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  Fertilized ova of razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus, were adhesive for 3 to 4 hours after fertilization. Cleavage was completed at 24 hours, gastrulation occurred at 34 hours, and blood circulation was established at 117 hours. Hatching occurred from 5.2 to 5.5 days after fertilization. Larvae were from 6.8 to 7.3 mm TL at hatching. Yolk was assimilated at 13 days (10 mm TL). All fins were formed and had ossified rays at 64 days (27 mm TL). The unique nuchal keel appeared about 200 days after fertilization.  相似文献   

Seventeen subadult, hatchery-reared razorback suckers ( Xyrauchen texanus ; (  ̄x = 456 mm total length) were implanted with sonic transmitters and tracked for 23 months in the lower 89.6 km of the San Juan River (San Juan arm of Lake Powell, Utah). Fish were released at 2 sites, and 9 made extensive up- and downstream movements (  ̄x = 47.8 km; contact was lost with 4, and 4 others presumably died or lost their transmitters). The San Juan arm is primarily inundated canyon; however, most fish contacts occurred in shallow coves and shoreline with thick stands of flooded salt cedar in the upper inflow area. Eight fish frequented the Piute Farms river/lake mixing zone, and at least 4 moved upstream into the San Juan River. Seven fish were found in 2 aggregations in spring (3 fish in Neskahi Bay in 1996 and 4 fish just downstream of Piute Farms in 1997), and these may have been associated with spawning activity. Continued presence of razorback suckers in the Piute Farms area and lower San Juan River suggests the San Juan inflow to Lake Powell could be used as an alternate stocking site for reintroduction efforts.  相似文献   

Twelve wild adult Colorado pikeminnow ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), captured in the tailwaters of Taylor Draw Dam on the White River, Colorado, were implanted with radio transmitters and their movement patterns monitored from 1992 to 1994. The spawning migration of these fish was extensive. In 1993, the only full year of the study, the fish migrated an average of 658 km from the White River to spawning sites in the Yampa or Green rivers and back to the White River. Eight of these fish were translocated in the river upstream of the dam in April 1993. These fish and the 4 others below the dam remained in the river until May 1993. All 12 had migrated down the White River to spawning sites in the Green and Yampa rivers by July 1993. The fish that were located above the dam successfully passed over the dam during their downstream migration. Seven fish migrated upstream toward the Yampa River Canyon spawning site and 5 migrated downstream toward the Green River Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. Five of 7 Yampa River fish were found at the spawning site. The other 2 were found 5-8 km downstream of the site. One of 5 Green River fish was found at the spawning site, the other 4 between 16 and 62 km upstream of the site. All fish migrated back to the White River by August 1993 and were found near the dam by October 1993. Two fish were recaptured and translocated above the dam in September 1993. Five fish were located below the dam and 2 above the dam in April 1994. By July 1994 seven of the same fish that had migrated toward the Yampa River in 1993 were found at the Yampa Canyon spawning site. At the same time, 3 of 5 fish that migrated toward the Green River in 1993 were found at the Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. This included 2 fish that had been found upstream of the site in 1993. The 12 fish traveled an average of 6 km d -1 (range: 4-10 km d -1 ) during the migration period from May through October 1993. Generally, fish moved faster to the spawning site than back from the site to the White River. These fish moved very little within their home ranges in the White River. Six fish tagged in 1992 moved only 0.1-2.3 km in the tailwater reach below Taylor Draw Dam from September 1992 through April 1993. All fish, after their spawning runs, had moved up to or near the dam by October 1993. These fish were not tracked again until April 1994. Their movement patterns in April 1994 were similar to those observed in April 1993. The greatest amount of fish movement in the White River was displayed by the 8 fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam in April 1993 and the 2 placed in Kenney Reservoir in September 1993. They moved 1.1-40.6 km in the river before and after their spawning migration in spring and autumn 1993. These spawning migrations suggest that adult Colorado pikeminnow in the White River were recruited from both Green and Yampa river spawning populations and were presumably imprinted to these respective spawning sites. Those fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam established home ranges in habitats previously occupied by Colorado pikeminnow before the dam was completed. They remained there until they migrated downstream during the spawning period. Although we did not study fish passage, our study demonstrates that adult Colorado pikeminnow will use habitat if access is provided. Translocation of wild adult fish into historic but unoccupied habitats may be a valuable recovery option.  相似文献   

