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A new species of mealybug from southern Asia, Dysmicoccus finitimus sp. nov., is described. It has often been confused with D. cocotis (Maskell), to which it is closely related. Both species are common on coconut and often occur in sufficient numbers to cause growers concern. D. cocotis is known from a wide area of Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia, but it is not known to occur west of the Federated States of Micronesia in the north and Fiji in the south. There are no records of D. cocotis from the Solomon Islands or Papua New Guinea, despite extensive collecting on coconut in these territories. D. finitimus is confined to southern India, Sri Lanka, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and peninsular Malaysia. There are no records yet of the new species from Indonesia.  相似文献   

The xystodesmid milliped tribe Pachydesmini is supported by the autapomorphic absence of bold aposematic pigmentations and possibly also by relative somatic inflexibility; it comprises 3 component genera: Pachydesmus Cook, 1895; Dicellarius Chamberlin, 1920; and Thrinaxoria Chamberlin and Hoffman, 1950. Three representatives occur west of the Mississippi River— P. clarus (Chamberlin), P. crassicutis crassicutis (Wood), and T. lampra (Chamberlin). New localities are documented in Louisiana and Texas, and literature records are summarized for these states and Arkansas; records of P. clarus from Cherokee County, Texas, are the westernmost in this state for the east-Nearctic xystodesmid fauna. An apparently allopatric population of P. crassicutis crassicutis occurs in Evangeline and Lafayette Parishes, Louisiana. These are the first records of this species from west of the Mississippi River, and new localities of this form are cited from east of the watercourse. Thrinaxoria lampra , known previously in Texas from only Gregg County, is documented from Bowie, Cass, Harrison, Rusk, Sabine, and Titus Counties plus Webster Parish, Louisiana. Diagnoses and pertinent anatomical illustrations are provided for each species including the first cyphopod drawings for P. clarus and T. lampra ; occurrences west of the river are depicted on a map. A new tribal diagnosis is published along with a distribution map.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1801-1815
Records of Tanaidacea from the Isles of Scilly are collated; the published literature is reviewed, together with unpublished records from various sources. These data are supplemented by recent material collected in the archipelago between 2001 and 2010. A total of 10 species are now known from littoral and sublittoral habitats of the Isles. These records include the first published record for the British Isles of the tanaid Zeuxo holdichi, the known distribution of which is summarized. The apseudomorph Apseudopsis latreilli is common to abundant on littoral sandflats but Apseudes talpa generally replaces this species on more heterogeneous substrata and sublittorally. Tanais dulongii and Leptochelia savignyi are present throughout the archipelago among littoral algal-turf with embedded sediment. Zoogeographically, the list includes species from the temperate–boreal and, mainly, from Lusitanian waters.  相似文献   

The milliped genus Apheloria occupies a broad area in Québec and Ontario, Canada, and the United States east of the Central Plains, lying generally north of the Gulf Coastal states. It is reported for the 1st time from New Jersey, District of Columbia, Illinois, and Kansas; and the 1st localities are recorded for Massachusetts, Connecticut, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Wisconsin. The projected distribution encompasses all or parts of the District of Columbia and 27 states, including Vermont and Delaware, where the genus has not been taken; New Hampshire and Mississippi lie outside the range. Chesapeake Bay and the Connecticut River form apparent eastern boundaries in Maryland–Virginia and New England, respectively; the Tennessee River does likewise on the south in northern Alabama. Aside from Arkansas, comparatively few records exist from the 6 projected states of occurrence west of the Mississippi River. Only 1 each is available from Iowa and Kansas, and there are no definite localities in Nebraska, where occurrence is postulated at Omaha, the type locality of Fontaria luminosa Kenyon, 1893. Confirmation with fresh material is necessary, but this name seems referrable to Apheloria and may be senior to either A. virginiensis iowa or A. v. reducta , both by Chamberlin, 1939, if 2 distinct races occur west of the Mississippi River.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23):2083-2088
Freshwater medusae of the genus Limnocnida were found in a shallow lake in the floodplain of the Ayeyarwaddy River. The medusae are described and identified as a small form of L. indica. Single immature specimens were found in two other localities in Myanmar, within the Ayeyarwaddy catchment. These records are an eastward extension of the known range of Limnocnida, and indicate that it is probably widespread in the Ayeyarwaddy catchment. The associated phytoplankton and zooplankton are listed, and the zooplankters are compared to those found with Limnocnida in a floodplain lake of the River Sokoto in West Africa. In both situations there was a marked preponderance of rotifers and cyclopoid copepods. This indicates that Limnocnida influences the zooplankton in a manner similar to that found in various studies on the freshwater medusa Craspedacusta in Europe and North America.  相似文献   


