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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2207-2218
The ultrastructure of the egg chorion surface in the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A single micropyle, which belonged to type II, was found at the animal pole of an M. anguillicaudatus egg. Several sinistral grooves which originated at the micropyle probably served for sperm guidance. The egg envelope had numerous pores with bud-like fillings and a regular arrangement like honeycomb. Lots of small knobs were situated on the zona radiata at the vegetal pole. Water contact triggered egg stickiness within about 10 seconds. The egg surface became smooth after treatment with trypsin solution. The features of the micropyle, pores and stickiness were correlated with the reproductive strategy of the loach and are important for egg identification.  相似文献   

The embryonic development and reproductive strategy of Pseudorchestoidea brasiliensis, a talitrid amphipod of the supra- and midlittoral zones, were investigated by combining collections from June 1993 to May 1995 at Prainha, Rio de Janeiro (23°05′S and 43°25′W). The initial stage of embryonic development (I) was most frequent and was seen in about 70% of ovigerous females. Mean embryo volume in the final stage of development was almost twice that in the initial stage. Brood mortality between embryonic Stages I and IV was estimated at 11.42%. Multivoltism, continuous reproduction, low brood mortality (may be caused by better parental care with offspring) and the larger number of females than males in the population were indicated as compensating factors for the low fecundity observed in P. brasiliensis.  相似文献   

In this study I describe the distribution and habitat associations of yellow-bellied marmots ( Marmota flaviventris ) in the Great Basin, compare my findings with those of E.R. Hall during his 1929-1936 survey and later surveys, and discuss potential reasons for changes in marmot distribution over time. I found 62 marmot burrow sites in 18 mountain ranges, mostly in rocky meadows situated on well-drained slopes between 2100 m and 3000 m elevation. Marmots were generally found near burrows dug within talus slopes, talus-like rock piles, or clusters of massive boulders. Oceanspray ( Holodiscus discolor ) was the shrub most commonly associated with occupied rock formations. Marmots were most abundant in the Ruby/East Humboldt Range and were common in the Desatoya, Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, Cherry Creek, Schell Creek, Deep Creek, and Stansbury Ranges. Marmots appeared to be uncommon in the Monitor Range and rare in the Clan Alpine, Roberts, and Snake Ranges. I was unable to find marmots in the Diamond, Egan, Spruce-Pequop, White Pine, and Oquirrh Ranges, although I located old, weathered marmot scats in all but the latter 2 ranges. Other evidence confirms that marmots do actually occur in the Oquirrh Range, but extensive searches of the White Pine Range, including some of the same rock formations where E.R. Hall collected marmots, revealed no sign of marmots. My distribution data suggest that marmots may have gone extinct in some Great Basin mountain ranges during the last century. These disappearances may represent a natural extinction-recolonization dynamic, but a more alarming possibility is a recent die-off linked to climate change, which is predicted to force montane vegetation zones further upslope, shrinking the habitat of associated faunas. However, marmots in this study were observed as low as 1550 m elevation, indicating an altitudinal flexibility that may allow this species to survive climatic change better than more specialized boreal species such as pikas ( Ochotona princeps ) and water shrews ( Sorex palustris ).  相似文献   

Zigadenus paniculatus is a toxic plant common on sagebrush foothills at middle elevations in the western United States. Plants produce several racemes from a single stalk. Flowering commences at the base of each raceme and proceeds upwards. The terminal raceme begins blooming first and is followed by lower racemes in sequential order. Flowers are markedly protandrous and incapable of autogamy. Observations do not support the idea that apomixis is a viable reproductive strategy. Plants are mostly self-incompatible; a few seeds were produced from geitonogamous hand pollinations. The pollen/ovule ratio was high, also suggesting outcrossing as the predominant mode of sexual reproduction. A self-incompatibility mechanism may have evolved because the movements of syrphid flies on the inflorescence render protandry alone insufficient to prevent some selfing. The probable presence of toxic substances in the pollen and nectar appears to have reduced the number of potential pollinator species but increased the flower constancy of those species capable of utilizing the floral rewards.  相似文献   