Streambed surveys were conducted along the upper Colorado River, Colorado, to describe the distributions of Claassenia sabulosa larvae in relation to current speed and to determine their diets. We also addressed diel feeding periodicity by sampling during both day and night. Claassenia sabulosa was more abundant in riffle habitats than in runs. A positive relationship existed between C. sabulosa abundance and stream current, with larval size increasing with current speed. Chironomidae, Baetidae, and Simulidae collectively accounted for 93% of the prey found in stonefly guts; however, these categories were not consumed equally by all C. sabulosa . Smaller C. sabulosa primarily ate chironomids, and larger individuals consumed more baetids. Only a slight difference existed in the percentage of empty guts between night- and day-collected stoneflies, and ranges of prey per gut at night were higher than those in the day, suggesting that these stoneflies may forage more intensively at night.  相似文献   

We investigated ecology of flannelmouth sucker ( Catostomus latipinnis ) from 1992 to 1997 in the 26-km Lee's Ferry reach of the Colorado River immediately below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona. We captured by electrofishing a total of 212 fish and recaptured 52 previously tagged by others. Flannelmouth sucker were captured throughout the tailwater but tended to aggregate about 5 km of the dam, possibly reflecting blockage of historic migration routes. Catch per hour of electrofishing did not differ among years but was greater from November to February than other periods, suggesting seasonal movements of flannelmouth sucker into the tailwater: Mean lengths and weights of fish did not differ among years or seasons. Length frequency analyses also indicated there were no significantly yearly trends in proportion of catch within size classes of fish. Mean condition differed only among seasons and was greatest in February, lowest in August, coinciding respectively with pre- and post-spawning periods of flannelmouth sucker in tributary just down from Lee's Ferry. Recaptured fish migrated from initial tagging locations 1.4-23.1 km downstream from Lee's Ferry. Fifty-nine percent of recaptured fish with known initial tagging locations increased in length, and fish tagged initially as subadults or adults, respectively, grew an average of 45.9 mm and 5.5 mm per year.  相似文献   

Growth rates estimated using the scale annuli of flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis , did not differ between fish collected from the Gunnison and Colorado rivers, and the Green and Yampa rivers. However, body condition and fecundity were significantly greater in the former population. Age of first maturity for male and female fish from all rivers was IV; and most fish were mature by age VII. The smallest mature female collected was 405 mm, and the smallest mature male was 391 mm total length. Fecundity ranged from 4,000 ova in fish 450 mm long to 40,000 ova in a 500-mm fish: mean ovum diameter was 2.39 mm. Ripe male flannelmouth suckers were collected from early April through June; ripe females were collected from both study areas during May and early June.      相似文献   

Pelagic fish communities (waters with depths > 20 m) of Lakes Powell and Mead were examined quarterly from 1995 to1998 using vertical gill nets and a scientific echosounder. Nets captured a total of 449 fish consisting of striped bass (57%/45% [Lake Powell/Lake Mead]), threadfin shad (24%/50%), common carp (15%/4%), walleye (3%), channel catfish (2%), and rainbow trout ( -1 ). Reservoirs experienced dramatic seasonal and annual fluctuations in pelagic biomass. Lake Powell's biomass peaked at the Colorado River at 709.7 (± 46.5) kg · ha -1 and Lake Mead's reached 291.9 (± 58.2) kg · ha -1 at Las Vegas Wash. These locations supported estimated fish densities of 124,668 fish · ha -1 and 15,131 fish · ha -1 , respectively. Maximum reservoir biomass peaked in August 1996, with Lake Powell supporting 10,852,738 ± 5,195,556 kg (27.6 × 10 7 fish) and Lake Mead 1,926,697 ± 892.994 kg (10.8 × 10 7 fish). Biomass ebbed in May (1996 and 1997), when Lake Mead supported 65% (296,736 kg vs. 453,097 kg) and 62% (101,016 kg vs. 162,262 kg) of biomass levels found in Lake Powell.  相似文献   

