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Sex ratios for tui chubs ( Gila bicolor ), obtained from a sample of 3,384 fish, deviated significantly from the expected 1:1 ratio (chi - square, P 0.05). Spawning occurred from June to August, with estimated fecundities ranging from 6,110 to 68,933 ova. Females spawned after attaining a maximum (average) gonadal somatic index (GSI ― percent gonad weight/total body weight) of 9.1 percent and between surface water temperatures of 15.5 to 22.2 C. Males reached sexual maturity at age two, with most females maturing at age three. Consistent increases in fecundity were apparent with increasing length, weight, and age. Linear regressions between fork length and fecundity and weight and fecundity were highly significant (P  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproduction and embryology of Walker Lake Lahontan tui chub, Gila bicolor , were investigated during the spring–summer period of 1976, 1977, and 1981. Tui chub were found to spawn in littoral regions of the lake beginning in late May or early June. Early in the season male chub substantially outnumbered females over the spawning grounds, with a normal 1:1 sex ratio gradually approached as the season progressed. The developmental period between fertilization to hatch-out was shortened by increases in water temperature. Selected stages of embryonic development are described from egg fertilization through post-hatch.  相似文献   

At Walker Lake, Nevada, tui chub were collected 1975–1977 for analysis of age, growth rate, and food habits. The fork length (FL) – scale radius (SR) relationship was linear and described by the equation FL = 4.44 + 3.17 (SR). Age I, II, III, and IV chub were 116, 176, 218, and 242 mm fork length, respectively. Maximum longevity was six years. The length weight relationship was defined by the log transformed linear equation log weight = - 4.65 + 2.93 (log FL). Chub collected from pelagic regions ate mostly zooplankton, whereas chub collected from littoral areas had a diet of zooplankton and benthic organisms.      相似文献   

Lepidomeda albivallis (White River spinedace), a fish species endemic to the White River, Nevada, appeared headed toward extinction. In 1991 only 1 population remained, and it comprised fewer than 50 individuals in a 70-m stream reach. We monitored population recruitment and distribution and studied life history and habitat use from 1993 through 1998. We determined that L. albivallis was not reproducing and was continuing to decline, and as an emergency measure we relocated the population (14 in spring 1995 and 6 in spring 1996) downstream 200 m to a secure habitat that we judged more favorable for reproduction. The relocated population reproduced, and by September 1998 it had increased to 396 individuals that inhabited more than 1 km of stream including both pond and stream habitats. In streams they oriented near the bottom but frequently moved up in the water column to strike at drift items. Gut analysis of museum specimens indicated L. albivallis is omnivorous but feeds primarily upon aquatic invertebrates. Conservation of L. albivallis will require reestablishing additional populations within its former range.  相似文献   

The woundfin is a small, streamlined, omnivorous cyprinid that is now limited to the Virgin River basin where it was collected in the mainstream and one tributary during the present study. The woundfin occurred most frequently in runs and over sand substrates and less frequently in riffles and over rock substrates. It was common over at least half of its original range within the Virgin River. It was uncommon in the lower mainstream due to habitat alterations and, presumably, predation by and competition with exotic species.  相似文献   

Mature flathead chubs ( Hybopsis gracilis ) were present in mid - July and mid - August collections from the Musselshell River, Montana. The estimated numbers of mature eggs present in eight females were 360–753 per female. The smallest mature female and male collected were 113 and 123 mm in total length, respectively. The male to female sex ratio in collections was about 1:1. Only small differences were detected among the length – weight relationships of males and females and samples taken from various seasons and localities in Montana. Observations on size groups, fish associates, and habitat characteristics of flathead chubs are presented.      相似文献   

