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Some species of Leptodactylus of the L. pentadactylus group lay their eggs outside water but the tadpoles need to reach water to complete the larval phase; other species complete development in terrestrial nests. Here we present details of the reproduction of L. labyrinthicus in south‐eastern Brazil. The proportion of tadpoles and trophic eggs in aged egg clutches was determined, as well as the growth of the tadpoles while in the nest. The gut contents of tadpoles that were in egg clutches of frogs were analysed. Adult males did not differ from females in size and had hypertrophied forearms and an enlarged spine on the thumb. Reproduction was initiated with the first rains of August/September and extended to mid‐January. Calling and spawning occurred at permanent or temporary water bodies. The foam nests were built in excavated basins outside of, but close to the water. The male determined the place of the basin construction; after amplexus, the female completed the excavation. The amplexus was axillary. One female spent the day after spawning in the foam. The eggs were pale grey, the yolk averaging 2.3?mm in diameter. The mean number of eggs was 2101 per egg clutch. The number of tadpoles in individual nests varied between 0.05% and 11.40% in relation to the total laid eggs. The tadpoles entered water when rains flooded the basin. The tadpoles grew to 12 times the weight of an individual egg while in the nest; no nesting tadpole was beyond stage 25. The longest time we followed tadpoles in a nest was 25 days. Tadpoles were found preying upon eggs of three other frog species and upon conspecific eggs. Males fought by grasping each other in a belly‐to‐belly position; the powerful arms and the thumb spines represent weapons. Even though males can reach maturity in the season following birth, small size would prevent them from establishing their own territory. All the species of the L. pentadactylus group may build their foam nests within excavated basins. The basins may protect the eggs and embryos from cannibalistic tadpoles and may have an anti‐desiccation effect. In order to produce trophic eggs, the female may delay laying additional unfertilized eggs until after the male has abandoned the foam nest. Anuran eggs represent an important food item for tadpoles after they leave the nest.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):191-203
We describe the reproduction of Leptodactylus syphax from Brazil and attempt to trace the evolution of reproductive traits within the L. pentadactylus species group. We quantified the proportion of eggs/embryos from fresh nests. We test whether L. labyrinthicus and L. syphax tadpoles can prey on eggs from heterospecific foam nests. Egg clutches were found outside the water at the edges of rocky/seasonal streams, usually within excavated basins. Males beat the foam with their legs moving from side to side. Clutches do not have trophic eggs, since most of their eggs develop into tadpoles. Tadpoles cling on rocks in current/shallow waters. Only L. labyrinthicus tadpoles could prey on eggs from heterospecific foam nests. If the L. pentadactylus group is monophyletic, excavated basins and foam‐beating in lateral motions may be possible synapomorphies of this group. However, large adults, carnivorous tadpoles and trophic eggs appear to be associated synapomorphies of a less inclusive group.  相似文献   

Foam nests have evolved independently in several amphibian groups as an adaptive response to prevent predation and desiccation in dry environments. Nests are normally laid on ponds, or in underground galleries, humid forest leaf litter or terrestrial bromeliads. They are built when males or females beat a foam precursor associated with the egg masses extruded by the female. The spawning process requires the synchronic actions of the mating pair to obtain a hemispheric nest that protects the offspring. Herein, we describe the spawning behaviour of Engystomops pustulatus based on videos from 13 nesting couples from the lowlands of western Ecuador. Three variables were measured as indicators of male effort: duration of mixing events, duration of resting periods, and number of kicks per mixing event. We consider that not only male physical effort but also female behaviour influences nest structure. We suggest that nest building requires prolonged and intense physical activity by the male as well as the female’s steady position during spawning and female’s oviposition site selection. Nest building has two phases. In the first phase, the duration of resting periods, the duration of mixing events, and the number of kicks increase and are highly variable. During the second phase the three variables stabilise until the end. The volume of the nest increased mainly during the second phase. In four nesting events we observed kicking movements by the female. To our knowledge, this is the first time that female kicking has been observed in leptodactylid frogs. The function of this behaviour is unknown but our observations suggest that it may be triggered by insufficient male effort. Traditionally, female mate choice in Engystomops has been explained under models of indirect benefits exclusively. We argue that the prolonged male activity during nesting could influence female fitness directly. This will allow the operation of sexual selection via direct benefits.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1439-1452
We studied the breeding activities of Bokermannohyla nanuzae at an Atlantic Forest site in southeastern Brazil from August 2010 to April 2012. We described courtship behaviour, acoustic parameters of calls, egg clutch features and the egg-laying site, and characterized the reproductive mode. We recorded calling males and gravid females almost year-round, except for a few months in the dry season. We observed the interaction of five male–female pairs that exhibited stereotyped behavioural sequences including visual and tactile signals. We identified three different types of calls that we considered as the advertisement call and two types of courtship calls. Egg clutches were placed in rocky crevices with water or in streamside puddles, among rocks, that would be likely to be flooded as stream water level raises, which characterizes a reproductive mode different from the one previously recognized for this species. The breeding biology of B. nanuzae is complex, with elaborate courtship behaviour and signalling.  相似文献   