Northern pike, Esox lucius , stocked in the Yampa River in 1977, invaded the mainstream Green River by 1981 and subsequently increased in range and abundance. The speed of this invasion is indicated by two recaptured pike that moved 78 and 110 km, respectively, downstream in about one year. Pike stomachs (n = 123) were usually empty (54.5%), but some contained fish (43%) and nonfish items (2.4%). Red shiner, Notropis lutrensis , and fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas , predominated among the 12 fish species eaten. Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum , presumably introduced to the Green River drainage in the 1960s, was widely distributed but low in abundance. Most of 61 adult walleye stomachs contained food (60.7%) ; of 6 fish species eaten, channel catfish, lctalurus punctatus , and fathead minnow were most frequently consumed. Northern pike and walleye were captured in habitats occupied by endangered Colorado River fishes, particularly Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius . Predation on endangered fishes was not detected, but northern pike and walleye consumed at least three other native fishes. The northern pike may pose a threat to endangered fishes due to its population expansion, piscivory, and resource sharing. Diets of northern pike and walleye species should be further evaluated if their abundance increases.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted during 1997 and 1998 documenting the distribution and abundance of Colorado River cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus ) in Escalante River tributaries. This documented occurrence of native trout in the Escalante River drainage of southern Utah represents an expansion of the known historic range of this subspecies as reported before the 1990s. We found 5 populations of native trout ranging in biomass from 3.0 to 104.2 kg ha -1 and occupying 13.2 km of stream of 130 km of estimated historic habitat. Current distribution and abundance of Colorado River cutthroat trout were compared to early introductions of nonnative trout stocked for sport fishing purposes. Native cutthroat trout have been displaced by nonnative cutthroat trout ( O. c. bouveri ), rainbow trout ( O. mykiss ), brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ), and brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) except where they were isolated by physical or biological barriers. Displacement may have been more extensive except for the remoteness of the drainage and relatively recent introductions of nonnative trout. These conditions limited the overall amount of the drainage stocked, numbers of nonnative trout stocked, and time over which stocking occurred. Discoveries of native trout populations within the Escalante River drainage have allowed expanded conservation of this subspecies by adding new populations to what was known to exist and by increasing the known natural range of this fish.  相似文献   

We describe the chironomid midge fauna of the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead, Arizona. This depauperate fauna, consisting of 38 species, is dominated by euryecious Nearctic or Holarctic orthocladine taxa. In addition, a small Neotropical faunal component is represented by Polypedilum obelos Sublette & Sasa and Rheotanytarsus hamatus Sublette & Sasa. The following new synonyms are given: Protenthes riparius Malloch 1915 with Tanypus bellus Loew 1866 [= Procladius (Psilotanypus) bellus (Loew)]; Cricotopus olivetus Boesel 1983 with Cricotopus (Circotopus) annulator (Goetghebuer) 1927; Cricotopus edurus Sublette & Sublette 1971 with Orthocladius infuscatus Malloch 1915 [= Cricotopus (Cricotopus) infuscatus (Malloch)]. The following new species are described: Cricotopus (Cricotopus) blinni Sublette, Cricotopus (Cricotopus) hermanni Sublette, Metriocnemus stevensi Sublette, and Cladotanytarsus marki Sublette. We discuss the distribution and ecology of each chironomid species in this large, regulated, aridlands river.  相似文献   

Gizzard shad ( Dorosoma cepedianum ) were introduced into the Colorado River Basin circa 1996 via an unintentional contaminated stocking. Gizzard shad were collected throughout much of the Upper Colorado River Basin in 2005, 2006, and 2007. These collections document a rapid range expansion of this introduced species and a threat to intact fisheries.  相似文献   

