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We examined morphology of 4 sucker species (Catostomidae) from Klamath and Rogue River basins, Oregon and California. Different pairs of these species have been suspected of hybridizing, and field biologists have experienced difficulty identifying individuals in some areas. The suite of morphological characters used for initial identification was poorly supported by other morphometric characters but well supported by meristic characters, especially when analyses were restricted geographically. In some species sexual dimorphism was evident, with males having longer pectoral fins and females having longer pre-anal counts and measurements. Each species showed geographic differentiation, either between the Lost River subbasin and other Klamath subbasins or between Klamath and Rogue basins. Classification was most difficult for Catostomus snyderi , which was frequently misclassified as all other species, but especially as Chasmistes brevirostris . Despite this, the 2 species are ecologically segregated in the upper subbasins with lake-spawning Ch. brevirostris spatially segregated and river-spawning Ch. brevirostris temporally segregated from river-spawning C. snyderi . We discuss the possibility that a large-headed, thin-lipped species has become extinct in Upper Klamath Lake and alternatively suggest that the form could represent an ecophenotype of Ch. brevirostris that is no longer produced in hypereutrophic Upper Klamath Lake.  相似文献   

The chronology of Juniperus occidentalis (western juniper) expansion in eastern Oregon, the effect of plant canopy and interspace on J. occidentalis seedling establishment and growth rates, and the age of J. occidentalis maximum reproductive potential were determined. Measurements were recorded in twenty-two 0.4-ha plots established in sagebrush-grassland communities and six 0.1-ha plots in Populus tremuloides (quaking aspen) communities. J. occidentalis began increasing during the 1880s in stands containing > 130 yr old. Relatively steady establishment ensued into the 1950s and then began to progress at a geometric rate in the 19602. J. occidentalis encroachment into aspen stands began between 1910 and 1920. The largest proportion of juvenile trees established beneath Artemisia species in sagebrush-grassland communities. J. occidentalis trees appeared to reach full reproductive potential at > 50 yr of age. The ratio of male:female trees increased from 1.7 in scattered J. occidentalis stands to 3.8 in closed stands. The initiation of J. occidentalis encroachment during the late 1800s coincides with optimal climatic conditions for Juniperus berry production and establishment, reduced fire-return intervals, and heavy livestock grazing. The accelerated increase in J. occidentalis expansion since 1960 may be due to the continued absence of fire, abundant woody plant cover, and the large increase in J. occidentalis seed production.  相似文献   

Bluehead sucker ( Catostomus discobolus ) and flannelmouth sucker ( Catostomus latipinnis ) populations are declining throughout these species’ native ranges in the Upper Colorado River Basin. In order to conserve these populations, an understanding of population dynamics is needed. Using age estimates from pectoral fin rays, we describe age and growth of these 2 species in 3 Wyoming stream systems: Muddy Creek, the Little Sandy River, and the Big Sandy River. Within all 3 stream systems, flannelmouth suckers were longer-lived than bluehead suckers, with maximum estimated ages of 16 years in Muddy Creek, 18 years in Little Sandy Creek, and 26 years in the Big Sandy River. Bluehead suckers had maximum estimated ages of 8 years in Muddy Creek, 10 years in Little Sandy Creek, and 18 years in the Big Sandy River. These maximum estimated ages were substantially greater than in other systems where scales have been used to estimate ages. Mean lengths at estimated ages were greater for flannelmouth suckers than for bluehead suckers in all 3 streams and generally less than values published from other systems where scales were used to estimate ages. Our observations of long life spans and slow growth rates among bluehead suckers and flannelmouth suckers were probably associated with our use of fin rays to estimate ages as well as the populations being in headwater tributaries near the northern edges of these species’ ranges.  相似文献   

