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Leech species of the mid-Snake River of Idaho and Oregon are described, and the distribution of the extant leech Mooreobdella microstoma Moore in the Snake River paleodrainage is delineated. Samples were collected from aquatic surveys in the Snake River using suction dredging by the Idaho Power Company and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation between 1995 and 2006. Supplementing these surveys, opportunities were provided for leech identification in water-quality analyses in Arizona and Wyoming and in other surveys in California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Eight species of leeches were found in the Snake River surveys. Erpobdella parva Moore was the most widely distributed species, occurring both above and below Shoshone Falls. Mooreobdella microstoma was widely distributed below Shoshone Falls. Other leech species were rare, although Helobdella stagnalis Linnaeus was very common above and less common below Shoshone Falls, a natural barrier to the anadromous fish. Mooreobdella microstoma is an extant species that links the Snake River to the lower Colorado River by various paleodrainages. It probably colonized the Snake River by upstream movement, whereas Erpobdella parva likely colonized this river by downstream movement.  相似文献   

This study explores how the relationship between flow and riparian vegetation varies along a montane river. We mapped occurrence of woody riparian plant communities along 58 km of the San Miguel River in southwestern Colorado. We determined the recurrence interval of inundation for each plant community by combining step-backwater hydraulic modeling at 4 representative reaches with Log-Pearson analysis of 4 stream gaging stations. Finally, we mapped bottomland surficial geology and used a Geographic Information System to overlay the coverages of geology and vegetation. Plant communities were distinctly arrayed along the hydrologic gradient. The Salix exigua Nuttall (sandbar willow) community occurred mostly on surfaces with a recurrence interval of inundation shorter than 2.2 years; the Betula occidentalis Hooker (river birch) community peaked on sites with recurrence intervals of inundation between 2.2 and 4.6 years. The hydrologic position occupied by communities dominated by Populus angustifolia James (narrowleaf cottonwood) was strongly related to age of trees and species composition of understory shrubs. The fraction of riparian vegetation on surfaces historically inundated by the river decreased in the upstream direction from almost 100% near Uravan to <50% along the South Fork of the San Miguel River. In upstream reaches much of the physical disturbance necessary to maintain riparian vegetation is provided by valley-side processes including debris flows, floods from minor tributaries, landslides, and beaver activity. Where valley-side processes are important, prediction of riparian vegetation change based on alterations of river flow will be incomplete.  相似文献   

The Truckee River in California and Nevada is subject to diverse water regimes and a corresponding variety of flow rates. Original riparian vegetation has been altered by these variable flow rates and by a variety of human uses resulting in loss of native riparian vegetation from its historic extent. We conducted bird surveys along the Truckee River during spring 193 to (1) determine relationships between birds and the present vegetation; (2) determine the importance of different vegetation types to sensitive bird species that have declined recently in the western United States due to competition from exotic plant species, cowbird ( Molothrus ater ) parasitism, reduction in nesting habitat, or other unidentified reasons; and (3) establish a monitoring program and collect baseline data for future comparisons. The most frequently detected bird species throughout the study was the Brown-headed Cowbird. The greatest number of bird species (98 of 116) was found in the native mixed willow ( Salix spp.) riparian scrub vegetation type. We recommend protecting the remaining native riparian vegetation types for bird habitat along the Truckee River.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems are important components of landscapes, particularly because of their role in biodiversity. A first step in using a ""coarse-filter"" approach to riparian biodiversity conservation is to determine the kinds of riparian ecosystems. These ecosystems vary substantially in plant species composition along a single river reach, as well as between rivers, and yet the river-reach scale has received little attention. We sampled the vascular plant composition of 67 contiguous patches of riparian vegetation along the reach of the Animas River, in southwestern Colorado's San Juan Mountains, that is relatively undisturbed by human land uses. Using cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis, we identified eight riparian community types along the reach. Using a new technique, we combined overstory size-class data and understory cover data to identify community types. The eight community types, which are in part the products of past floods, are spatially arranged along the reach in relation to variation in valley morphology, tributary location, and geomorphic landforms. These eight community types do not necessarily represent successional stages of a single potential vegetation type. This study at the river-reach scale suggests that sampling and analysis, as well as conservation, may need to be turned to the scale of patchiness produced by flood disturbances in the riverine landscape, since vegetation varies significantly at this scale.  相似文献   

