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The recent and future introduction of several ungulate species on Antelope Island necessitates knowledge of habitat use by each species. In this study habitat preferences reintroduced pronghorn ( Antilocapra americana ) on Antelope Island were evaluated during February-March 1993 and January-March 1994. Elevation, slope, physiography, aspect, and habitat type of sites used by pronghorn were compared to similar data collected from random points. During the severe winter of 1993, pronghorn preferred terrain that was 1281-1380 m in elevation and was relatively flat or at the base of a hill. Slopes greater than 30% were avoided. South-facing slopes were preferred; west-facing slopes were avoided. Pronghorn preferred sagebrush habitats and avoided grasslands. During the mild winter of 1994, pronghorn showed preferences for slightly higher elevations, avoided slopes greater than 30%, but used other habitat features in proportion to their availability. Future winter studies of pronghorn should include considerations of snowfall patterns and the availability, versus the abundance, of sagebrush.  相似文献   

Antipredatory defense of pronghorn ( Antilocapra americana ) neonates (≤1 month old) by adult females (>18 months old) is well documented throughout the geographic range of this species. However, reports of male pronghorn defending neonates against predators are limited to a single study in northwestern Wyoming where occurrences were documented of adult males assisting female pronghorn in defending neonates against coyotes ( Canis latrans ). To our knowledge, defense of neonatal pronghorn by yearling males (12–18 months old) has not been reported previously for this species. We report occurrences of antipredatory defense of neonatal pronghorn by yearling males in southwestern South Dakota. La defensa antidepredadora de los neonatos (≤30 días de edad) del berrendo ( Antilocapra americana ) por hembras adultas (>18 meses de edad) está bien documentada en toda la distribución geográfica de esta especie. Sin embargo, no se había reportado la defensa de neonatos contra depredadores por parte de berrendos machos con excepción de un solo estudio en el noroeste de Wyoming, donde documentaron algunos casos en los que machos adultos ayudaron a los berrendos hembras a defender los neonatos contra coyotes ( Canis latrans ). Hasta donde sabemos, la defensa de berrendos neonatales por machos de alrededor de un año de edad (de 12–18 meses de edad) no se había reportado previamente. Reportamos casos de defensa antidepredadora de berrendos neonatales por parte de machos de un año de edad en el suroeste de Dakota del Sur.  相似文献   

Ring-necked pheasant behavior and habitat preferences were studied during late February along benches of the Wasatch Mountains in central Utah. Seven behavioral categories were used to classify pheasant activities during three time periods of the day. Eating, alert, and movement behavior were the most frequent activities during all periods of the day. Significant differences (p < .01) were found between morning and midday behavior and between midday and evening behavior. Pheasants fed in open areas during morning hours then retreated into heavy cover during midday periods. The birds remained in heavy cover until late afternoon. Pheasants then moved away from heavy cover into semiopen areas to feed as evening approached.  相似文献   

This report establishes a baseline inventory of microorganisms in acidic hot springs of Yellowstone National Park (YNP). The analysis is based on observations carried out over the past 25 years using light microscopy, DNA staining, and electron microscopy of environmental samples. The inventory, while incomplete in that not all organisms have been cultured or examined using genetic approaches, represents a study of several solfatara (acid sulfate) geyser basins in YNP. We found that the types of microorganisms in flowing springs had changed over time. In contrast, no such changes occurred in mixing pools. We solicited opinions of prominent YNP microbiologists to address the issue of change in the context of human cross-contamination of springs and to suggest sampling protocols. While the consensus is that research has not introduced exotic species, this explanation is always uncertain. The issues related to this uncertainty, including human cross-contamination, are discussed, and sampling methods designed to best preserve the springs for future investigations are described.  相似文献   

Habitat use by Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus hens with broods was examined at Jackass Creek and Hart Mountain, Oregon, from 1989 through 1991. Sage Grouse hens initially selected low sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) cover types during early brood-rearing, big sagebrush cover types later in the brood-rearing period, and ultimately concentrated use in and near lakebeds and meadows. Areas used by Sage Grouse broods typically had greater forb frequency than did random sites. Hens at Jackass Creek selected sites with forb cover similar to that generally available at Hart Mountain, but home ranges were larger at Jackass Creek because of lower availability of suitable brood-rearing habitat. Differences in habitat use by broods on the two areas were reflected in dietary differences; at Hart Mountain, chicks primarily ate forbs and insects, whereas at Jackass Creek most of the diet was sagebrush. Larger home ranges, differences in diets, and differences in availability of forb-rich habitats possibly were related to differences in abundance and productivity between areas.  相似文献   

