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Different insect trapping methods were compared weekly on recently burned and nearby unburned rangeland in the Great Basin of western Utah. Flight traps (or wing traps) collected the most specimens (total = 4,916 at burned site, 4,384 at unburned site) but represented the fewest species (no more than 11 spp./wk at either site); this method was not recommended because of difficulty in removing specimens from adhesive. Water traps amassed the next largest number of specimens ( ̄x ± SE/wk = 150.9 ± 75.3 at burned site, 158.0 ± 66.4 at unburned site) and the most species ( ̄x ± SE/wk = 21.6 ± 6.4 at burned site, 35. 1 ± 4.5 at unburned site). The weekly collections from pitfall traps between the sites were significantly different (P < .05) in number of specimens ( ̄x ± SE/wk = 8.1 ± 1.5 at burned site, 19.7 ± 4.8 at unburned site) and species ( ̄x ± SE/wk = 4.7 ± 0.6 at burned site, 9.5 ± 2.0 at unburned site). Malaise traps were the most convenient. Black Malaise traps collected more specimens ( ̄x ± SE/wk = 99.8 ± 19.4 at burned site, 90.6 ± 16.4 at unburned site) and species ( ̄x ± SE/wk = 22.9 ± 3.9 at burned site, 19.4 ± 6.5 at unburned site) than white malaise traps (specimens:  ̄x ± SE/wk = 72.1 ± 22.4 at burned site, 87.1 ± 31.2 at unburned site; species:  ̄x ± SE/ wk = 19.7 ± 6.6 at burned site, 16.4 ± 5.4 at unburned site), although this difference was not significant.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1209-1212
The six primarily Neotropical species groups of the genus Rachispoda are revised, comprising a total of 50 species, of which 35 are newly described. The aequipilosa group comprises nine species in the Neotropical and southeastern Nearctic regions: R. aequipilosa (Duda) comb. n., R. spuleri (Sabrosky) comb. n., and the new species R. alces, R. chisholmae, R. intonsa, R. joycei, R. laureata, R. luciana, and R. paludicola. The divergens group comprises ten Neotropical species: R. decimsetosa (Richards) comb. n., R. divergens (Duda) comb. n., R. multisetosa (Duda) comb. n., R. pluriseta (Duda) comb. n., and the new species R. condyla, R. forficula, R. luisi, R. merga, R. thaliathrix, and R. villosa. The fuscinervis group is a Neotropical and southern Nearctic group of 21 species: R. fuscinervis (Malloch) comb. n., R. schildi (Spuler) comb. n., R. striata (Duda) comb. n., R. trigonata (Spuler) comb. n., R. trochanterata (Malloch) comb n., and the new species R. aeditua, R. amarilla, R. andina, R. cesta, R. clivicola, R. colombiana, R. geneiates, R. justini, R. luminosa, R. meringoterga, R. oreadis, R. recavisterna, R. synoria, R. thermastris, R. trichopyga, and R. zygolepis. The maculinea group comprises seven Neotropical species: R. maculinea (Richards) comb. n., and the new species R. altimontana, R. baezensis, R. caesia, R. kaieteurana, R. lucaris, and R. praealta. The marginalis group contains the single Neotropical species R. marginalis (Malloch) comb. n. The m-nigrum group contains two species in the Neotropical and southeastern Nearctic regions: R. bipilosa (Duda) comb. n. and R. m-nigrum (Malloch) comb. n. Six described species are newly synonymized: Leptocera ensenada Richards (=R. divergens), L. limbinervis Duda and L. ruficornis Duda (=R. fuscinervis), L. paraguayensis Duda and L. weemsi Sabrosky (=R. m-nigrum), and L. rossi Richards (=R. multisetosa).  相似文献   

