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Five species of the coccidian genus Eimeria ( E. beecheyi [prevalence = 17.9%], E. callospermophili-morainensis [28.6%], E. larimerensis [16.1%], and E. bilamellata [3.6%]) were recovered from 56, 13-lined ground squirrels ( Spermophilus tridicemlineatus ) collected from two sites in eastern Wyoming. Two squirrels from one site were also passing an unidentified polysporocystic coccidian. Infected squirrels were found to harbor from one to three species simultaneously. Previously these same eimerian species were found infecting sympatric populations of Wyoming ground squirrels. ( Spermophilus elegans ) and white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leacurus ) at one of the sites; it is suggested that the exchange of these generalist parasite species among co-occurring sciurid hosts contributes to the consistent prevalence levels reported in Wyoming ground squirrels.  相似文献   

Six species of the coccidian genus Eimeria ( E. larimerensis [prevalence = 17%], E. bilamellata [12%] E. beecheyi [34%], E. morainensis [43%], E. callospermophili [21%], and E. spermophili [5%]) were recovered from Wyoming ground squirrels ( Spermophilus elegans elegans ) collected during 1983, 1984, 1985, and 1986. Infected ground squirrels were found to harbor from one to five species simultaneously. The 1007 hosts examined were collected from two different habitats: (1) a xeric desert shrub-steppe and (2) an irrigated alfalfa-brome field. All species of Eimeria occurred at each study site during all years, although the prevalence of each species varied between years. This is the first report of these congeries of species infecting this host. In a second study of sympatric populations of Wyoming ground squirrels and white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leucurus ), found three species of Eimeria present in both host populations ( E. beecheyi [white-tailed prairie dog prevalence = 83%, Wyoming ground squirrel = 52%], E. morainensis [22%, 52%], and E. bilamellata [17%, 10%]). This is the first report of these three species infecting white-tailed prairie dogs. Eimeria larimerensis was found in Wyoming ground squirrels but not in prairie dogs.  相似文献   

Collections of crayfish by Wyoming Game and Fish Department biologists and University of Wyoming staff in 1985-1987 included five species: Pacifastacus gambelii , the only species found in the Snake River and Bear River drainages of western Wyoming; Orconectes neglectus neglectus , collected from one reservoir in the South Platte River drainage in southeastern Wyoming (its first reported occurrence in the state); O. immunis and O. virilis ,widespread east of the Continental Divide and in the Green River drainage of southwestern Wyoming; and Cambarus Diogenes Diogenes , collected from a tributary of the North Platte River in eastern Wyoming.  相似文献   

Microhabitat selection by the johnny darter ( Etheostoma nigrum ) was examined in the North Laramie River, Platte County, Wyoming, where it does not occur with other darter species in the same stream reach. Electivity indices based on microhabitat observations indicate that E. nigrum avoids riffles and selects certain microhabitats characterized by intermediate water depths in pools and slow-moving runs with a substrate composed primarily of silt and sand. Niche breadth and electivity values for total depth, bottom water velocity, and substrate measurements from this study indicate that E. nigrum is a habitat generalist, except at the extreme ends of the habitat gradient. Habitat use here is generally similar to other studies where E. nigrum occurred with one or more other darter species. This study found little evidence for competitive release in the absence of other darters.  相似文献   

Recent distribution maps show raccoon as occupying only the extreme eastern - northeastern portion of Wyoming. However, there is substantial evidence that raccoon are common throughout Wyoming and currently inhabit all the major and many of the minor drainages throughout Wyoming.  相似文献   

Recent distribution maps show raccoon as occupying only the extreme eastern - northeastern portion of Wyoming. However, there is substantial evidence that raccoon are common throughout Wyoming and currently inhabit all the major and many of the minor drainages throughout Wyoming.  相似文献   

Helminth parasites of the Wyoming ground squirrel, Spermophilus elegans Kennicott, 1863, were surveyed from two environmentally different habitats within Wyoming. A total of four helminth species were identified. Three helminth species were found in 419 hosts collected in a mesic habitat including one species of adult cestode, Hymenolepis citelli, and two species of nematodes, Citellinema bifurcatum and Syphacia citelli. Only larval cestodes ( Taenia taxidiensis ) were found infecting 335 Wyoming ground squirrels collected from a xeric habitat.  相似文献   

