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The purpose of this study was to determine the physiological responses of Agropyron smithii Rydb. To various saline environments as evaluated in the laboratory. Agropyron smithii Rydb. (Rosana) seeds were germinated, transplanted into nutrient solutions with NaCl concentrations of 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 m M , and grown for 80 days in a growth chamber. Results indicated that leaf water potential, relative water content of leaf tissue, and concentrations of Na, K, and Cl in plant tissue were significantly affected by increasing NaCl concentration. However, leaf chlorophyll concentration and concentrations of Ca and Mg in plant tissue were not significantly affected by the presence of NaCl.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to develop a multivariate statistical model related to plant succession, to classify by seral stage, and to monitor succession in Wyoming big sagebrush shrubsteppe habitat ( Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Agropyron smithii–Bouteloua gracilis ) in Thunder Basin National Grassland, Wyoming. This model can be used by range and wildlife managers to evaluate management alternatives by assessing changes in plant species cover and composition within and between seral stages. Four ecological seral stages that represent early to late succession were quantitatively identified with an estimated 92% accuracy. Three key plant species provided the necessary information to define seral stages and monitor trends. Percent canopy cover and percent frequency (used to calculate index values: % canopy cover × % frequency of occurrence) of Wyoming big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis ), western wheatgrass ( Agropyron smithii ), and blue grama ( Bouteloua gracilis ) are the only field measurements required for this model.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of alterations in soil nitrogen on the growth of Artemessia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis Nutt. Soil nitrogen content was altered by applying sugar (45 g/m 2 ), nitrate (4.5 g/m 2 ), or ammonium (4.5 g/m 2 ), and the results were compared with a control treatment (no soil amendments). Addition of either form of nitrogen significantly increased leaf nitrogen content, mean maximum length of ephemeral leaves, number of ephemeral leaves per terminal shoot, and current year's vegetative stem length over the control and sugar treatments. Both soil water and predawn xylem potentials during active growth were lower in the nitrogen-treated plots. The higher growth activity and greater leaf mass of A. tridentata in the nitrogen treatments may have been responsible for this result. Higher photosynthetic rates observed in the nitrogen treatments during an early June sampling period also lend support to this observation. This study suggests A. tridentata ssp. wyomingensis would opportunistically take advantage of increased availability of soil nitrogen. The ability of this species to respond positively to increased soil nitrogen may enhance its competitiveness over associated perennial species.  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic changes in basin lake levels in the western U.S. expose saline, alkaline substrates that are commonly colonized by shrubs in the Chenopodiaceae. On a chronosequence of recently exposed substrates at Mono Lake, California, Sarcobatus vermiculatus has greatest biomass accrual, seed production, seedling establishment, and leaf N at younger sites where soils are extremely saline and alkaline. These field observations and an understanding of the role of N-containing compatible solutes in salinity tolerance of halophytes led to our prediction that Na and N interactions stimulate Sarcobatus performance. To test this, we grew Sarcobatus juveniles for 2 years in the greenhouse at 4 levels of NaCl (5, 100, 300, and 450 mM) and 3 levels of N (0.04, 0.4, and 8 mM) in a randomized, complete-block design. Contrary to our expectations, high N availability did not induce salt-stimulated growth nor did it increase salinity tolerance in Sarcobatus . Increased N nutrition also had no significant effect on leaf cation ratios or selectivity. Plants grown at high salinity had significantly lower leaf K:Na, Ca:Na, and Mg:Na ratios than plants grown at lower salinity. However, plant selectivity for the macronutrient cations remained high, even at 450 mM NaCl. Without such high selectivity, the cation nutrition of Sarcobatus would decline to even lower levels, resulting in severe nutrient deficiencies. This study suggests that the ability of Sarcobatus to attain high leaf N, rather than an interaction between Na and N, enhances its performance at saline sites. In addition, the ability of Sarcobatus to maintain high macronutrient cation selectivity despite high salinity allows its distribution to extend to extremely saline and alkaline substrates in this arid system.  相似文献   

