peromyscus maniculatus or Microtus montanus , but changes may have occurred for Dipodomys ordii . The total effect of regulation-induced habitat change on small mammal populations may not be fully revealed until current, mature cottonwood forests disappear and associated woody debris decomposes.  相似文献   

Twelve wild adult Colorado pikeminnow ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), captured in the tailwaters of Taylor Draw Dam on the White River, Colorado, were implanted with radio transmitters and their movement patterns monitored from 1992 to 1994. The spawning migration of these fish was extensive. In 1993, the only full year of the study, the fish migrated an average of 658 km from the White River to spawning sites in the Yampa or Green rivers and back to the White River. Eight of these fish were translocated in the river upstream of the dam in April 1993. These fish and the 4 others below the dam remained in the river until May 1993. All 12 had migrated down the White River to spawning sites in the Green and Yampa rivers by July 1993. The fish that were located above the dam successfully passed over the dam during their downstream migration. Seven fish migrated upstream toward the Yampa River Canyon spawning site and 5 migrated downstream toward the Green River Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. Five of 7 Yampa River fish were found at the spawning site. The other 2 were found 5-8 km downstream of the site. One of 5 Green River fish was found at the spawning site, the other 4 between 16 and 62 km upstream of the site. All fish migrated back to the White River by August 1993 and were found near the dam by October 1993. Two fish were recaptured and translocated above the dam in September 1993. Five fish were located below the dam and 2 above the dam in April 1994. By July 1994 seven of the same fish that had migrated toward the Yampa River in 1993 were found at the Yampa Canyon spawning site. At the same time, 3 of 5 fish that migrated toward the Green River in 1993 were found at the Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. This included 2 fish that had been found upstream of the site in 1993. The 12 fish traveled an average of 6 km d -1 (range: 4-10 km d -1 ) during the migration period from May through October 1993. Generally, fish moved faster to the spawning site than back from the site to the White River. These fish moved very little within their home ranges in the White River. Six fish tagged in 1992 moved only 0.1-2.3 km in the tailwater reach below Taylor Draw Dam from September 1992 through April 1993. All fish, after their spawning runs, had moved up to or near the dam by October 1993. These fish were not tracked again until April 1994. Their movement patterns in April 1994 were similar to those observed in April 1993. The greatest amount of fish movement in the White River was displayed by the 8 fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam in April 1993 and the 2 placed in Kenney Reservoir in September 1993. They moved 1.1-40.6 km in the river before and after their spawning migration in spring and autumn 1993. These spawning migrations suggest that adult Colorado pikeminnow in the White River were recruited from both Green and Yampa river spawning populations and were presumably imprinted to these respective spawning sites. Those fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam established home ranges in habitats previously occupied by Colorado pikeminnow before the dam was completed. They remained there until they migrated downstream during the spawning period. Although we did not study fish passage, our study demonstrates that adult Colorado pikeminnow will use habitat if access is provided. Translocation of wild adult fish into historic but unoccupied habitats may be a valuable recovery option.  相似文献   

We evaluated distribution, habitat use, spawning, and species associations of the endangered humpback chub ( Gila cypha ) in the Yampa and Green rivers, Dinosaur National Monument, from 1986 to 1989. Adult and juvenile humpback chub were captured in high-gradient reaches of Yampa and Whirlpool canyons where they were rare ( n = 133, G. robusta ) were widely distributed in eddies, pools, runs, and riffles. Humpback chub ( n = 39) and roundtail chub ( n = 242) in reproductive condition were sympatric in eddy habitats during the 5-6 week period following highest spring runoff. River temperatures at this time averaged about 20 C. Nonnative channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ) were abundant in eddies yielding humpback and roundtail chubs, suggesting a potential for negative interactions between the native and introduced fishes.  相似文献   