We studied seasonal cattle grazing as an agent of ephemeral habitat fragmentation on a newly reintroduced population of California bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis californiana ) in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Idaho, 1988-89. We evaluated the hypothesis that bighorn sheep avoid cattle. We documented sheep response to the proximity to cattle by direct observation. The core areas used by bighorn and distances to escape terrain generally decreased as cattle moved closer to sheep. Likewise, sheep moved from cattle as cattle approached them. Severity of response we observed is in marked contrast with that reported for established bighorn populations, suggesting that newly reintroduced bighorn sheep are more highly sensitive to the presence of cattle.  相似文献   

The effects of elk ( Cervus elaphus ), pronghorn ( Antilocapra americana ), and mule deer ( Odocoileus hemionus ) browsing on shrubs in big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) communities were monitored over a 31-year period in Yellowstone National Park. Ungulates were restricting Wyoming big sagebrush (spp. wyomingensis ) heights, size, and recruitment on the lower-elevation stratum only, while no such suppression was observed on the high-elevation stratum. Parallel increases in mountain big sagebrush (spp. vaseyana ) densities and cover occurred over the study period on both browsed and unbrowsed sites at the higher-elevation stratum, although big sagebrush, green rabbitbrush ( Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ), and horsebrush ( Tetradymia canescens ) were slightly taller and crown sizes were slightly larger on unbrowsed than browsed sites. Wyoming big sagebrush utilization (percent leader use) was eight times higher ( ̄ x = 87 ± 7.2% by pronghorns, mule deer, and elk) on the low-elevation winter ranges stratum (the Boundary Line Area [BLA] portion of the winter range), while mostly mountain big sagebrush with leader use averaged only 11 ± 4.1% (nearly all by elk) on the high-elevation range stratum. In addition, annual aboveground biomass production of big sagebrush did not differ between browsed and unbrowsed study sites on the high-elevation stratum of the winter range. Population turnover was higher on browsed plots versus unbrowsed plots. No difference was observed in percent dieback of big sagebrush adult plants between browsed and unbrowsed plots at the higher stratum. Browsing did not influence the number of leaves or seedstalks per plant ( P > .05), but leaves averaged 45% longer and seedstalks 42% longer on browsed big sagebrush. Ungulate browsing, however, apparently suppressed production, germination, and survival of Wyoming big sagebrush on the low-elevation stratum. Numbers of Wyoming big sagebrush declined 43% and cover declined 29%, 1957-1990, on browsed sites on the BLA. Annual biomass production on browsed sites at the low-elevation stratum was only 6-35% that of unbrowsed sites, and big sagebrush recruitment was less on browsed sites. Percent leader use of big sagebrush did not differ between the period of ungulate reductions, 1962-1969, and the 1980s on the lower stratum ( ̄ x = 87% leader use), but utilization was less on higher portions of the winter range during the period of elk reductions ( ̄ x = 2%) than during the 1980s following cessation of elk controls ( ̄ x = 11%).  相似文献   

Wild turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo ) brood-rearing sites have been described for portions of their range, but brood-rearing habitat use and characteristics of brood-rearing sites used by Rio Grande Wild Turkeys ( M. g. intermedia ) in the Pacific Northwest were unknown. We described cover types at 362 brood-rearing sites and measured habitat characteristics at 64 of these sites used by a recently established Rio Grande Wild Turkey population in southwestern Oregon during May-September 1989 and 1990. Hens with broods used 9 of 10 available cover types. Meadows, mixed hardwood/conifer woodlands, and savannas were used more often than expected (47% of observations, P ≤ 0.05). Broods used mature mixed conifer and dense sapling/pole mixed conifer cover types less than expected and did not use brush-fields. Many brood-rearing sites were characterized by a parklike appearance. Understory vegetation averaged P ≤ 0.05). We suggest that land managers maintain mixed hardwood/conifer woodland and savanna cover types adjacent to meadows on south slopes to provide brood-rearing habitat for Rio Grande Wild Turkeys in southwestern Oregon.  相似文献   

We studied summer habitat use by Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse ( Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus ) in western Idaho during 1983-85. Vegetative and topographic measurements were recorded at 716 locations of 15 radio-tagged grouse and at 180 random sites within the major vegetation/cover types in the study area. The mean size of summer home ranges was 1.87 ± 1.14 km 2 . Of eight cover types identified in the study area, individual grouse used the big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata ) cover type more than or in proportion to availability, the low sagebrush ( A. arbuscula ) in proportion to availability, and avoided the shrubby eriogonum ( Eriogonum spp.) type. Characteristics of the big sagebrush cover type that Sharp-tailed Grouse preferred include moderate vegetative cover, high plant species diversity, and high structural diversity. Grouse used areas of dense cover (i.e., mountain shrub and riparian cover types) primarily for escape cover. Compared with random sites, grouse selected areas with (1) greater horizontal and vertical cover, (2) greater canopy coverage of forbs typically decreased by livestock grazing, (3) greater density and canopy coverage of arrowleaf balsamroot ( Balsamorhiza sagittata ), and (4) greater canopy coverage of bluebunch wheatgrass ( Agropyron spicatum ) in the big sagebrush cover type in 1984 and the low sagebrush cover type in 1985. The importance of the native perennials arrowleaf balsamroot and bluebunch wheatgrass became apparent during a drought year when many exotic annuals dried up and provided no cover. Overall, grouse selected vegetative communities that were least modified by livestock grazing.  相似文献   

