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Little is known about how avian relationships to tracts of native sod prairie compare with avian relationships to single and multiple species of cool- and warm-season grassland plantings. We compared grassland bird species richness and density in 5 grassland cover types ( n = 97) in the tallgrass prairie region of eastern South Dakota and western Minnesota, 2001–2004. Grassland bird species richness was significantly higher in native sod prairies than it was in all planted cover types except warm-season mixes. Grasslands dominated by exotic species did not support as many grassland bird species or have species densities as high as grasslands containing native species. Intermediate wheatgrass monotypes and cool-season mixes comprised of exotic species contained 40%–60% fewer grassland bird species than native sod prairie. Bobolink ( Dolichonyx oryzivorus ) density was 68% and 51% lower in intermediate wheatgrass monotypes and cool-season mixes, respectively, than it was in switchgrass monotypes. Clay-colored Sparrow ( Spizella pallida ) density was 75%–91% higher in native sod prairies than it was in any other cover type. Savannah Sparrow ( Passerculus sandwichensis ) density was 72% higher in native prairie than it was in grasslands dominated by exotic species. We recommend incorporating a diversity of native plant species into grassland plantings for biomass fuels or wildlife, rather than using monotypes or exotic species, to provide habitat for grassland birds. Although replacing croplands with planted grasslands would benefit grassland bird populations, we caution that replacing existing native sod tracts with planted grasslands would be detrimental to populations of several grassland bird species.  相似文献   

We examined crop contents of 217 Gray Partridge ( Perdix perdix ) collected during a two-year period in eastern South Dakota. Row crop grains (corn, sunflowers) dominated late fall, winter, and spring diets. Small grains (oats, barley, wheat, rye) were rarely consumed although fields of small grains were widely available. During a severe winter when waste row crop grains were buried by snow, partridge consumed more leafy vegetation. Insects dominated the early summer diet, while foxtail ( Setaria spp.) seeds were a major late summer and early fall food.  相似文献   

In 1983 zinc phosphide, strychnine with prebait, and strychnine without prebait were applied to black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) colonies in west central South Dakota. Short-term (four days later) and long-term (one year later) impacts of the rodenticides on Horned Larks ( Eremophila alpestris ) and other granivorous birds inhabiting prairie dog colonies were evaluated. Hrned Larks and 49 other bird species were observed. Immediate impacts reduced Horned Lark relative densities 66% with strychnine only and 55% with prebaited strychnine. Zinc phosphide caused no measurable reduction. Horned Larks showed no long-term direct impacts. Indirect negative impacts occurred through habitat changes following prairie dog control. The granivorous guild showed no short- or long-term effects.  相似文献   

Swift fox ( Vulpes velox ) were investigated in western South Dakota to determine food habits and denning site characteristics. Over a three-year period food habits consisted of mammals (49%), followed by insects (27%), plants (13%), and birds (6%). Dens were located near hilltops within two habitat types, shortgrass and midgrass rairie; each type is characterized by differing plant species. Soil type was not a selective factor for den sites of swift fox. Management considerations for enhancing swift fox populations are presented.  相似文献   

The role of breeding birds as indicators of sustainable management in olive groves was investigated. The data revealed significantly higher alpha diversity in organic and abandoned olive groves and maquis than in conventional ones. The highest beta diversity was found between the following pairs: organic olive groves–maquis, and abandoned olive groves–maquis. Breeding bird diversity, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera, Hemiptera and Coleoptera densities positively influenced bird species richness in organic olive groves and maquis, and additionally, manure application positively influenced bird species richness in organic ones. Bird species richness was negatively influenced by pesticide and inorganic fertilizer application in conventional ones. Moreover, isopod density was unimportant in explaining breeding bird richness in organic olive groves. Finally, our study suggests a difference in bird communities of various olive groves as a result of different management and practices, and concludes that birds might serve as indicators of overall olive grove health. Furthermore, these findings could be used as a tool for prediction of breeding bird species richness probability in different olive grove management systems and maquis. Finally, the results of the present study may contribute to highlighting some aspects of the effect of different farming practices on the dynamics of Mediterranean bird communities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-40):2511-2527
The extreme alpine environment around the mid‐Yalong Zangbo River on the Tibetan plateau supports a unique avifauna. To understand the structure and habitat selection of this poorly known bird assemblage, we quantified abundance of the birds in four representative types of vegetation and a human settlement inside a shrub‐covered alpine valley (29°27′N, 91°40′E, 4000–5200 m a.s.l.) in the Lhasa mountains, Tibet, from September 2004 to January 2005. A total of 40 species of birds was recorded, six of which were summer breeders, one vagrant autumn migrant, 29 permanent residents, and four local wintering migrants. Latitudinally migrating taxa were absent. Of the 33 wintering species, 70% were alpine specialists. Patterns of distribution of species and individuals differed across habitats. The highest bird species richness was found in Rose–Barberry shrub where vegetation was most complex, and fruiting and seeding plants abundant. From autumn to winter, birds tended to aggregate in the human settlement for foods supplemented by local Buddhists; as a consequence this habitat contained the highest individual density. In terms of trophic guilds, plant‐eating birds were predominant in composition (65.8–75.8%) and numerically abundant (89.8–96.7%) in all the habitats. We concluded that vegetation diversity and food supply significantly influence species composition and individual abundance of the alpine bird community. For long‐term survival of the unique bird assemblage, we argue for protection of the shrub vegetation as it is difficult to regenerate in the harsh high‐altitude conditions.  相似文献   