No published data exist on responses of grassland passerines and their habitat to combined grazing and burning treatments in northern mixed-grass prairie. At Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge (LNWR) in northwestern North Dakota, we monitored breeding bird occurrence, abundance, and habitat during successive annual grazing treatments (1998-2000) on 5 prescribe-burned, mixed-grass prairie management units (range = 50-534 ha, each burned 3-6 times in the previous 10-20 years). All breeding passerine species characteristic of upland, northern mixed-grass prairie were common (> 10% occurrence) during at least 1 of 3 years on burned and grazed units, except Chestnut-collared Longspur ( Calcarius ornatus ), which was uncommon. Vegetation was generally shorter and sparser than that found on 4 nearby units treated by fire only (1999; density, visual obstruction, and height, all P Molothrus ater ) occurred 2.4 times more frequently on burned and grazed units studied. Our data suggest that species diversity of breeding grassland passerines changes little during initial years of rotation grazing at moderate stocking rates in fire-managed, northern mixed-grass prairie at LNWR.  相似文献   

Protection of endangered desert plant species is frequently complicated by a lack of information about seeds, the most stress-resistant and populous life stage. We studied the relative locations of seeds and plants of a rare endangered herbaceous perennial, the Las Vegas bearpoppy ( Arctomecon californica ) in seven 1-ha sites randomly located within a 100-ha study area that was slated for development in Las Vegas, Nevada. We also measured the physical and biological attributes of the environment supporting the seeds and plants, including soil hardness, rock cover, cryptogamic crust cover, and associated vegetation. Arctomecon californica seed density was 0.651 seeds · m –2 , and seeds were found throughout the top 4 cm of soil. Seed viability among sites ranged from 26% to 79%; however, no significant changes between depths were detected. The spatial distribution of the seed bank coincided with the current A. californica adult distribution only in sites with both a high plant density and high numbers of seeds. Arctomecon californica adults occupied open areas within the gypsum environment that supported significantly less vegetative cover than the surrounding area. We observed a positive association between A. californica adults and shadscale ( Atriplex confertifolia ) and a negative association with 7 other plant species among sites. Sites with an indurated abiotic crust hosted higher numbers of A. californica adults than sites with softer soils. However, rock cover, cryptogamic crust cover, and soil hardness were poor explanatory factors for characterizing A. californica presence. We suggest that land managers should incorporate seed bank census into monitoring programs due to the extreme year-to-year fluctuations in A. californica plant population densities. A menudo la protección de especies de plantas desérticas en peligro de extinción se ve complicada por la falta de información sobre las semillas, la etapa de vida más abundante y resistente al estrés. Estudiamos la ubicación relativa de semillas y plantas de “Las Vegas bearpoppy” ( Arctomecon californica ), una planta perenne en peligro de extinción, en 7 sitios de 1 ha. localizados al azar dentro de un área de estudio de 100 ha que estaba destinada a la urbanización en Las Vegas, Nevada (E.U.A.). También medimos los atributos físicos y biológicos del ambiente que sostiene las semillas y plantas, tales como dureza del suelo, rocosidad, cobertura de costra cryptógama y vegetación asociada. La densidad de semillas de A. californica fue 0.651 semillas · m –2 y se observó en los 4 cm superiores del suelo. La viabilidad de las semillas varió del 26% al 79% entre los sitios; sin embargo, no detectamos cambios significativos entre profundidades. La distribución espacial del banco de semillas coincidió con la distribución actual de adultos de A. californica, sólo en sitios que tuvieron una alta densidad de plantas y altos números de semillas. Los adultos de A. californica ocuparon áreas abiertas dentro del ambiente de yeso que sostenía significativamente menos cobertura vegetal que las áreas circunvecinas. Observamos una asociación positiva entre los adultos de A. californica y el chamizo ( Atriplex confertifolia ) y una asociación negativa con siete otras especies de plantas entre sitios. Los sitios con una costra abiótica endurecida albergaron más adultos de A. californica que los sitios con suelos más blandos. No obstante, la cubierta rocosa, la costra cryptógama y la dureza del suelo fueron inadecuadas como factores para caracterizar la presencia de A. californica. Sugerimos que los manejadores de tierras deben incorporar censos de bancos de semillas en los programas de monitoreo, debido a las fluctuaciones extremas de un año a otro en la densidad poblacional de A. californica. Normal 0 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";}  相似文献   