In northwestern Colorado, flow regulation on the Green River has created a transitional plant community that features encroachment by upland vegetation into cottonwood ( Populus fremontii )-dominated, riparian forest on topographically high floodplain sites and reduced cottonwood regeneration on low floodplain sites. To assess how these changes might have affected small mammal distributions, in 1994 and 1995 we live-trapped during periods surrounding spring flooding at 3 sites: above and below the confluence of the regulated Green River and at the ecologically similar, but unregulated, Yampa River (reference site). More species were captured at the most regulated site along the Green River above its confluence with the Yampa River. Within sites, more species were captured in riparian habitats than adjacent upland habitats. Despite river regulation-induced habitat changes, we did not detect changes in species distributions within low and high floodplain habitat for Peromyscus maniculatus or Microtus montanus , but changes may have occurred for Dipodomys ordii . The total effect of regulation-induced habitat change on small mammal populations may not be fully revealed until current, mature cottonwood forests disappear and associated woody debris decomposes.  相似文献   

Patterns of change in the woody vegetation (trees and shrubs) of the riparian communities of three streams draining the slopes of the Pine Valley Mountains in Washington County, Utah, were examined. Thirty-nine study sites were established adjacent to the streams along an elevational gradient where vegetation, plant population, and species data were taken. Vegetation and species patterns varied with respect to elevation and geographical location. Vegetation of the high- and low-elevation areas was distinctly different, while that of the mid-elevations was transitional to both. Geographical patterns showed a north-south transition in vegetation between the Mojave and Great Basin deserts. Size-class distribution curves for 11 tree species showed varying degrees of survival with respect to age and location. Root sprouting was highly important in the reproductive effort of six of the trees. Species distribution patterns followed transriparian and intrariparian gradients within the riparian community.  相似文献   

Abundance, seasonal use, and species composition of waterfowl and other aquatic birds are described along a 32.8 km stretch of the White River, Uintah County, Utah, at the site of the proposed White River Dam. Fourteen species of waterfowl and eight other species of aquatic birds were recorded. Waterfowl populations along the river were highest in April, but densities were much lower than on lakes and reservoirs at nearby Ouray National Wildlife Refuge. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  相似文献   

Collections of crayfish by Wyoming Game and Fish Department biologists and University of Wyoming staff in 1985-1987 included five species: Pacifastacus gambelii , the only species found in the Snake River and Bear River drainages of western Wyoming; Orconectes neglectus neglectus , collected from one reservoir in the South Platte River drainage in southeastern Wyoming (its first reported occurrence in the state); O. immunis and O. virilis ,widespread east of the Continental Divide and in the Green River drainage of southwestern Wyoming; and Cambarus Diogenes Diogenes , collected from a tributary of the North Platte River in eastern Wyoming.  相似文献   