A list of the algal species that have been reported from the state of Utah is presented. Also listed are the habitats from which these algae were collected. A total of nearly 1,900 taxa have been identified to the species level or below. Diatoms comprise the largest group, with nearly 1,000 taxa, followed by the green algae with over 550 taxa.  相似文献   

Maternal defensive behavior against predators may appear risky but is common in many species. Herein we describe maternal defensive behavior of mountain goats ( Oreamnos americanus ) against Golden Eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos ) predatory attempts. We found that Golden Eagles attacked goats in 1.9% of sightings ( n = 311 sightings of active Golden Eagles over 12 years) but were never successful. Mothers always defended their young against Golden Eagle attacks. Predation by Golden Eagles on young-of-the-year appears low for most ungulate species, including mountain goats. The benefits of defending offspring against eagles are likely high in ungulates, and we would therefore expect selection to favor maternal defensive behavior.  相似文献   

Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) brood-habitat use was examined during 1992 and 1993 at the Yakima Training Center in Yakima and Kittitas counties, Washington. During the 2 yr we followed 30 broods, of which 12 persisted to 1 August ( ̄ x = approximately 1.5 chicks/brood). Food forb cover was greater at all brood locations than at random locations. Hens with broods in big sagebrush/bunchgrass habitat ( Artemisia tridentata/Agropyron spicatum ) selected for greater food forb cover, total forb cover, and lower shrub heights; broods in altered big sagebrush/bunchgrass habitats selected greater tall grass cover and vertical cover height; broods in grassland showed no preference for any measured vegetation characteristics. During the early rearing period (post-hatching-6 wk) each year, broods selected sagebrush/bunchgrass. Broods in 1993 made greater use of grasslands than in 1992 and selected grassland during the late brood-rearing period (7-12 wk). Broods selected for sagebrush/bunchgrass during the midday, but 52% of brood locations in the afternoon were in grassland. Tall grass cover was greater at morning (0500-1000 h) and afternoon (1501-2000 h) brood locations than at midday (1001-1500 h) and random locations. Midday brood locations had greater shrub cover and height than morning and afternoon locations. Selection of habitat components was similar to the results of other studies, but habitat conditions coupled with a possible lack of alternate brood-rearing cover types resulted in low survival of chicks.  相似文献   

The known Mountain Plover population breeding on the Myton Bench, Duchesne County, Utah, is small, composed roughly of 30 adults and young after each breeding season. Currently, its location is peripheral to the species main range. This shrub-steppe breeding habitat differs from the shortgrass prairie habitat with which this bird is historically associated. Between 1996 and 1998 we made observations at nesting sites located consistently in 2 concentrated areas surrounded by large tracts of similar habitat. Activity may be focused in these specific areas because of breeding-site fidelity; this behavior is common among most shorebirds and has been documented for the Mountain Plover in Colorado. Also, Mountain Plovers are social and tend to choose nest sites near others. Most nests in Utah were located within close proximity of mounds of white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leucurus ), and all were situated near roadways or oil well pads. Mountain Plovers were often observed with broods on these bare areas at night. We conclude that Mountain Plovers on the Myton Bench are distributed in clumped breeding colonies within large areas of apparently favorable habitat.  相似文献   

Ecological and phytochemical factors potentially affecting winter dietary discrimination by porcupines ( Erethizon dorsatum ) in the mountain brush zone of Utah were studied. Porcupines utilized gambel oak ( Quercus gambelii ) as their primary winter food and roosting resource. Big-tooth maple ( Acer grandidentatum ) was the most common tree species in the study area but was rarely utilized by porcupines. Conifer species were used as a food and roosting resource significantly less often than they occurred in the study area, despite thermal advantages provided by their relatively dense canopies. Oak feed trees were successfully separated from conifer feed trees by discriminant analysis 100% of the time. Oak trees were correctly classified as feed and nonfeed trees 71% of the time. Gambel oak contained higher amounts of crude protein, fiber, and tannins, but was lower in either extract fractions and fatty acid content than conifers. A layer of adipose tissue used as an energy reserve by porcupines may have relaxed energy intake demands sufficiently to permit them to concentrate on a diet of oak tissue, which is high in protein, rather than a high-fat conifer diet. A diet relatively high in protein may have facilitated digestion of food material high in fiber. Temperature did not affect selection of tree species for roosting. Rock and snow caves were utilized infrequently and the study population ranged widely. Three of 15 study animals were eaten by predators.  相似文献   