Ferrissia californica (Rowell, 1863), an aquatic pulmonate [formerly widely known as Ferrisia fragilis (Tryon, 1863), is reported herein to have established a population in the Tskhal-Tsiteli, or Iazoni, Cave (Caucasus, Georgia), within the invasive range of this species. This is the first record of a sustained population of an invasive freshwater pulmonate in an underground environment. Possible consequences of this invasion are briefly discussed. It is possible that this alien snail may threaten the native snail species Motsametia borutzkii (Zhadin, 1932), which is endemic to Tskhal-Tsiteli Cave.  相似文献   

Little is known about stopover habitat use by neotropical migratory birds in the deserts of North America. We determined distribution, abundance, and habitat associations of neotropical migrants during spring migration in the Sonoran Desert of southwestern Arizona along large washes that supported xeroriparian scrub vegetation. We detected 91 bird species during surveys, 50 (52%) of which were passage neotropical migrants. Although xeroriparian scrub covered less than 55% of the area surveyed, 97% of all detections of passage migrants were from this vegetation type. By calculating habitat breadth for each species, we classified 87% of passage migrants as xeroriparian specialists. Richness of passage migrants was strongly associated with the presence of overstory (> 2.5 m) mesquite and paloverde. The highest species richness of breeding neotropical migrants was associated with width of the xeroriparian corridor. Habitat characteristics we have shown to be important to neotropical migrants can be preserved and managed by protecting xeroriparian areas, particularly those supporting mature (> 2.5 m) paloverde, mesquite, desert willow, and catclaw acacia trees. Additionally, xeroriparian scrub within the creosote-bursage vegetation type may be particularly important to passage neotropical migrants.  相似文献   

Swift fox ( Vulpes velox ) were investigated in western South Dakota to determine food habits and denning site characteristics. Over a three-year period food habits consisted of mammals (49%), followed by insects (27%), plants (13%), and birds (6%). Dens were located near hilltops within two habitat types, shortgrass and midgrass rairie; each type is characterized by differing plant species. Soil type was not a selective factor for den sites of swift fox. Management considerations for enhancing swift fox populations are presented.  相似文献   

Peromyscus eva and Peromyscus fraterculus are 2 morphologically similar species of the Peromyscus eremicus group occurring on the Baja California Peninsula. Due to the similarity between these 2 species, their ranges have been greatly confused; consequently, the specific habitat characteristics for each group are not well known. The goal of this study was to assess distribution ranges and characteristics of preferred habitats for P. eva and P. fraterculus in more detail. We identified taxonomy of individuals by evaluating genetic patterns produced by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). We evaluated the banding pattern generated by Alu I and Bam HI restriction enzymes in an 850-bp cytochrome b fragment. Consistent differences in number and size of fragments allowed for discrimination of individuals to species. The heterogeneity and evenness indexes showed that the microhabitat of P. fraterculus contained less-diverse soil types and is more homogeneous than the microhabitat of P. eva. In the state of Baja California Sur, P. eva occurs exclusively in the flat areas along the Pacific coast from the Vizcaino Desert to the south, including Margarita Island, with one small population in the Loreto area adjacent to Carmen Island. The habitats occupied by P. eva were heterogeneous (areas with friable, soft sandy soil and a low percentage of small stones). Peromyscus fraterculus occurs mostly in Baja California Norte, with some populations distributed in Baja California Sur, particularly in the western areas of the Vizcaino Desert along the mountain range, in the gulf side of the peninsula south of the city of La Paz, and in a small area on the eastern side of Sierra de Las Cruces. This species was mostly found on hard soil with high medium-size stone content.  相似文献   