We evaluated distribution, habitat use, spawning, and species associations of the endangered humpback chub ( Gila cypha ) in the Yampa and Green rivers, Dinosaur National Monument, from 1986 to 1989. Adult and juvenile humpback chub were captured in high-gradient reaches of Yampa and Whirlpool canyons where they were rare ( n = 133, G. robusta ) were widely distributed in eddies, pools, runs, and riffles. Humpback chub ( n = 39) and roundtail chub ( n = 242) in reproductive condition were sympatric in eddy habitats during the 5-6 week period following highest spring runoff. River temperatures at this time averaged about 20 C. Nonnative channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ) were abundant in eddies yielding humpback and roundtail chubs, suggesting a potential for negative interactions between the native and introduced fishes.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to (1) examine distribution and habitat use of leatherside chub ( Gila copei ) in a creek with high densities of predatory brown trout ( Salmo trutta ), and (2) compare study results with published accounts of leatherside chub habitat use in streams with few or no brown trout. A 14-km section of Diamond Fork Creek, Utah, was point-shocked to determine macrohabitat (main channel and lateral habitat) and microhabitat (current, depth, substrate, and cover) use of leatherside chug. At the macrohabitat level, leatherside chub were most common in lower reaches of Diamond Fork Creek where the channel was braided and lateral habitats (cutoff pools and backwaters) were abundant. Only a single leatherside chub was found in the main channel of Diamond Fork. Investigations in other systems lacking brown trout indicated that leatherside chub occupy main channel habitats. At the microhabitat level, we found significant positive associations between presence of leatherside chub and both habitat depth and silt. In addition, we found a significant negative association between presence of leatherside chub and number of brown trout. Our results suggest predation by brown trout may limit leatherside chub to lateral habitats that could provide refugia against predation. The introduction of brown trout to systems with little lateral habitat could have serious effects on persistence of resident leatherside chub populations.  相似文献   

Gila boraxobius is a dwarf species of cyprinid endemic to a thermal lake in southeastern Oregon. Despite a relatively depauperate fauna and flora in the lake, 24 food items were found in intestines of G. boraxobius. Ten of the 24 foods, including six insects, were of terrestrial origin. The relative importance of food items fluctuated seasonally. Diatoms, chironomid larvae, microcrustaceans, and dipteran adults were the primary foods during spring. In summer, diatoms decreased and terrestrial insects increased in importance. During autumn important foods were terrestrial insects, chironomid larvae, and diatoms. Diatoms and microcrustaceans increased in importance during winter. Chironomid larvae were of importance in winter, when the importance of terrestrial food items decreased substantially. Similar food habits were observed between juveniles and adults, except that adults consumed more gastropods and diatoms and juveniles consumed more copepods and terrestrial insects. Gila boraxobius feeds opportunistically with individuals commonly containing mostly one food item. Fish typically feed by picking foods from soft bottom sediments or from rocks. However, fish will feed throughout the water column or on the surface if food is abundant there. Gila boraxobius feeds throughout the day, with a peak in feeding activity just after sunset. A daily ration of 11.1 percent body weight was calculated for the species during June. A comparison of food habits among G. boraxobius and populations of G. alvordensis during the summer shows that all are opportunistic in feeding, but that G. boraxobius relies more heavily on terrestrial foods.  相似文献   

