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We report the discovery of established populations of Cnemidophorus neomexicanus in the Salt Lake City area. These are the 1st records of this species in Utah and in the Great Basin and are far from all other known populations of the species. We conclude that C. neomexicanus was introduced in the Salt Lake City area, perhaps within the last 30 years.  相似文献   

To overview the morphological and ecological diversification within a species of phytophagous ladybird beetle Henosepilachna diekei, information concerning its distribution and host plant use was studied. This species was found widely in South East and South Asia from the Philippines through the Greater Sunda islands, a western part of Lesser Sundas, the Malay Peninsula to Sri Lanka. Mikania species (Asteraceae), Mikania micrantha in particular, were the most frequently used host plants, but some other plants belonging to Lamiaceae or Acanthaceae were also used by some local populations. Each population is possibly monophagous. According to morphological analyses, seven populations from four host plants at six sites on four Indonesian islands were grouped into two, one occurring on Java and Kalimantan (Borneo) and another on Sulawesi and Lombok, indicating that they were separated by the Wallace line. This morphological distinction was not correlated with the host plant use.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of elevation on litter-size variation in viviparous lizards of the Sceloporus grammicus complex in 10 states of Mexico. Female snout–vent length (SVL) decreased with increasing elevation, and absolute litter size based on embryos also tended to de crease with increasing elevation. However, after controlling for variation in female body size, we found that litter sizes tended to be relatively larger at higher elevation. Elevation therefore appears to influence litter size in these lizards; however, relatively little of the variation is explained by elevation; thus, other factors are likely making substantial contributions to the observed litter-size variation. The S. grammicus complex appears to be a good model system for examining the underlying causes of geographic and elevational variation in lizard life histories. Examinamos el efecto del altitud en la variación del tamaño de camada de las lagartijas vivíparas del complejo Sceloporus grammicus en 10 estados de México. La LHC de las hembras disminuyó con la altitud, y el tamaño absoluto de camada, calculado con base en el número de embriones, también tendió a disminuir. No obstante, después de controlar la variación en el tamaño corporal de las hembras, encontramos que los tamaños de camada tendieron a ser relativamente más grandes en altitudes mayores. La altitud, por tanto, parece influir en el tamaño de camada de estas lagartijas; sin embargo, la altitud explica relativamente poco de la variación, por lo que, es probable que otros factores contribuyan substancialmente a la variación observada en el tamaño de camada. El complejo S. grammicus parece ser un buen sistema para estudiar las causas fundamentales de la variación geográfica y altitudinal en la historia de vida de las lagartijas.  相似文献   

Collection data, bibliographic citations, and curatorial information on 52 names of New Mexico grass types are compiled. A bibliography of taxonomic research pertinent to the study of New Mexico grasses is cross-referenced with genera known to occur in the state.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1351-1368

In Mexico, there are currently two known species of Racekiela: R. ryderii and R. montemflumina. Here we describe a new species from high-altitude streams in central and southern Mexico. Racekiela cresciscrystae sp. nov. presents two morphotypes: thick encrusting with raised ridges or lobose outgrowths at the surface and dark green in colour, or lime-green encrustations. The new species as megascleres presents microspined oxeas from 200 to 300 µm long, some centrotylote, or with malformations. Gemmules are spherical with a tri-layered theca, constituted by radially embedded birotules and pseudobirotules. The birotules have longer shaft than the rotule diameter, which is flat, and some slightly umbonate. Pseudobirotules of typical morphology have strongly or somewhat spined shaft. Spines can be straight or hooked. The species also presents other type of pseudobirotules, which are umbonate and with only small warts, instead of spines. DNA sequences from the nuclear ITS1-5.8-ITS2 region were sequenced from the holotype and a paratype of the new species to determine their phylogenetic relationships with other members of the family Spongillidae. Tree topologies (Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood) were consistent in showing Racekiela creciscrystae sp. nov. as a sister clade of R. montemflumina confirming its allocation in a monophyletic genus Racekiela. A comparison with all the Racekiela species described so far is also included. This paper increases the number of species of freshwater sponges in Mexico, and confirmed that Racekiela is a monophyletic genus with morphological characters very well defined.


http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:A512359D-E428-4D04-B08A-E189E3F6F962  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1729-1741
We describe the spatial pattern of variation in body size and sexual size dimorphism in the giant spiny frog, Paa spinosa (David, 1875). The study also aims to identify potential factors responsible for geographic morphological variation in the frog. The results indicate that primary production, which positively correlates with precipitation and summer temperature in China, had an important effect on body size of P. spinosa, whereas Bergmann's rule was more efficient to explain the influence of average minimum temperature in January. The species was sexually dimorphic for body size and body shape: the body size, jaw length and forelimb length of males were significantly larger than those of females. Furthermore, the degree of sexual size dimorphism varied geographically, but the relationship between the geographic variation of sexual size dimorphism and the climate was complex. Specifically, absolute sexual size dimorphism was positively correlated with the increased ambient temperature and decreased precipitation.  相似文献   