The Leptodactylus pentadactylus species group is comprised of medium to large species of Neotropical frogs. Leptodactylus knudseni, a member of this species group, has a wide distribution throughout the Amazon Basin. Herein we describe aspects of the reproductive biology of L. knudseni and provide notes about the ontogenetic variation of its tadpoles based on a population in a non-flooded forest near Manaus, Amazonian Brazil. Amplectant pairs of L. knudseni lay foam nests in excavated basins on the edge of temporary ponds located on clay soil and at least 50 m from a stream. The tadpole development happens initially in the foam nests with access to the pond after the rain flooding the basins. Studied clutches lacked trophic eggs and tadpoles did not produce foam. Ontogenetic variations in L. knudseni tadpoles are related to size, teeth formulae and body colour. The use of excavated basins for the deposition of foam nests has been reported in several species of the L. pentadactylus group. The absence of trophic eggs and production of foam by the tadpoles differ from other species of the L. pentadactylus group. The tadpole morphology is similar to that described for other species of the group.  相似文献   

Frog species of the Centrolenidae family exhibit a high variation in reproductive behaviours. Herein we describe the reproductive, ecological, acoustic and behavioural features of Hyalinobatrachium cappellei in Southern Amazon. Two hypotheses were also evaluated: (1) are ecological characteristics of the reproductive site related to male size and quantity of eggs and clutches? And (2) do males with one or more existing clutches at reproductive sites accumulate more new clutches than those males initially without them? This study was conducted at two streams, with sampling at 1 km each in Southern Amazon. Species reproduction occurred during the wet season and was considered prolonged breeding. Although male vocalization occurred on both the upper and underside of leaves, clutches were most often deposited on the underside of leaves. Males emitted a courtship call upon female approach. The process of female approach until oviposition lasted approximately eight hours. After oviposition, females left the breeding site while males remained near the clutch, covering it with the belly in ventral brooding behaviour. Thus, egg attendance is reported for the first time for this species. No intraspecific or interspecific aggressive behaviour was recorded. There was no relationship between habitat characteristics of the reproductive sites and male size, number of eggs and clutches. However, after 10 days of monitoring, we found evidences that parental males had a higher number of clutches than those males initially without clutches. Similar to other glass frog species, the behavioural characteristics of H. cappellei make this species an excellent model to use in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of parental care and the importance of egg attendance for offspring survival. Therefore, these data contribute towards a better understanding of the complex phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships between centrolenid lineages.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Crax globulosa is virtually unknown, this knowledge comprised of only a few anecdotal notes. We found nine nests of Crax globulosa in the middle section of the Juruá River, western Brazilian Amazon, during the dry season. Nests averaged 22.5 m from water and 13.3 m above the ground. We observed two nest types: five made of twigs, leaves and vines, and four within a bromeliad. All nests contained two eggs, but six (67%) were subsequently predated. A female tagged with a transmitter nested twice during the same breeding season. A chick was monitored together with its parents for > 10 months. In addition to hunting and habitat loss, nest predation could be another threat to this endangered species.  相似文献   

