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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1671-1696
This paper contributes to the knowledge of the family Zerconidae, describing material collected from several locations in Croatia. Seventeen species are listed, four of them (Prozercon martae sp. nov., Zercon danyii sp. nov., Zercon laczii sp. nov. and Zercon lanceolatus sp. nov.) proved to be new to science, a further eight species (Zercon arcuatus Trägårdh, 1931 Trägårdh, I. 1931. Terrestrial Acarina. Zool Faeroes., 2(49): 169.  [Google Scholar], Zercon athiasi Vincze, 1965 Vincze, S. 1965. Einige Beiträge zur Zerconiden-Fauna Ungarns. Opusc Zool Inst Zoosyst Univ Budapest., 5(2): 241246.  [Google Scholar], Zercon berlesei Sellnick, 1958 Sellnick, M. 1958. Die Familie Zerconidae Berlese. Acta Zool Hung., 3: 313368.  [Google Scholar], Zercon latissimus Sellnick, 1944 Sellnick, M. 1944. Zercon C. L. Koch. Acari, Blätter Milbenk., 5: 3041.  [Google Scholar], Zercon romagniolus Sellnick, 1944 Sellnick, M. 1944. Zercon C. L. Koch. Acari, Blätter Milbenk., 5: 3041.  [Google Scholar], Zercon storkani Hala?ková, 1969 Hala?ková, V. 1969. Zerconidae of Czechoslovakia (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acta Univ Carol-Biol., 3–4: 175352.  [Google Scholar], Zercon tematinensis Ma?án & Fend'a, 2004 Ma?án, P and Fend'a, P. 2004. Zerconid mites of Slovakia (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae). Bratislava: Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences., : 238 [Google Scholar], Zercon (Zerconella) leitnerae Willmann, 1953 Willmann, C. 1953. Neue Milben aus den östlichen Alpen. Aus den Sitzungsberichten der Österr. Akad Wissensch Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. I. 162. Bd., 6. Heft. Wien. p., : 449519.  [Google Scholar]) are recorded for the first time from Croatia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2881-2888
Three species of pseudionine bopyrid isopods infesting four species of munidid squat lobsters are reported from Philippine waters: Pleurocryptella laevis (Richardson, 1910 Richardson, H. 1910. Marine isopods collected in the Philippines by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1907–8. Bureau of Fisheries Document., 736: 144.  [Google Scholar]) from Agononida analoga (Macpherson, 1993); Aporobopyrus retrorsa (Richardson, 1910 Richardson, H. 1910. Marine isopods collected in the Philippines by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1907–8. Bureau of Fisheries Document., 736: 144.  [Google Scholar]) from Munida philippinensis Macpherson and Baba, 1993 and Munida kuboi Yanagita, 1943; and Munidion laterale Richardson, 1910 Richardson, H. 1910. Marine isopods collected in the Philippines by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1907–8. Bureau of Fisheries Document., 736: 144.  [Google Scholar] from Paramunida scabra (Henderson, 1885). All of these hosts, except for Paramunida scabra, are recorded for the first time bearing parasitic isopods.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1573-1613
Proserpinicaris young sp. nov., Proserpinicaris wangpi sp. nov. and Proserpinicaris imjin sp. nov. are described from subterranean waters of South Korea. They are short-range endemics, allopatric in distribution and closely related to each other, and to two other Far Eastern congeners. Distinguishing features are limited to the general habitus shape, proportions of the caudal rami and degree of sexual dimorphism. The genus Proserpinicaris Jakobi, 1972 Jakobi, H. 1972. Trends (Enp.P4 Mänchen) innerhalb der Parastenocarididen (Copepoda Harpacticoidea). Crustaceana, 22: 127146. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], as redefined here, is Palaearctic in distribution, with the centre of diversity in southern Europe, and 20 valid members, all of which share a large hyaline spiniform structure on the male fourth leg basis as a synapomorphy. A key to species is provided. Genera Niponnicaris Jakobi, 1972 Jakobi, H. 1972. Trends (Enp.P4 Mänchen) innerhalb der Parastenocarididen (Copepoda Harpacticoidea). Crustaceana, 22: 127146. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] and Pannonicaris Jakobi, 1972 Jakobi, H. 1972. Trends (Enp.P4 Mänchen) innerhalb der Parastenocarididen (Copepoda Harpacticoidea). Crustaceana, 22: 127146. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] are established as its junior subjective synonyms, Lacustricaris Jakobi, 1972 Jakobi, H. 1972. Trends (Enp.P4 Mänchen) innerhalb der Parastenocarididen (Copepoda Harpacticoidea). Crustaceana, 22: 127146. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] is formally synonymized with Parastenocaris Kessler, 1913, and Parastenocaris lacustris Chappuis, 1958 Chappuis, PA. 1958. Le genre Parastenocaris Kessler. Vie Milieu, 8: 423432.  [Google Scholar] is designated as incertae sedis in Fontinalicaridinae Schminke, 2010 Schminke, HK. 2010. High-level phylogenetic relationships within Parastenocarididae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida). Crustaceana, 83: 343367. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):955-967
In this paper, two new species of the genus Gabrius from China are described and illustrated: G. zhoui sp. nov. from Sichuan and G. invisus sp. nov. from Beijing, Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Zhejiang. Gabrius imitator (Fauvel, 1895 Fauvel, A. 1895. Staphylinides nouveaux de l'Inde et de la Malaisie. Rev Entomol, 14: 180286.  [Google Scholar]), G. lebedevi (Bernhauer, 1910 Bernhauer, M. 1910. Zur Staphylinidenfauna des palaearktischen Gebietes. Soc Entomol, 25: 7171. 78–79 [Google Scholar]), G. tirolensis (Luze, 1903 Luze, G. 1903. Eine neue Art der Staphyliniden-Gattung Philonthus Curtis aus Mitteleuropa. Verhandlungen der k. k. Zool-botan Gesellschaft Wien, 53: 386 [Google Scholar]), G. kambaitiensis Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool, 17: 93371.  [Google Scholar], G. cinctiventris Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool, 17: 93371.  [Google Scholar], G. egens (Sharp, 1874 Sharp, DS. 1874. The Staphylinidae of Japan. Entomol Soc London Trans, : 1103.  [Google Scholar]), G. smetanai Schillhammer, 1997 Schillhammer, H. 1997. Taxonomic revision of the Oriental species of Gabrius Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Mono Coleop, 1: 1139.  [Google Scholar] and G. zerchei Schillhammer, 1996 Schillhammer, H. 1996. New genera and species of Asian Staphylinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae). Koleopterol Rundsch, 66: 5971.  [Google Scholar] are reported from China for the first time. Thus, a total of 53 species of the genus Gabrius are known from China.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-36):2037-2061
The flabelligerid genus Flabelliderma Hartman, 1969 Hartman, O. 1969. Atlas of the sedentariate polychaetous Annelids from California, 812Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Allan Hancock Foundation.  [Google Scholar] is redefined and its type species is re‐established. In comparison with Flabelligera Sars, 1829 Sars, M. 1829. Bidrag til Söedyrenes Naturhistorie; Förste Hæfte, 60Bergen: Dahl.  [Google Scholar], the diagnostic features include the fusion of papillae forming tubercles, often adhering sediment particles, and notopodial lobes forming large ovoid lobes. Four species are described and presented as new combinations, and three others were previously undescribed; thus the species included are F. papillosa (Essenberg, 1922 Essenberg, C. E. 1922. Stylarioides papillosa, sp. nov., a new annelid from the San Diego region.. University of California, Publications in Zoology, 22: 379381.  [Google Scholar]) from southern California, F. berkeleyorum n. sp. from Washington, F. claparedei (de Saint‐Joseph, 1898 de Saint‐Joseph, A. 1898. Les annélides polychètes des côtes de France (Manche et Océan).. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Série 8, 5: 209464.  [Google Scholar]) from the Bay of Biscay, F. gourdoni (Gravier, 1906 Gravier, C. 1906. Sur les annélides polychètes recueillies par l'Expédition Antarctique Française (Aphroditiens, Amphinomiens, Flabelligériens, Maldaniens, Ampharétiens).. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 7: 535540.  [Google Scholar]) from Antarctica, F. lighti n. sp. from Guadalupe Island, western Mexico, F. ockeri n. sp. from southern California, and F. pruvoti (Fauvel, 1930 Fauvel, P. 1927. Polychètes sédentaires & addenda aux polychètes errantes.. Faune de France, 16: 1494.  [Google Scholar]) from New Caledonia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1689-1727