Two hundred woundfin minnows, Plagopterus argentissimus , from four sites along the Virgin River, Utah, were examined on two dates during summer 1985. The foreguts of 211 woundfin and variable numbers of other fishes from the Virgin River near Beaver Dam Wash, Arizona, and Mesquite, Nevada, were examined for cestodes on four dates throughout 1979. Seven parasites were found in P. argentissimus: Posthodiplostomum minimum (metacercariae), Diplostomum spathaceum (metacercariae), Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, Gyrodactylus sp., Lernaea cyprinacea, Trichodina sp., and Ichthyophythirius multifiliis . Fungal infections were noted on two fish during the study. Seventeen Virgin River roundtail chub, Gila robusta seminuda, were examined from two of the four sites in 1985 and 64 specimens from Beaver Dam Wash were examined in 1979. Gila robusta seminuda was infected with Posthodiplostomum minimum (metacercariae) and Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, the Asian fish tapeworm. This cestode probably gained entrance into the ichthyofauna of the Virgin River from red shiners, Notropis lutrensis, and has the potential of being very detrimental to the endemic and endangered fishes of the Virgin River. Parasite loads were correlated with water quality and habitat disturbance, with highest number and frequency occurring in &#34;disturbed&#34; sites. Low river flows and increased total dissolved solids appear to be associated with a higher parasite frequency and mean number in fishes of the Virgin River. These data represent the first known published records for parasites of the woundfin minnow and Virgin River roundtail chub.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2765-2786
The Three Gorges region, located on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in central China, is considered one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in China. It harbours more than 6000 plant species, over 500 terrestrial vertebrates, and about 160 species of fish. In addition to this taxonomic richness, the region is home to many endemic and threatened taxa, which may be the result of its role as a glacial refuge. The construction of the Three Gorges Dam may have serious consequences for this biodiversity. The flooding of more than 600 km2 together with massive population resettlement will involve the loss and/or fragmentation of many terrestrial habitats in the reservoir area, affecting both plant and animal species. Furthermore, negative effects on downstream terrestrial biodiversity are expected due to the regression of floodplains and riparian wetlands after the dam is completed. The alteration of river flow caused by the dam will also have a severe impact on freshwater biodiversity throughout the whole Yangtze River system, especially on migratory fish but also on other aquatic life, such as the emblematic Yangtze River dolphin. The conservation measures implemented by the authorities, although valuable, may well be insufficient to mitigate the negative effects of the dam on biodiversity.  相似文献   

The Colorado River system downstream from Lake Mohave yielded 42 adult, 19 juvenile, and 39 larval wild razorback suckers ( Zyrauchen texanus ) between 1962 and 1988. Forty-six additional young captured between 1984 and 1987 may have been wild or stocked, hatchery-propagated fish. Wild juveniles of this endemic, imperiled species, with one exception, have not been otherwise known from the Colorado River basin downstream from the Grand Canyon since the 1950s. A majority of adults and larvae were from the river or its mainstream impoundments, while all but one wild juvenile and all presumably stocked fish were captured from irrigation canals. The ecology of artificial canals in which young razorback suckers survive and grow is poorly understood.  相似文献   

From a landscape perspective, riparian corridors can be viewed as mosaics of vegetation patches. We delineated 10 patch types within the floodplain of the San Pedro River (Arizona) on the basis of physiognomy, dominant overstory species, and tree size class; and we assessed differences in hydrogeomorphology, vegetation structure, plant species richness, and soil chemistry and texture. Patches of tamarisk ( Tamarix ), an introduced species, fell within the continuum of variation shown by other patch types in the landscape mosaic. Among the tree-dominated types, cottonwood-willow ( Populus-Salix ) and tamarisk patches were inundated more frequently than mesquite ( Prosopis ) patches, while cottonwood-willow patches had shallower groundwater than tamarisk or mesquite patches. Due to the wetter conditions, cottonwood-willow patches had a high relative abundance of wetland and exotic species in the understory. Tamarisk patches and wet shrublands ( Baccharis salicifolia—Salix exigua ) had high woody stem densities while cottonwood-willow patches had dense canopy cover. In association with differences in canopy cover, cottonwood-willow patches had low herbaceous species richness but high woody species richness, while tamarisk patches had high herbaceous and low woody species richness. Soil electrical conductivity, silt content, organic matter content, and available phosphorus increased from young to old stands of both tamarisk and cottonwood-willow, often resulting in greater differences between patches of different size/age class than between patches with different dominant species. Surface soil salinity (electrical conductivity) was low in all patches, including those dominated by tamarisk. Nitrate was abundant in soils of tamarisk patches (perhaps reflecting their high clay content) and wet shrubland patches. Dry shrublands ( Hymenoclea-Ericameria ) and wet shrublands were similar to young forest patches in having coarse soils with little organic matter.  相似文献   