We documented date and duration of each breeding phase, breeding rate, nursing behavior, parental care, and leveret survival of the Tehuantepec jackrabbit ( Lepus flavigularis ), a critically endangered lagomorph. Between June 2006 and May 2008, we observed 60 adult radio-collared jackrabbits in Oaxaca, México. Tehuantepec jackrabbits exhibit breeding behaviors 250 days out of the year, with a high-intensity period during the rainy season (May–October). Females give birth to 2 leverets 32 days after copulation. Directly after birth, leverets are put into “beds” or “nests,” which are depressions in the ground covered by prairie grass ( Jouvea pilosa ). Females return to nurse and groom the leverets once per day until the leverets are weaned (12 days after birth). The breeding season and parental care behaviors of Tehuantepec jackrabbits are similar to those of other jackrabbits. Females produced an average of 2 litters per breeding season. The breeding rate for the Tehuantepec jackrabbit (4 leverets per breeding female per breeding season) is lower than the average of other species in the genus Lepus. The survival rate of Tehuantepec jackrabbit leverets (50% at day 19) is higher than that of other leporids. Predation by domestic dogs ( Canis familiaris ) is the main cause of mortality. Understanding reproductive behavior is critical for captive breeding, reintro duction, and conservation efforts for endangered leporids such as the Tehuantepec jackrabbit. Documentamos la fecha y la duración de cada fase de la reproducción, la tasa reproductiva, el amamantamiento, el cuidado parental y los instintos de supervivencia de los lebratos de la liebre de Tehuantepec ( Lepus flavigularis ), un lagomorfo en peligro crítico de extinción. Entre junio de 2006 y mayo de 2008 observamos 60 liebres adultas con collares radiotransmisores en Oaxaca, Mexico. Las liebres de Tehuantepec se reproducen 250 días del año, con un período de alta intensidad durante la estación lluviosa (de mayo a octubre). Las hembras paren 2 lebratos 32 días después de la cópula; colocan a los lebratos en “camas”, o huecos en el suelo cubiertos del pasto Jouvea pilosa, justo después de nacer. Las hembras regresan para amamantar y limpiar a los lebratos una vez cada tarde hasta destetarlos 12 días después de nacer. La temporada de reproducción y el cuidado parental de la liebre de Tehuantepec son parecidos a los de otras liebres. En promedio, las hembras producen 2 crías cada temporada de reproducción. La tasa de reproducción de la liebre de Tehuantepec (4 lebratos por hembra reproductora por temporada de reproducción) está por debajo del promedio de otras especies del género Lepus. La tasa de supervivencia de los lebratos de la liebre de Tehuantepec (50% al día 19) es superior a la que se ha documentado para otros lepóridos, siendo la principal causa de mortalidad la depredación por los perros domésticos ( Canis familiaris ). Es crucial entender el comportamiento reproductor para la crianza en cautiverio, la reintroducción y para los esfuerzos de conservación de lepóridos que están en peligro de extinción tal como occure con la liebre de Tehuantepec.  相似文献   

Caspia is an endemic Ponto-Caspian Basin genus of hydrobiid gastropods. Around a dozen nominal species of Caspia have been described to inhabit the Caspian Sea while four species occupy a restricted zone in the lower part of the rivers flowing into the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Scanning electron microscopic study of the protoconch and radula morphology of two Caspia species from the Azov–Black Sea Basin allows re-evaluation of the taxonomic rank and attribution of the genus. The adult shell geometry and characters of ornamentation do not enable clear demarcation of these species of Caspia but the protoconch parameters do allow their differentiation. Available morphological data on Caspia and the related genus Caspiohydrobia are interpreted here as confirmation of the subfamilial rank of Caspiinae in the family Hydrobiidae, in contrast to the previous affiliation of this group with Pyrgulidae.  相似文献   

We analyzed population trend data during 1991–2004 for the Bruneau hot springsnail ( Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis ) from rangewide hot spring surveys completed along 4 km of Bruneau River. The objectives of this study were to analyze population trends and assess other measured parameters, such as water temperature, specific conductance, and groundwater decline, for changes that may influence population trends. We used simple linear regression to determine significant relationships between measured parameters. Total numbers of hot springs surveyed in the 4-km reach are declining at a rate of ~5 hot springs per year, and numbers of hot springs containing P. bruneauensis in the same reach are declining at a rate of 3.75 per year. We found that the decline of hot springs with and without P. bruneauensis was significantly related to the decline of the thermal aquifer which underlies this area.  相似文献   

The presence of a hypogean population of the cyprinid fish Garra barreimiae in the Jabal Akhdar mountains in Oman is noted. Specimens killed within a very short while of capture from the wild had very poorly developed optic lobes. The optic lobes of twelve fishes that died after four months in the light were nearly as large as those in epigean fishes so substantial brain tissue regrowth had occurred in that time. No development of the eye or optic nerve was detected. The eye remains in an embryonic condition close to the brain stem on the floor of the orbit.