The hoplonemertean genera Prosadenoporus Bürger, 1890 Bürger, O. 1890. Untersuchungen über die anatomie und histologie der nemertinen nebst beiträgen zur systematik [Studies of anatomy and histology of nemerteans with contribution to systematics].. Z Wiss Zool., 50: 1277. German [Google Scholar] and Pantinonemertes Moore and Gibson, 1981 Moore, J. and Gibson, R. 1981. The Geonemertes problem (Nemertea).. J Zool., 194: 175201.  [Google Scholar] are revised and synonymized based on a morphological re‐evaluation. We redefine Prosadenoporus Bürger, 1890 Bürger, O. 1890. Untersuchungen über die anatomie und histologie der nemertinen nebst beiträgen zur systematik [Studies of anatomy and histology of nemerteans with contribution to systematics].. Z Wiss Zool., 50: 1277. German [Google Scholar] on the basis of characters held in common by the eight species: Prosadenoporus agricola (Willemoes‐Suhm, 1874 Willemoes‐Suhm, R. 1874. On a land‐nemertean found in the Bermudas.. Ann Mag Nat Hist. Ser 4., 13: 409411.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus arenarius Bürger, 1890 Bürger, O. 1890. Untersuchungen über die anatomie und histologie der nemertinen nebst beiträgen zur systematik [Studies of anatomy and histology of nemerteans with contribution to systematics].. Z Wiss Zool., 50: 1277. German [Google Scholar], Prosadenoporus spectaculum (Yamaoka, 1940 Yamaoka, T. 1940. Two nemerteans from the Riukiu Islands.. Annot Zool Japon., 19: 1318.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus winsori (Moore and Gibson, 1981 Moore, J. and Gibson, R. 1981. The Geonemertes problem (Nemertea).. J Zool., 194: 175201.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus enalios (Moore and Gibson, 1981 Moore, J. and Gibson, R. 1981. The Geonemertes problem (Nemertea).. J Zool., 194: 175201.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus mooreae (Gibson, 1982b Gibson, R. 1982b. Nemerteans of the Great Barrier Reef. 5. Enopla Hoplonemertea (Monostilifera).. Zool J Linn Soc., 75: 269296.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus mortoni (Gibson, 1990 Gibson, R. 1990. “The macrobenthic nemertean fauna of Hong Kong.”. In The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China, Edited by: Morton, B. 33212. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. and Prosadenoporus fujianensis (Sun, 2001 Sun, S. 2001. A new mangrove‐dwelling nemertean from China.. Hydrobiologia, 456: 199209.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. We describe a new semi‐terrestrial species Prosadenoporus floridensis sp. nov. from Belize and Florida and compare its morphology to other species of Prosadenoporus. The average sequence divergence of P. floridensis sp. nov. from other congeners is 9.15% (16S) and 10.65% (COI) and 7.8% and 10.3% respectively from the nearest sequenced congener P. mortoni.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1879-1890
The genus Mimopodabrus Wittmer is reviewed, and the genus diagnosis is re-described. Three new species are described, M. multidentatus sp. nov. (Guangdong, China), M. variabilis sp. nov. (Yunnan, China) and M. diversefoveolatus sp. nov. (Lao Cai, Vietnam), with illustrations of habitus, antennae and aedeagus. A species is transferred from Micropodabrus to this genus, M. bicoloriceps (Wittmer, 1989 Wittmer, W. 1989. 42. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae und Malachiidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 13: 209237.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. A species is synonymized, M. bicoloriceps (Wittmer, 1989 Wittmer, W. 1989. 42. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae und Malachiidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 13: 209237.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov.?=?M. bicoloriceps Wittmer, 1997 syn. nov. and the definition of M. yunnanus (Wittmer, 1993 Wittmer, W. 1993. Zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen und indo-malaiischen Cantharidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 16: 203253.  [Google Scholar]) is restricted. A key to all known species of this genus is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1569-1611
