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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1301-1324
On the basis of a re-examination of all available data concerning the systematic position and status of the genus Eumedonus and allied genera it is concluded that these taxa form a separate family within the superfamily Xanthoidea (sensu Guinot, 1978). The family is characterized not only by particular morphological features but by the symbiotic mode of life of its members.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2835-2848
The genus Chaenostoma (Stimpson, 1858) so far includes four distinct species, i.e. C. boscii (Audouin, 1826), C. lisae (Poupin and Bouchard, 2010), C. punctulatus Miers, 1884, and C. sinuspersici (Naderloo and Türkay, 2011). Chaenostoma java n. sp. is here described as a fifth species from Java (Indonesia) easily distinguished from its congeners by the features of the male first pleopod, the penultimate segment of the male abdomen, and the unique female gonopore. The new species is most similar to C. lisae, but they differ in the morphology of the male chelipeds and female gonopores. Chaenostoma lisae is redescribed and recorded from Madagascar, Mayotte I. and New Caledonia. An identification key for the genus is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21):2599-2614
One species of Trichodactylidae and four species of Pseudothelphusidae are present on continental islands in three areas of Central and South America. (1) Trinidad and Margarita Island have, in common with the Venezuelan mainland, the pseudothelphusid Eudaniela garmani (Rathbun, 1898); additionally, Trinidad shares with the mainland the trichodactylid Dilocarcinus dentatus (Randall, 1839). These disjunct distributions can be attributed to changes in sea level during the Quaternary, but the presence of the endemic pseudothelphusid Microthelphusa odaelkae (Bott, 1970) in Trinidad probably reflects an older connection with the continent. (2) A new species, Potamocarcinus roatensis, was found on Roatan Island, off the coast of Honduras. A cladistic analysis of the genus Potamocarcinus (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) revealed a close association of P. roatensis with P. magnus (Rathbun, 1896), a widely distributed Central American pseudothelphusid. Possibly both species originated in a pre-Quaternary vicariant event. (3) Another pseudothelphusid, Hypolobocera gorgonensis von Prahl, 1983, inhabits disjunct areas on Gorgona Island, off the Pacific coast of Colombia, and on the mainland of Ecuador, reflecting either a wider distribution before the last Holocene transgression or accidental dispersal through natural rafts.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1157-1178
Eight species are now assigned to Fabia Dana, 1851. The present partial revision accepts five, F. byssomiae (Say, 1818), F. concharum (Rathbun, 1893), F. emiliai (de Melo, 1971), F. subquadrata Dana, 1851 (type species) and F. tellinae Cobb, 1973, and recommends a future study to determine whether the Brazilian species F. emiliai, is a junior synonym of F. byssomiae. In addition, a new species, F. carvachoi, from the Gulf of California, México is described. The six species are diagnosed and/or described and figured.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1531-1553
Shenius anomalus (Shen, 1935 Shen, CJ. 1935. On some new and rare crabs of the families Pinnotheridae, Grapsidae and Ocypodidae from China. Chin J Zool., 1: 1940. 15 figures [Google Scholar]) has previously been assigned to the Macrophthalmidae Dana, 1851, and the Camptandriidae Stimpson, 1858 Serène, R. 1974. Note on the genera and species of the Camptandriinae Stimpson, 1858 (Decapoda, Brachyura: Ocypodidae). Treubia, 28(3): 59117.  [Google Scholar]. A close examination of adult and first stage zoeal morphology confirms some previous suggestions that S. anomalus is actually an anomalous member of the Dotillidae Stimpson, 1858 Serène, R. 1974. Note on the genera and species of the Camptandriinae Stimpson, 1858 (Decapoda, Brachyura: Ocypodidae). Treubia, 28(3): 59117.  [Google Scholar]. However, because a number of distinctive features distinguish it from all other dotillid genera a new subfamily Sheniinae is established.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1463-1488
Ovigerous crabs of Nanocassiope granulipes (Sakai, 1939) were collected in South Korean waters and their larvae reared in the laboratory. Four zoeal stages are described and illustrated in detail. Morphological characteristics of zoea I, such as the antennal exopod, the endopod of the second maxilliped and the telson, are compared with other known first-stage zoeas from the Xanthinae. The firststage zoea of N. granulipes appears to be similar to those of Leptodius exaratus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) and Macromedaeus distinguendus (de Haan, 1835).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):785-805
