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Although feral horses have inhabited western North America since the end of the 16th century, relatively little synecological research has been conducted to quantitatively characterize how they interact with ecosystem components. Because feral horses exhibit watering behavior markedly different from that of domestic cattle, it is particularly important to evaluate response of ecosystem elements near water sources to horse use. To assess this response, we performed live-trapping of small mammals and 2-tiered vegetative sampling in 2 mountain ranges in central Nevada in the interior Great Basin, USA. At low elevations, plots around horse-excluded springs exhibited notably greater plant species richness, percent cover, and abundance of grasses and shrubs, as well as more small mammal burrow entrances than plots at horse-grazed springs. At high elevations, meadows protected from grazing exhibited maximum vegetation heights 2.8 times greater than vegetation grazed by horses only and 4.5 times greater than vegetation grazed by horses and cattle. Species richness in quadrats was most different between the horse-and-cattle-grazed meadow and its ungrazed counterpart, suggesting the possibility of synergistic effects of horse and cattle grazing in the same location. This study, the first in the Great Basin to investigate quantitatively ecosystem consequences of feral horse use with exclosures, represents a preliminary step in identifying factors that determine the magnitude of horse grazing impacts.  相似文献   

Density-related changes in performance have been documented for a number of different ungulate species, with recorded decline in body weight, fecundity and both juvenile and adult survival as population densities increase. While density-dependent responses of this kind have been explored in some detail in red, roe and fallow deer, little published information is available on demographic responses to density in European populations of sika deer (Cervus nippon). This paper offers an analysis of the dynamics of two populations of sika from the south of England from 1985–1993. Data on age-related body weights for males and females and pregnancy rates of females are taken from analysis of cull records of 321 males and 534 females culled during that 8-year period. We describe trends in body mass of adult and juvenile sika of both sexes, and consider changes in pregnancy rates of both mature and yearling females in relation to changes in relative abundance. Despite steadily increasing population density between 1985 and 1991/1992, no consistent decline was recorded in body weight or condition (as measured by % cover of kidney fat) for calves or yearlings of either sex, or for mature females. A decline in recorded body weight of adult males was not significantly correlated to ranked relative abundance. Fecundity was high (with > 90% of mature females sampled found pregnant). Most mature females found pregnant were also lactating. The proportion of animals that conceived as yearlings (72%) was lower than that recorded for more mature hinds; however there is some indication that the difference recorded may simply reflect the fact that yearlings may conceive later in the season than older animals. No significant differences were apparent in the proportion of either adult or yearling females found pregnant in different years.  相似文献   

The recent appearance of the ""California crayfish,"" Pacifastacus leniusculus , in Castle Lake, California, and interest in its potential impacts on the lake ecosystem provided motivation for a study of the population structure and habitat use of this species and its effects on aquatic macrophytes. Mark-recapture studies indicated that the total number of adult (3 + yr or older) crayfish in the lake was ca 10,100 individuals, yielding an estimate of lakewide crayfish density in preferred crayfish habitats of 0.13 adults m -2 . Using mean body mass of individuals, we estimated that ambient biomass density was 5.9 g m -2 . Length-weight relationships determined for captured individuals were sex dependent, with males having greater body mass for a given carapace length. Length-frequency and weight-frequency diagrams indicated that P. leniusculus reaches larger sizes in Castle Lake than do populations of P. leniusculus in ultraoligotrophic Lake Tahoe. Population-wide, males were significantly larger in both carapace length and body mass than females. We also examined sex dependence of interhabitat differences in crayfish body size by comparing animals trapped in rocky areas with those from areas with macrophytes and soft sediments. No significant differences in overall body size were found between habitats, but a significant habitat-sex interaction term occurred because the sex-dependent size differences were more pronounced in sediment than in rocky areas. Exclosure and enclosure experiments indicated that crayfish had large but differential impacts on Castle Lake macrophyte species, as the abundance of two of the dominant species ( Chara sp., Potamogeton richardsonii ) declined in the presence of crayfish and, in one case, increased in exclosures. These effects occurred via both consumptive and nonconsumptive mechanisms. These studies indicate that and expanding population of P. leniusculus in Castle Lake may be producing sizable impacts on the littoral zone habitat.  相似文献   


Two species of muntjac deer, the Indian and the Reeves', were introduced into England in the nineteenth and the present centuries. Feral muntjac deer now occur widely over the southern half of England. Their identity, however, is uncertain with claims being made for both species and for hybrids. Skulls and jaws of the two species of muntjac deer from their native countries and from feral animals from eight counties in England have been examined. From these measurements and from chromosome studies it is concluded that the feral muntjac deer in England are Reeves' muntjac. No evidence has been found to substantiate claims for the presence of either the Indian muntjac or hybrids.  相似文献   