This paper addresses how habitat manipulations in a black sagebrush ( Artemisia nova ) -dominated area, John's Valley of southern Utah, affected resident desert rodent populations. Rodents studied included the deer mouse ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), Great Basin pocket mouse ( Perognathus parvus ), sagebrush vole ( Lagurus curtatus ), Ord's kangaroo rat ( Dipodomys ordii ), and least chipmunk ( Eutamias minimus ). The experimental design involved analyses of treatment and control (nontreatment) plots rather than pre- and posttreatment of all plots. Habitat manipulations emphasized cutting of shrubs (rotobeating), treatment of plants with a herbicide (2,4-D), and reseeding with a mixture of grasses, forbs, and shrubs. Posttreatment trapping indicated the deer mouse was the most abundant rodent in treatment and control plots. Data indicate the prescribed habitat treatments had no significant negative affects on the deer mouse demes on the control or treatment plots. Habitat treatments may have negatively impacted recruitment in pocket mice. Least chipmunks were not captured in plots treated by rotobeating. Our habitat manipulations may have contributed to interspecific competition in this rodent community through the reduction of both food and cover.  相似文献   

We studied the activity and breeding pattern of dominant lizard species in the Arid Chaco, the southernmost subregion of the Chaco ecoregion (Chancaní Reserve, Córdoba province, Argentina). Lizards were captured with pitfall traps over a 4-year period. In total, 1449 individuals belonging to 11 of the 12 lizard species recorded in the area were trapped. Of these, we selected six species for a detailed analysis: Teius teyou and Stenocercus doellojuradoi accounted for 63% of the captures, Tropidurus etheridgei, Liolaemus chacoensis and Homonota fasciata accounted for 32%, and 5% comprised Leiosaurus paronae and the remaining five species. All the studied species were active during the warm–rainy season (September to March). Monthly lizard captures were highly correlated with monthly mean temperature and rainfall. No captures occurred during the remaining months of the year. All reproductive tactics known for the Chaco lizards were observed in Chancaní, including single clutch in a short breeding season in summer or autumn, as well as an extended breeding season with multiple clutches. Stenocercus doellojuradoi and L. paronae showed a singular reproductive timing, suggesting the occurrence of egg retention. Compared with sub-tropical Chaco sites, the Arid Chaco only differs in the lack of winter activity, resulting from the lower temperature and rainfall regime of our study site.  相似文献   

Within the Craters of the Moon Lava Flow in southeastern Idaho are kipukas, islands of sagebrush habitat isolated by relatively barren lava. In 1979 I counted the number of species of plants, small mammals, and reptiles for a series of kipukas. The degree of isolation of a kipuka was not related to numbers of species found there; thus, these data do not support the equilibrium theory of island biogeography. For most of the study organisms lava is not a significant barrier to dispersal. Larger kipukas support larger numbers of species. For plants this relationship likely is a result of the increased topographic variety of larger kipukas, whereas for small mammal species minimum area requirements for maintaining populations are met only by larger kipukas. More distant kipukas showed increased density of small mammals possibly as a result of reduced predation. Patterns of distribution in this ecosystem are best explained, not by any all-inclusive community mechanism, but through the agglomerative contributions of a variety of population and community functions.  相似文献   

