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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(14):1679-1690
A flexible but non-annulated buccal tube was used to erect the subgenus Pseudodiphascon, later raised to genus level (type species Macrobiotus inflexus). However, the presence of a flexible (but non-annulated) buccal tube in the holotype and paratype is due to the moulting simplex stage of both animals. Therefore Macrobiotus inflexus must be considered species dubia. The other species to date attributed to Pseudodiphascon differ from the type species of the genus in the presence of a pharyngeal tube that appears annulated. Because of this and other characters, they do not conform to the definition of Pseudodiphascon and cannot be attributed to this genus, which must be considered genus dubium. The characters of the claws and of the buccal—pharyngeal apparatuses led us to describe three new genera: Biserovus gen. n.: claws without a differentiated basal portion, annulated pharyngeal tube, peribuccal lamellae present; Minilentus gen. n.: claws of ‘hufelandi type’, annulated pharyngeal tube, peribuccal lamellae absent; Insuetifurca gen. n.: claws of modified' hufelandi type, annulated pharyngeal tube, peribuccal lamellae present, stylet furcae of a peculiar shape. Pseudodiphascon diphasconides lacks annulation in the buccal tube and is transferred to the genus Minibiotus.  相似文献   

The hitherto-known species of Stenothoe are grouped by their distribution. A key for Mediterranean–Atlantic species is given. To the so-called Stenothoe gallensis group (until now, four species), four others are added: S. andamanensis, S. clavetta, S. himyara and S. senegalensis, all new to science. Knowledge of Stenothoe aucklandica, frecanda, macrophthalma, valida and verrucosa is amended. The studied material also yields both a new species of Parametopa (P. gorea n. sp.) and a new genus (Sudanea n. gen.) with S. inopinata n. sp.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:23C8BB82-5CC1-40B2-BED9-431AA55901B9  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2741-2755
A new species of the tardigrade genus Macrobiotus is described. The species, designated M. ciprianoi n. sp., was isolated from a mixture of Provence broom leaf litter and mosses, and from rock mosses collected in the Sierra de Guadarrama, Madrid (Spain). Given that Macrobiotus ciprianoi n. sp. shares several characters to members of the “tenuis group”, we assessed the taxonomic homogeneity of the group. The new species differs from those of the “tenuis group” according to a unique set of characters related with claw shape, features of the buccal‐pharyngeal apparatus, and egg morphology. Our analysis of holotypes and/or paratypes of “tenuis group” species and other Macrobiotus species with similar characters (M. bondavallii and M. caelicola) reflects the heterogeneity of this group of species as currently described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1043-1065
A new Fridericia species (Fridericia lacii sp. nov.) is described. Including this new species the number of valid Fridericia species with two diverticula per spermatheca is 50. The present study provides an opportunity for the comparison and separation of Fridericia species on the basis of spermatheca and diverticulum characteristics. Nine tables summarize the two larger groups and five subgroups of species possessing bidiverticulate spermathecae. The new species is distinguished from all known valid congeners in this assemblage by the following combination of traits: (1) 4–7 mm long, 200–290 µm wide (in vivo) with 30–36 segments; (2) maximum four chaetae per bundle; (3) all pairs of pharyngeal glands with ventral lobes, the third is the largest with posterior projections; (4) only three pairs of preclitellar nephridia; (5) oesophageal appendages type a; (6) mucocytes type a, lenticytes small; (7) chylus cells in preclitellar segments; (8) clitellum girdle‐shaped, glands in transverse rows, between the bursal slits only granulocytes; bursal slit is longitudinal; (9) seminal vesicle small or absent; (10) sperm funnel one‐half as long as the body diameter, collar narrower than the funnel body; (11) subneural glands absent; (12) the ampulla of the spermatheca with two sessile (or with short stalks), spherical, thin‐walled diverticula, communication with the oesophagus separate, ectal duct about as long as body diameter, one floppy ectal gland at the orifice.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2719-2739
A checklist of 63 species of tardigrades from the Tsinling Mountains is given in this paper. Thirty‐seven species of tardigrades that had never been found in the Tsinling Mountains were reported here. Twenty of them are new records for the mountains, 15 of them are new records for China, two of them are new to science. Pseudechiniscus pilatoi sp. n. is similar to Pseudechiniscus quadrilobatus Iharos, 1969 Iharos, G. 1969. Einige Angaben zur Tardigradenfauna Vietnams.. Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest, 9(2): 273277.  [Google Scholar]. It differs from P. quadrilobatus in different cuticular sculpture, in the joints of paired‐plates, near the dorsal median line, uplifting but not protruding backward, and in lacking notches on terminal plate. Echiniscus marleyi sp. n. differs from E. canadensis Murray in having filaments D; it differs from E. mediantus Marcus in lacking filaments C but in having filaments D; it differs from E. spinulosus (Doyère) in lacking teeth B, C, E, and in having filaments D instead of teeth D.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33):3075-3099
Four species of associated amphipods were collected from the lithodid crab Paralomis granulosa in the Falkland Islands: Jassa kjetilanna n. sp. (Ischyroceridae), Gammaropsis monodi (Schellenberg, 1931 Schellenberg, A. 1931. Gammariden und Caprelliden des Magellangebietes, Südgeorgiens und der Westantarktis.. Further Zoological Results of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1901–1903, 2: 1290.  [Google Scholar]) (Photidae), Aora karibu n. sp. (Aoridae), and Paramoera falklandica n. sp. (Eusiridae s.l.). The Gammaropsis was also found on the majid crab Eurypodius latreillei, where it seemed to be the only associate. A survey of all amphipod associations involving lithodid crabs is provided.  相似文献   