In spring and summer 1991 and 1992, we surveyed fishes of the White River system, Nye and White Pine Counties, Nevada, to determine the status of natives. There are 5 known native fishes to the White River: Lepidomeda albivallis (White River spinedace), Crenichthys baileyi albivallis (Preston White River springfish), Crenichthys baileyi thermophilus (Moorman White River springfish), Catostomus clarki intermedius (White River desert sucker), and Rhinichthys osculus ssp. (White River speckled dace). All 5 had declined in range. Lepidomeda albivallis had experienced the greatest decline, with less than 50 remaining, and these were restricted to a 70-m stream reach. Rhinichthys osculus spp. was most widespread, found in 18 spring systems. Cottus bairdi (mottled sculpin) was collected for the 1st time from the White River system, where it was probably native. Protective measures should be implemented to conserve all native White River fishes to include C. bairdi.  相似文献   

Twenty Catostomus latipinnis and 50 Catostomus discobolis from La Verkin Creek and the Fremont River in southern Utah were collected and surveyed for parasites. Data from the survey indicated that 83 percent of the fish were infected with at least one parasite, with the fish from La Verkin Creek harboring more parasites. Twelve genera and 12 species of parasites were identified from these fish. A monogenetic trematode, Gyrodactylus elegans, which was found in 90 percent of the fish, was the most common parasite. Comments are included on habitat and host variations for the parasitofauna from suckers taken from the two locations.  相似文献   

The abundance and diversity of lizards in nine habitat types from Oregon were studied from May through October 1980. Eight species were from eight habitat types. The most common species were Sceloporous occidentalis, Uta stansburiana, Sceloporous graciosus, and Cnemidophorus tigris. Phynosoma douglassi was uncommon and Eumeces skiltonianus was not observed. Temporary streams in nonbasaltic areas were the most productive habitat m terms of lizard abundance but sagebrush areas were the most productive habitat in terms of species diversity.   No lizards were recorded from grassland conversion areas. The conflict between a land management policy that emphasizes both vegetation conversion and conservation of present wildlife stocks is discussed.  相似文献   

We compared diet of young-of-year Colorado squawfish ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), an endangered cyprinid, with diets of other fish Rhinichthys osculus, Catostomus discobolus, and C. latipinnts , and nonnative Cyprinella lutrensis, Notropis stramineus, Pimephales promelas, Ictalurus punctatus, and Lepomis cyanellus. For each species, diet varied with size and between upper and lower river reaches but not between seasons for fish of similar size. Larval chironomids and ccratopogonids were principal foods of most fishes. Copepods and cladocerans were important in diets of P. lucius L. cyanellus Catostomus discobolus was the only species that ate moderate amounts of algae. Fish (all larvae) were in digestive tracts of only 10 P. lucius (21-73 mm TL), about 1% of P. lucius analyzed. High diet overlap occurred between some size-reach groups of P. lucius and C. lutrensis, R. osculus, C. latipinnis, I. punctatus, and L. cyanellus . Potential for food competition between young-of-year P. lucius and other fishes in backwaters appeared greatest with the very abundant C. lutrensis .  相似文献   

I compared acute tolerance of Gila topminnow, Poeciliopsis occidentalis , and western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis , to ammonia and high water temperature and also compared diet, food selectivity, and impact on invertebrate populations to evaluate the potential for each species to effectively control mosquitoes (Culicidae) in wetland habitats. Critical thermal maxima differed among species, sexes, and lifestages, but these differences were likely not biologically significant due to their small magnitude and the ability of wild populations of both species to adapt to high temperatures. In 24-hour tests, G. affinis displayed about twice the ammonia tolerance as did P. occidentalis . However, longterm survival in habitats with high ammonia concentrations is questionable, thus reducing the perceived benefit of using G. affinis for mosquito abatement in these habitats. Diet overlap was significant between sexes within species but was not significant between species. However, both species exhibited significant dietary selection for mosquito larvae and pupae under experimental conditions. Shared dietary preference for mosquito larvae and pupae, in addition to similarity in temperature tolerance between species, suggests that P. occidentalis , a native and historically widespread species, can be used in place of nonnative G. affinis for mosquito control. There is no evidence to suggest that nonnative G. affinis is better suited for mosquito abatement, and since G. affinis is replacing P. occidentalis throughout the native species' former range, it should no longer be introduced into the Gila River basin for mosquito control. However, managers who would use P. occidentalis for mosquito abatement must take care not to interfere with conservation efforts by disrupting the genetic structure of natural populations of P. occidentalis .  相似文献   