Northern pike, Esox lucius , stocked in the Yampa River in 1977, invaded the mainstream Green River by 1981 and subsequently increased in range and abundance. The speed of this invasion is indicated by two recaptured pike that moved 78 and 110 km, respectively, downstream in about one year. Pike stomachs (n = 123) were usually empty (54.5%), but some contained fish (43%) and nonfish items (2.4%). Red shiner, Notropis lutrensis , and fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas , predominated among the 12 fish species eaten. Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum , presumably introduced to the Green River drainage in the 1960s, was widely distributed but low in abundance. Most of 61 adult walleye stomachs contained food (60.7%) ; of 6 fish species eaten, channel catfish, lctalurus punctatus , and fathead minnow were most frequently consumed. Northern pike and walleye were captured in habitats occupied by endangered Colorado River fishes, particularly Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius . Predation on endangered fishes was not detected, but northern pike and walleye consumed at least three other native fishes. The northern pike may pose a threat to endangered fishes due to its population expansion, piscivory, and resource sharing. Diets of northern pike and walleye species should be further evaluated if their abundance increases.  相似文献   

This study explores how the relationship between flow and riparian vegetation varies along a montane river. We mapped occurrence of woody riparian plant communities along 58 km of the San Miguel River in southwestern Colorado. We determined the recurrence interval of inundation for each plant community by combining step-backwater hydraulic modeling at 4 representative reaches with Log-Pearson analysis of 4 stream gaging stations. Finally, we mapped bottomland surficial geology and used a Geographic Information System to overlay the coverages of geology and vegetation. Plant communities were distinctly arrayed along the hydrologic gradient. The Salix exigua Nuttall (sandbar willow) community occurred mostly on surfaces with a recurrence interval of inundation shorter than 2.2 years; the Betula occidentalis Hooker (river birch) community peaked on sites with recurrence intervals of inundation between 2.2 and 4.6 years. The hydrologic position occupied by communities dominated by Populus angustifolia James (narrowleaf cottonwood) was strongly related to age of trees and species composition of understory shrubs. The fraction of riparian vegetation on surfaces historically inundated by the river decreased in the upstream direction from almost 100% near Uravan to <50% along the South Fork of the San Miguel River. In upstream reaches much of the physical disturbance necessary to maintain riparian vegetation is provided by valley-side processes including debris flows, floods from minor tributaries, landslides, and beaver activity. Where valley-side processes are important, prediction of riparian vegetation change based on alterations of river flow will be incomplete.  相似文献   

On 5 July 1981, 13 adult Colorado squawfish were found in spawning condition at river mile 16.5 in the Yampa River, a major tributary to the Green River. An investigation was undertaken to quantitatively describe this section of the river to gain insights on the spawning requirements of this endangered species. The substrate at the suspected spawning site was cobble with large interstitial spaces devoid of organics, silts, or clays. It appeared that larvae of several fish species utilized these cobble areas and the associated voids. Diurnal sampling indicated that larval drift occurred between 0100 and 0125 hours. Substrate size also appeared to be a dominant factor in fish distribution. Feeding intensities of these fish corresponded to macroinvertebrate drift. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  相似文献   

Eight study sites were examined in Strawberry Valley, Utah, to assess the response of aspen ( Populus tremuloides Michx.) to cutting activities of beaver ( Castor Canadensis Warren & Hall) and to determine patterns by which the animals utilize aspen stands. Sites utilized by beaver, along with adjacent control plots in mature, uncut aspen stands, were sampled. Age-class profiles of control plots were composed of a broad age distribution with trees ranging from 3 to 108 years old. Age-class profiles for aspen sprouts in areas previously used by beavers were composed of trees averaging seven years of age with a range of 1 to 24 years. Age distribution of sprouts in areas used by beaver show a tendency to be skewed toward younger age classes. Average density of aspen in areas used by beaver was 15,800stems per hectare compared to 2,980 stems per hectare in controls. Stump densities in use areas ranged from 900 to 5,066 stems per hectare. Densities of stumps in the 0-5-cm size class were greater in areas used by beavers than in the corresponding size class in the mature forests. A regression equation describing age versus diameter relationships was calculated using data from 312 aspen trees. Total phenolics and mineral nutrients in the twigs and bark of mature aspen trees and aspen sprouts were also examined to determine if variations could explain foraging patterns of beaver in the valley. Total phenolics were highly variable between sampling groups, and differences were not significant. Twigs from mature aspen and aspen sprouts were significantly higher in nitrogen, phosphorus, and iron. Zinc was significantly higher in the bark of mature aspen trees and twigs of aspen sprouts. Calcium concentrations were significantly higher in mature aspen bark, and magnesium was significantly higher in mature aspen twigs.  相似文献   