Size, structure, and habitat characteristics were studied in three populations of Braya humilis var. humilis (C. A. Meyer) Robins, in Gray & Wats. (Brassicaceae), a small, herbaceous perennial of the alpine tundra in central Colorado. There was a significant association between numbers of reproductive, juvenile, and seedling individuals and population location. Plant size within reproductive, juvenile, and seedling size classes varied significantly among three populations. Plots containing Braya had significantly lower total plant cover, a different set of dominant plant species, more rock, bare ground, and less litter than plots without Braya . Braya appears to be restricted to calcareous substrates that experience a moderate level of disturbance, such as solifluction lobes and abandoned roads. Populations are small despite the existence of much potential habitat. Population studies are necessary for active conservation management of Braya .  相似文献   

Examination of gastrointestinal tracts of native cyprinids from the Little Colorado River (LCR) in Grand Canyon, Arizona, 1990-1994, revealed varying rates of prevalence and infrapopulation levels of Asian tapeworm ( Bothriocephalus acheilognathi ). Mean prevalence was 28% (range 0-78%) in humpback chub ( Gila cypha ) and 8% (range 0-46%) in speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ), with infrapopulations as high as 46 and 28, respectively. We also note Asian tapeworm infection of nonnatives common carp ( Cyprinus carpio ), fathead minnow ( Pimephales promelas ), and plains killifish ( Fundulus zebrinus ) from the LCR. Reported pathogenic and chronic effects of this cestode to its definitive hosts add concern for the status of the Grand Canyon population of the federally endangered humpback chub. The rapidity which Asian tapeworm has spread to different drainages of the Colorado River Basin likely portends an eventual cosmopolitan basin distribution in lower elevations suitable to the parasite's thermophilic life history. Such biotic changes must be considered among the most serious threats to conservation and recovery of native fish populations.  相似文献   

Abundance of rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) in relation to characteristics of pockets created by boulders was studied in Fall River, southeastern Idaho. To determine depth and surface area of pockets most selected by rainbow trout, fish were counted by snorkeling, and pocket physical dimensions were measured. An electivity index defined habitat selection in the following terms: the most suitable habitat was ≥0.7 m maximum depth, ≥0.5 m minimum depth, and ≥3 in 2 surface area. Some study reaches of Fall River had more suitable pockets available for trout than were being utilized.  相似文献   

Mining in the Upper Arkansas catchment has polluted the river with heavy metals for 140 yr. Pupal and adult chironomid species distribution and sedimentary metal concentrations are provided for 22 stations along 259 km of main river during 1984-85. Complete species identification was achieved only recently. This has produced an unprecedented record of chironomid species distribution for a comparable length of river in the USA. Chemically or physically perturbed sites had poor species richness compared with the next site downstream, suggesting that larvae may drift through unfavorable habitats to benign ones. Using canonical correspondence analysis, we found species composition to be most strongly related to variables expressing the longitudinal axis of the river (distance/altitude, temperature, latitude), while toxicity to zinc was a significant secondary correlate. These river-related environmental variables accounted for a greater proportion of pupal species variation than for adults. This was considered to result from a proportion of adults emerging from habitats beyond the main river. Multivariate analysis identified metal-tolerant and -intolerant species. Generic data revealed the same major trends but indicator taxa were lost. The study provides a disturbed-state reference for monitoring effects of remedial actions begun in 1991, and for comparisons with other Colorado rivers.  相似文献   