Leech species of the mid-Snake River of Idaho and Oregon are described, and the distribution of the extant leech Mooreobdella microstoma Moore in the Snake River paleodrainage is delineated. Samples were collected from aquatic surveys in the Snake River using suction dredging by the Idaho Power Company and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation between 1995 and 2006. Supplementing these surveys, opportunities were provided for leech identification in water-quality analyses in Arizona and Wyoming and in other surveys in California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Eight species of leeches were found in the Snake River surveys. Erpobdella parva Moore was the most widely distributed species, occurring both above and below Shoshone Falls. Mooreobdella microstoma was widely distributed below Shoshone Falls. Other leech species were rare, although Helobdella stagnalis Linnaeus was very common above and less common below Shoshone Falls, a natural barrier to the anadromous fish. Mooreobdella microstoma is an extant species that links the Snake River to the lower Colorado River by various paleodrainages. It probably colonized the Snake River by upstream movement, whereas Erpobdella parva likely colonized this river by downstream movement.  相似文献   

Little is known about the basic characteristics of the western harvester ant ( Pogonomyrmex owyheei ) in the absence of anthropogenic disturbances. We examined the role of P. owyheei as an agent of disturbance in an area of semiarid vegetation in central Oregon known as the Horse Ridge Research Natural Area (HRRNA) that has been largely free of livestock grazing and other significant anthropogenic influences for over 23 yr. We determined density and size characteristics of nest sites and estimate total area cleared by P. owyheei activities on HRRNA. From random sampling of twenty-five 0.04-ha plots we found a mean nest density/standard error of 1.6(± 0.16) nests/0.04 ha. Mean area cleared per nest site was 4.8 m 2 , which results in an estimated barren area of 46,080 m 2 on the 240-ha HRRNA. Comparing our findings to others on P. owyheei and P. occidentalis , we found nest density and mean cleared area to be in the middle range of reported observations under a variety of land-use influences. The literature suggests that moderate disturbance may increase nest site density, but little relationship exists between disturbance history and mean size of nest sites.  相似文献   

Historical events have had a great impact on the biogeography of fishes of western North America. We examined the genetic variation of the speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ) to determine the effects on this species of extensive hydrological changes during the last 10 million years in the Bonneville and Lahontan basins of the Great Basin and the upper Snake River Basin. Eight hundred sixty-nine base pairs of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b were sequenced from 97 individuals representing 22 populations within these 3 basins, as well as from 2 individuals of longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ) that served as outgroups. Additionally, 13 speckled dace sequences representing 3 Bonneville populations were used from GenBank. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria. Analysis of molecular variance was used to determine population structure and to estimate the amount of gene flow across the community boundaries. Three distinct clades were reconstructed representing the Lahontan Basin, the northern Bonneville and upper Snake River basins, and the southern Bonneville Basin. Additionally, most of the population structuring was explained by variation among basins (65.33%). Speckled dace demonstrated high genetic variation. As hypothesized, the northern and southern Bonneville specimens formed separate clades; however, the southern Bonneville clade was basal to a sister clade formed by the northern Bonneville/upper Snake River and Lahontan clades. These relationships indicate that Pliocene connections between the Snake, Lahontan, and Bonneville drainages, rather than more recent Pleistocene connections, best explain population structuring in speckled dace.  相似文献   