Xanthophryne is a toad genus endemic to the northern Western Ghats of India, with two extant sister species – Xanthophryne koynayensis and Xanthophryne tigerina. Both species are local endemics and endangered. We studied reproductive biology of these toads and found that they are specialized to the lateritic rocky outcrops at mid-elevations in high rainfall areas. Xanthophryne toads have sporadic, multiple spawning bouts lasting 2–4 days during early monsoon. In this explosive breeding behaviour, we observed male toads to engage in ‘pelvic thrusts’, a unique and novel behaviour among anurans. Females oviposit in shallow pools in depressions of lateritic boulders where their tadpoles metamorphose. These ephemeral rocky pools have limited resources and they desiccate rapidly with a break in the rains. To mitigate the stochastic risk of desiccation and subsequent large-scale egg/tadpole mortality, females may disperse their reproductive investment spatially and temporally in multiple clutches, and tadpoles metamorphose rapidly. Here, we describe the amplexus, spawning and male advertisement call, and provide a comparative account of the life history traits of the two Xanthophryne species. These toads face numerous threats and are in need of urgent conservation action. These toads, seemingly well adapted to the isolated rocky outcrops, offer an excellent opportunity to understand endemism, mating systems, anuran ecology and behaviour.  相似文献   

We studied the activity and breeding pattern of dominant lizard species in the Arid Chaco, the southernmost subregion of the Chaco ecoregion (Chancaní Reserve, Córdoba province, Argentina). Lizards were captured with pitfall traps over a 4-year period. In total, 1449 individuals belonging to 11 of the 12 lizard species recorded in the area were trapped. Of these, we selected six species for a detailed analysis: Teius teyou and Stenocercus doellojuradoi accounted for 63% of the captures, Tropidurus etheridgei, Liolaemus chacoensis and Homonota fasciata accounted for 32%, and 5% comprised Leiosaurus paronae and the remaining five species. All the studied species were active during the warm–rainy season (September to March). Monthly lizard captures were highly correlated with monthly mean temperature and rainfall. No captures occurred during the remaining months of the year. All reproductive tactics known for the Chaco lizards were observed in Chancaní, including single clutch in a short breeding season in summer or autumn, as well as an extended breeding season with multiple clutches. Stenocercus doellojuradoi and L. paronae showed a singular reproductive timing, suggesting the occurrence of egg retention. Compared with sub-tropical Chaco sites, the Arid Chaco only differs in the lack of winter activity, resulting from the lower temperature and rainfall regime of our study site.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1263-1276

In contrast to its popularity, astonishingly few facts have become known about the biology of the Goliath Frog, Conraua goliath. We herein report the so far unknown construction of nests as spawning sites by this species. On the Mpoula River, Littoral District, West Cameroon we identified 19 nests along a 400 m section. Nests could be classified into three types. Type 1 constitutes rock pools that were cleared by the frogs from detritus and leaf-litter; type 2 constitutes existing washouts at the riverbanks that were cleared from leaf-litter and/or expanded, and type 3 were depressions dug by the frogs into gravel riverbanks. The cleaning and digging activities of the frogs included removal of small to larger items, ranging from sand and leaves to larger stones. In all nest types eggs and tadpoles of C. goliath were detected. All nest types were used for egg deposition several times, and could comprise up to three distinct cohorts of tadpoles. Nests seemed to be clustered. Camera trapping revealed that nests are guarded by adult frogs at night. The breeding nests may allow the frogs to deposit their eggs away from the torrent rivers, and potential egg and tadpole predators. As nest construction, at least in some cases, requires the removal of large and heavy items, we hypothesize that this can only be achieved by decent sized frogs, possibly explaining the unique size of the species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1841-1847
Bees of the genus Megalopta have gained attention as a result of their social nesting and nocturnal foraging. Seventeen nests of Meglaopta atra from the highlands of Chiriqui Province, Panama, were collected at the end of the dry season when brood rearing is expected to be at its peak. Most nests contained single females; within multifemale nests only one female possessed enlarged ovarioles, although some non‐reproductive individuals were inseminated. In two of these nests reproductive individuals were clearly larger in body size than nestmates, but body size variation and macrocephaly were equivalent to those found in other Neotropical augochlorines. There was no evidence of a non‐reproductive worker‐like caste and multifemale nests did not appear to be more productive than solitary nests, which may represent pre‐reproductive assemblages. Megalopta atra appears to be isolated by altitude from co‐geners common in Panama, this is discussed in comparison with temperate halictine bees, in which environmental clines separate solitary from social populations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2151-2159
Larval competition was investigated in foam‐nesting frogs with contrasting breeding strategies. Leptodactylus fuscus nests in burrows with moderate numbers of large eggs, mainly on dry nights; Engystomops pustulosus makes floating nests with large numbers of small eggs, mainly on wet nights. Both use the same temporary pools in open habitat over an extended breeding season. Larval growth to metamorphosis was assessed in a semi‐natural experiment and in the laboratory. Tanks contained either single species or equal numbers of both species. Inter‐specific competition was asymmetric; L. fuscus survived as well as or better in competition with E. pustulosus than in intra‐specific competition. Leptodactylus fuscus attained larger sizes with E. pustulosus present. In interspecific competition E. pustulosus showed worse survival and grew slower and to a smaller size. Outdoors, both species tolerated water temperatures that often rose to 42°C and reached metamorphosis in very short times: 14 days after oviposition in L. fuscus and 17 days in E. pustulosus.  相似文献   