The June sucker ( Chasmistes liorus ) is an endangered lake sucker endemic to Utah Lake, Utah. As part of recovery actions, June suckers were introduced into Red Butte Reservoir, Utah, as a wild grow-out site. Since their introduction, June suckers have successfully reproduced in Red Butte Reservoir, producing a large population in this refuge. I used passive egg collectors (egg traps and nets) and observational surveys to determine the location of spawning sites within the reservoir, and larval light trapping to determine successful recruitment (i.e., egg survival through larval swim-up) at these sites. Eggs were collected between 18 June and 15 July at 2 general sites along or near the reservoir’s dam, although spawning was only observed at 1 of these sites. Suckers were not observed at, and eggs were not collected in or around, the mouth of Red Butte Creek as expected. At the site where spawning was observed, suckers were spawning over gravel substrates (mean diameter = 32 mm) at depths of 0.5–1.75 m. At the other site, suckers were spawning over silt/clay substrates (mean diameter < 1 mm) at depths of 1.1–4.75 m. Larval suckers were first captured along the dam where spawning was observed and eggs were captured, demonstrating that successful recruitment occurred at this spawning site. Larval suckers were never captured at the mouth of Red Butte Creek, confirming egg collecting data and observations that suckers did not utilize the stream for spawning. This June sucker refuge population is supported by lacustrine spawning, an important finding for management and recovery of this species.  相似文献   

Cover types and vegetative characteristics (e.g., grasses, forbs, shrubs) used by female Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) during summer were compared with available habitat on two study areas in southeastern Oregon. Broodless hens, which constituted 114 of the 125 (91%) radio-marked hens studied, selected big ( Artemisia tridentata ) subspp.) and low sagebrush ( A. arbuscular ) cover types at both study areas. At Hart Mountain, broodless hens did not select specific vegetative characteristics within cover types. However, at Jackass Creek, forb cover was greater ( P = .004) at broodless hen sites than at random locations. Differences in habitat use by broodless hens between study areas were associated with differences in forb availability. Broodless hens used a greater diversity of cover types than hens with broods. Broodless hens gathered in flocks and remained separate from but near hens with broods during early summer. By early July broodless hens moved to meadows while hens with broods remained in upland habitats.  相似文献   

The conversion of coastal prairie to farmland in southern Texas has drastically reduced the number of available animal burrows, thereby forcing western Burrowing Owls ( Athene cunicularia hypugaea ) wintering in southern Texas to use nontraditional roost sites such as roadside culverts. We studied factors influencing the selection of road culverts as roost sites by Burrowing Owls by comparing characteristics of 34 occupied and 100 unoccupied culverts. All occupied culverts were in agricultural habitat. Culverts with small diameters (≤16 cm) and those with an east–west orientation were occupied by Burrowing Owls in greater proportions than were culverts with larger diameters or different orientations. Occupied culverts were also associated with absence of grass, absence of woody vegetation, and presence of crop stubble. Our results provide guidelines for making drainage culverts more attractive to Burrowing Owls, but use of roadside culverts by Burrowing Owls may expose the owls to an increased risk of mortality from vehicle collisions. To avoid this dilemma, our guidelines for culverts could also be adapted as criteria for installation of artificial burrows in habitats suitable for wintering Burrowing Owls.  相似文献   

Home range size and foraging habitat use in breeding lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni), a bird species of conservation concern, were investigated during the breeding season of the species in 2008 in an intensively cultivated area of central Greece, using radio-tracking. Grasshopper (the main prey) densities were measured at the most important habitats (cotton, cereals, grasslands and margins). Home ranges were not significantly different between sexes either as overall means or during incubation and nestling periods. Movements of both sexes were non-random during incubation but random during the nestling period. Habitats used by males during incubation ranked as: margins > other > cotton > corn > cereals and during nestling period as: cereals > margins > grasslands > corn > cotton. Female habitat use greatly differed ranking as cereals > cotton > grasslands during incubation and as grassland > cotton > corn > cereals > margins during nestling period. Female habitat use seemed to be in disagreement with the conditions generally favouring prey availability, probably for reasons associated with low and uniform distribution of grasshopper densities over the habitats.  相似文献   

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