Trichophrya sp. (Protozoa) on the gills of cutthroat trout ( Salmo clarki ) and longnose suckers ( Catostomus catostomus ) was studied using light and electron microscopy and tracer techniques. All cutthroat trout, 14 cm in total length and above, from Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, were infested with the suctorian. No trichophryans were found on fry or fingerling cutthroat trout. Sixty percent of the examined longnose suckers from the same location were infested. Light microscopy disclosed extensive pathology of gill epithelium in longnose suckers infested with Trichophrya that was not observed for infested cutthroat trout. Electron micrographs show damage to immediate host gill cells by both parasites, depicted by a reduction and lack of mitochondria. Both parasites form attachment helices (0.52 × 0.04 μ m), which may originate in the protozoan cell membrane and function for maintenance of parasite position on the host cell. There was no uptake of 14 C, injected into host fish, via the attachment helices by the parasite that further substantiated the mechanical function for the spiral structure. Protozoan feeding on host tissue may be accomplished by use of necrotic gill tissue and mucus.     相似文献   

We sampled streams in the Upper Clear Creek Watershed in northwestern California in fall 2004 and fall 2005 to document assemblages of aquatic vertebrates and to provide resource managers with information on the importance of these assemblages in terms of regional biodiversity. We used single-pass backpack electrofishing to sample 15 sites in fall 2004 and the same 15 sites plus 4 new sites in fall 2005. We captured 10 fish taxa and 2 species of larval amphibians. Seven of the fish taxa were native species. Of the exotic species, only brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) occurred at more than 1 site. Ordinations by nonmetric multidimensional scaling indicated a gradient from sites with rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), Pacific giant salamander ( Dicamptodon tenebrosus ), and tailed frog ( Ascaphus truei ) to sites dominated by riffle sculpin ( Cottus gulosus ), California roach ( Hesperoleucas symmetricus ), and Sacramento sucker ( Catostomus occidentalis ). The gradient in species composition was associated with changes in elevation, gradient, discharge, and substrate. The Upper Clear Creek Watershed represents a unique area of overlap between the North Coast California amphibian fauna and the Central Valley fish fauna with a notable paucity of exotic fishes and amphibians. Preservation of the integrity of native aquatic assemblages is an important goal for aquatic resource management in the region; our results provide a critcial baseline to gauge future management actions.  相似文献   

The little-known mayfly Siphlonurus autumnalis McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae) was collected from several locations in its floodplain habitats along the Middle Fork of the Flathead River in western Montana. To confirm identification, nymphs were reared along with an associated species, S. occidentalis Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae). Adults emerged from 6 September until 16 October. Habitats are described and the first photos of the 2 sexes are provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):429-463
We studied the systematic status of a form of Pollimyrus of the lower Kwando River that is flanked by the Okavango River, inhabited by Pollimyrus castelnaui (Boulenger, 1911), and the Zambezi River, inhabited by Pollimyrus marianne Kramer et al., 2003. In morphology and electric organ discharges (EODs), the Kwando phenotype proved well differentiated from both P. castelnaui and P. marianne. Sequence analysis of the cyt b gene confirmed that the three forms or species form a monophyletic clade, with P. castelnaui sister to the other two species. Genomic fingerprinting with ISSR-PCR confirmed differentiation of the Kwando form, that we recognize as a different species, P. cuandoensis sp. nov., from its sister species, P. marianne. A considerable amount of EOD and morphological variation was revealed among samples of P. cuandoensis sp. nov. from four different locations on the lower Kwando River, possibly due to hybrid introgression. This seems an ideal system for testing theories of parapatric speciation. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FB644B21-04F6-44F8-AEB6-8DC09268C17C  相似文献   

