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The Mexican species of the braconid subfamily Cardiochilinae are reviewed. Forty-five species are recognized from Mexico, though many of these remain undescribed. Seven species are described as new and one, Toxoneuron levis (Mao), is redescribed. Species-groups are delineated for the New World species of Toxoneuron Say and Retusigaster Dangerfield, Austin and Whitfield and the genera are re-defined with respect to one another. Two new species are described in both Retusigaster and Toxoneuron. The atypical nature of the two included in Toxoneuron is discussed. Hansonia, Heteropteron and Schoenlandella are newly recorded for Mexico with one new species described for each. The placement of all New World species previously included in Schoenlandella is discussed, and several of these species are returned to Cardiochiles s. s. Distribution patterns of the Mexican species are discussed and an annotated key is presented for the 28 described species recorded from Mexico.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1365-1375
Twenty-two species of Scolytidae (including one new species), and one species of Platypodidae are recorded from the Cook Islands and Niue in the South Pacific, and a key is given to all species. Corrections are made to earlier records from the islands. Xyleborinus perexiguus (Schedl) comb. n. is transferred from Xyleborus. The faunal composition, breeding habits and geographical distribution of the species are discussed and related to those of other islands in the Pacific. Many species have probably been introduced by man. In the absence of a major timber industry, the species are likely to be of minor economic importance.  相似文献   

Nonnative plant species are considered one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, yet we still are unable to predict how production and diversity of a community will change once a species has invaded. Ponderosa pine woodlands in the Front Range of Colorado are ideal for studying the impacts of nonnative plants on production and species richness. We selected 5 sites along the northern Front Range with varying proportions of nonnative and native species and compared understory production and species richness along the gradient of nonnative species dominance. Total species production was positively and significantly related to total species richness, and total species production increased significantly with increasing nonnative species richness. There was a negative relationship between native and nonnative species production, and there was no relationship between nonnative species richness and native species richness. This study demonstrates the complex nature of species richness and productivity relationships and should serve as a starting point for future research in which a variety of other variables are considered.  相似文献   

The list of Phoridae recorded from Tasmania is increased from five species in three genera to at least 52 species in eight genera. One species on the original list is transferred to the status of being incertae sedis. One new genus and 37 new species are described, two being reported from mainland Australia also. One species was previously only known from New Zealand, five from mainland Australia, four from Europe but one of which is now an almost cosmopolitan tramp species and one being from the Holarctic Region. However, one of the 'European' species may have orginally been introduced to Europe from Tasmania. Keys to genera, to all known species of Aphiura, to the Tasmanian species of Megaselia and to the Australasian species of Metopina are provided. A newly named and a new mainland Australian species of Aphiura, three mainland Australasian species of Metopina and three from Papua New Guinea are described and seven undescribed males (given code letters only) of this genus are included in the key (four from Papua New Guinea, two from Western Australia and one from Tonga). Aphiura and Paraphiura are transferred to the tribe Metopinini and the tribe Beckerinini is set aside, as it cannot be satisfactorily characterized as it is currently conceived. Megaselia dissita is synonymized with M. comparabilis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1585-1636
An updated species list of four beetle families is given for Turkey. A total of 35 genera and 167 species and subspecies are known to occur in Turkey. Ten species and two subspecies are from the family Gyrinidae, 16 species are from the family Haliplidae, three species are from the family Noteridae and 129 species and seven subspecies are from the family Dytiscidae.  相似文献   

The riverbottom forest community of St. Mary River, Lee Creek, and Belly River in southwestern Alberta, Canada, is a unique ecological entity characterized by poplar species having their major Alberta distribution along these streams. Stands in the community are dominated by three tree species, six shrub species, and nine herb species. Establishment of the community is dependent on climate and substrate; destruction is the result of progressive lateral stream-flow erosion. Soils are sandy loams above gravel, with pH values of 7.7 to 8.0 and soluble salt concentrations of 176 to 458 parts per million. Trees in mature stands averaged 23.0 cm in diameter and 40 years in age; maximum tree age was 250 years. The vascular flora consists of 291 species of which 41 are woody and 250 herbaceous. One species ( Prunus nigra Ait.) new to Alberta and range extensions for 12 species are cited. There are no true community endemic species. Recreational and livestock-raising uses are present community modifiers. Fire is not important in current forest dynamics.  相似文献   

Two genera, 12 species and one species complex of the polychaete family Glyceridae are described and figures from the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean. Diagnostic taxonomic features are described and keys to genera and species are included. Material from other parts of the world is also considered where relevant to the taxonomy of the species concerned. Of the 12 recorded species, one is reestablished for European waters after submersion in synonomy, a species complex is described and two new species are erected.  相似文献   