Managing a rare species can be improved with knowledge of its natural history. The sheepnose (Plethobasus cyphyus) is a freshwater mussel recently listed by the US as federally endangered. We used standard methods to study P. cyphyus brooding behaviour, host fishes in the laboratory and under natural conditions, and glochidial morphology. We monitored a population of P. cyphyus in the Chippewa River, WI during spring and summer 2007–2009 and 2011 and found brooding animals between mid-May and early August. Gravid individuals ranged between 5 and 27 yr (mean age ± 1 s.d. = 13 ± 4 yr). Plethobasus cyphyus brooded glochidia in outer gills, which varied in colour from red, orange, pink, cream, or white. We observed mature glochidia more commonly in individuals with cream or white gills and these glochidia were released in a clear, adhesive, mucus matrix. In laboratory trials we found several minnow and topminnow species (29 spp.) served as productive suitable native hosts. The mean number of juvenile mussels released per cyprinid per day was significantly higher for trials conducted at 22–25°C compared with those at 18–20°C, and 83% of trials conducted at 18–20°C using suitable host species produced no juveniles. Glochidia had a unique outline and shell morphometrics that distinguished P. cyphyus from seven other Chippewa River mussel species that produce similar sized glochidia. Using morphometrics we determined that mimic shiners (Notropis volucellus) were natural hosts for P. cyphyus, round pigtoe (Pleurobema sintoxia), and Wabash pigtoe (Fusconaia flava). Releasing mucus-bound glochidia has evolved in a variety of mussel species and may be more common than is currently realized. Our data show that P. cyphyus is a cyprinid host specialist, and propagation efforts for this species can be strengthened through improved access to mature glochidia by using females with cream-coloured gills and increased juvenile production through warmer fish holding temperatures.  相似文献   

Wild horse populations in the American West have been heavily managed to regulate horse numbers since the inception of the Free-Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971. The Montgomery Pass Wild Horse Territory (MPWHT) on the California/Nevada border is unique in the absence of human intervention there across the past 30 years. This has provided the opportunity to observe long-term patterns in the natural relationship between wild horses and their environment and to examine environmental impacts on the horse population and its activities, movements and distribution on the range. In this study multiple variables in the physical environment and in horse behaviour were monitored seasonally across 25 years beginning in 1987. Distinct summer (higher elevations) and winter (lower elevations) range use was characteristic for more than 60% of the population during the first 7 study years, with subsequent gradual but marked reduction in use of summer range. While approximately 20% of the population continued to annually use the historical summer range, the majority divided into two geographically and functionally separate subpopulations that resided year round in the historical winter range and adjacent areas on opposite sides of the MPWHT. Mountain lion predation on foals was restricted to the summer range, and exodus of horses from the summer range resulted in increased foal survival where horse subpopulations eventually resided. The long-term consequences of increased horse numbers in the MPWHT remain under continued study. The present study has shown that wild horses are highly adaptive and individually varied in response to environmental pressures. It has also demonstrated the value of long-term monitoring of wild horse populations to reveal underlying dynamics and their potential management implications.  相似文献   

Mid- to late-Holocene vegetation change from a remote high-desert site was reconstructed using plant macrofossils and pollen from 9 packrat middens ranging from 0 to 5400 yr in age. Presettlement middens consistently contained abundant macrofossils of plant species palatable to large herbivores that are now absent or reduced, such as winterfat ( Ceratoides lanata ) and ricegrass ( Stipa hymenoides ). Macrofossils and pollen of pinyon pine ( Pinus edulis ), sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.), and roundleaf buffaloberry ( Shepherdia rotundifolia ) were recently reduced to their lowest levels for the 5400-yr record. Conversely, species typical of overgrazed range, such as snakeweed ( Gutierrezia sarothrae ), viscid rabbitbrush ( Chrysothamnus visidiflorus ), and Russian thistle ( Salsola sp.), were not recorded prior to the historic introduction of grazing animals. Pollens of Utah juniper ( Juniperus osteosperma ) also increased during the last 200 yr. These records demonstrate that the most sever vegetation changes of the last 5400 yr occurred during the past 200 yr. The nature and timing of these changes suggest that they were primarily caused by the 19th-century open-land sheep and cattle ranching. The reduction of pinyon and sagebrush concurrent with other grazing impacts suggests that effects of cattle grazing at modern stocking levels may be a poor analog for the effects of intense sheep grazing during drought.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25):2319-2329
This study aimed to determine the population structure of juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus, one of two species of horseshoe crabs found in Palawan, at Aventura Beach, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Surveys to assess the population in terms of size, density, size‐frequency, age structure, sex ratio and distribution were conducted from June to October 2002. The habitat was mapped and physical/chemical parameters taken to further describe it. The position of population members was plotted on the map. Individuals were measured, marked, sexed and released. Prosoma width was measured for living individuals and exuviae. Postembryonic stages were identified based on histograms with different interval size. The normal distribution of the animals per instar stage was tested with the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. After the 5‐month survey a total of 125 juveniles was recorded and 40% of them were recaptured. Population size was estimated to be 150 individuals. Seven postembryonic stages were identified based on their prosoma width. Male: female ratio was 1:1.8 and the age of the first five postembryonic stages ranged from 5.4 months to 17.6 months. The population density was 1.47 individuals per?100?m2. The majority of the animals of all postembryonic stages were found between 0 and 50?m from the mean high tide level. Further studies on the population structure of T. tridentatus with regards to the adult population are seen as a necessity.  相似文献   