After the elimination of wolves ( Canis lupis L.) in the 1920s, woody riparian plant communities on the northern range of Yellowstone National Park (YNP) declined an estimated 50%. After the reintroduction of wolves in 1995&ndash;1996, riparian willows ( Salix spp.) on YNP&rsquo;s northern range showed significant growth for the first time since the 1920s. However, the pace of willow recovery has not been uniform. Some communities have exceeded 400 cm, while others are still at pre-1995 levels of &#60;80 cm mean height. We took intensive, repeated measurements of abiotic factors, including soil and water-table characteristics, to determine whether these factors might be contributing to the varying pace of willow recovery. Willows at all of our study sites were &ldquo;short&rdquo; (&#60;250 cm max. height) prior to 1995 and have recovered to varying degrees since. We contrasted &ldquo;tall&rdquo; (>250 cm max. height) willow sites where willows had escaped elk ( Cervus elaphus L.) browsing with &ldquo;short&rdquo; willow sites that could still be browsed. Unlike studies that manipulated willow height with fences and artificial dams, we examined sites that had natural growth differences in height since the reintroduction of wolves. Tall willow sites had greater water availability, more-rapid net soil nitrogen mineralization, greater snow depth, lower soil respiration rates, and cooler summer soil temperatures than nearby short willow sites. Most of these differences were measured both in herbaceous areas adjacent to the willow patches and in the willow patches themselves, suggesting that they were not effects of varying willow height recovery but were instead preexisting site differences that may have contributed to increased plant productivity. Our results agree with earlier studies in experimental plots which suggest that the varying pace of willow recovery has been influenced by abiotic limiting factors that interact with top-down reductions in willow browsing by elk.  相似文献   

This study compared brood production of the spruce beetle ( Dendroctonus rufipennis Kirby [Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae]) in downed host material felled during summer and spring seasons on the Wasatch Plateau in south central Utah. Thirty-three matched pairs of Engelmann spruce ( Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.) trees were selected for study in spring 1996. One tree of each pair was cut during August 1996 (summer-felled), and the other tree was cut in early April 1997 (spring-felled), so that trees would be colonized by spruce beetles of the same flight period. Brood adults were collected and counted from bark samples, which were removed from the top, bottom, and sides of all sample trees in October 1998. The number of emergent adults produced in June 1999 was determined from exit holes counted in bark samples removed from these same locations. Mixed-model procedures were used to compare differences in the mean number of adults produced in summer-felled versus spring-felled trees in each year. The results indicated that significantly fewer spruce beetles were produced in summer-felled trees than in spring-felled trees. More brood adults were also present in, or emerged from, unexposed bole aspects (bottom, north, and east) of sample trees than exposed aspects (top, south, and west). These findings suggest that disturbances providing spruce beetles with an abundance of fresh host material in the spring result in the greatest potential for spruce beetle production, particularly beneath unexposed bark aspects. Examples of such disturbances include snow avalanches, blowdown, and snow and ice damage.  相似文献   

Although the current range of the endangered San Joaquin kit fox ( Vulpes macrotis mutica ) borders large areas of farmland, the ecology of this species rarely has been studied within an agricultural setting. In central California, we examined habitat use, prey availability, and diet of radio-collared kit foxes inhabiting an aqueduct right-of-way (ROW) bordered by farmland. During both years of study (1998–1999), nocturnal locations of foxes occurred more often than expected (based on habitat availability) in the ROW and less often than expected within annual crops. Orchards were used disproportionately more than their availability during 1998 and were used in proportion to availability during 1999. Kit foxes traveled up to 1.1 km into annual crops and up to 1.5 km into orchards. Among diurnal locations (den sites) of foxes, 98% were within the ROW. Live-trapping revealed higher densities and greater diversity of rodents along the ROW than within farmland. Remains of murid rodents were found in 79% of kit fox scats. Our findings indicated that kit foxes ranged into orchards and annual croplands at night, but almost never occupied these areas during the day. The lack of den sites and low prey availability within farmland probably limited the ability of kit foxes to exploit and occupy these areas. Providing artificial den sites within croplands (especially within orchards) and along canals may increase use of farmland by kit foxes and facilitate their movement between isolated patches of natural lands.  相似文献   