Endangered and threatened plants of Utah are reevaluated. The lists are brought up to date, and species now known to be common are recommended to be removed from the proposed lists. Additional species are proposed to be added, including the new species, Astragalus montii Welsh.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):1887-1986
Fifty-one species are recognized in the genus Paurocephala, with an additional 14 species which remain unnamed. Thirty-five species are described as new, and five species are synonymized: P. pumilae and P. zhejiangensis with P. chonchaiensis, P. debregeasiae with P. sauteri, and P. guangxiensis and P. tremae with P. trematos. Two varieties, P. psylloptera maculipennis and P. psylloptera setifera, are raised to species level. P. bifasciata is reinstated from former synonymy with P. chonchaiensis, and Anomoterga kleinhofiae is transferred back to Paurocephala. Lectotypes are designated for P. brevicephala, P. chonchaiensis, P. psylloptera, P. sauteri, P. setifera and P. wilderi. The four New World species of Paurocephala are not considered to be congeneric with the Old World species and will be transferred to Diclidophlebia. Two South African species, P. bicarinata and P. hottentotti, are removed from Paurocephala and have to be accommodated in a new genus in the Diaphorininae. Thus Paurocephala is an Old World genus with nine Afrotropical and 42 Indo-Australian described species. Keys for the identification of adults and fifth instar larvae are provided. All 51 named species are diagnosed and illustrated, and information is given on distribution and host plants. Based on two cladistic analyses, one using adult characters only, and one using both adult and larval characters, four monophyletic species groups are recognized. In both analyses a basal group of 10 species, the brevicephala -group, forms the sister group to all other Paurocephala spp. The Afrotropical species are monophyletic and, together with one Oriental species constitute the gossypii group. In the analysis with adult characters only, the gossypii -group is the sister taxon of the kleinhofiae -group and, both together, are the sister group of the psylloptera -group, the largest species group with 27 species. In the analysis of adult and larval characters, the relationships between the last three species groups are not resolved. The result of the phylogenetic analysis confirms the synonymy of the subgenus Thoracocorna with Paurocephala. Known host plants of Paurocephala spp. belong to the Malviflorae with the exception of the Afrotropical P. insolita which develops on Theiflorae (Theales, Clusiaceae). The brevicephala -, kleinhofiae - and gossypii -groups are associated with hosts of the order Malvales (Malvaceae and Sterculiaceae), whereas the psylloptera -group is with Urticales (Urticaceae, Moraceae and Ulmaceae).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):1611-1653
Fifty-one species are discussed of which five are new. Of the remaining 46 species, 20 previously known from one to three records and 11 more frequently recorded have their known geographic range and/or range of morphological variation extended and the synonymy of a further 15 species is revised. Taxonomic problems, including phylogeny, are addressed in Rhopalaea crassa, Pycnoclavella detorta, Ecteinascidia spp. and Plurella (see Phallusia polytrema). New species are Sigillina pulvinus, Polyclinum corbis, Perophora longicaulis, Stolonica brevigastra and Botrylloides saccus.  相似文献   

New geographic, reproductive, and seasonal records are presented for 11 of 13 bats inhabiting Nebraska. New geographic records are presented for 10 species, most notably Myotis lucifugus (120 miles west of nearest known record), M. septentrionalis (42 miles west of nearest record), Nycticeius humeralis (72 miles west of nearest record), and Pipistrellus subflavus (258 miles northwest of nearest record). New reproductive localities are recorded for 9 species, particularly the 1st records of breeding by Pipistrellus subflavus in Nebraska (Cherry and Dixon Counties) and the 2nd record of breeding by Lasionycteris noctivagans in Nebraska (Lancaster County). New records of timing of lactation and appearance of flying-young are reported for 7 species, and new records of seasonal activity are reported for 3 species. Lastly, captures of adult males of Lasiurus borealis and L. cinereus in summer are reported from sites across the state; summer populations of these species previously were thought to consist entirely or primarily of adult females and young in some regions. Records presented here are the result of geographic range expansion of several species and of fieldwork conducted in previously unsampled areas.  相似文献   

A checklist of the vascular flora of the alpine zone (treeless vegetation above 9500 feet or 2900 m) of the Teton Range is presented. For each of the 216 species, six attributes are listed: flower color and shape, pollination mode, life form, habitat preference, and whether each species is found in the Arctic. White and yellow flowered species are most common, and zoophilous species greatly predominate over anemophilous and apomictic species. Perennial/biennial herbs are the most common life form. Common habitats in the alpine zone include dry and wet meadows, bogs, debris accumulations, and cliffs and rock faces. Arctic species account for 25.9 percent of the flora. The 216 species are distributed among 111 genera and 36 families. The largest families, in order of size, are Asteraceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Brassicaceae, Rosaceae, and Scrophulariaceae.  相似文献   