We examined relative abundances of grassland birds among Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields seeded with 2 monocultures of introduced grass species and 2 mixes of native grasses in the Southern High Plains of Texas. We assessed bird compositions among these 4 cover types and between the cover types pooled into categories of introduced and native fields. Breeding season bird diversity and total abundance did not differ among cover types or between introduced and native fields. Grasshopper Sparrows ( Ammodramus savannarum ), Cassin’s Sparrows ( Aimophila cassinii ), and Western Meadowlarks ( Sturnella neglecta ) accounted for more than 90% of breeding season detections. Grasshopper Sparrows were the most abundant and found in all cover types. Cassin’s Sparrows were 38% to 170% more abundant among the native seed mix without buffalograss ( Buchloë dactyloides ) compared to 3 other cover types. Although this association was statistically lost when cover types were pooled into introduced or native fields ( U = 93.5, P = 0.91), the species was still 50% more abundant among native CRP than introduced CRP fields. Meadowlarks occurred ubiquitously but at very low numbers during the breeding season. During winter, avian abundance was 44% greater among native CRP than introduced CRP fields. Meadowlarks, Horned Larks ( Eremophila alpestris ), and Savannah Sparrows ( Passerculus sandwichensis ) accounted for 94% of all winter detections. Meadowlarks occurred ubiquitously, but Horned Larks and Savannah Sparrows were 157% and 96% more abundant, respectively, among native CRP than introduced CRP fields. Our data suggest that monocultures of introduced grasses may benefit some bird species but also that native seed mixes may have a more positive influence through increased diversity and abundance of grassland birds. However, pooling cover types into the broader categories of introduced or native grasses may dampen or occlude biologically meaningful results. It may be prudent to avoid broad categorization of CRP fields based solely on native or introduced grass cover when assessing habitat associations of grassland birds.  相似文献   

Black-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) once occupied extensive areas throughout the Great Plains. In recent years massive control programs have been initiated to reduce prairie dog populations, primarily to benefit the livestock grazing industry. Currently in western South Dakota most prairie dogs are found on public lands. Control programs using toxicants for prairie dogs have been found to be economically unfeasible when not combined with reductions in livestock grazing. Control programs also have negatively impacted some nontarget species of birds and small mammals. Livestock grazing is directly related to prairie dog densities. Prairie dog and livestock grazing activities are responsible for keeping plant phenological development in a suppressed vegetative stage with higher nutritional qualities that attract greater herbivore use. Prairie dog colonies create and enhance habitat for many wildlife species; in western South Dakota 134 vertebrate wildlife species have been documented on prairie dog towns. Scientific evidence strongly suggests that prairie dogs are valuable components of the prairie ecosystem. They are responsible for maintaining, creating, and regulating habitat biodiversity through soil and vegetative manipulation for a host of vertebrate and invertebrate species dependent upon prairie dog activity for their survival.  相似文献   