Before 1990 the spotted bat ( Euderma maculatum ) was known in Wyoming from only 2 records. Between June 1994 and May 1997 we documented habitat use and observations incidental to conducting a bat inventory of caves and abandoned mines. By monitoring audible echolocation calls, we observed bats at mist-netting sites. Spotted bats were heard or captured on 13 nights at 10 locations, all of which were near canyons or high cliff faces. No foraging habitat preferences were noted. E. maculatum occurrence appears to be related to roost structure, roost availability, and proximity to a permanent water source.  相似文献   

Eight species previously unreported for Wyoming are listed. A range extension is noted for Erigeron humilis, and Cymopterus bipinnatus is verified as occurring in Wyoming.  相似文献   

One exotic poeciliid ( Xiphophorus helleri ) and two cichlids ( Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum and Tilapia mossambica ) are recorded as recently established in thermal springs and their outflows in southern Idaho. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus was collected and is considered as established in the Boise River system. Poecilia mexicana and juvenile hybrid tilapias are recorded from the Bruneau River at Bruneau Hot Springs, Idaho. A reproducing population of X. helleri was found in a spring within the boundaries of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Poecilia reticulata , previously reported from one spring each in Idaho and Wyoming, is recorded from a second spring outflow in Idaho.  相似文献   

Five species of Ciconiiforms breed in Wyoming: the American Bittern ( Botaurus lentiginosus ), Great Blue Heron ( Ardea herodias ), Snowy Egret ( Egretta thula ), Black-crowned Night-Heron ( Nycticorax nycticorax ), and White-faced Ibis ( Plegadis chihi ). Field surveys conducted from 1984 through 1986 indicate that at least 151 Great Blue Heron colony sites exist in Wyoming, making it the most abundant and widespread Ciconiiform in the state. Only small breeding populations have been discovered for the remaining species. Except for the Snowy Egret, where numbers of active nests have remained relatively stable, population trends are unknown for the other species. We believe most colonies have been found in Wyoming, but additional inventories may result in the discovery of other nesting areas, especially for the Great Blue Heron.  相似文献   

Pygmy rabbits are reported for the first time in southwestern Wyoming. The range for this species is thus extended 240 km and 145 km from the nearest records in Idaho and Utah, respectively.  相似文献   

Henry Rogers Durkee collected 74 egg sets of 27 avian species in 1870 at Gilmer, Uinta County, in southwestern Wyoming. Despite the paucity of documented breeding evidence from this region during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, his material at the Smithsonian Institution was generally overlooked and has never been critically examined. Durkee's egg sets included 5 species (Sandhill Crane, Grus candensis ; Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Stelgidoteryx serripennis ; Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum ; Fox Sparrow, Passerella iliaca ; Cassin's Finch, Carpodacus cassinii ) whose breeding distribution was then poorly known, 25 to more than 70 years before nests and eggs were otherwise documented in Wyoming. Durkee also collected complete egg sets of Lark Bunting ( Calamospiza melanocorys ) over 70 years before breeding was confirmed at other peripheral locations in Wyoming. In addition, Durkee's incomplete egg sets of Grasshopper Sparrow were the 1st western subspecies ( A. s. perpallidus ); his complete egg set and nest of the Fox Sparrow collected at Gilmer constituted the 2nd locality for the species or species group ( P. i. schistacea ). Although the number of egg sets Durkee collected is modest, he made a meaningful contribution to the early history of avifaunal exploration in Wyoming.  相似文献   

Historically, one American White Pelican nesting area was known in Wyoming. In 1986 White Pelicans nested at four locations consisting of four different colonies and approximately 949 active nests. Nesting success was probably adequate for population stability at Pathfinder Reservoir from 1984 through 1986 and at Yellowstone Lake in 1984 and 1985, but insufficient there in 1986. White Pelican colonies at Bamforth and Cooper lakes most likely failed because of predation. With the exception of the Yellowstone Lake colony, the future of White Pelican nesting colonies in Wyoming is uncertain. Current threats are human disturbance of nesting birds, predation, and loss of habitat, including breeding areas and foraging sites.  相似文献   