Members of the brachyuran family Pinnotheridae are nearly all symbionts of other invertebrates; some crabs are parasitic and others are commensal. Most live inside bivalve molluscs or in the tubes or burrows of polychaetes and other marine organisms. Animals living on or in pinnotherid crabs are considered to be hypersymbiotic and are reviewed here. Hypersymbionts are poorly represented within only 26 members (~8.6%) of the Pinnotheridae (20 species in the subfamily Pinnotherinae and six species in the Pinnothereliinae). Parasitic hypersymbionts are as follows: three species of fungi; one cestode larva (undescribed procercoid of Trypanorhynchida); one trematode metacercaria (undescribed Microphallidae); nematode cysts (undescribed); three species of Nemertea (Carcinonemertidae, two undescribed); two species of rhizocephalan Cirripedia (Sacculinidae; plus five or more undescribed potential sacculinid species); epicaridean Isopoda [13 species of Bopyridae (one undescribed) and four species of entoniscids (Entoniscidae, three undescribed)]. Preliminary biological information on undescribed entoniscids is presented. Several mainly incidental hypersymbioses involving ectosymbionts are known primarily from Pinnixa chaetopterana, a symbiont of polychaete burrows. The ctenostome bryozoan Triticella elongata is the only known obligate ectosymbiont in P. chaetopterana, but it also infests five other species of pinnotherids. Some of the other ectosymbionts (all incidental) on P. chaetopterana are stalked ciliates, hydroids, juvenile polychaetes, bivalve molluscs, balanomorph barnacles, harpacticoid copepods and urochordates. Species of ectosymbionts including an ectoproct bryozoan have been reported from other pinnotherid species. Factors influencing our meagre knowledge of hypersymbioses in the Pinnotheridae are discussed, among them the inaccessibility of crab hosts and research emphasis on taxonomy within the family.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1625-1637
A new genus, Stelomon, is established for the Thai freshwater crabs Potamon kanchanaburiense Naiyanetr, 1992, and P. pruinosum Alcock, 1909. The unique structure of the male first pleopod is the key diagnostic generic character. One new species, which differs in the form of the male first pleopod, is also described. A key to the species of Stelomon is included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2419-2441
Two brachyurans of the varunid genus Hemigrapsus from the northwestern Pacific Ocean have invaded coastal regions of the north Atlantic – Hemigrapsus takanoi (sibling species of Hemigrapsus penicillatus) and Hemigrapsus sanguineus in Europe and the latter in the USA. Parasites are known from these crabs in their native habitats, but except for an undescribed larval nematode, none has been found in those examined from their new locations. These parasites include metacercariae of eight species of microphallid trematode, the rhizocephalan barnacles Polyascus polygenea, Sacculina nigra and Sacculina senta, and the obligate gut-inhabiting mesomycetozoan Enteromyces callianassae (potential parasite). The following have been identified in four of the other eight Pacific crabs within the genus (Hemigrapsus nudus and Hemigrapsus oregonensis, northern hemisphere; Hemigrapsus crenulatus and Hemigrapsus sexdentatus, southern hemisphere), none of which have been geographically displaced: metacercariae of two microphallid trematodes; cystacanths of three acanthocephalans Profilicollis antarcticus, Profilicollis botulus and Profilicollis novaezelandensis; larval nematode Ascarophis sp.; nematomorph Nectonema zealandica; entoniscid isopod Portunion conformis; mesomycetozoan Taeniella carcini; and nemertean egg predator Carcinonemertes epialti. The likelihood of the displaced species of shore crabs being rejoined with their native parasites or their susceptibility to becoming infected by similar parasites in their new locations is discussed. In future global displacements of parasitized Hemigrapsus species it is possible that their most serious parasites, rhizocephalans and entoniscid isopods, may infect previously uninfected species. For example, the two eastern Pacific species of Hemigrapsus (H. nudus and H. oregonensis) may be vulnerable to the rhizocephalans and may in turn be a source of entoniscids transported elsewhere.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1353-1365