The Philippine cruise of the U.S. Fisheries Steamer Albatross 1907–10 collected 61 species of spider crabs from the Philippine Islands bringing the total number of species known from the area to 71; 28 new species were described by Rathbun and the present report records 19 species not previously known from the area; included are nine widespread Indo-west Pacific forms, four previously known from Japan and four Indian Ocean species.

Hyastenus sebae White is renamed H. whitei and the former name is applied to H. oryx A. Milne Edwards. Hyastenus tuberculosus Rathbun is confirmed as a synonym of H. convexus Miers, Platymaia remifera Rathbun is reduced to synonomy with P. wyvillethomsoni Miers and Chorilia sphenocarcinoides Rathbun is transferred to the genus Sphenocarcinus.

The majority of species (51) occur around the central and southern islands of the archipelago and most of these (35 speciesl occur at varying depths on the continental shelf. Twelve species occur intertidally and 21 species are known from depths over 100 fms, some occurring as deep as 800 fms.

The spider crab fauna is clearly part of the Indo-west Pacific, 25 species being widespread ones; 26 species are shared with Japan, 24 with Australia and 31 with the Indian Ocean. However, 20 species appear to be confined to the Philippine Islands. The relationships of the Philippine fauna with that of the rest of Indonesia is not yet clear  相似文献   

Silver-haired bats ( Lasionycteris noctivagans ) were thought only to migrate through Nebraska; however, recent surveys in eastern Nebraska report summer records of females and their young. Our study in western Nebraska also shows that silver-haired bats are summer residents. We discovered the 1st reproductively active L. noctivagans in this part of the state. We caught lactating females and volant young in riparian forests along the North Platte River and in forested areas of the Pine Ridge. Previously, adult males were not known from Nebraska in summer, and only 4 records of L. noctivagans were known from western Nebraska during migration. On 28 July we captured an adult male in a coniferous forest of the Wildcat Hills, and we have more than 100 records of migrating individuals. Lastly, an obese L. noctivagans captured on 4 November may represent an individual preparing to hibernate in the state.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(18):2213-2267
Some 180 species of marine fish were reported from Ghana in F. R. Irvine's The Fishes and Fisheries of the Gold Coast, an important milestone in West African ichthyology published in 1947. Although the book has been a major source of records for subsequent workers, the underpinning collections have been largely ignored. Two hundred and ninety-two specimens from 139 species collected by Irvine and colleagues were located within The Natural History Museum collections and are reported here with notes on their zoogeography. These were re-identified in the light of the intervening half century of research and have allowed us to examine the basis for most of Irvine's records by matching Irvine's collection numbers (referred to in his book) to BMNH registration numbers. In addition to registered material some 26 jars of unregistered material containing 46 specimens were discovered. About 20% of the species were found to have been misidentified. Six of the marine species collected by Irvine were described by J. R. Norman as new species between 1930 and 1935. These remain valid as: Rhinobatos albomaculatus Norman, 1930; Rhinobatos irvinei Norman, 1931; Serranus accraensis (Norman, 1931); Spicara nigricauda (Norman, 1931); Branchiostegus semifasciatus (Norman, 1931) and Pontinus accraensis Norman, 1935. A further nine species collected by Irvine were at the time unknown to science and have since been described by others as new species. Of particular interest is a specimen of Panturichthys isognathus Poll, 1953 which appears to be only the second adult specimen reported. Most of the 39 species for which material could not be located represented uncontentious records. However, there were eight species listed by Irvine, for which no voucher specimens could be located, which are unlikely to occur off Ghana, and a further two species (Carcharodon carcharias and Alopias vulpinus) for which Irvine's records cannot be considered a basis for a Ghana record. Five species (Conger conger, Umbrina cirrosa, Scorpaena scrofa, Chaetodon striatus and Liza ramada) are considered as doubtful records based on misidentifications. Three other species (Dentex macrophthalmus, Sphyrna zygaena and S. tudes) appear unlikely records for Ghana but cannot be totally dismissed. Inter alia this study demonstrates the critical importance of voucher specimens in museum collections to support biodiversity research.  相似文献   