Migrating bands Mormon crickets ( Ananbrus simplex ) were observed crossing the Green and Yampa rivers in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado and Utah, in 1986 and 1987. Swimming crickets were swept downstream and eaten by four- endemic and seven introduced fish species. Included were two endangered fishes, Colorado squawfish ( Ptychocheilus lucius ) and humpback chub ( Gila cypha ). Direct and indirect effects to aquatic food webs associated with application of pesticides for Mormon cricket control may pose a threat to these fishes and to man.  相似文献   

Natural establishment of seedlings in desert playas with temporally variable precipitation hinges on many factors, including seed production, seed dispersal, seed entrapment, seed germination, and seedling survival. We investigated natural seed dispersal patterns and the effects of surface texture, wind barriers, resource availability (water and nutrients), and protection from herbivory on seedling establishment in a desert playa. We hypothesized that the seed rain would be consistent throughout the year and that seedling establishment would improve in resource-amended plots with barriers to wind dispersal. Contrary to our hypotheses, seed flux peaked seasonally during the winter, and fertilization had no consistent effect on seedling establishment. Seed availability for dispersal correlated with precipitation in the previous water year, whereas seedling recruitment was greatest when current-year precipitation during the spring germination and summer seedling growth periods was high. Gravel and barrier surface treatments contained more surviving seedlings than other surface treatments. Comparison with plots located outside of herbivore exclosures, however, showed that greater seedling presence in gravel plots may be due somewhat to protection from herbivory provided by the gravel, rather than simply to the greater seed-trapping quality of the gravel. With abundant seed availability, application of surface treatments, like coarse gravel, combined with increased seasonal water availability could lead to improved shrub establishment from seed in desert playas.  相似文献   

Saltcedar ( Tamarix spp.), a shrub native to Eurasia, is associated with major alterations to wetland and riparian systems in the southwestern United States. Since the 1960s saltcedar has been naturalized in northern states of the U.S. where its growth potential and impacts are not well known. Here, we describe the occurrence, age, size, and relative cover of saltcedar populations in several river basins in central eastern Montana, USA, to identify potential patterns of spread across the region and changes in individual populations as they age. Stands were aged according to the oldest saltcedar individuals and were sampled for dominant plant cover and soil properties. Multiple introductions appear to have occurred in Montana, with the oldest stands occurring on the Bighorn River in southern Montana. Saltcedar absolute and relative cover and stand area increased significantly with stand age, while native tree and shrub relative cover remained low across all stand ages. These results suggest that saltcedar stands establish where woody natives are not abundant and that they persist and expand over time. Although soil salinity remained constant, soil pH decreased with saltcedar stand age, indicating a possible effect of organic matter inputs. An analysis of annual wood increment of saltcedar and sandbar willow (a native with analogous growth form) stems along a latitudinal gradient showed that stem growth of both species did not differ significantly among regions. Stem growth decreased inversely with elevation for both species while growth responses to elevation did not differ between species. Our results show an increase in number of populations and continued viability of these populations. Mechanisms of saltcedar increases in this region are yet to be determined. Anthropogenic influences, such as saltcedar plantings, watershed alterations (e.g., river flow control), and habitat disturbances (e.g., cattle grazing or habitat clearing) may facilitate its spread in similar climates of the Great Plains.  相似文献   

We studied spawning ecology of cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki ) in streams that originate as springs along the Salt River, a Snake River tributary in western Wyoming. We assessed (1) relative numbers of upstream-migrant and resident adults present during the spawning period in spring streams, (2) influence of habitat modification on use of spring streams for spawning, and (3) habitat features used for spawning in spring streams. Four spring streams were studied, 2 with substantial modification to enhance trout habitat and 2 with little or no modification. Modifications consisted primarily of constructing alternating pools and gravel-cobble riffles. Only a small portion of adult fish in spring streams during the spawning period had migrated upstream from the Salt River between March and the middle of June. Larger numbers of adult fish and more redds were observed in the 2 modified streams compared with the 2 streams with little or no modification. Most spawning occurred on constructed riffles with small gravel and over a narrow range of depths and velocities. Cutthroat trout, rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), and their hybrids were observed in 1 stream with habitat modifications, indicating that measures to halt invasion by rainbow trout, as well as habitat improvement, are needed to preserve this native trout within the Salt River valley.  相似文献   