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge (HMNAR), southeastern Oregon, documented high pronghorn ( Antilocapra americana ) fawn mortality, subsequent low fawn recruitment, and declining pronghorn numbers from 1996 to 1999. Coyote ( Canis latrans ) predation was the primary cause, accounting for 60-85% of fawn mortalities each year, and fawns were not physiologically predisposed to predation. Therefore, we investigated certain coyote population parameters (age structure, survival, density, physiology) to evaluate how or if these factors influence coyote predation rates on pronghorn fawns. We captured 11 coyotes (5 male and 6 female) in December 1998. Age of captured animals ranged from 1.7 to 10.7 yrs ( ̄x = 5.0 years), and all coyotes appeared healthy upon capture. There were no known mortalities through December 1999. We estimated pre-whelping (December through February 1997-1999) density from howling surveys conducted within HMNAR to be 0.40-0.53 km -2 . Compared to other published studies, we found significant ( P ≤ 0.05) differences in selected blood parameters (e.g., blood urea nitrogen, total protein, white blood cell counts), indicating coyote nutrition may be marginal to deficient during winter at HMNAR. A high percentage of coyotes (91%) tested positive for serum-neutralizing antibodies to canine parvovirus. We judged that parasite ( Toxascaris spp., Alaria spp., Sarcocystis spp., and Isospora spp.) prevalence and intensity were not high enough to influence coyote condition. Based on our data, the coyote population at HMNAR is old aged, at a relatively high density, and stable, but their nutrition may be marginal to deficient during winter. Presently, we are unable to draw direct conclusions relating the parameters we sampled with predation rates by this unexploited coyote population.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2027-2039
This study evaluated biological aspects of Petrolisthes armatus inhabiting a remaining but disturbed mangrove area of Brazil. Samples were taken from March 2005 to July 2006, during low tide in the rocky-shore region. The size frequency distribution for all the individuals collected was bimodal. The sex ratio obtained was not different from 1:1, and the population was classified as standard. A higher reproductive ratio and earlier ovigerous conditions were found in relation to another southern population; these can be hypothesized as adaptations to life in a stressed environment. Even though the population living in Araçá has been subject to an environment frequently disturbed by human-produced pollutants, our results show no sign of negative effects on reproductive stages, recruits or members of the population in general. The population profiles of P. armatus show some peculiarities when compared to other populations inhabiting non disturbed environments.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):1695-1710
The spatial distribution, population structure and secondary production of the gastropod Cerithium atratum were studied in the intertidal region of Engenho d'Água Beach in São Sebastião Channel on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from May 1998 to April 1999. Twenty monthly samples were taken using a 0.25×0.25?m quadrat in each of two areas. Individuals showed a clustered dispersion pattern in both areas throughout the sampling period. Abundance and mean shell size were related to period of the year and to intertidal level, although no consistent pattern could be described when comparing the two sampling areas due to significant interaction between time and locality. Migratory events were evidenced by marked year-round variations in the frequency of individuals in the largest size classes. Thus, the size structure of this population could not be explained by recruitment and growth alone. Almost 90% of the intertidal population was represented by small individuals that recruited at the beginning of the sampling period (May to August 1998). The intertidal population was composed of annual cohorts formed by individuals recruited in different years. Each annual cohort could be divided into sub-cohorts with closely spaced recruitment periods in the same breeding season. The growth and annual P/B ¯ ratio (where P is the annual somatic production and B ¯ is the mean annual biomass) was estimated for the first year of life of recruits from 1998 occupying the intertidal region. Individuals may have an increment of up to 15?mm in shell length during the first year of life, but the growth was more pronounced in summer months. The high value of P/B ¯ (3.902) was a consequence of the dominance of small-sized individuals, which have a higher weight-specific increment than large-sized ones.  相似文献   