Coastal erosion at central Whidbey Island reveals a cross-section view of dune sands that contain the only known record of animals that inhabited the Pacific Northwest coast during the early Holocene. Mammal fossils include bones and teeth of deer, wolf, brown bear, and several species of rodents. A deer vertebra from basal beds yielded a 14 C age of 8840 ± 50 yr BP. The faunal diversity suggests that the region was repopulated relatively quickly following the final retreat of the Cordilleran sheet. This paleofauna was quite different from that of the late Pleistocene, when the region was inhabited by mammoth, musk oxen, giant sloth, and other large mammals. Avian remains include hawks, geese, and seabirds, 3 groups that occupied quite different ecological niches. Early Holocene bird fossils from Whidbey Island are dissimilar to late Pleistocene avifaunas from inland sites in California and Oregon, evidence that the coastal environment offered habitat conditions quite unlike those of interior wetlands.  相似文献   

Water temperature at which Columbia spotted frog ( Rana luteiventris ) eggs were deposited and developed was determined at 18 oviposition sites in northeastern Oregon in 2000. Mean daily water temperature on the day of initial egg deposition ranged from 7.6° C to 16.0° C with a mean of 9.6 ° C. Maximum water temperatures on the 1st day of egg deposition ranged from 9.8° C to 20.2° C and averaged 15.5° C. Eggs were not deposited on days when maximum water temperature was below 9.4° C. Duration of egg deposition ranged from 1 to 20 days at the 18 sites. Embryos hatched after 12 21 days. Mean and maximum daily water temperatures were significantly correlated with number of days to hatching. Key words: Columbia spotted frog, embryonic temperature tolerance, northeastern Oregon, Rana luteiventris, ranid.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight sites along the Wasatch Front, north central Utah, representing the range of urban land use intensity for wadeable streams of the area, were sampled in September 2000. Fish communities were assessed by single-pass electrofishing, and physical habitat and water-quality characteristics were measured. On average, nonnative species comprised 54% of species richness and 53% of relative abundance, although only Salmo trutta and Pimephales promelas were very abundant at any 1 site. Salmo trutta and Catostomus platyrhynchus , a native species, were the most widely distributed and abundant species captured. Analysis of fish communities using nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) revealed a community gradient from sites dominated by Salmo trutta and Cottus species ( C. bairdi , C. beldingi ) to sites dominated by Catostomus platyrhynchus . Sites dominated by C. platyrhynchus were smaller in size and had less habitat cover, smaller average substrate size, higher concentrations of dissolved constituents, and higher water temperature than sites dominated by S. trutta . Sites dominated by C. platyrhynchus were located in more intensely urbanized watersheds at lower elevations. Stream size and associated instream habitat availability appear to limit S. trutta distribution and abundance, while native species appear more tolerant of decreased water quality and increased water temperatures in more urbanized streams. Most of the study sites are affected by development of water infrastructure for human water use (e.g., dams and diversions), and this infrastructure may play a role in dispersal of species.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization has increasingly become regarded as a serious threat to the genetic integrity and persistence of rare plants. Oenothera glazioviana (Onagraceae) is a horticultural species that has escaped cultivation and now threatens the narrow Pacific coastal endemic O. wolfii with hybridization. Reports of morphologically intermediate and ecologically aggressive forms prompted this investigation into the extent of hybridization over the range of O. wolfii . In particular, this study identifies populations of pure and hybrid origins. We used multivariate methods to characterize the morphological variation of Oregon and northern California coastal Oenothera populations. Putatively pure O. wolfii and O. glazioviana individuals do not overlap in many floral characteristics. We found morphologies ranging between the 2 species in northern California populations, however, supporting the inference of hybridization. Remote O. wolfii populations in Oregon were smaller in almost all characters, and discriminant analysis was able to distinguish the rare species from both hybrids and O. glazioviana . However, 5 of 10 O. wolfii populations overlapped significantly with hybrid populations for individual traits and composite morphology, and trait values outside the range of O. wolfii were discovered in 2 populations previously considered to be pure. We also discuss the morphological evidence in light of these species’ chromosomal complexes and environmental factors.  相似文献   

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