Plants of different growth form may utilize soil nutrients in various spatial distributions through different scales of foraging. In this study we evaluated the ability of 6 species commonly found in the Great Basin to utilize nitrogen (N) distributed in different patterns. Three growth forms were represented by these 6 species. We applied 15 N-labeled nitrogen in concentrated patches and over broader uniform areas (at approximately 1% the concentration of the patches) in large, outdoor sand-culture plots. Six weeks after N was applied, 2 plants adjacent to the patch (Patch Treatment) and 2 plants within the uniform application (Uniform Treatment) were harvested. One plant 35-45 cm from both applications (Distant Treatment) was also harvested. The proportion of application-derived N in the leaf N pool was calculated and the mass of N this represented was estimated. Winter annual species Aegilops cylindrical and Bromus tectorum utilized the concentrated patches to a greater extent than did perennial species. The mass of N acquired by Patch-Treatment annual plants was significantly greater than by Uniform- and Distant-Treatment plants. Annual plants in the Distant Treatment had very little application-derived N in their leaf tissue. The perennial tussock grasses Agropyron desertorum and Pseudoroegneria spicata differed in utilization of the N applications. Agropyron acquired a greater quantity of N from patches than from uniform applications, and Distant- Treatment plants acquired very little from treatment applications. On the other hand, Pseudoroegneria utilized N in the 3 treatments equally. The shrub species Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana and Chrysothamnus nauseosus also differed in their pattern of N acquisition. There were no differences in quantity of N acquired by plants from different treatments for Chrysothamnus ; all treatment plants acquired appreciable amounts of N from the applications. In contrast, Artemisia tridentata was very effective at acquiring large quantities of N from patches relative to Uniform- and Distant-Treatment plants, and yet there was still appreciable acquisition of applied N by Distant-Treatment Artemisia plants. We compared our results for these species in utilizing N patches with their ability to utilize N pulses (Bilbrough and Caldwell 1997). The annual grasses, Artemisia , and Agropyron were capable of effectively acquiring N from both pulses and patches, whereas Pseudoroegneria was effective in exploiting pulses but not patches. Chrysothamnus was generally not responsive to either patches or pulses. Our results suggest that the 2 shrubs and 2 perennial grasses differed in the scale at which they foraged for nutrients. Some species exhibited a coarse-scale utilization of nutrients while others were clearly capable of fine-scale utilization of spatially distributed nutrient sources. This suggests the potential for at least some spatial niche separation among these species.  相似文献   

Ponderosa pine cones from 10 areas in Arizona were collected prior to natural seed dispersal and dissected to determine the number of sound, hollow, and insect-damaged seeds in each cone. Total and sound seed yields per cone did not vary significantly among areas but did vary significantly among trees within each area. Numbers of hollow and Megastigmus -infested (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) seeds varied significantly among areas and trees within areas. Numbers of sound seed increased significantly with increasing cone length but did not change with increasing numbers of cones per cluster. The percentages of Megastigmus -infested seed did not change significantly with increasing cone length or number of cones per cluster.  相似文献   

The ability to measure leaf area and biomass on a plant community basis has many important ecological applications. These include quantification of gas exchange, use of water resources on the site, nutrient pools, and construction of models simulating production and resource allocation. To test a nondestructive technique for estimating leaf area and leaf biomass of western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis Hook.), sapwood area and basal circumference were evaluated as predictors of total leaf biomass and leaf area. Nineteen trees, ranging in size from 9.0 to 263 cm in circumference, were destructively sampled. The entire leaf biomass was harvested and measured, and regression equations were developed. Both sapwood area and basal circumference significantly (P < .01) correlated with projected leaf area and leaf biomass (r values = 0.98).  相似文献   

Artemisia tridentata/Symphoricarpos oreophilus and Symphoricarpos oreophilus/Artemisia tridentata &nbsp;plant associations were studied in northeastern Nevada. A 60-stand reconnaissance followed by a detailed study of 37 stands differentiated five important habitat types using an association table approach. Data reduction with DECORANA and TWINSPAN also described five plant associations that were differentiated by species occurrence and geographical distribution. All stands were found at elevations between 2,200 and 3,100 m in areas where snow accumulates and is late to melt. Stands are found on 15 families of soils that are relatively deep, often skeletal, dark colored, and productive. The dominant perennial grasses included Agropyron spicatum, Agropyron trachycaulum, and Festuca idahoensis.  相似文献   