Greater Sage-Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) have been declining in many states and provinces of North America, and North and South Dakota hold no exception to these declines. We studied effects of cultivated land on Greater Sage-Grouse lek abandonment in North and South Dakota. Landscape-level data were assessed using satellite imagery within a geographic information system. Comparisons were made of 1972-1976 and 1999-2000 percent cultivated and noncultivated land. These comparisons were made between land uses surrounding active leks versus inactive leks, active leks versus random locations, and abandoned regions versus active regions. The 1999-2000 imagery illustrated that percent cultivated land was greater near abandoned leks (4-km buffers) than near active leks in North Dakota or random sites, but this did not hold true in South Dakota. Comparison of an extensive region of abandoned leks with a region of active leks in North Dakota illustrated a similar increase as well as dispersion of cultivation within the abandoned region. However, 1972-1976 imagery revealed that this relationship between percentage of cultivated land and lek activity in North Dakota has been static over the last 30 years. Thus, if the decline of Greater Sage-Grouse is the result of cultivated land infringements, it occurred prior to 1972 in North Dakota.  相似文献   

Temporal stability of morphometric measurements is desirable when using avian morphology as a predictor of geographic origin. Therefore, to assess their temporal stability, we examined changes in morphology of Yellowheaded Blackbirds ( Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus ) from central North Dakota during summer. Measurements differed among age classes and between sexes. As expected, due to growth and maturation, measurements on hatching-year birds increased over summer. Measurements of adult plumage fluctuated with prebasic molt and exhibited age-specific discontinuities. Body mass of adult birds increased over summer, whereas both culmen length and skull length decreased. Only body length and length of internal skeletal elements were temporally stable in adult Yellow-headed Blackbirds.  相似文献   

No published data exist on responses of grassland passerines and their habitat to combined grazing and burning treatments in northern mixed-grass prairie. At Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge (LNWR) in northwestern North Dakota, we monitored breeding bird occurrence, abundance, and habitat during successive annual grazing treatments (1998-2000) on 5 prescribe-burned, mixed-grass prairie management units (range = 50-534 ha, each burned 3-6 times in the previous 10-20 years). All breeding passerine species characteristic of upland, northern mixed-grass prairie were common (> 10% occurrence) during at least 1 of 3 years on burned and grazed units, except Chestnut-collared Longspur ( Calcarius ornatus ), which was uncommon. Vegetation was generally shorter and sparser than that found on 4 nearby units treated by fire only (1999; density, visual obstruction, and height, all P Molothrus ater ) occurred 2.4 times more frequently on burned and grazed units studied. Our data suggest that species diversity of breeding grassland passerines changes little during initial years of rotation grazing at moderate stocking rates in fire-managed, northern mixed-grass prairie at LNWR.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2301-2316

Despite the importance of diet in avian ecology, knowledge of bird diet in tropical regions, particularly South-East Asia, is limited. Assessing predator–prey relationships of how energy flows across ecosystems provides insight into niche segregation of sympatric species. We examined induced-regurgitation samples from 15 species of insectivorous birds – 12 babblers and three flycatcher-like species – from the Krau Wildlife Reserve, central Peninsular Malaysia. The main objective of this study was to compare and characterise the diet of similar trophically insectivorous birds so as to examine the occurrence of dietary overlap or segregation. The majority of identified prey items belong to the following arthropod taxa: Coleoptera (53%), Hymenoptera (19%), Blattodea (11%), and Araneae (11%). The diet of all bird species slightly overlapped (p = 0.070) but network analysis yielded a relatively low value (Ro = 0.53), indicating dietary divergence may have occurred among the studied bird species, possibly reflected by the variation in proportion of arthropod groups. A high proportion of Coleoptera and three other arthropod groups (i.e. Hymenoptera, Blattodea and Araneae) in the diet of studied birds could be related to their richness and abundance in aerial leaf-litter, the substrate preferred by most babblers. Dietary differences may further be explained by variations in bill shapes and sizes, likely corresponding to prey size. Unique foraging strategies (utilising different vertical strata, microhabitats, and attack manoeuvres) could also lead to dietary separation among sympatric species. Flycatcher-like species were expected to flycatch different prey items (families or lower taxa) versus the gleaning birds (most babblers). This study successfully discerned more details on the diets of insectivorous birds inhabiting Malaysian forests, providing a foundation for future studies on the ecology and biology of understorey birds.  相似文献   