Xenoclarias inhabits the deeper (>50 m) waters of Lake Victoria. Specimens captured in a bottom trawl ranged in size from 10–22 cm TL (mode, 15–18 cm) and females grew to a larger size than males. Length-weight relationships between sexes were different only in the Kenya waters and resulted in significantly different KTL. Based on gonadal stages, Xenoclarias matured between 14–16 cm (age 1). Fecundity of 6 specimens (Stage VI) ranged from 744–1357 (mean 1009) and egg size from 1·45 to 1·98 mm (mean 1·79 mm).

Based on gravid and spawning females, Xenoclarias spawned prior to the rainy season (January–March) in Kenya and Uganda waters. During periods of increased reproductive activity females were consistently more numerous in samples (2:1) than males. Local meteorological and hydrological conditions may explain the apparently different spawning season in Tanzania waters of the Lake. This genus of small fish is not affected by the artisinal gillnet fishery but may be by the expansion of a bottom trawl fishery in Lake Victoria.  相似文献   

The Lined Seedeater (Sporophila lineola) is a migratory species that inhabits a variety of open habitats in South America. We studied the breeding biology and territorial behaviour of a colour-banded population of the species in the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Campus Florestal (1–19,8808ºS, –44,4136ºW), during two breeding seasons (2014/2015 and 2015/2016), which spans from December to April. We monitored 74 nests of this species. The nest is a low cup supported between a fork. Nests are mainly built with grass stems and rootlets, with spider-web used to hold the material together and to bind the nest to its supporting plant. Females are solely responsible for nest building and incubation, which is synchronic, and also for feeding nestlings to a large extent. Males are responsible for defending the territory, which corresponds to a small portion of the home range restricted to the nest environs, and also feed the nestlings. Mean clutch size is two eggs (78% of nests monitored), with clutches of three (20.3%) and four (1.7%) eggs also observed. Eggs are whitish, covered with dark brown blotches and spots to a variable extent. Mean incubation period, considered as the period between the onset of incubation and hatching of the first egg, is 11 days. Nestling period, considered as the period between hatching of the first egg and fledging of the last young, is 10 days. During the first breeding season, the simple percentage of successful nests was 34.1%, while the Mayfield success was 29.8%, with slightly higher values observed during the second breeding season, with 39.4% and 35.7%, respectively. We recorded, for the first time, three cases of polygamy in the species. We also recorded breeding site fidelity for the first time in the species, with males returning to the same territory owned in a previous breeding season.  相似文献   

Eggs, second and third instar larvae of the enigmatic species Nidomyia cana, which was discovered most recently from the nests of raptorial birds in southern Hungary, are described. Both egg and larvae show peculiarities among the so-called heleomyzoid flies. Larvae were found in wet vegetable material (mostly pieces of poplar bark) of a buzzard nest and their shape is of a saprophagous type. Females are macro-oviparous, with a maximum of 15 to 17 eggs laid in one batch. Adults live mostly on the surface the of the nest, they copulate there, and they find shelter in the nest itself. No direct contact with adults or nestlings within the nest was observed. It is suggested that overwintering occurs as pupae (pharate adults) underground, beneath the nest. However, if N. cana lives exclusively in the nests of raptors, adults would have difficulties in finding a new nest, and it is probable that they are transferred to new nests attached to the birds.  相似文献   