Two new genera of Pilumnidae each with a single new species are described from southeastern Queensland waters. Priapipilumnus is defined by the greatly swollen base and simple blunt apex of the male first pleopod and the concomitant posteriorly protruding, bilobed, third abdominal segment. Takedana is separable by the very short spinous anterolateral margins, the swollen branchial regions, the moderately short walking legs, and the strongly spined chelae. Actumnus pugilator is reassigned to Bathypilumnus Ng and Tan, 1984.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1447-1483
In the present study we investigate the trophic behaviour, stomach content and morphology of the feeding appendages, with emphasis on setae, of two callianassids; a generalist feeder, Callichirus major (Say, 1818) and a strict deposit feeder, Sergio mirim (Rodrigues, 1971). Of the 87 setal types described, only 5% were common to both species. Setal types were clustered in four main categories; plumed, serrate, plumodenticulate and simple. Callichirus major has higher setal diversity than S. mirim. Relative to the amount of setal types present in each species, C. major has a higher ratio of serrate to plumodenticulate setal types and similar percentages of plumed and simple setae. Examining the setae and spatial position of the segments of the feeding appendages, it is possible to infer that the main function of the dactyli, propodi and basal endites is to brush particles, while the meri, ischia and coxal endites retain sediment. The setal diversity found on the feeding appendages reflected the diverse trophic strategies of the callianassid species studied. Exclusive deposit feeders, e.g. S. mirim, appear to have fewer setal types than generalist feeders, e.g. C. major. Apparently, the higher ratio of serrate to plumodenticulate setal types in Callianassidae depends more on the necessity to triturate particles prior to ingestion than on the trophic mechanism used by the species.  相似文献   

Eubrachyurans not only exhibit a crab-like body shape, consisting of a mostly wide cephalothorax and a thin, shield-like pleon folded underneath it, but reportedly hold the pleon in this position with the use of specialized holding structures. To further our knowledge of the variability of these holding structures, and investigate their functionality, male and female crabs from five primary freshwater crab and five selected thoracotreme families were examined with stereomicroscopy. Exemplary specimens of each group were documented photographically and with micro-computed tomography to illustrate the holding structures in situ. The results show a press-button mechanism of variable shape in freshwater crabs, where divergent structures possibly support pleon attachment of different effectiveness. The press-button is present in the majority of basal heterotreme lineages, and is therefore regarded as an ancestral character of the Heterotremata. In the Thoracotremata, multiple holding mechanisms are identified: press-button, clasping apparatus, overhanging edge, and increased setae cover on sternal plates, with the last system probably only effective in terrestrial species, due to wet adhesion effects. The ancestral character state in the Thoracotremata is debatable, but most likely also a functional press-button was present. Each holding mechanism requires different pleon movements to engage and disengage. Additionally, in contrast to the most common press-button mechanism, divergent holding mechanisms tend to be present, and likely functional, in adult males and females.  相似文献   

A new species of xanthid crab, Demania bangladeshensis sp. nov., is described from the Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean. Demania bangladeshensis appears to be most closely related to Demania toxica Garth, 1971, a poisonous species from the Philippines, but can easily be separated by the differently sculptured carapace, legs and chelipeds.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):543-555
Periodic moulting is vital for the growth of crustaceans. The process is characterized by a complete replacement of the mineralized exoskeleton, including eyestalks, legs, the pleon as well as the foregut and hindgut. In the present study a series of freshly moulted brachyuran exuviae [Maja crispata Risso, 1827; Cancer pagurus Linnaeus, 1758 and Pseudosesarma moeschi (De Man, 1888)] were investigated concerning the remaining calcified foregut structures. All investigated exuviae show part or complete degradation of the lateral expanded ossicles of the gastric mill (e.g. ossicles II, V and IX). Most of the ossicles of the pyloric filter are unaffected by the degradation processes. Reduction of the calcium content and the increasing flexibility of the foregut ossicles enable the passage of the bigger “old” foregut through the smaller oesophagus of the newly formed foregut. The gastric teeth of the examined exuviae are not influenced by the moulting process.  相似文献   

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