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A classification of the riparian vegetation of part of western Colorado was developed by cluster analysis and ordination of 115 samples of relatively undisturbed vegetation. The classification of plant associations contains five montane riparian forests, three subalpine riparian forests, four lower subalpine willow carrs, three upper subalpine willow carrs, and one subalpine wetland.  相似文献   

Adaptive features of plants of the Great Basin are reviewed. The combination of cold winters and an arid to semiarid precipitation regime results in the distinguishing features of the vegetation in the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau. The primary effects of these climatic features arise from how they structure the hydrologic regime. Water is the most limiting factor to plant growth, and water is most reliably available in the early spring after winter recharge of soil moisture. This factor determines many characteristics of root morphology, growth phenology of roots and shoots, and photosynthetic physiology. Since winters are typically cold enough to suppress growth, and drought limits growth during the summer, the cool temperatures characteristic of the peak growing season are the second most important climatic factor influencing plant habit and performance. The combination of several distinct stress periods, including low-temperature stress in winter and spring and high-temperature stress combined with drought in summer, appears to have limited plant habit to a greater degree than found in the warm deserts to the south. Nonetheless, cool growing conditions and a more reliable spring growing season result in higher water-use efficiency and productivity in the vegetation of the cold desert than in warm deserts with equivalent total rainfall amounts. Edaphic factors are also important in structuring communities in these regions, and halophytic communities dominate many landscapes. These halophytic communities of the cold desert share more species in common with warm deserts than do the nonsaline communities. The Colorado Plateau differs from the Great Basin in having greater amounts of summer rainfall, in some regions less predictable rainfall, sandier soils, and streams which drain into river systems rather than closed basins and salt playas. One result of these climatic and edaphic differences is a more important summer growing season on the Colorado Plateau and a somewhat greater diversification of plant habit, phenology, and physiology.  相似文献   

Predictive models of aboveground biomass of nonnative Tamarix ramosissima of various sizes were developed using destructive sampling techniques on 50 individuals and four 100- m 2 plots. Each sample was measured for average height (m) of stems and canopy area (m 2 ) prior to cutting, drying, and weighing. Five competing regression models ( P T. ramosissima using average height and/or canopy area measurements and were evaluated using Akaike's Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AIC c ). Our best model (AIC c = –148.69, ΔAIC c = 0) successfully predicted T. ramosissima aboveground biomass (R 2 = 0.97) and used average height and canopy area as predictors. Our 2nd-best model, using the same predictors, was also successful in predicting aboveground biomass (R 2 = 0.97, AIC c = –131.71, ΔAIC c = 16.98). A 3rd model demonstrated high correlation between only aboveground biomass and canopy area (R 2 = 0.95), while 2 additional models found high correlations between aboveground biomass and average height measurements only (R 2 = 0.90 and 0.70, respectively). These models illustrate how simple field measurements, such as height and canopy area, can be used in allometric relationships to accurately predict aboveground biomass of T. ramosissima . Although a correction factor may be necessary for predictions at larger scales, the models presented will prove useful for many research and management initiatives.  相似文献   

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} A total of 87 avian species were recorded on islands of Great Salt Lake by Behle, with 17 observed on Gunnison and Cub islands. This paper presents sightings and salvaged carcasses recorded on Gunnison and Cub islands, 1972 – 1974. Of the 112 species observed, 95 are first records for Gunnison and Cub islands and 49 are first records on or near any island of Great Salt Lake. Over 90 percent of species observed on the islands were transients.  相似文献   

Growth rates estimated using the scale annuli of flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis , did not differ between fish collected from the Gunnison and Colorado rivers, and the Green and Yampa rivers. However, body condition and fecundity were significantly greater in the former population. Age of first maturity for male and female fish from all rivers was IV; and most fish were mature by age VII. The smallest mature female collected was 405 mm, and the smallest mature male was 391 mm total length. Fecundity ranged from 4,000 ova in fish 450 mm long to 40,000 ova in a 500-mm fish: mean ovum diameter was 2.39 mm. Ripe male flannelmouth suckers were collected from early April through June; ripe females were collected from both study areas during May and early June.      相似文献   