In many areas of the Rocky Mountains, elk ( Cervus elaphus ) migrate from low-elevation mountain valleys during spring to high-elevation subalpine and alpine areas for the summer. Research has focused on the impacts of elk herbivory on winter-range plant communities, particularly on woody species such as willow and aspen; however, little information is available on the effects of elk herbivory on alpine willows. In the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of south central Colorado, select alpine areas appear to receive high levels of summer elk herbivory, while other areas are nearly unbrowsed. In 2005 and 2008, we measured willow height, cover, and utilization on sites that appeared to be used heavily by elk, as well as on sites that appeared to be used lightly, to determine differences between these communities over time. We found less willow cover and shorter willows at sites that received higher levels of browsing compared to those that had lower levels of browsing. Human recreational use was greater at lightly browsed sites than at highly browsed sites. From 2005 to 2008, willow utilization declined, and willow cover and height increased at sites with heavy browsing, likely owing to ownership change of adjacent valley land which led to (1) removal of grazing competition from cattle at valley locations and (2) increased human use in alpine areas, which displaced elk. We discuss the implications of increased human use and climate change on elk use of these alpine habitats. En muchas &aacute;reas de las Monta&ntilde;as Rocosas, el ciervo rojo ( Cervus elaphus ) migra durante la primavera de valles monta&ntilde;osos de baja elevaci&oacute;n a &aacute;reas altas subalpinas y alpinas para el verano. Hasta ahora la investigaci&oacute;n se ha enfocado en el impacto de la herbivor&iacute;a del ciervo rojo sobre las comunidades de plantas en el invierno, particularmente en las especies le&ntilde;osas como el sauce y el &aacute;lamo; sin embargo, existe poca informaci&oacute;n disponible sobre el efecto de la herbivor&iacute;a del ciervo rojo en los sauces alpinos. En la cordillera Sangre de Cristo al centro-sur de Colorado, ciertas &aacute;reas alpinas parecen tener altos niveles de herbivor&iacute;a de verano por el ciervo rojo, en tanto que otras &aacute;reas quedan casi sin ramoneo. En 2005 y 2008 medimos la altura, cobertura y uso de los sauces en sitios en los que parec&iacute;a haber sido abundante el ramoneo y los comparamos con sitios donde parec&iacute;a haber sido m&aacute;s ligero, a fin de determinar las diferencias entre estas comunidades en el tiempo. Encontramos menos cobertura y altura de sauces en los sitios que recib&iacute;an niveles m&aacute;s altos de ramoneo en comparaci&oacute;n a los que ten&iacute;an menos evidencia de ello. El uso humano recreativo era mayor en los sitios de ramoneo ligero que en donde era abundante. De 2005 a 2008, disminuy&oacute; el uso y aument&oacute; la cobertura y la altura en sitios de ramoneo abundante, probablemente debido a que un valle adyacente cambi&oacute; de propietario, lo cual provoc&oacute; (1) la eliminaci&oacute;n de la competencia por el pastoreo en ganado en el valle; y (2) un aumento del uso humano en &aacute;reas alpinas, desplazando al ciervo rojo. Discutimos las implicaciones del aumento del uso humano y el cambio clim&aacute;tico en el uso por el ciervo rojo de estos h&aacute;bitats alpinos.  相似文献   

The Truckee River in California and Nevada is subject to diverse water regimes and a corresponding variety of flow rates. Original riparian vegetation has been altered by these variable flow rates and by a variety of human uses resulting in loss of native riparian vegetation from its historic extent. We conducted bird surveys along the Truckee River during spring 193 to (1) determine relationships between birds and the present vegetation; (2) determine the importance of different vegetation types to sensitive bird species that have declined recently in the western United States due to competition from exotic plant species, cowbird ( Molothrus ater ) parasitism, reduction in nesting habitat, or other unidentified reasons; and (3) establish a monitoring program and collect baseline data for future comparisons. The most frequently detected bird species throughout the study was the Brown-headed Cowbird. The greatest number of bird species (98 of 116) was found in the native mixed willow ( Salix spp.) riparian scrub vegetation type. We recommend protecting the remaining native riparian vegetation types for bird habitat along the Truckee River.  相似文献   