This paper reports 97 new species-locality records of bats from Malawi. Of particular interest are four species of bats (Rhinolophus swinnyi, Triaenops persicus, Eptesicus flavescens, Tadarida nigeriae) which have not been recorded previously from Malawi. The relative status of bats in Malawi was estimated and the species were placed in five categories ranging from ‘rarely-recorded’ to ‘very commonly-recorded’. Of the 59 species of bats known to occur in Malawi, 28 are rarely-recorded in Malawi. The relative status and species-locality records of bats were analysed to assess which species, and which localities, need special conservation effort. Seventeen species which are rare throughout their ranges in Africa as well as being rarely-recorded or seldom-recorded in Malawi, are considered to require special effort. Checklists of bats are given for 11 localities, including Liwonde NP in the Upper Shire Valley (29 spp.), two localities on the Shire Highlands (28, 22 spp.), Thyolo on the boundary between the Shire Highlands and Phalombe Plain (22 spp.), and Chiromo in the Lower Shire valley (30 spp.), which have particularly rich bat faunas. Localities in need of urgent conservation effort include Ntchisi FR in the Central Region, and Chiromo. Ninety-two percent of the species of bats known to occur in Malawi have been recorded from the Southern Region. Most of these species will probably continue to survive in southern Malawi provided that the National Parks (especially Liwonde NP) are maintained and well-managed, and there is no further destruction of the indigenous vegetation at Chiromo and Thyolo, and on the Shire Highlands.  相似文献   

In Iowa, the northern grasshopper mouse ( Onychomys leucogaster ) previously was known only from the northwestern part of the state. Herein, we report records of O. leucogaster from the 1970s and 1980s that extend its distribution into west-central and southwestern Iowa. These records may represent dispersal movements into these parts of Iowa by southward movements from populations in northwestern Iowa or they may represent eastward movements of individuals from Nebraska prior to channelization of the Missouri River.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1309-1323
This paper forms part of a series on the butterfly fauna of Mount Kilimanjaro. Three genera (Catopsilia, Colias and Eurema) with eight species of Coliadinae are believed to occur within the main forest zone. However, of these, one or two may prove to be no more than variants of a third species, Eurema desjardinsii. A fourth conventionally recognized member of the complex may occur on the lower slopes below 1800 m. The widespread species Eurema hecabe occurs on the lower slopes, but records are sparse, and no records of its close relative Eurema floricola, with which it has often been confused, have been found. The need for original field and laboratory research on the taxonomy of African Eurema species is stressed. Keys to adult Coliadinae found in Tanzania, with colour illustrations, are included as online supplementary material.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):3091-3102
The aim of this study was to create an inventory of the coral species which occur in the shallow waters around Rodrigues island. The stony corals of Rodrigues island have received limited study. Corals were recorded, photographed and collected from reef slopes and lagoons by scuba diving and snorkelling during October 2001. A collection of previously collected corals in Rodrigues was also studied. A total of 130 named species in 40 genera of hard corals (125 species in 37 genera of zooxanthellate Scleractinia) were found during the present survey, together with eight unidentified species; 47 species of coral were new records for Rodrigues, 37 of which were new reports for the southern Mascarene archipelago; 23 species represented extensions of their known ranges, including two species that were previously considered endemic to other areas. The number of species found is similar to that previously reported from Mauritius (134), and significantly more than reported in earlier studies of Rodriguan corals (up to 89 species). This also complements recent reports for Rodrigues (132 species) and Mauritius (163 species).  相似文献   