Changes in vegetation including area occupied, canopy cover, and maturity class of cottonwoods ( Populus spp.) within lower-elevation zones of the Colorado River and Rio Grande in Colorado were monitored over 25- and 27-year intervals, respectively, using photo-interpretative methods. Estimated loss of cottonwoods along the Colorado River was 2ha/km (-17.5%), and remaining stands had become more open and older. Cottonwoods along the Rio Grande increased 1.6 ha/km (9.3%) with minor canopy cover and maturity class changes. Area occupied by shrubs and river channel changed little along the Colorado River, but declined along the Rio Grande. Loss of hay meadow occurred along both rivers, whereas developed land increased along the Colorado River and farmland increased along the Rio Grande. Wildlife habitats along the Colorado deteriorated much more rapidly than those along the Rio Grande during monitored intervals.  相似文献   

Five alcoves (rock shelters) in the Forty-Mile Canyon—Willow Gulch area of the Escalante River Basin in southeastern Utah yielded rich deposits of late Quaternary macrobotanical remains. The deposits were sampled and the contents identified in order to construct a chronology of vegetational change. Fourteen radiocarbon dates indicate that the fossils were deposited between 12,690 and 7510 yr B.P. (years before present). Ninety-one plant taxa were identified, 62 to species. Six species were common to all alcoves: Gambel oak ( Quercus gambelii ), box-elder ( Acer negundo ), prickly pear ( Opuntia subgenus Platyopuntia), skunkbush ( Rhus aromatica var. trilobata ), serviceberry ( Amelanchier utahensis ), and Indian ricegrass ( Oryzopsis hymenoides ). Late Pleistocene samples (>11,000 yr B.P.) contain extralocal, elevationally depressed species such as Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ), spruce ( Picea sp.), and mountain mahogany ( Cercocarpus ledifolius ), and mesophytic species such as rose ( Rosa woodsii ) and water birch ( Betula occidentalis ). Early Holocene samples (11,000-8000 yr B.P.) contain no elevationally depressed conifers, and the remaining mesophytic species decrease in relative abundance. Reticulated hackberry ( Celtis reticulata ) becomes common. The terminal Early Holocene sample (8000-7000 yr B.P.) contains abundant Gambel oak and prickly pear, but little else. Paleoclimatic interpretations for the Late Pleistocene correspond well to those of most other workers on the Colorado Plateau. Climates that were wetter and at least seasonally cooler than they are today are inferred from the macrobotanical assemblage. However, the increased moisture is attributed to higher stream base levels and increased groundwater rather than directly to increased precipitation. Early Holocene climates are interpreted as warmer and drier than those of the Late Pleistocene but still wetter than the present climate. Groundwater levels appear to be decreasing due to stream entrenchment. Terminal Early Holocene climates were much warmer and at least seasonally drier. By the end of the period, groundwater levels had decreased so much that the alcoves were unable to sustain plant communities; stream base level was probably near the present level.  相似文献   

Gizzard shad ( Dorosoma cepedianum ) were introduced into the Colorado River Basin circa 1996 via an unintentional contaminated stocking. Gizzard shad were collected throughout much of the Upper Colorado River Basin in 2005, 2006, and 2007. These collections document a rapid range expansion of this introduced species and a threat to intact fisheries.  相似文献   

Skeletal remains of the extinct mountain goat Oreamnos harringtoni and Marmota (marmot), an extralimital species, were recovered from Marmot End Alcove along with remains of montane plants that included Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir), Picea (spruce), Pinus flexilis (limber pine), and Juniperus communis (common juniper). The alcove is located in Harris Wash, a semiarid tributary in an unstudied portion of the Escalante River Basin on the Colorado Plateau in southern Utah. A Marmota incisor tooth and montane plant needles returned late Pleistocene AMS dates ranging from 12,300 yr BP to 15,600 yr BP.  相似文献   

We compared diet of young-of-year Colorado squawfish ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), an endangered cyprinid, with diets of other fish Rhinichthys osculus, Catostomus discobolus, and C. latipinnts , and nonnative Cyprinella lutrensis, Notropis stramineus, Pimephales promelas, Ictalurus punctatus, and Lepomis cyanellus. For each species, diet varied with size and between upper and lower river reaches but not between seasons for fish of similar size. Larval chironomids and ccratopogonids were principal foods of most fishes. Copepods and cladocerans were important in diets of P. lucius L. cyanellus Catostomus discobolus was the only species that ate moderate amounts of algae. Fish (all larvae) were in digestive tracts of only 10 P. lucius (21-73 mm TL), about 1% of P. lucius analyzed. High diet overlap occurred between some size-reach groups of P. lucius and C. lutrensis, R. osculus, C. latipinnis, I. punctatus, and L. cyanellus . Potential for food competition between young-of-year P. lucius and other fishes in backwaters appeared greatest with the very abundant C. lutrensis .  相似文献   