Average linear movement by populations of Dipodomys ordii, Microtus montanus, Perognathus parvus, and Peromyscus maniculatus &nbsp; was investigated over a 15-month period by live trapping on a low-level, radioactive waste disposal area in Idaho. No significant differences in movement among habitats were observed seasonally, excepting M. montanus in spring. Average linear movements within habitats ranged from 20 to 70 m for all species, but some patterns varied seasonally and among age classes for individual species. Although predation on contaminated small mammals from the disposal area is a vector of radionuclide transport, local movements by these rodents do not appear to be of sufficient magnitude to contribute significantly to redistribution of radioactive particles.  相似文献   

Fungal spores from the same taxa of fungi that occur in the Pacific Northwest are reported from digestive tracts of31 rodents of 5 genera from the Nothofagus forest of southern Argentina. Mycophagy (fungal feeding) by forest rodents has been well documented in North America (Fogel and Trappe 1978, Maser et al. 1978, Mclntire 1984, and others), Europe (Blaschke and B?umler 1986, Durrieu et al. 1984), and Australia (Malajczuk et al. 1987). The purpose of this note is to report fungi consumed by rodents of the Argentine Andinian Patagonic forest (see Dimitri 1972,McQueen 1977, and Ward 1965 for a discussion of this forest), where mycorrhizal fungi may be an important part of the forest-rodent ecology (Cabrera and Yepes 1960, Pearson 1983, 1948, Pearson and Pearson 1982).  相似文献   

The distribution of 21 species of nonvolant mammals among nine islands in the Great Salt Lake was analyzed for biogeographic patterns. The number of species inhabiting an island is closely correlated with island area That the slope of the regression line describing this relationship (z or b) is relatively shallow compared to (1) totally isolated island systems or (2) island systems where an equilibrium between rates of colonization and extinction have been attained suggests that isolation plays little role in accounting for the variation in mammalian species diversity among islands. Stepwise multiple regression confirms this, while demonstrating that area alone accounts for 88 percent of the variation in species diversity among islands. However, endemic subspecies comprise a significant proportion of the insular mammalian fauna, suggesting that isolation for small mammals restricted to certain habitats may be substantial. A general scenario of the processes determining insular mammalian diversity and endemism is discussed for the Great Salt Lake, where the dynamic lake level creates a potential for different biogeographic processes over time.  相似文献   

A new brachypterous species of Onthophagus from Mexico, belonging to the New World chevrolati species group, is described and illustrated. Illustrations of the male and female dorsal habitus, and genitalia are provided. The relationships with other brachypterous species that occur in Guerrero (Mexico) are discussed. Placement of the new species in the chevrolati group key is provided. Additionally, new locality records for O. inflaticollis Bates are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:747118CE-6A93-401A-8625-5A75479980AD  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-16):965-984
We used ecological niche modelling projected as species' potential (based on the original vegetation map) and extant (based on the 2000 land use and vegetation map) distributions to analyse changes on patterns of endemism of terrestrial mammals occurring in Mexico. Based on the biogeographic method of Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity, we obtained cladograms under scenarios of species' potential distribution (t1) and extant distributions (t2). We found that the resolution of consensus cladogram in t2 was poorer, while there were more geographic synapomorphies in t1, and more autapomorphies in t2 due to a reduction of species' distributions as a consequence of deforestation. We defined a hierarchical regionalization with two regions with the cladogram of t1; a transitional zone, two subregions, five dominions, and 15 provinces. Conversely, the consensus cladogram of t2 had a basal trichotomy, and the position of the Sierra Madre Occidental changed compared with t1. In t1 and t2, the Yucatán Peninsula+Chiapas+Isthmus of Tehuantepec clade was maintained, although in t2 it was separated from the remaining areas of the country. The impact of deforestation on species distributions strongly affected the biogeographic regionalization of terrestrial mammals in Mexico.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21):2759-2778
The phylogeny of the disjunct pantropical Camptotypus genus-group (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae) was reconstructed using 40 morphological characters.The monophyly of many established genera (Parvipimpla, Clydonium, Odontopimpla) was found to be supported, but Hemipimpla was found to nest within Camptotypus and has thus been treated as a junior synonym of it (syn. n.). A group of undescribed Neotropical species were found to form a separate monophyletic group, herein referred to as Genus A. Species of the Neotropical genus Zonopimpla formed a basal paraphyletic grade which could not satisfactorily be resolved into discrete monophyletic units. Rather than subsuming all the more derived genera within one large group, or attempting to erect numerous new and probably ephemeral genera (for isolated species of Zonopimpla), we propose the retention of this grade-group as a separate genus at present. The host utilization patterns of the genus-group, and the biogeography of the genus-group are discussed. The group is hypothesized as having originated and radiated in the Neotropics, as ectoparasitoids of weakly concealed lepidopterous hosts. One lineage, Clydonium, has become specialized at attacking hosts in woody galls where it utilizes coleopterous as well as lepidopterous hosts. The Old World genera (Camptotypus and Parvipimpla) comprise a monophyletic group and are suggested to have originated from a single dispersal event across the widening Atlantic. No evidence for either a southern or northern circum-polar dispersal was observed in this entirely tropical genus-group. One lineage in the Afrotropical region has switched from attacking lepidopterous hosts, to attacking pre-pupal and pupal polistine vespids.  相似文献   