The study of previously unidentified material of Spionidae from the Grand Caribbean region resulted in the discovery of five new species in four genera: Boccardia salazari sp. nov., Dipolydora anatentaculata sp. nov., D. contoyensis sp. nov., Polydora quintanarooensis sp. nov. and Pseudopolydora floridensis sp. nov. Boccardia salazari is characterized by two types of major spine in chaetiger 5, one with expanded end bearing cusps without bristles, the other, simple, falcate; D. anatentaculata is characterized by an occipital antenna, and major spines simple, falcate, without subterminal protuberance; D. contoyensis is characterized by six pairs of branchiae on chaetigers 11–16, major spines with two large accessory teeth on concave and convex sides in chaetiger 5, and pygidium small, glandular, cuff‐shaped with dorsal notch; Polydora quintanarooensis is characterized by two eyes, modified spines of chaetiger 5 falcate, with a lateral tooth, and gizzard‐like structure present at segment 16, and Pseudopolydora floridensis is characterized by two types of major spines in chaetiger 5, first falcate, second pennoned, with both types arranged in U‐shaped, double row, a caruncle extending to chaetigers 6–7, and an occipital antenna. A key to all species of Boccardia, Dipolydora, Polydora and Pseudopolydora from the Grand Caribbean region is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of monogonont rotifer, Lecane difficilis n.sp., is described from French Guyana. The taxon also occurs in Brazil and North Carolina, USA, following reassessment of illustrated literature records. The superficial similarity of L. difficilis with the Old World tropical L. unguitata (Fadeew) may account for some non-verifiable records of the latter from the New world.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):567-577
Two new species of free-living marine nematodes Paramonohystera eurycephalus sp. nov. and Steineria sinica sp. nov. from the Yellow Sea, China are described. Paramonohystera eurycephalus sp. nov. is characterized by relatively wide head diameter (33 μm in width), large cup-shaped buccal cavity; presence of numerous long cervical setae; amphidial fovea 18–20 μm in diameter; spicules slender, arcuate, 3.1–3.2 anal body diameter; gubernaculum tubular with a distal hook; five to six minute precloacal supplements. Steineria sinica sp. nov. is characterized by eight groups of three subcephalic setae at almost same level as cephalic setae; eight groups of two long cervical setae situated between subcephalic setae and amphidial fovea; amphidial fovea round, 35% of corresponding body diameter, about one head diameter from anterior end; spicules slender, cephalate proximally and taper distally; gubernaculum pipe-shaped with dorsocaudal apophysis; tail conico-cylindrical with three long terminal setae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(32):2987-2996
Glyphochaeta laudieni, a new genus and species of the “Spionidae”, is described from the Arctic. The specimens were collected from the Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, in a marine grotto. Glyphochaeta laudieni was associated with colonies of unidentified Bryozoa. This new genus and species is characterized by a prostomium with frontal horns, the absence of branchiae and sabre chaetae, and the presence of grooved spines which replace hooded hooks in some chaetigers of the middle body region. These spines are associated with glandular organs situated in neuropodia. The significance of characters for determining the systematic position of Glyphochaeta within “Spionidae” is discussed. Glyphochaeta laudieni is probably related to Pygospio elegans.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1527-1547
An annotated list of the palaearctic and oriental species of the genus Systropha Illiger, 1806, includes additional records for some less well-known species. A lectotype is designated for Systropha hirsuta Spinola, 1839. Systropha christae Warncke, 1992, is synonymized with S. hirsuta. Systropha androsthenes and S. diacantha, spp. n., are described from the Gulf States. A key for the separation of the males is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2595-2608
Box jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) have a profound impact on human activities because of their highly potent venoms that may lead to severe envenomations in humans. Cubozoa is one of the smallest classes within Cnidaria with only some 50 described species in seven families. The literature on Cubozoa is scattered and oftentimes difficult to access. In particular, comprehensive treatments of Cubozoa that present a comparative overview of the group are either non-existent or largely outdated. Here we provide a synopsis of the carybdeid Cubozoa (Carybdeida) including an illustrated key to the families and genera of this order. Of particular interest is the family Carukiidae, which contains the species that was originally attributed with causing a severe envenomation syndrome called Irukandji syndrome. One new species of Carukiidae, Malo filipina sp. nov., is described, Morbakka virulenta is redescribed and a neotype is designated, and an unidentified species of Morbakka is recorded from the Philippines.  相似文献   

In the canals of three species of Antarctic Demospongiae, a new species of Lysianassoidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) was found. The new species Pseudokoroga spongiophila is described, its ecology is briefly summarized. While the superfamily is represented in the Southern Ocean by 146 species, belonging to 54 genera, Pseudokoroga spongiophila n. sp. is one of the rare species symbiontically living in sponges. Up to 24 individuals were collected in 1000 cm3 of tissue of the host Demospongiae Jophon spatulatus (Kirkpatrick, 1907).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2835-2848
The genus Chaenostoma (Stimpson, 1858) so far includes four distinct species, i.e. C. boscii (Audouin, 1826), C. lisae (Poupin and Bouchard, 2010), C. punctulatus Miers, 1884, and C. sinuspersici (Naderloo and Türkay, 2011). Chaenostoma java n. sp. is here described as a fifth species from Java (Indonesia) easily distinguished from its congeners by the features of the male first pleopod, the penultimate segment of the male abdomen, and the unique female gonopore. The new species is most similar to C. lisae, but they differ in the morphology of the male chelipeds and female gonopores. Chaenostoma lisae is redescribed and recorded from Madagascar, Mayotte I. and New Caledonia. An identification key for the genus is provided.  相似文献   

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