Bryophytes were found to be abundant as components of microbiotic soil crusts on the calcareous soils of Mungo National Park, an arid area of southern central Australia. Six sites that reflected differences in soils, topography, and vascular plant vegetation were studied. At each site bryophytes were abundant, both in terms of number of species present and percent ground cover. Number of species present did not differ significantly between sites, but percent bryophyte cover was lower at a site on sand dunes in mallee woodland and a site on a silcrete ridge than at the four other sites. Environmental factors (soil texture, pH, conductivity, nutrient status, vascular plant vegetation, light level, leaf litter, and fire frequency) appear to play a significant part in determining bryophyte distribution. Mosses that occur at Mungo are also widespread on calcareous substrates throughout arid southern Australia. Many of the bryophyte species present at Mungo also occur on limestones in high rainfall areas of eastern Australia. Environmental factors favoring bryophytic soil crusts in arid Australia are also present on limestones in high rainfall areas of eastern Australia and may account for tile presence of many arid zone bryophyte species on limestones. In Australia there appears to be a relationship between rainfall and the ratios of acrocarpous to pleurocarpous mosses, and thallose to leafy liverworts. Recognition of calcareous soils, widespread in arid areas of southern Australia, may be possible by assessing a combination of characteristics of bryophyte assemblages.  相似文献   

Leaf area estimates are required by hydrologic erosion, and growth/yield simulation models and are important to the understanding of transpiration interception, CO 2 fixation, and the energy balance for native plant communities. Leaf biomass (g) to leaf area (mm 2 ) linear regression relationships were evaluated for 15 perennial grasses, 12 shrubs, and 1 tree. The slope coefficient (β 0 ) of the linear regression equation is a ratio of leaf area to leaf biomass and is defined as the leaf area ratio [LAR = one-sided leaf area (mm 2 )/oven-dry leaf weight (g)]. LAR represents β 0 in each regression equation, where Y = β 0 (X). Linear regression relationships for leaf area were computed ( r 2 = .84-.98) for all 28 native range species after full leaf extension. Within-plant estimates of leaf area for mesquite ( Prosopis glandulosae Torr. var. glandulosae [Torr.] Cockll.) or lime prickly ash ( Zanthoxylum fagara [L.] Sarg.) were not significantly different ( P ≤ .05). LARs for three of the shrubs and the tree were established at four different phenological stages. There were no significant differences ( P ≤ .05) in LARs for lime prickly ash, mesquite, and Texas persimmon ( Diospyros texana Scheele) after full leaf extension during the growing season. The LAR relationship for Texas persimmon changed significantly after full leaf extension. LAR relationships for Texas colubrina ( Colubrina texensis [T. & G.] Gray) changed in response to water stress.  相似文献   

Efforts to reclaim amended and raw bentonite spoils with six plant species (two forbs, three shrubs, and one tree) were evaluated over a 4-year period. Plant species included fourwing saltbush ( Atriplex canescens [Pursh] Nutt.), big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata tridentata Nutt.), Rocky Mountain Juniper ( Juniperus scopulorum Sarg.), Russian olive ( Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) common yarrow ( Achillea millifolium L.) and scarlet globemallow ( Sphaeralcea coccinea [Pursh] Rydb.). Spoil treatments included addition of gypsum, sawdust, perlite, straw, and vermiculite; the control treatment was amended. Fourwing saltbush had 52% survival across all spoil treatments, with greatest survival occurring on perlite-treated spoil (80%), followed by gypsum (70%) and vermiculite amendments (70%). Survival of other plant species ranged from 0 to 2% averaged across all treatments after 4 years. No differences in plant survival occurred among amendments when all species were considered.  相似文献   