We studied nest success, burrow longevity, and rates of burrow reuse for a migratory population of Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia ) in north central Oregon from 1995 to 1997. Nest success varied annually from 50% to 67%. Principal causes of nest failure were desertion (26%) and depredation by badgers ( Taxidea taxus ; 13%). Reuse of available nest and satellite burrows in subsequent years was 87% in 1996 and 57% in 1997. Reuse was highest at burrows in sandy soils, which may indicate that nest-site availability is a limiting factor in sandier soil types. Trampling by livestock resulted in the loss of 24% of all burrows between one season and the next, and natural erosion resulted in closure of 17%. Both causes of burrow failure occurred more frequently in soils with a sand component due to their friable nature. We recommend that habitat used by livestock be evaluated for use by Burrowing Owls, that occupied areas be managed to minimize destruction of burrows by livestock, and that predator-control efforts be revised to exclude mortality of badgers.  相似文献   

The Plumbeous Vireo ( Vireo plumbeus ) is a poorly studied songbird species that breeds within the interior western United States and Mexico. We studied the breeding behavior of Plumbeous Vireos within pinyon-juniper habitats in northeastern New Mexico in 1996 and 1997. Over both years we located and monitored 40 nests and conducted behavioral observations throughout the nesting cycle. From these observations we described and compared basic behavioral traits of male and female vireos during their nest-building, egg-laying, incubation, and nestling stages, and their response to potential predators near the nest. Male vireos displayed potential nest sites to females, but the females selected the site to be used and built most of the nest. Vireos often did not initiate egg-laying until 2-3 d after nest completion. The female tended to incubate eggs and brood nestlings more than the male, but both parents contributed equally in provisioning the young. Brown-headed Cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) parasitized 77% of nests in 1996, 63% in 1997, and parasitism was the primary cause of nest failure in this population. The conspicuousness of vireos around the nest, particularly during the nest-building stage, may contribute to high parasitism levels. Vireo aggression near the nest may also act as a cue to help cowbirds locate nests.  相似文献   

We examined winter nutritional quality of current-year bud and stem tissues from burned and unburned stands of Gambel oak ( Quercus gambelii Nutt.). Nutritional analyses were based on the amount of forage consumed by wintering mule deer. Deer use along the Utah Valley foothills averaged 6.25-10.7 cm of current-year growth. Of the tissues examined, post-fire bud tissue had the highest nutrient content, with a mean of 9.51% crude protein, 0.19% phosphorus, and 34.0% in vitro digestibility. Composite values (bud + stem) for unburned stands were slightly higher in crude protein and phosphorus and lower in digestibility than those reported in previous studies. Nutrient values from burned stands were significantly higher than those of unburned stands for all three measures. Tannin content of the burned-area regrowth was also higher. Overall forage value of Gambel oak to wintering mule deer is relatively low.  相似文献   

Measurements taken at three-year intervals between 1977 and 1985 of channel morphology and vegetation cover between sections inside and outside a cattle exclosure showed that channels increased in depth and width on all plots. Tree canopy cover decreased significantly between 1977 and 1985, but changes in density of trees and shrubs and herbaceous cover were small. Exclusion of cattle use did not prevent channel erosion or deterioration of vegetation; rather, changes were attributed to a wildfire in the headwaters and subsequent storm events that temporarily upset the dynamic equilibrium of the stream.  相似文献   

Changing habitat structure in pinyon ( Pinus edulis )—one-seed juniper ( Juniperus monosperma ) stands by (1) pushing trees down with a bulldozer and leaving them in place, (2) pushing, then piling and burning slash, or (3)thinning to a spacing of 6. 1 m and leaving slash did not affect weights of individuals of nine rodent species. Previous studies have shown that habitat modifications influence kinds of species and numbers of individuals, but changes in total rodent biomass are a function of sizes of different species occupying different habitats, not changes in weights of individuals.  相似文献   

Two mature female longnose gar ( Lepisosteus osseus ) exhibiting severe hyperkyphotic spinal deformities were captured during the 2010 spring spawn at Lake Arrowhead, Clay County, Texas. Yet, despite their deformities and impaired motility, both longnose gar were in overall good condition. Hyperkyphosis in both longnose gar resulted from fused trunk vertebrae in the affected areas. Results of morphological examinations and computerized tomography (CT) scans showed no evidence of injury-induced responses and suggested a congenital or possibly environmentally induced aetiology for disruption of the normal vertebral segmentation process. Dos hembras adultas del pejelagarto narigudo ( Lepisosteus osseus ) con severas deformidades espinales hipercifóticas fueron capturadas durante la desovación primaveral del 2010 en Lake Arrowhead, condado de Clay, Texas. No obstante, a pesar de sus deformidades y limitada motilidad, ambos pejelagartos estaban en buenas condiciones generales. La hipercifosis en ambos pejelagartos narigudos resultó de la fusión de vértebras del tronco en las áreas afectadas. Las evaluaciones morfológicas y de tomografía computarizada (TC) no mostraron evidencia de respuestas inducidas por lesiones, y sugirieron una etiología congénita o posiblemente inducida por el ambiente para la interferencia del proceso normal de segmentación vertebral.  相似文献   

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