Deciduous riparian ecosystems in the western United States provide habitat for a higher density of breeding birds than reported for any other avian habitat type and provide habitat for more breeding bird species than adjacent uplands. On the east slope of the Sierra Nevada, riparian ecosystems make up Molothrus ater )—an obligate brood parasite that forages on bare ground and feedlots but typically commutes to distinct shrubland or woodland habitats for breeding. We examined nest survival, brood parasitism, breeding phenology, and causes of nest failure for birds at North Lake and Rock Creek: 2 high-elevation (>2500 m) riparian breeding habitats adjacent to recreational development and within cowbird commuting distance to additional potential foraging sites. Nest survival tended to be higher for host species at Rock Creek than for those at North Lake, but parasitism rates were not significantly different between plots. Of 21 open-cup nesting species, 12 were parasitized. We found the highest rate of parasitism (92%) for Warbling Vireos ( Vireo gilvus ) at North Lake, and parasitism contributed to lower total nest survival there (14%). For nearly all species, parasitized nests were less successful and produced fewer young than nonparasitized nests. However, predation was the leading cause of complete nest failure across all species and contributed to the lowest total nest survival estimates for Western Wood-Pewees ( Contopus sordidulus, 11%) and Dusky Flycatchers ( Empidonax oberholseri, 15%) at North Lake and for Dark-eyed Juncos ( Junco hyemalis, 15%) at Rock Creek. Nest survival was relatively high for Western Wood-Pewees (41%) at Rock Creek and for Yellow Warblers ( Dendroica petechia, 47%) at North Lake. We noted whether the arrival of pack animals at pack-station corrals contributed to variation in cowbird numbers at corrals or in parasitism rates at the 2 sites. Cowbirds occupied corrals before and after pack-stock arrival, and most host clutches were completed prior to pack-stock arrival at nearby corrals, suggesting that the presence of pack animals did not directly affect cowbird host species.  相似文献   

The Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming are an insular mountain range completely surrounded by the Great Plains. The stonefly (Plecoptera) fauna of the Black Hills was surveyed and zoogeographic affinities examined. Twenty-seven species representing 22 genera and 6 families were found. Fifteen new state records for South Dakota and 2 for Wyoming are presented. Two species are removed from the South Dakota list. An analysis of the North American distribution of each species showed a strong relationship between the Black Hills and the Rocky Mountains, with much weaker relationships between the Black Hills and eastern and northern regions. Results of a logistic regression analysis comparing factors contributing to long-distance dispersal ability against presence/absence in the Black Hills were inconclusive. However, other evidence suggests that the Black Hills fauna is a result of expansion and subsequent vicariance of stonefly populations during Pleistocene climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Stomach contents of 33 hunter and trapper killed badgers, Taxidea taxus, from northeastern South Dakota were examined during the 1980–81 fur season. Mammal prey species made up the bulk of the ingested food, followed by plant materials. Approximately 40 percent of stomach contents were mammals, 35 percent were of plant origin, 10 percent were birds, 10 percent were insects, while the remainder was mostly inorganic materials. Little significant difference was found in variety of food items consumed by each sex. South Dakota badgers are opportunistic foragers in the wintertime when food is scarce. Individual food items are usually taken in quantity when encountered by badgers.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1247-1258
The seed dispersal system formed by the fleshy-fruited shrub Viburnum tinus L. (Caprifoliaceae) and the bird Erithacus rubecula L. is known to occur in both the Mediterranean basin and the laurel forest of the Canary Islands. The latter is invaded by the ship rat Rattus rattus L. This situation allows (1) the comparison of oceanic island and mainland situations for the bird-plant interaction, and (2) quantification of the possible effects of an invading species on the plant, and thus on the whole seed dispersal system. Fruit removal by birds and rats was studied for V. tinus in a laurel forest of Tenerife during a fruiting season to assess patterns of disperser and predator's use of the plant. Fruits were persistent in time and spontaneous fruit loss rate was low. It was exploited by a reduced frugivorous community. Its fruits were dispersed almost exclusively by E. rubecula at extremely low rates, whereas R. rattus rapidly predated the bulk of the crops. Fruit removal by E. rubecula was influenced by vegetation structure and fruit crop size (higher removal rates from gaps or sparse and low canopy patches, and from larger fruit displays). Fruit predation by R. rattus was not related to microhabitat or individual plant traits. Fruit removal by R. rattus had no apparent influence on the pattern of bird frugivory. However, later in the fruiting season, heavy fruit depletion by rats restrained fruit availability for birds. The mainland (Mediterranean) V. tinus-E. rubecula dispersal system is strikingly different from this island counterpart in: (1) the virtual irrelevance of rodent seed predation, and (2) the comparatively high incidence of bird frugivory by the exclusive seed disperser, E. rubecula.  相似文献   