Details are presented of earthworm collections from Jamaica. Eleven species are reported, eight being new records of which two are new species, to bring the total number of species known from the island to 16 and the number of families represented to six. The geographical affinities of each species and its faunal status are summarized. The new species are members of the genus Eutrigaster Cognetti (Octochaetidae) whose validity is reviewed; a table is provided for the identification of the 11 Central American and Caribbean species currently included in the genus.  相似文献   

Third stage larvae of three species of phytophagous (Portevina maculata, Cheilosia albitarsis and C. antiqua), thirteen species of saprophagous (Callicera aurata, Brachyopa bicolor, B. insensilis, B. pilosa, Hammerschmidtia ferruginea, Myolepta potens, Brachypalpus laphriformis, Caliprobola speciosa, Criorhina berberina, C. floccosa, C. ranunculi, Pocota personata and Xylota tarda) and one possibly predatory species (Microdon devius) of Syrphidae are described. Most of the saprophagous species breed in dead wood and many are European rarities. Nine of the 17 species described are included in the British Red Data Books: 2. Insects (Shirt, 1987). For the larva of each species, recognition features and breeding sites are described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1807-1829
Two new species of potamonautid freshwater crabs from eastern Uganda, Africa are described, and Potamonautes niloticus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) is re-diagnosed with key characters illustrated photographically. A total of four species of crabs are now known to occur on Mount Elgon, which borders both Kenya and Uganda. Two of these species are endemic to the mountain and the distribution patterns of all four species indicate a distinct altitudinal preference. All taxa are compared with similar species and their distributions and natural history are reviewed. Furthermore, three of the crabs recorded from Mount Elgon have been implicated in the transmission of onchocerciasis in East Africa.  相似文献   

A review is presented of the birds, lipotyphlans, rodents and lemurs occurring across an elevational transect from 720 to 2450 m within the 31160ha Parc National (PN) d'Andringitra in south-central Madagascar. The broad range of habitats within this reserve consists of lowland forest, montane forest, sclerophyllous forest, montane thicket, to open areas of bare rocks covered by geophytes. Eight different zones were surveyed across this elevational range for most of these four vertebrate orders. On the basis of these surveys and other sources of information, 106 species of birds, 16 species of Lipotyphla, 11 species of rodents (including two introduced species) and 13 species of primates are documented within the reserve. Surveys of the carnivores are incomplete, although eight species, three of which are introduced, have been recorded in the reserve. Forty-eight species of non-volant mammals are known from the Andringitra Massif, 43 of which are endemic to Madagascar. The highest species richness for birds was 85 species in the disturbed lowland forest at 720m zone and there was a subsequent reduction in the number of species at each site with increasing elevation. The two zones at 1210 and 1625 m with montane and mixed montane/sclerophyllous forest had the greatest species richness of non-volant mammals with 26 species (25 non-introduced). Lemurs showed decreasing species richness with increasing elevation. Small mammals showed broad elevational ranges and high species diversity in the middle to upper portion of the forest zone, with lipotyphlans peaking at 1990 m and rodents between 1625 and 1960 m. About 88 species of extant native rodents, carnivores, lipotyphlans and primates are currently recognized to occur on Madagascar. Thus, the PN d'Andringitra holds nearly 50% of the total known fauna of these groups from the island. This relatively small reserve plays a major role in safe-guarding a large proportion of the non-volant mammal fauna of Madagascar.  相似文献   

We demonstrate new multi-phase, multi-scale approaches for sampling and modeling native and exotic plant species to predict the spread of invasive species and aid in control efforts. Our test site is a 54,000-ha portion of Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. This work is based on previous research wherein we developed vegetation sampling techniques to identify hot spots of diversity, important rare habitats, and locations of invasive plant species. Here we demonstrate statistical modeling tools to rapidly assess current patterns of native and exotic plant species to determine which habitats are most vulnerable to invasion by exotic species. We use stepwise multiple regression and modified residual kriging to estimate numbers of native species and exotic species, as well as probability of observing an exotic species in 30 × 30-m cells. Final models accounted for 62% of the variability observed in number of native species, 51% of the variability observed in number of exotic species, and 47% of the variability associated with observing an exotic species. Important independent variables used in developing the models include geographical location, elevation, slope, aspect, and Landsat TM bands 1-7. These models can direct resource managers to areas in need of further inventory, monitoring, and exotic species control efforts.  相似文献   

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