Two hundred woundfin minnows, Plagopterus argentissimus , from four sites along the Virgin River, Utah, were examined on two dates during summer 1985. The foreguts of 211 woundfin and variable numbers of other fishes from the Virgin River near Beaver Dam Wash, Arizona, and Mesquite, Nevada, were examined for cestodes on four dates throughout 1979. Seven parasites were found in P. argentissimus: Posthodiplostomum minimum (metacercariae), Diplostomum spathaceum (metacercariae), Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, Gyrodactylus sp., Lernaea cyprinacea, Trichodina sp., and Ichthyophythirius multifiliis . Fungal infections were noted on two fish during the study. Seventeen Virgin River roundtail chub, Gila robusta seminuda, were examined from two of the four sites in 1985 and 64 specimens from Beaver Dam Wash were examined in 1979. Gila robusta seminuda was infected with Posthodiplostomum minimum (metacercariae) and Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, the Asian fish tapeworm. This cestode probably gained entrance into the ichthyofauna of the Virgin River from red shiners, Notropis lutrensis, and has the potential of being very detrimental to the endemic and endangered fishes of the Virgin River. Parasite loads were correlated with water quality and habitat disturbance, with highest number and frequency occurring in "disturbed" sites. Low river flows and increased total dissolved solids appear to be associated with a higher parasite frequency and mean number in fishes of the Virgin River. These data represent the first known published records for parasites of the woundfin minnow and Virgin River roundtail chub.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2511-2552

This paper, which presents an annotated checklist of the nymphalid subfamily Heliconiinae, is the fifth in a series on the butterfly fauna of Mount Kilimanjaro. Three genera of Heliconiinae (Acraea, Phalanta, Issoria), with a total of 12 included species, are known or believed to occur within the main forest zone, from ca 1800 to 2800 m. Of these, only two species (Acraea acuta, Issoria hanningtoni) may be restricted locally to this primary forest. The lower slopes fauna, below 1800 m, is considerably richer, with a total of four genera and 33 confirmed species listed (10 of which species extend into the forest zone). Possible additional species of Acraea, including some doubtful earlier records, are noted and discussed. An identification key to the genera of Heliconiinae that occur in Tanzania, together with a key to the adults of all heliconiine species considered to occur or likely to occur on Kilimanjaro, with 280 colour images, are included as online Supplementary Information.  相似文献   