Streambed surveys were conducted along the upper Colorado River, Colorado, to describe the distributions of Claassenia sabulosa larvae in relation to current speed and to determine their diets. We also addressed diel feeding periodicity by sampling during both day and night. Claassenia sabulosa was more abundant in riffle habitats than in runs. A positive relationship existed between C. sabulosa abundance and stream current, with larval size increasing with current speed. Chironomidae, Baetidae, and Simulidae collectively accounted for 93% of the prey found in stonefly guts; however, these categories were not consumed equally by all C. sabulosa . Smaller C. sabulosa primarily ate chironomids, and larger individuals consumed more baetids. Only a slight difference existed in the percentage of empty guts between night- and day-collected stoneflies, and ranges of prey per gut at night were higher than those in the day, suggesting that these stoneflies may forage more intensively at night.  相似文献   

Named as a new species is Penstemon albifluvis J. L. England. The species is known from the Uinta Basin of Utah and Colorado.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven fish of three genera were taken from the Colorado River in west central Colorado and examined for external parasites. No external parasites were found on Ictalurus. Seven percent of the Hybognathus and 100 percent of the Catastomus were infected with a Hirudinean of the species Helobdella stagnalis.     相似文献   

Ground Beetles from Rotger's collection of Colorado specimens have been identified, principally by the author, and a faunal list of 161 species from 80 localities is presented. The list includes 35 species not previously recorded from Colorado. Comparisons are made with Armin's (1963) carabid list from Boulder County and the diversity of species along transects through four elevational zones from the plains to the alpine.  相似文献   

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Seven wetland areas in the subalpine and alpine regions of the Uinta Mountains are described. Most areas have a mosaic vegetation structure, comprised of several patches that are usually sharply demarcated from one another. Each patch has a distinct species composition, usually with only one or two species. Water level is associated with some of the vegetation patterns found in these sites. Standing crop varied from 28 to 360 g/m 2 . Sites show considerable variation in standing crop that could not be explained by elevation differences between sites. Sites with water flowing over them have substantially greater standing crops than sites where water stagnates. Seasonal patterns in shoot density and standing crop indicate one late summer peak in standing crop and little recruitment of shoots over the summer. On stagnant sites, the average stem weight shows a strong relationship to stem density. This pattern did not appear to be caused by thinning mortality and did not follow a “3/2 power law” pattern.    相似文献   

Serum transferrins were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in four populations of Colorado bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis canadensis. Transferrin was found to be polymorphic, with two alleles, Tf D and Tf E, being represented in each of the four populations. Within herds the phenotypic ratios conformed to values predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Among populations, significant differences were seen with respect to phenotypic frequencies.  相似文献   

Western jumping mice, Zapus princeps, were live - trapped during the summer of 1975 in an aspen forest in the Front Range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Home range sizes were calculated using the exclusive boundary strip method, and it was discovered that males had larger home ranges (298 – 3315 m 2 , x = 1743 m 2 ) than females (680 – 1275 m 2 , x = 1041 m 2 ). Mean range length was 96.5 m for males and 78.5 m for females. Spatial relationships showed that females tended to be more territorial than males, based on the females' higher percentage of exclusive home ranges, greater distance between centers of activity, and more uniform spacing.  相似文献   

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The Ruby Range is a northern extension of the West Elk Mountains of west central Colorado. Composed primarily of sedimentary rocks, the range is heavily faulted and intruded by many dikes and sills. Eight study areas, selected as representative of the major topographic features of the range, were analyzed floristically. A vascular flora of 220 species in 111 genera and 35 families is reported. The phytogeographic distribution of the flora is primarily alpine and western North American. The flora of the Ruby Range shows a 74% similarity to the flora of the San Juan Mountains to the southwest.  相似文献   

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