The Upper Arkansas catchment has been polluted with heavy metals from mining for almost 140 yr. Adult Plecoptera and Trichoptera species distributions were recorded from 22 stations along 259 km of main river during 1984-85 so that these could be related to metal deposition and other environmental characteristics. Chemically or physically perturbed sites had poor species richness compared with adjacent sites. There was no sequential downstream increase in species numbers. Filter-feeders proportionally increased downstream as predators declined; these proportions were reset at a high-energy site before the trend resumed. Using canonical correspondence analysis, we found that species composition was most strongly related to changes in distance/altitude and to temperature, particularly after regulatory flows entered the river. The proportion of biological variation explained by river measurements indicated that collected adults were largely derived from the main Arkansas River. Species tolerant of high sedimentary metal concentrations were identified while some other species appeared to be sensitive. The study provides a disturbed-state reference for monitoring effects of remedial actions begun in 1991, and for comparisons with other Colorado rivers.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2081-2094
The life cycle and population structure of Hemilepistus klugii were studied in a population in Varamin, Iran. The population was sampled monthly (or fortnightly during the breeding season) from February 2008 to June 2009 and a total of 7015 individuals, comprising 1069 males, 1079 females and 4867 juveniles, were collected. As in other Hemilepistus species, five distinct phenophases, namely pair formation, gestation, hatching, growth and stationary, were recorded during the life cycle of H. klugii. The overall sex ratio was 1 : 1 but varied over time. Ovigerous females were observed only in April, indicating a seasonal and very short breeding period. With a short lifespan after breeding, females demonstrated true semelparity. The mean cephalothorax width for ovigerous/post-ovigerous females was higher in 2008 than in 2009. These females attained the largest size in the population throughout the year. The number of eggs per female ranged from 28 to 147 (mean ± SE, 78 ± 1.8). There was a positive correlation between female size and fecundity. Recruitment occurred in late April and resulted in the highest population density in this month, whereas the lowest densities were observed during November to January. Despite a high percentage of ovigerous females carrying undeveloped eggs (72.3%), intramarsupial mortality was low (3.5%).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):239-247
The emergence period and winter aggregations of a population of Tupinambis merianae from southern Brazil as well as some behavioural aspects from its post‐emergence period are examined. Fifty‐six individuals were captured and marked in 64 days (640 h) of field study. Most of the hibernacula identified were beneath human constructions. The first individuals emerged in August and the last active ones were observed in April. The population's emergence shows a protandric pattern, where males emerge before females, both in adults and juveniles. After emerging, males basked in aggregations of up to 13 individuals, in which individuals changed positions following audible resonant signals emitted by the lizards. Sibilated sounds were emitted in stress situations or in agonistic interactions. Future studies are necessary to elucidate behaviour patterns of the species in the natural environment, mainly related to the utilization of sound communication.  相似文献   

Genetics of Eusattus muricatus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) populations within Silver State Dune Complex in the northern Great Basin of North America were assayed using allozyme electrophoresis. Hierarchical F -statistics showed no significant population subdivision among 3 valleys comprising Silver State Dune Complex. A regression of estimated pairwise gene flow ( Nm ) against pairwise geographic distance was not significant for populations within these valleys, but it was significant over larger distances. A neighbor-joining phenogram did not represent geographic relationships among populations in the 3 valleys but reflected the past geologic history of these dunes. Pairwise divergence times were low (>7000 yr) for populations within Silver State Dune Complex but were high (>18,000 yr) in outgroups.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):1011-1025
Diet composition of slow worms (Anguis fragilis) from a Danish population was recorded from May to September 2006. Slow worms were maintained in cool conditions (at 8°C) for a maximum of 126 h, which made approximately half of the animals regurgitate. The method worked equally well on juveniles and adults. The regurgitations revealed that the slow worms preyed on small snails, slugs, pill millipedes (Glomeris marginata), earthworms and Lepidoptera larvae. There were seasonal changes in taxon composition of the diet but no ontogenetic or sex‐related differences. The food quality of selected prey types was tested on juveniles in a laboratory experiment. Mealworms gave a significantly lower gain in mass and snout–vent length than slugs, earthworms and a mix of all three prey types. A supplementary experiment revealed that slow worms from the present population completely rejected mealworms as prey. Earthworms seemed to be nutritionally inferior to molluscs.  相似文献   