To date, 17 species of Laridae have been reported in Wyoming. Six of these species have know breeding populations in the state: the Ring-billed Gull ( Larus delawarensis ), California Gull ( Larus californicus ), Herring Gull ( Larus argentatus ), Caspian Tern ( Sterna caspia ), Forster's Tern ( Sterna forsteri ), and Black Tern ( Chlidonias niger ). Of these species, the California Gull is the most abundant and widespread. In 1984 approximately 7300 nests existed in Wyoming at six breeding locations consisting of 10 different colonies. In contrast, only small breeding populations have been discovered for the remaining five species. The Herring Gull is the most recent addition among Laridae know to nest in Wyoming. Likewise, two Ring-billed Bull colonies were recently found after not having been documented as breeding in the state for over 50 years. Although some nesting colonies are threatened by habitat loss and human disturbance, most seem secure at present. Limited nesting and foraging habitat precludes establishment of large breeding populations of most Laridae in the state.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine previously unpublished reports of the endangered black-footed ferret from Wyoming are listed with dates, locations, number of animals, sources, and comments.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine previously unpublished reports of the endangered black-footed ferret from Wyoming are listed with dates, locations, number of animals, sources, and comments.  相似文献   

The Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming are an insular mountain range completely surrounded by the Great Plains. The stonefly (Plecoptera) fauna of the Black Hills was surveyed and zoogeographic affinities examined. Twenty-seven species representing 22 genera and 6 families were found. Fifteen new state records for South Dakota and 2 for Wyoming are presented. Two species are removed from the South Dakota list. An analysis of the North American distribution of each species showed a strong relationship between the Black Hills and the Rocky Mountains, with much weaker relationships between the Black Hills and eastern and northern regions. Results of a logistic regression analysis comparing factors contributing to long-distance dispersal ability against presence/absence in the Black Hills were inconclusive. However, other evidence suggests that the Black Hills fauna is a result of expansion and subsequent vicariance of stonefly populations during Pleistocene climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

To aid the conservation and management of Mountain Plovers ( Charadrius montanus ), we developed a spatially explicit model of breeding habitat for the shrub-steppe of western Wyoming. Points of Mountain Plover presence and absence were determined by field surveys conducted May through June 1999. At each point we measured topographic slope and a cover type suitability index related to vegetation height and density. Logistic regression revealed a strong negative relationship between presence and slope, and a weaker and positive relationship between presence and cover index. A multiple logistic regression model using slope and cover index to predict presence successfully classified 87% of the points in an independent data set covering much of western Wyoming. The spatial expression of this model will help managers target future surveys and identify currently unsuitable habitat that could be improved via vegetation management. Patches of suitable breeding habitat of the Mountain Plover in western Wyoming are probably functions of poor soil, low precipitation, and wind scour, and thus are likely rather persistent in space and time. Combined with the relatively large proportion of publicly owned land here, this may make conservation and recovery of the Mountain Plover easier in western Wyoming than in the more dynamic and privately controlled Great Plains.  相似文献   

Descurainia torulosa was established in 1983 based on material collected in northwestern Wyoming. The species is now known from 2 disjunct populations in southwestern Wyoming, and recent collections have expanded the known distribution within the northern portion of its range. The north-south disjunct distribution and apparent habitat differences have stimulated questions concerning the degree of relatedness between the disjunct elements to the point that the southern populations have been suggested to be a distinct taxon. Recognition of D. torulosa as a distinct species has also been questioned. This paper is based on field examination of D. torulosa populations, study of all known D. torulosa herbarium specimens, and analysis of nucleotide sequence from the internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2 of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS-1 & 2) from population exemplars. Cladistic analysis of the sequence data support our conclusion, based on morphological analysis. Northern and southern populations of D. torulosa are conspecific. Western North American Descurainia is in need of modern, critical taxonomic revision.  相似文献   

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