The concept of regressive evolution is considered to be invalid because it is unfalsifiable. The epigenetic effect of heterochrony is considered to be more appropriate vehicle to explain the convergent evolution of cavernicolous fishes.  相似文献   

Amphibians are suffering population declines around the world and the main causes are related to human activities, especially those involving direct habitat destruction. On the other hand, we are far behind in our knowledge of species distribution, natural history and even taxonomy. Some areas are under high levels of threat due to their economic relevance, as is the case for the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, a biodiverse area that is rich in iron deposits in the southernmost highlands of the Espinhaço Mountain Range, in southeastern Brazil. Using four lakes in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero as an example, we aimed to employ two approaches that we believe can improve short-term species inventories such as those needed to meet legal requirements for potentially impacting enterprises (e.g. mining). These approaches were (1) combination of tadpole and adult frog inventories and (2) regional contextualization of local species assemblages. We found adult frog and tadpole sampling to be complementary and representative of all anuran life stages. We also found the studied habitats to be considerably different from all other sampled habitats in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (which also differed substantially among them). This high spatial heterogeneity could not be explained by geographic distance, even accounting for the effects of different types of bodies of water and sampling methods among sites. These findings have important conservation implications. Thorough inventories including both adult and tadpole stages are recommended for any new potentially destructive enterprise to be implemented in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, because endemic species and unique anuran assemblages are likely to be lost.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2923-2941
The whitefly genus Bemisia (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is represented by five species in Taiwan, including the notorious global pest Bemisia tabaci. A catalogue of Encarsia species attacking these whiteflies, based almost entirely on previously unpublished records, is provided. A key for the identification of the 17 Encarsia species known to parasitize Bemisia species in Taiwan is provided. Three new species, E. guangxingana Shih, Ko and Polaszek sp. nov., E. lineolata Shih, Ko and Polaszek sp. nov. and E. magnalata Shih, Ko and Polaszek sp. nov., are described from Taiwan. These new species were all reared from Bemisia giffardi.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1167-1187
The zoeal and megalopal stages of Phimochirus roseus (Benedict, 1892) are described and illustrated from material reared under laboratory conditions. Although the vast majority of zoeae of this species pass through only four larval stages before the moult to megalopa, an occasional fifth stage has been observed. Phimochirus roseus differs in a number of morphological attributes from the only other species of Phimochirus whose larvae have been described. However, their shared features are sufficiently characteristic to confirm the distinctiveness of the genus and its general developmental homogeneity.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2683-2699
Mosquitoes belonging to the Maculipennis Complex of Anopheles subgenus Anopheles were collected in 10 prefectures across Greece: Attiki, Evros, Florina, Fthiotida, Ioannina, Lakonia, Magnesia, Rodopi, Serres, and Xanthi. DNA was extracted from 276 specimens and sequences for the nuclear rDNA ITS2 region were obtained from 257 of these (93.1%). Four members of the An. maculipennis Meigen complex were identified: An. maculipennis, An. sacharovi Favre, An. melanoon Hackett, and An. messeae Falleroni. Species were identified based on correlation of their sequences with those available in GenBank. All four species have been incriminated as primary or secondary vectors of malaria. Species distributions in relation to potential threats of reintroduction of malaria in Greece are discussed. This study comprises the most complete study of the Maculipennis Complex in Greece to date, and contributes substantially to the current knowledge of the genetics and distributions of the four species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1347-1357
A female puparium of Eoxenos laboulbenei De Peyerimhoff (Strepsiptera: Insecta) found in Mula, Murcia, Spain was parasitized by five larvae of Idiomacromerus gregarius (Silvestri) (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae). The parasitized puparium was kept in the laboratory until the following summer, when four I. gregarius adults emerged from it. This species of chalcidoid is rarely found. It was first described in 1943 from Italy by Silvestri and the present report is the first record from Spain. Here we re-examine and redescribe the newly discovered specimens of I. gregarius, add further details about its morphology and give a brief account of its biology including a new record (the mengenillid E. laboulbenei).  相似文献   

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