Differentiation of external morphology of Oribatella Banks, 1895 was investigated, in light of the ontogeny of Oquadricornuta (Michael, 1880 Michael, AD. 1880. A further contribution to the knowledge of British Oribatidae. J Roy Micr Soc London, 3: 225251. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Osuperbula (Berlese,1904 Berlese, A. 1904. Acari nuovi. Manipulus III. Redia, 2: 1032.  [Google Scholar]) and O. calcarata (CL Koch, 1835 Koch, CL. 1835. “Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden”. In Regensburg, Germany: Verlag Friedrich Pustet 13.  [Google Scholar]) studied here for the first time, and that of the other species from the literature. The pattern of gastronotal setae in larvae is similar, except for lack of seta h 3 in Onortoni Behan-Pelletier, 2011 Behan-Pelletier, VM. 2011. Oribatella (Acari, Oribatida, Oribatellidae) of eastern North America. Zootaxa, 2973: 156. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], while that of nymphs and adults is differentiated. The nymphs of most species have 15 pairs of gastronotal setae, but those of Ometzi Behan-Pelletier, 2011 Behan-Pelletier, VM. 2011. Oribatella (Acari, Oribatida, Oribatellidae) of eastern North America. Zootaxa, 2973: 156. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] and most nymphs of Ocalcarata have 13 pairs. The nymphs of most species carry the exuvial scalps of previous instars on apical parts of gastronotal setae da, while setae dm and dp, located under these scalps, are subjected to translocation, reduction in size or loss. In Oberlesei (Michael, 1898 Michael, AD. 1898. “Oribatidae”. In Das Tierreich, Lief. 3. Vol. 8 (Acarina). Berlin: Verlag von R. Friedländer und Sohn Edited by: Schulze, FE. 193. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Onortoni, Oquadricornuta and Osexdentata Berlese, 1916 pair dp takes a more lateral position, compared with the larvae, in Osuperbula and Ocanadensis Behan-Pelletier and Eamer, 2010 Behan-Pelletier, VM and Eamer, B. 2010. The first sexually dimorphic species of Oribatella (Acari, Oribatida, Oribatellidae) and a review of sexual dimorphism in the Brachypylina. Zootaxa, 2332: 120. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] it is reduced in size (in the latter species pair dm is also reduced), while Ometzi loses setae dm and dp. In contrast, the nymphs of Ocalcarata do not carry the scalps, and usually lose setae c 1 and dm. The adults of all species lose setae c 1, c 3 and d-series, compared with the tritonymph, and only 10 pairs of notogastral setae remain (c 2, l-, h- and p-series), but Oquadricornuta and Ocalcarata rarely retain seta c 3 unilaterally, which indicates the order of setal loss in Oribatella according to Shaldybina (1972 Shaldybina, ES. 1972. Some morphological characters of ceratozetid moss mites (Oribatei). Ucenyje zapiski Gor Gosud Pedagog Institut, Gorki, 130: 3566. In Russian [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-24):1301-1311
The Australian members of the subgenus, Sinella (Coecobrya) Yosii, are revised. A new species from Western Australia, Queensland, and the Northern Territory, Sinella (Coecobrya) tropicalis sp. nov., is described, Sinella (Coecobrya) tenebricosa Folsom, 1902 is recorded from Australia for the first time, and new records of Sinella (Coecobrya) communis Chen and Christiansen, 1997 Chen, J‐X. and Christiansen, K. A. 1997. Subgenus Coecobrya of the genus Sinella (Collembola: Entomobryidae) with special reference to the species of China.. Annals of the American Society of Entomology, 90: 119.  [Google Scholar] are documented. Sinella (Coecobrya) caeca Schött, 1896 is considered a dubious record from Australia. A key is provided to the three known Australian species and a summary given of all dorsal and lateral chaetal patterns found on the fourth abdominal segment of subgenera Sinella Brook, 1882 Brook, G. 1882. On a new genus of Collembola (Sinella) allied to Degeeria Nicolet.. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology), 16: 541545.  [Google Scholar] and Coecobrya Yosii, 1956 Yosii, R. 1956. Hohlencollembolen Japans II.. Japanese Journal of Zoology, 11(5): 609627.  [Google Scholar]. The biogeography of the subgenus is described.  相似文献   

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