Diameter-age relationships of Salix arizonica (Arizona willow) stems were investigated for 5 populations on the Markagunt, Paunsaugunt, and Sevier plateaus in southern and central Utah. Of the 430 stems studied, none exceeded 26 mm in diameter at ground level (estimated age of 19 yr). Equations developed for predicting age from stem diameters consistently accounted for over 90% of the observed variation. Slopes of predictive equations were homogenous across the 3 sites considered in detail. At 2 sties 46% and 38% of the stems exceed 10 mm (~ 7 yr old) diameter at ground level. At a 3rd site, no stems survived to exceed that size. Stem-age profiles at specific sites may thus be useful for assessing the relative favorability of local environments for the species.  相似文献   

We compared winter (December, January, and February) and early spring (March and April) bird communities among 4 successional stages that included grassland, shrubsteppe, juniper-shrubsteppe, and old-growth juniper woodland in central Oregon. Birds were surveyed monthly from December through April in 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 using the point count method to estimate relative abundance of birds (individuals ? transect –1 year –1 ). We used distance sampling to correct for potential bias in estimating abundance and density among successional stages. A total of 4513 birds (32 species) were detected. Relative abundance of total birds (all species combined) was similar in the juniper-shrubsteppe and old-growth woodland (48.7 and 48.9 individuals ? transect –1 , respectively) but 6 times greater than in the grassland and shrubsteppe (8.0 and 7.7 individuals ? transect –1 , respectively) during the 5-month period. Total density of birds was greater in old-growth juniper woodland and juniper-shrubsteppe than in grassland or shrubsteppe. However, median bird species richness in 1998/1999 was highest in grassland and lowest both in shrubsteppe and juniper-shrubsteppe, and in 1999/2000 it was highest in shrubsteppe and lowest in juniper-shrubsteppe and oldgrowth juniper woodland. American Robins and Townsend's Solitaires were the most abundant species in junipershrubsteppe and old-growth juniper woodland during the winter months. Sage Sparrows and Horned Larks were the most abundant species in shrubsteppe during winter, and Horned Larks were most abundant in grasslands during the early spring transition period prior to nesting. Our results indicate that a different suite of species use these successional stages during the nonbreeding season. If avifauna conservation is a part of long-term management goals, a broad range of successional stages should be maintained on the landscape to provide habitat for a variety of avian species throughout the year.  相似文献   

From a landscape perspective, riparian corridors can be viewed as mosaics of vegetation patches. We delineated 10 patch types within the floodplain of the San Pedro River (Arizona) on the basis of physiognomy, dominant overstory species, and tree size class; and we assessed differences in hydrogeomorphology, vegetation structure, plant species richness, and soil chemistry and texture. Patches of tamarisk ( Tamarix ), an introduced species, fell within the continuum of variation shown by other patch types in the landscape mosaic. Among the tree-dominated types, cottonwood-willow ( Populus-Salix ) and tamarisk patches were inundated more frequently than mesquite ( Prosopis ) patches, while cottonwood-willow patches had shallower groundwater than tamarisk or mesquite patches. Due to the wetter conditions, cottonwood-willow patches had a high relative abundance of wetland and exotic species in the understory. Tamarisk patches and wet shrublands ( Baccharis salicifolia—Salix exigua ) had high woody stem densities while cottonwood-willow patches had dense canopy cover. In association with differences in canopy cover, cottonwood-willow patches had low herbaceous species richness but high woody species richness, while tamarisk patches had high herbaceous and low woody species richness. Soil electrical conductivity, silt content, organic matter content, and available phosphorus increased from young to old stands of both tamarisk and cottonwood-willow, often resulting in greater differences between patches of different size/age class than between patches with different dominant species. Surface soil salinity (electrical conductivity) was low in all patches, including those dominated by tamarisk. Nitrate was abundant in soils of tamarisk patches (perhaps reflecting their high clay content) and wet shrubland patches. Dry shrublands ( Hymenoclea-Ericameria ) and wet shrublands were similar to young forest patches in having coarse soils with little organic matter.  相似文献   

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