A key and illustrations are provided for the identification of the species of Planococcus which occur on cacao. P. celtus and P. lamabokensis are transferred to Planococcoides. Planococcus pacificus is shown to occur commonly on cacao in the Neotropical Region as well as in the Australo-Oriental and Polynesian Regions, suggesting that many records of P. citri from the neotropics refer to this species.  相似文献   

Yellow starthistle ( Centaurea solstitialis ) is native to Europe and Asia and has quickly invaded disturbed grasslands and rangelands in the western United States. The purpose of our study was to determine the effects of starthistle on rodents at Beale Air Force Base, Yuba County, California, by examining rodent species diversity, species abundance, age structure, and reproductive condition among locations with low, medium, and high percent cover and height of starthistle. Listed in decreasing order of abundance, the rodents were house mouse ( Mus musculus ), California vole ( Microtus californicus ), deer mouse ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), western harvest mouse ( Reithrodontomys megalotis ), and roof rat ( Rattus rattus ). Indices of diversity did not differ among starthistle cover categories. Regression analyses showed that Reithrodontomys megalotis was more abundant in high-cover starthistle plots, with 90.5% of captures occurring in at least 40% starthistle cover. Significant differences were found in capture rates, reproduction, and age between season only. To manage for all rodent species, an area with medium percent cover and height of starthistle will likely provide adequate protective cover.  相似文献   

The present distribution of the Mexican vole ( Microtus mexicanus ) is not entirely the product of post-Pleistocene forest fragmentation and extinction; recent dispersal also is indicated. Literature records further suggest that this phenomenon may reflect a general pattern of northward range expansion in many southwestern mammal species.  相似文献   

Observing survival and how individuals allocate time can provide insight into a species' ability to tolerate environmental constraints. We studied the Willow Flycatcher ( Empidonax trallii ) in the Sierra Nevada to determine if there were behavioral differences between pairs that successfully produced offspring and those that did not. This information will advance understanding of why these birds are declining in the Sierra Nevada and contribute to recommendations that may help to conserve them. We studied birds in 13 meadows in 2000 and 2001 using continuous focal-animal observations. Of the 43 territories we observed, 11 were occupied by males who never paired with a female, leaving 32 pairs for analysis. Of the 32 pairs, 13 were successful at breeding on their 1st attempt, and 9 pairs failed at their initial try but were successful on their 2nd breeding attempt. Throughout the breeding season, Willow Flycatchers spent 77%-78% of the day loafing during territory establishment and nest building, and loafing reached a low of 49% of the time budget during the nestling stage. Unsuccessful pairs spent on average 34% more time perching than their successful counterparts, while successful pairs spent on average 48% more of their time on the nest than unsuccessful pairs. Willow Flycatchers doubled the time spent foraging during the nestling phase because they had to meet the daily intake requirements for their young and themselves. Our results suggest that birds that spent more time on the nest and less time vocalizing had a significantly higher probability of successfully producing young because they were able to protect nests from predators, nest parasites, and inclement weather.  相似文献   