Five alcoves (rock shelters) in the Forty-Mile Canyon—Willow Gulch area of the Escalante River Basin in southeastern Utah yielded rich deposits of late Quaternary macrobotanical remains. The deposits were sampled and the contents identified in order to construct a chronology of vegetational change. Fourteen radiocarbon dates indicate that the fossils were deposited between 12,690 and 7510 yr B.P. (years before present). Ninety-one plant taxa were identified, 62 to species. Six species were common to all alcoves: Gambel oak ( Quercus gambelii ), box-elder ( Acer negundo ), prickly pear ( Opuntia subgenus Platyopuntia), skunkbush ( Rhus aromatica var. trilobata ), serviceberry ( Amelanchier utahensis ), and Indian ricegrass ( Oryzopsis hymenoides ). Late Pleistocene samples (>11,000 yr B.P.) contain extralocal, elevationally depressed species such as Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ), spruce ( Picea sp.), and mountain mahogany ( Cercocarpus ledifolius ), and mesophytic species such as rose ( Rosa woodsii ) and water birch ( Betula occidentalis ). Early Holocene samples (11,000-8000 yr B.P.) contain no elevationally depressed conifers, and the remaining mesophytic species decrease in relative abundance. Reticulated hackberry ( Celtis reticulata ) becomes common. The terminal Early Holocene sample (8000-7000 yr B.P.) contains abundant Gambel oak and prickly pear, but little else. Paleoclimatic interpretations for the Late Pleistocene correspond well to those of most other workers on the Colorado Plateau. Climates that were wetter and at least seasonally cooler than they are today are inferred from the macrobotanical assemblage. However, the increased moisture is attributed to higher stream base levels and increased groundwater rather than directly to increased precipitation. Early Holocene climates are interpreted as warmer and drier than those of the Late Pleistocene but still wetter than the present climate. Groundwater levels appear to be decreasing due to stream entrenchment. Terminal Early Holocene climates were much warmer and at least seasonally drier. By the end of the period, groundwater levels had decreased so much that the alcoves were unable to sustain plant communities; stream base level was probably near the present level.  相似文献   

Many desert perennials are long-lived, but there are few data on ages or population structures of desert plants. We used 2 methods to estimate ages of a population of Yucca brevifolia (Joshua tree) in southwestern Utah from a 14-year census of plant sizes. Plant height at the 1st census ranged from 0.08 m to 6.0 m, and trees grew in height at a mean rate of 3.75 cm ? yr -1 . Plants also increased slowly in basal diameter (0.142 cm ? yr -1 ) and branch length (0.024 m ? yr -1 ), but basal diameter varied greatly from year to year, with many plants decreasing in diameter between sequential censuses. Forms of a nonlinear growth equation (the Richards function) did not fit the data on growth in height, but a simple linear relationship fit the data well. Using height as a linear predictor of age, we estimated that ages of a sample of 69 Joshua trees ranged from 300 years old, with 75% of the trees between 20 and 100 years and 11% over 150 years old. These data support the assumption that Joshua trees are indeed long-lived.  相似文献   

Vegetation characteristics of 15 sagebrush community types identified on the Humboldt National Forest, northeastern Nevada, are described. A total of 218 plant species were found over the 372 relatively undisturbed rangeland communities sampled. The dominant plant families encountered were the Asteraceae (45 taxa), Poaceae (32 taxa), Scrophulariaceae (14 taxa), and the Fabaceae (12 taxa). Average annual dry weight production of the community types ranged from about 400 kg/ha/yr on types with Artemisia nova as the dominant sagebrush species to 1,200 kg/ha/yr on some A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana community types. A general increase in species richness and vegetation plus litter ground cover was observed within community types as the dominant sagebrush species changed from A. nova to A. arbuscula to A. longiloba to A. tridentata spp. tridentata to A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana . Major differences in plant species production and constancy exist between the sagebrush community types studied.  相似文献   

Vegetation characteristics of 15 sagebrush community types identified on the Humboldt National Forest, northeastern Nevada, are described. A total of 218 plant species were found over the 372 relatively undisturbed rangeland communities sampled. The dominant plant families encountered were the Asteraceae (45 taxa), Poaceae (32 taxa), Scrophulariaceae (14 taxa), and the Fabaceae (12 taxa). Average annual dry weight production of the community types ranged from about 400 kg/ha/yr on types with Artemisia nova as the dominant sagebrush species to 1,200 kg/ha/yr on some A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana community types. A general increase in species richness and vegetation plus litter ground cover was observed within community types as the dominant sagebrush species changed from A. nova to A. arbuscula to A. longiloba to A. tridentata spp. tridentata to A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana . Major differences in plant species production and constancy exist between the sagebrush community types studied.  相似文献   

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