Woody riparian vegetation in western North American riparian ecosystems is commonly dependent on alluvial groundwater. Various natural and anthropogenic mechanisms can cause groundwater declines that stress riparian vegetation, but little quantitative information exists on the nature of plant response to different magnitudes, rates, and durations of groundwater decline. We observed groundwater dynamics and the response of Populus fremontii , Salix gooddingii , and Tamarix ramosissima saplings at 3 sites between 1995 and 1997 along the Bill Williams River, Arizona. At a site where the lowest observed groundwater level in 1996 (-1.97 m) was 1.11 m lower than that in 1995 (-0.86 m), 92-100% of Populus and Salix saplings died, whereas 0-13% of Tamarix stems died. A site with greater absolute water table depths in 1996 (-2.55 m), but less change from the 1995 condition (0.55 m), showed less Populus and Salix mortality and increased basal area. Excavations of sapling roots suggest that root distribution is related to groundwater history. Therefore, a decline in water table relative to the condition under which roots developed may strand plant roots where they cannot obtain sufficient moisture. Plant response is likely mediated by other factors such as soil texture and stratigraphy, availability of precipitation-derived soil moisture, physiological and morphological adaptations to water stress, and tree age. An understanding of the relationships between water table declines and plant response may enable land and water managers to avoid activities that are likely to stress desirable riparian vegetation.  相似文献   

The riverbottom forest community of St. Mary River, Lee Creek, and Belly River in southwestern Alberta, Canada, is a unique ecological entity characterized by poplar species having their major Alberta distribution along these streams. Stands in the community are dominated by three tree species, six shrub species, and nine herb species. Establishment of the community is dependent on climate and substrate; destruction is the result of progressive lateral stream-flow erosion. Soils are sandy loams above gravel, with pH values of 7.7 to 8.0 and soluble salt concentrations of 176 to 458 parts per million. Trees in mature stands averaged 23.0 cm in diameter and 40 years in age; maximum tree age was 250 years. The vascular flora consists of 291 species of which 41 are woody and 250 herbaceous. One species ( Prunus nigra Ait.) new to Alberta and range extensions for 12 species are cited. There are no true community endemic species. Recreational and livestock-raising uses are present community modifiers. Fire is not important in current forest dynamics.  相似文献   

We describe the chironomid midge fauna of the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead, Arizona. This depauperate fauna, consisting of 38 species, is dominated by euryecious Nearctic or Holarctic orthocladine taxa. In addition, a small Neotropical faunal component is represented by Polypedilum obelos Sublette & Sasa and Rheotanytarsus hamatus Sublette & Sasa. The following new synonyms are given: Protenthes riparius Malloch 1915 with Tanypus bellus Loew 1866 [= Procladius (Psilotanypus) bellus (Loew)]; Cricotopus olivetus Boesel 1983 with Cricotopus (Circotopus) annulator (Goetghebuer) 1927; Cricotopus edurus Sublette & Sublette 1971 with Orthocladius infuscatus Malloch 1915 [= Cricotopus (Cricotopus) infuscatus (Malloch)]. The following new species are described: Cricotopus (Cricotopus) blinni Sublette, Cricotopus (Cricotopus) hermanni Sublette, Metriocnemus stevensi Sublette, and Cladotanytarsus marki Sublette. We discuss the distribution and ecology of each chironomid species in this large, regulated, aridlands river.  相似文献   

The highly invasive New Zealand mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum , may compete with and displace native North American macroinvertebrates in freshwater systems wherever it becomes established. Densities and spatial distributions of 3 snail species including P. antipodarum and the threatened Taylorconcha serpenticola were compared among 3 adjacent habitat types (run, edge, and vegetation) in Banbury Springs, a tributary of the Snake River, near Hagerman, Idaho, USA. In all 3 habitats P. antipodarum was the most abundant snail species. All 3 species densities were highly variable within habitats, suggesting a nonrandom distribution pattern. Densities of P. antipodarum were significantly greatest in the vegetation habitat type, while densities of T. serpenticola were similar among habitats. Smallersized P. antipodarum were less abundant in the run habitat with its associated higher water velocities, and their densities were negatively correlated with velocity. Densities of P. antipodarum also were negatively correlated with distance from the highly infested, man-made Morgan Lake, while T. serpenticola densities were positively correlated with distance from Morgan Lake. Potamopyrgus antipodarum is a potential competitor with native aquatic species, although its colonization into some freshwater habitats may be limited.  相似文献   