We compared diet of young-of-year Colorado squawfish ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), an endangered cyprinid, with diets of other fish Rhinichthys osculus, Catostomus discobolus, and C. latipinnts , and nonnative Cyprinella lutrensis, Notropis stramineus, Pimephales promelas, Ictalurus punctatus, and Lepomis cyanellus. For each species, diet varied with size and between upper and lower river reaches but not between seasons for fish of similar size. Larval chironomids and ccratopogonids were principal foods of most fishes. Copepods and cladocerans were important in diets of P. lucius L. cyanellus Catostomus discobolus was the only species that ate moderate amounts of algae. Fish (all larvae) were in digestive tracts of only 10 P. lucius (21-73 mm TL), about 1% of P. lucius analyzed. High diet overlap occurred between some size-reach groups of P. lucius and C. lutrensis, R. osculus, C. latipinnis, I. punctatus, and L. cyanellus . Potential for food competition between young-of-year P. lucius and other fishes in backwaters appeared greatest with the very abundant C. lutrensis .  相似文献   

Biogeographic, flow regulation (water clarity and temperature), and temporal influences affect the composition of the chironomid midge assemblage in the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead. This assemblage is dominated by euryecious Nearctic and Holarctic orthocladine taxa (23 of 38 total species, total weighted relative abundance [WRA] = 0.972) and includes a minor Neotropical component. Chironomid species richness increases over distance downstream from the dam, and dominance shifts across 3 turbidity segments. Eleven species occur in the cold-stenothermic Clearwater (CW) segment between the dam and the 1st perennial tributary (the Paria River, 26 km from the dam). Chironomid diversity increases from 18 to 24 species in the variably turbid (VT) and usually turbid (UT) segments downstream, respectively. Total Cricotopus spp. WRA is negatively correlated with distance (turbidity), white total Chironominae WRA shows the opposite pattern. In contrast to chironomid diversity, species density decreases from 0.42 species/km in the CW segment to 0.19 and 0.08 species/km in the VT and UT segments, respectively. Seasonal dominance shifts slightly from orthocladine Eukiefferiella spp. in winter (WRA = 0.101) to Cricotopus spp. (WRA = 0.165) in summer. Total WRA is lowest in spring (0.191). The assemblage is depauperate compared with other western rivers and has changed over post-dam time.  相似文献   

We described 15 Ruffed Grouse ( Bonasa umbellus ) drumming logs and adjacent habitat within Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Drumming logs and adjacent habitat differed from 30 random non-drumming sites. Drumming logs had fewer limbs (8; P = 0.003) and a smaller percentage of bark remaining (12%; P = 0.0001). These logs were in advanced stages of decay but were still firm to the touch. Additionally, drumming logs were found close to clearings but in areas with increased amounts of undergrowth and mature trees. Adjacent habitat analysis (0.04-ha circular plot centered on logs) indicated drumming locations had significantly greater average canopy height, more vegetative cover consisting of conifer and total canopy cover, and more vertical foliage between 0.3 m and 3.0 m in height. Adjacent habitat was in advanced stages of maturity as indicated by significant numbers of both large-diameter logs and largediameter lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta ) and quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides ) snags. Tree species dominating the canopy and subcanopy were large-diameter Engelmann spruce ( Picea engelmannii ), lodgepole pine, and quaking aspen. Subalpine fir ( Abies lasiocarpa ) and quaking aspen saplings were more numerous at used sites. Ruffed Grouse drummed in coniferous areas within close proximity of quaking aspen.  相似文献   

The pudu (Pudu puda) is a small, endemic deer, and the only native ungulate found in Chilean and Argentinean temperate forests. Its ecology, including its double role as an herbivore and as a prey, is poorly known. Therefore, it is pressing to gain a better understanding of the pudu given that its habitat is being transformed rapidly by anthropogenic causes. On a coastal mountain range in south-central Chile, we conducted a habitat use study and examined the activity patterns of the pudu using camera traps. The study area was a large native forest patch, surrounded by commercial plantations which would not constitute a habitat for this deer. Using a sampling effort of 7559 camera days, we found that this deer was largely nocturnal with little activity during daytime. The pudu selected Araucaria forests, and avoided Nothofagus forests. These behaviours suggest that the pudu traded off habitat use patterns and activity time to avoid predation, mainly by puma which is the top predator in the rich local community of carnivores occurring in the latter habitat.  相似文献   

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