The milliped genus Narceus Rafinesque, 1820 (Spirobolida: Spirobolidae) occupies parts or all of 2 Canadian provinces, Québec and Ontario; every U.S. state east of the Mississippi River; and 9 states to the west including Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Records are detailed for the "western" states and New England and include the first from Minnesota, Connecticut, Delaware, and Maine; occurrence is projected for southeastern Minnesota and the Delmarva Peninsula. The genus presently comprises 2 valid species that are endemic to Florida— N. gordanus (Chamberlin, 1943) and N. woodruffi Causey, 1959—and 2 of uncertain status that occur throughout the generic range and are referenced as the " N. americanus/annularis complex"; geographic evidence suggests greater diversity, particularly in the south, and a 2nd generic revision is in order to update the existing one by Keeton (1960). Records cluster within a large, semicontinuous area whose northern, southern, and western range extremes, respectively, are Saint-Nicolas, Lévis Census Division, Québec; Key West, Monroe County, Florida, and northeastern Duval County and Rockport, Aransas County, Texas; and Garner State Park, Uvalde County, Texas. The eastern limit is the Atlantic Ocean, and records are available from Cape Cod and Tuckernuck Island, Massachusetts; Long Island, New York; Cape Hatteras, North Carolina; and James Island, South Carolina. The projected western boundary, based on peripheral localities, angles southwestward from Omaha, Nebraska, to Uvalde County; and the northern boundary passes through central Iowa and Wisconsin (encompassing the Door Peninsula) and the southern periphery of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The lone Minnesota locality, from Lyon County in the southwest, lies substantially north of the projected border in Iowa and well west of the expected area of occurrence in southeastern Minnesota. The northernmost record west of the Mississippi River, it may represent an allopatric population that extends westward into eastern South Dakota.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1367-1394
The pelagic fishes of St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean (15°58′S 5°43′W) are reviewed. A checklist of 53 taxa of pelagic fishes, with notes on fisheries significance, ecology and geographical distribution, is presented. Twelve of the taxa have not before been recorded at St Helena. Of particular interest are records of three primarily Indo-Pacific species: Decapterus muroadsi (Temminck and Schlegel), Uraspis helvola (Forster) and Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepède). Apart from U. helvola, which is known also from Ascension Island, these species are not otherwise recorded in the Atlantic Ocean.

Of the 49 pelagic fishes whose identities are clear, 81·6% are wide-ranging species known from both the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions, 12·2% are pan-Atlantic warm-water species and 4·1% are eastern Atlantic species which reach their western limit in the central Atlantic. In addition, the subspecies Platybelone argalus trachura is found only at St Helena and Ascension.

The principal pelagic species caught by St Helena fisheries are Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus albacares, T. obesus, T. alalunga, Scomber japonicus, Acanthocybium solandri and Pseudocaranx dentex, which together accounted for almost 95% of fish landings in 1982–1983 fiscal year.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2725-2746
In the Indo-Pacific area, insular rivers are mainly colonized by gobiids of the Sicydiinae subfamily. These species spawn in freshwater, where the free embryos drift downstream to the sea before returning to rivers to reproduce; they are amphidromous. These gobies are the greatest contributors to the fish diversity and have the highest levels of endemism. Among the nine known genera of Sicydiinae, only two have been found in the West Indian Ocean, and only one (Sicyopterus) is known from Madagascar. Recently, two surveys discovered a new species in the genus Sicyopus. Sicyopus lord sp. nov. differs from other species by a combination of characters that includes a particular colour pattern, similar in both sexes; more scales than its congeners in lateral series (35–43), transverse back series (12–18) and a shorter caudal fin length in male fish. This paper describes the new species and discusses the presence of this genus in Madagascar.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted during 1997 and 1998 documenting the distribution and abundance of Colorado River cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus ) in Escalante River tributaries. This documented occurrence of native trout in the Escalante River drainage of southern Utah represents an expansion of the known historic range of this subspecies as reported before the 1990s. We found 5 populations of native trout ranging in biomass from 3.0 to 104.2 kg ha -1 and occupying 13.2 km of stream of 130 km of estimated historic habitat. Current distribution and abundance of Colorado River cutthroat trout were compared to early introductions of nonnative trout stocked for sport fishing purposes. Native cutthroat trout have been displaced by nonnative cutthroat trout ( O. c. bouveri ), rainbow trout ( O. mykiss ), brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ), and brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) except where they were isolated by physical or biological barriers. Displacement may have been more extensive except for the remoteness of the drainage and relatively recent introductions of nonnative trout. These conditions limited the overall amount of the drainage stocked, numbers of nonnative trout stocked, and time over which stocking occurred. Discoveries of native trout populations within the Escalante River drainage have allowed expanded conservation of this subspecies by adding new populations to what was known to exist and by increasing the known natural range of this fish.  相似文献   

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