Population and reproductive behaviour aspects of the glass frog Espadarana prosoblepon are well known for populations from Central America, but similar information is lacking for populations from South America. We recorded the reproductive ecology of a population of the glass frog E. prosoblepon in the city of Armenia, Central Andes of Colombia. With weekly surveys with mark-recapture between December 2013 and November 2015, we monitored activity patterns and evaluated if the probability of males mating is associated to their body size or to chorus tenure (i.e. the number of nights a same individual is calling for attracting a mate). In addition, upon observing an amplexus, we recorded the behaviour of the individuals until oviposition and noted characteristics of egg clutch. We recorded 47 males and 32 females, nine amplexus events, eight ovipositions, and 21 egg clutches (35.4 ± 4.79 eggs per clutch, = 29). Activity of males and females and the number of egg clutches were positively correlated to rainfall. Mating success of males was not associated to their body size, but it was positively associated to longer chorus tenure; clutches from large females had a higher number of eggs than clutches from small females. Oviposition occurred on average 3.76 ± 1.74 hours after we first observed the amplexus, occurring 93.1% of the time in fronds of Selaginella geniculata at an average height of 1.58 ± 0.44 m. After the oviposition, the male left the site, while the female remained between 30 and 45 min, partially covering the eggs. The reproductive behaviour of E. prosoblepon did not vary widely between a population in Costa Rica and our population in time to oviposition, and mating success of males associated to chorus tenure; however, in our study population we recorded a larger clutch size and the preference for S. geniculata fronds as oviposition substrate.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):995-1009
In contrast to most leiuperid frogs, Pseudopaludicola falcipes does not lay eggs in foam nests; this could represent a reversion to the primitive state. We found that in four other Pseudopaludicola species, eggs were also not embedded in foam nests and had a well‐defined outermost jelly layer. The females also constantly moved or dived and males lacked vigorous “wiping/kicking” leg motions while eggs were being laid, features that make foam nesting difficult. The tadpoles of three species have two gaps in the marginal papillae along the lower labium and two posterior rows of labial teeth; the tadpoles of one species had three gaps and three rows, a pattern resembling that of some Physalaemus (Leiuperidae) species. Our data on tadpole morphology and reproductive behaviour do not allow us to rule out the paraphyletic nature of Physalaemus in relation to Pseudopaludicola but they provide some support against the “foam‐loss hypothesis” in Pseudopaludicola.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1225-1238
The natural history of the lizard Enyalius perditus was studied from August 2005 to July 2006, at Parque Estadual Nova Baden, in the municipality of Lambari, State of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. We found that E. perditus may be considered a semi-arboreal species, like other species in the genus, sleeping on vegetation (slim branches or large leaves) at night, possibly to minimize predation. Females with enlarged follicles or oviducal eggs were found from November to January and juveniles recruited at the end of the dry season and beginning of the rainy season, in October. The diet of this lizard is composed mainly of Lepidoptera larvae, Araneae and Formicidae. Females were larger than males, and juvenile coloration is similar to that of adult females.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1737-1749

Ants are abundant in terrestrial ecosystems, especially in the Brazilian Cerrado, where they can play several roles at different levels of the food chain, including protection of plants against herbivores. Although there are many studies that evaluate the ant–plant interaction in the Cerrado, little is known about the natural history of most species of ants. Camponotus crassus Mayr, 1862, for example, is considered one of the main agents of plant biotic defence in Cerrado. But there are no studies specifically focused on this species, which hinders the understanding of how arthropod–plant interactions are structured in Cerrado. Here, we describe the natural history and ecology of the foraging of the C. crassus. We conducted the study from January 2013 to December 2014 in 10 quadrants of 40 m2 to measure: the abundance, density and distribution of nests, location of the nests, the internal structure of the nests, the daily foraging of workers out of the nest, the food items they collect and the existence of territoriality and dominance of the workers on the soil and vegetation. We found 18 nests, 13 in the soil and 5 in hollow trunks on the ground with variable internal structures. The distribution of nests is aggregate, with density of 0.045 nests/m2 and average distance of 3.73 m between nests. The foraging activity occurs on the daytime during the rainy and dry season. Extrafloral nectar and honeydew were the resources most collected, comprising 83.33% of the resources in the rainy period and 30% in the dry period. Camponotus crassus is a dominant species, especially on vegetation, although it also forages on the soil. This is the first study to evaluate in detail the natural history and foraging ecology of C. crassus, a diurnal, aggressive and territorial ant that mainly forage climbing onto the plants.  相似文献   

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