The Truckee River in California and Nevada is subject to diverse water regimes and a corresponding variety of flow rates. Original riparian vegetation has been altered by these variable flow rates and by a variety of human uses resulting in loss of native riparian vegetation from its historic extent. We conducted bird surveys along the Truckee River during spring 193 to (1) determine relationships between birds and the present vegetation; (2) determine the importance of different vegetation types to sensitive bird species that have declined recently in the western United States due to competition from exotic plant species, cowbird ( Molothrus ater ) parasitism, reduction in nesting habitat, or other unidentified reasons; and (3) establish a monitoring program and collect baseline data for future comparisons. The most frequently detected bird species throughout the study was the Brown-headed Cowbird. The greatest number of bird species (98 of 116) was found in the native mixed willow ( Salix spp.) riparian scrub vegetation type. We recommend protecting the remaining native riparian vegetation types for bird habitat along the Truckee River.  相似文献   

Densities of passerine breeding birds were compared between four range pastures variously grazed by sheep over a 50-year period. The experimental pastures, located at the Desert Experimental Range in southwestern Utah, included three grazed and one ungrazed. Grazed pastures were each heavily stocked and grazed annually at one of three winter seasons (early, middle, or late). Important structural (physiognomic) and compositional differences existed in the vegetation of the experimental pastures. Horned Larks ( Eremophila alpestris [Linnaeus]), numerically dominant in the pastures, apparently responded to those differences. Black-throated Sparrows ( Amphispiza bilineata [Cassin]) and Loggerhead Shrikes ( Lanius ludovicianus Linnaeus) were less common and found as breeding birds only in dry wash habitats. No significant differences were found between the pastures in estimates of total breeding bird populations, bird standing crop biomass, or bird species richness.  相似文献   

This paper describes features of the breeding bird population of a Great Basin ancient bristlecone pine stand on Wheeler Peak in White Pine County, east central Nevada. The bird population was determined by spot-mapping methods on a 20-ha plot during June and July 1981. The density of breeding birds was 82 pairs per 40 ha. Fourteen species were territorial. The most abundant species were the Dark-eyed Junco, Mountain Chickadee, Mountain Bluebird, and Townsend’s Solitaire. Other common breeding species included the Cassin’s Finch, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Pine Siskin, and Dusky Flycatcher. There were 410 individual breeding birds per km 2 . When expressed as standing crop biomass, the Townsend’s Solitaire was the predominant species, followed by the Dark-eyed Junco, American Robin, Mountain Bluebird, and Northern Flicker. Total standing crop biomass was 95 g/ha. None of the breeding birds were restricted to the bristlecone pine stand. The structure of the breeding bird community in the bristlecone pine forest compared best to those of the Rocky Mountain and Northern Boreal forest regions.  相似文献   

We examined relationships between high-elevation sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) steppe habitats altered by prescribed fire and western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis ) encroachment on breeding distributions of Brewer's Sparrows ( Spizella breweri ), Vesper Sparrows ( Pooecetes gramineus ), Green-tailed Towhees ( Pipilo chlorurus ), and Sage Thrashers ( Oreoscoptes montanus ) on Steens Mountain in southeastern Oregon. In 2000 we conducted fixed-radius point count surveys at 172 sites encompassing burned and unburned sagebrush habitat and a range of juniper densities. For each bird species we developed habitat models using local variables measured in the field and landscape variables derived from remotely sensed data. Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC c ) was used to select the best-approximating model from a suite of a priori candidate models. Brewer's Sparrows, Sage Thrashers, and Green-tailed Towhees were positively related to increasing local sagebrush cover or percent sagebrush in the landscape, whereas Vesper Sparrows were negatively associated with sagebrush cover and positively related to increases in sagebrush fragmentation at local and landscape scales. Including a measure of juniper encroachment substantially improved models for all species in the analysis. Green-tailed Towhees showed a curvilinear response to the amount of juniper in the landscape. All other species showed a strong negative relationship with juniper. Our results indicate that, although changes in sagebrush habitat associated with fire had a negative influence on sagebrush birds, juniper encroachment due to fire suppression also impacted this high-elevation sagebrush bird community.  相似文献   

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