Bushy-tailed woodrats ( Neotoma cinera ) collect vegetation and store it in middens. We asked to what extent plant species collected by woodrats reflect the array of species growing in the habitat. Species composition of plant clippings at 20 bushy-tailed woodrat middens in central Colorado were compared to vegetation growing within 30 m of the dens. Amount of overlap between midden and habitat species was low (28-49%) when all taxa were included; however, if only woody taxa were considered, overlap was 71-89%. Sorensen's Index of Similarity exhibited a like pattern; the index increased markedly if only woody taxa were included. Only one plant species not found within 30 m of a den occurred in significant amounts of the middens. Bushy-tailed woodrats collected a wide array of species but were more selective the greater the habitat plant diversity. Results of this and other studies indicate the concordance between midden contents and habitat vegetation decreases with increasing habitat plant diversity. Ancient woodrat middens are nonetheless useful to paleontologists seeking to reconstruct past vegetation associations in woody vegetation is well represented in middens.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2605-2625
We studied the ecology of Cnemidophorus lacertoides at a restinga habitat in southern Brazil. Peak activity occurred between 12.00 and 15.00. The mean body temperature of active lizards (35.0 ± 2.9°C) was relatively low compared with other whiptails and was significantly influenced by environmental temperatures. Mean snout–vent length and mean body mass of individuals were 56.5 mm and 4.4 g, respectively. Male and female C. lacertoides were not significantly different in body size. Cnemidophorus lacertoides consumed 12 types of prey, with ants and spiders being the most important items. Unexpectedly, lizards did not consume termites, which tend to be very important items in the diets of most whiptails. We conclude that the population of Cnemidophorus lacertoides we studied deviates from the typical whiptail ecology because many of its ecological features differ from those of most other cnemidophorines of similar size.  相似文献   

Small mammal populations inhabiting radioactive waste disposal areas could be important vectors of contaminant redistribution, given sufficiently high numbers. Earlier studies conducted at the Subsurface Disposal Area (SDA) in southeastern Idaho found small mammal densities equaling or exceeding densities in native habitat. Our live-trapping study was conducted in 1988 and 1989 to assess the role of edge habitat (where SDA crested wheatgrass [ Agropyron cristatum ] plantings and native sagebrush habitat are separated by an earthen dike) in facilitating use of this highly modified site by small mammals. Small mammals had a significantly greater density in SDA edge habitat than in the interior. Total density of small mammals and immediately around the SDA appeared to be less variable over time than density in native sagebrush habitat for years when data were available. This phenomenon was largely attributable to steady or increasing SDA population densities of the most common species, Peromyscus maniculatus and Perognathus parvus , during 1988-89, when most small mammal species had below-average densities in surrounding areas. The variety of foraging options in edge habitat may have allowed these relatively opportunistic species to avoid widespread population declines associated with drought years in 1988-89. Movements by P. manicualtus across the boundary were common, suggesting that this species did indeed utilize both habitat types. Preferences for edge habitat could potentially be used to formulate strategies that reduce use of waste site by small mammals.  相似文献   

The herbaceous understory stratum contains most of the plant diversity in ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa P. & C. Lawson var. scopulorum Engelm.) forests of the American Southwest and provides critical food and habitat for many wildlife species. During the last century, this stratum has been affected by livestock grazing and by increased dominance of overstory trees. We sampled a unique grazing exclosure to examine the relative importance of long-term livestock grazing (grazed or ungrazed) and habitat (park or tree) on the understory community. We sampled 3 plots of 192 contiguous quadrats (each quadrat 0.5 m 2 ) in each of the 4 treatment combinations, for a total of 2304 quadrats. Species-area curves were generated by aggregating quadrats into nonoverlapping areas at grain sizes of 0.5 to 576 m 2 . The effects of habitat and grazing on species density were evident at very different scales. Species density was higher in park than tree plots at scales ≤32 m 2 but did not differ between habitats at larger scales. Species density differed minimally between grazed and ungrazed treatments at small grains, but grazed plots contained more species than ungrazed plots at larger grains. Grazing treatments differed at smaller grains (to 4–8 m 2 ) than did habitats (to 32 m 2 ), with respect to density of native species and graminoids. Grazed plots had more exotic species than ungrazed plots at all grain sizes, though few exotics were present. Twenty-two species were identified as indicator species associated with habitats and/or grazing treatments. Evaluations of plant community response to treatments would be improved by accounting for the grain at which data have been collected and analyzed and by identifying indicator species associated with various treatments. These data would enable more-informed conservation and management decisions.  相似文献   

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