The eastern woodrat ( Neotoma floridana ) occurs throughout eastern and central parts of the United States. In Nebraska, 3 of 9 subspecies inhabit the state, including N. f. campestris , N. f. attwateri , and N. f. baileyi . We determined distributional limits of N. f. campestris along 2 river systems in southern Nebraska. As observed with other mammalian species in the Great Plains, we suspected that the distribution of woodrats likely had expanded, reflecting continued regulation of rivers and the concomitant increase in forests along them. We documented N. f. campestris at 7 sites in 5 counties, including a recent (since the 1960s) eastward expansion along the Republican River. We observed little movement along the Platte River. The greatest concentration of houses constructed by woodrats occurred in a shelterbelt near the Republican River; otherwise, abundances of houses tended to be greater along the Platte River. We suspect that the distribution of woodrats will continue to change in Nebraska unless breaks exist or are established in riparian forests along the Platte and Republican rivers.  相似文献   

Disturbance in riparian areas of semiarid ecosystems involves complex interactions of pulsed hydrologic flows, herbivory, fire, climatic effects, and anthropogenic influences. We resampled riparian vegetation within ten 10-m × 100-m plots that were initially sampled in 1992 in 4 watersheds of the Snake Range, east central Nevada. Our finding of significantly lower coverage of grasses, forbs, and shrubs within plots in 2001 compared with 1992 was not consistent with the management decision to remove livestock grazing from the watersheds in 1999. Change over time in cover of life-forms or bare ground was not predicted by scat counts within plots in 2001. Cover results were also not well explained by variability between the 2 sampling periods in either density of native herbivores or annual precipitation. In contrast, Engelmann spruce ( Picea engelmannii ) exhibited reduced abundance at all but the highest-elevation plot in which it occurred in 1992, and the magnitude of change in abundance was strongly predicted by plot elevation. Abundance of white fir ( Abies concolor ) individuals increased while aspen ( Populus tremuloides ) individuals decreased at 4 of 5 sites where they were sympatric, and changes in abundance in the 2 species were negatively correlated across those sites. Utility of monitoring data to detect change over time and contribute to adaptive management will vary with sample size, observer bias, use of repeatable or published methods, and precision of measurements, among other factors.  相似文献   

Historical events have had a great impact on the biogeography of fishes of western North America. We examined the genetic variation of the speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ) to determine the effects on this species of extensive hydrological changes during the last 10 million years in the Bonneville and Lahontan basins of the Great Basin and the upper Snake River Basin. Eight hundred sixty-nine base pairs of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b were sequenced from 97 individuals representing 22 populations within these 3 basins, as well as from 2 individuals of longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ) that served as outgroups. Additionally, 13 speckled dace sequences representing 3 Bonneville populations were used from GenBank. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria. Analysis of molecular variance was used to determine population structure and to estimate the amount of gene flow across the community boundaries. Three distinct clades were reconstructed representing the Lahontan Basin, the northern Bonneville and upper Snake River basins, and the southern Bonneville Basin. Additionally, most of the population structuring was explained by variation among basins (65.33%). Speckled dace demonstrated high genetic variation. As hypothesized, the northern and southern Bonneville specimens formed separate clades; however, the southern Bonneville clade was basal to a sister clade formed by the northern Bonneville/upper Snake River and Lahontan clades. These relationships indicate that Pliocene connections between the Snake, Lahontan, and Bonneville drainages, rather than more recent Pleistocene connections, best explain population structuring in speckled dace.  相似文献   

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