We examined how plant traits related to growth and resource use have evolved during hybrid speciation and specialization into stressful habitats. Two desert sunflower species of homoploid hybrid origin are endemic to habitats with lower soil nutrient levels than those of their ancestral parent species. We hypothesized that the hybrid species would exhibit greater tolerance to low levels of soil nutrients than their parental species. The 2 hybrid species, Helianthus anomalus and H. deserticola , and their parental species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris , were compared for plant traits and growth through reproduction under 3 nutrient levels in a greenhouse study. An additional seedling study compared species for maximum seedling relative growth rate under optimum conditions. The hybrid species did have greater tolerance of nutrient limitation than the parental species, demonstrated by a resistance to change in stem height and diameter growth across treatments. A similar trend was observed in total biomass at final harvest. This ability to maintain growth may be partially explained by maintained investment in photosynthetic enzymes regardless of nutrient treatment. Though the hybrid species were more tolerant of nutrient stress, differences in the hybrid response to nutrient stress compared to the parental species' response were much smaller than expected from habitat comparisons. Helianthus anomalus has evolved a classic stress-tolerant phenotype, having long leaf lifespan, tough leaves, and slower early seedling relative growth rate. While both hybrid species have a conservative growth strategy, which confers greater stress tolerance than the parental species possess, functional trait differences among the hybrids suggest that the 2 species have experienced vastly different selective pressures.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-32):1853-1861
The effects of the number of locules per fruit on seed predation in a Mediterranean woody plant (Cistus ladanifer) were analysed. Plants produced fruits with a similar number of locules (fruits with a small, intermediate or large number of locules). Nevertheless, there were no differences in the number of fruits produced or predated per plant. Different types of fruits did not differ in size, seed weight, fruit to wall ratio, insect predation rate or mean proportion of destroyed locules. They did differ, however, in the variation of the proportion of destroyed locules; fruits with few locules had a wider variation than fruits with a large number of locules. Our results suggest that phenotypic selection pressure on insect predation could give rise to more between‐fruit variation in the seed output saved from predation in those plants producing fruits with a small number of locules.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2339-2345
The morphological effects of nematode parasitism by Pheromermis myrmecophila were investigated in two species of ants, Lasius flavus and Lasius niger, collected on Clare Island, Ireland. Infected males and queens were found for L. flavus but only infected queens in L. niger. The numbers of nematodes present in each infected specimen were counted and their lengths were measured. Head width, femur length and wing measurements were made for infected and non-infected individuals of both species. In queens, the length of the nematodes decreased as the number per ant increased. When single nematodes were present their mean lengths were significantly greater in L. flavus than in L. niger. In addition to the reduction in wing size for all parasitized specimens, head widths and femur lengths of the queens were significantly different in both species. A log–log graph of radial cell length versus width suggested a linear reduction of wing size.  相似文献   

The sequential effects of feeding by grass bugs ( Irbisia pacifica [Hemiptera: Miridae]) and of drought stress on the growth of 2 crested wheatgrasses (the hybrid Agropyron cristatum × desertorum and A. cristatum cv. 'Fairway') were investigated in a controlled greenhouse experiment. Growth rates of genotypes that were previously selected for resistance to grass bug feeding were not consistently greater than those of unselected genotypes when plants were exposed to bug feeding. Thus, the mechanism of resistance to bug feeding for the selected genotypes does not appear to be ""tolerance,"" i.e., rapid growth rates that allow the resistant genotypes to compensate for damage to green leaves caused by bug feeding. In addition, previous bug feeding did not exacerbate the effects of drought stress on plant growth rates; droughted plants generally had lower growth rates, independent of the presence or absence of prior bug feeding. Thus, we suspect that the selection process may have inadvertently favored green, robust plants rather than true resistance to bug feeding.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):855-884
Butterfly–flower morphological interrelationships were investigated for 108 butterfly species and 20 plants at Nagpur, India. Distinct clusters of higher taxa (families) are disclosed for butterfly morphology and significant morphological and taxonomic associations occur in nectar exploitation. Flower corolla depth generally restricts exploitation by butterflies in relation to proboscis length and butterflies with high wing load indices bias their feeding to plants with massed flowers. However, important exceptions emerge; also, a substantial number of butterflies feed on plants with massed flowers though their proboscises are of marginal length for corolla depths. These butterfly species are significantly smaller, lighter, with lower wing loading and shorter proboscis indices than species which easily access the same flowering plant species. It is suggested that small size and short proboscises could give them a competitive advantage (increased rate of nectar uptake) for exploiting nectar in such situations. The significance of the findings for conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

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