Habitat use and food selection data were collected for deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), montane voles ( Microtus montanus ), Ord's kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys ordii ), and Townsend's ground squirrels ( Spermophilus townsendii ) near a sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata )/crested wheatgrass ( Agropyron cristatum ) interface in southeastem Idaho. Significantly more captures occurred in the native sagebrush habitat than in areas planted in crested wheatgrass or in disturbed sites. Crested wheatgrass, a prolific seed producer, still accounted for over 30% of the total captures. Montane voles and Townsend's ground squirrels (during periods of aboveground activity) used the crested wheatgrass habitat throughout the summer, while deer mice and, Ord's kangaroo rats exhibited heavy use after seed set.  相似文献   

Crystal Ball Cave is located in a small outlier of the Snake Range in Snake Valley 1.7 km (1 mile) west of Lake Bonneville at its highest level. Original vertebrate skeletal material (mostly mammalian) has been found in shallow dry dust 61 m (200 feet) inside the cave. Radiocarbon dates show that fossils have been accumulating since at least 23,000 Y.B.P. It appears that wood rats and possibly small carnivores transported the fossils into the cave because only the smallest elements of large mammals are represented. The fossil assemblage represents a much more boreal community than the present local fauna. Fish, Ondatra zibethicus , and Mustela cf. vison , which require perennial water, were recovered, as were Ochotona princeps , Lepus cf. Americana , Microtus cf. pennsylvanicus , Vulpes vulpes , and Martes americana , which have also been extirpated from the Snake Range. Marmota flaviventris , Neotoma cinerea , cf. Cervus elaphus , and Ovis Canadensis were recovered but now occur only at higher elevations in the range. Extinct taxa recovered are Smilodon cf. fatalis , Equus species, Camelops cf. hesternus , Hemiauchenia cf. macrocephala , cf. Symbos cavifrons , and a new species of Brachyprotoma , herein named B. brevimala . This is the first recovery of Brachyprotoma from the western United States.&nbsp;  相似文献   

A detailed list of holotypes of Recent mammals housed in the Utah Museum of Natural History is presented.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, as demonstrated by the acetylene reduction method; yeasts, and actinomycetes were found in feces of mammals collected from St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, to the North Carolina-Tennessee border. The mammals, representing four orders and 19 species, occupy a wide variety of habitats and may play an important role in dispersing microorganisms vital to the ecosystem.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2723-2743

In this study, we recognise the current physiographic characteristics of the Recife de Fora Marine Park (Royal Charlotte Bank, eastern Brazil) and describe the spatial pattern of the benthic community through reef habitats. Benthic assemblages differed from sectors and habitats, showing a marked coastal oceanic gradient. The results indicate that local environmental factors, such as coastal influence, exposure to waves, light radiation, and substrate inclination exert a strong influence on the structure of benthic communities. Seagrass banks predominated in the coastal sector, characterised by calm waters and greater influence of the continent. The reef walls showed high species richness, suggesting the formation of vertical light and temperature gradients. The oceanic sector showed a lower inclination of the substrate and was widely dominated by algae. Patch reefs encompass complementary physical conditions that are equivalent to those presented by other habitats, highlighting their importance with regard to the representation of physical and biological aspects of the local reef system. The main indicating organisms/categories suggest a balance between reef accretion and erosion processes. We emphasise the need for a continuous and standardised monitoring programme in order to understand the drivers of change in the distribution patterns of the communities, as well as to provide subsidies for conservation measures and adaptive management. The Recife de Fora Marine Park provides an interesting case study to explore the biophysical influences on benthic ecology and the dynamics of Brazilian shallow reefs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1731-1745
A new mite species of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata), Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) thuriferus sp. nov. collected from the Cupressaceae Juniperus thurifera in Spain is described. Three species of the same subgenus, new records for Spain, are also included. A key to all the species of this subgenus is given.  相似文献   

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