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Continuing examination of colonial ascidians in museum collections is revealing further diversity in the family Didemnidae, which abounds in the tropical Indo-West Pacific and around the Australian continent (Kott, 2001). From the present work, it is apparent that much remains to be learnt about this fauna. Of the 45 species discussed in this paper, 16 are new. Larvae are described for the first time for Polysyncraton pedunculatum Kott, 2001 and P. rica Kott, 2001. Amongst the synonymy established in this paper Didemnoides tropicum Sluiter, 1909 is found to be a junior synonym of Lissoclinum patella (Gottschaldt, 1898) and Trididemnum vermiforme Kott, 2001 a junior synonym of T. nobile Kott, 2001. Didemnum nekozita Tokioka, 1967 is found to be a valid species distinct from Polysyncraton cuculliferum (Sluiter, 1909). Prolific replication rates, rapid colony growth, flexibility in growth form and a viviparous habit result in convergence tending to small zooid size, and similar large, increasingly complex colonies found in this family contribute to species diversity around the whole of the Australian continent.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):1103-1217
Seventy‐eight species of Ascidiacea, including 21 new species from deeper waters (about 100 m and occasionally to about 500 m) off Western Australia appear to represent a diverse fauna not previously sampled. The relatively few solitary species taken include two possibly introduced (Styela plicata and S. clava). Large aplousobranch colonies dominate the collections. Aplousobranch species with numerous, small, deeply embedded zooids in massive three‐dimensional, vertical and often branched or stalked inflexible colonies supported by embedded sand (Polyclinindae) or calcareous spicules (Didemnidae) are common. Species with flexible stalks (enabling them to respond to prevailing currents) such as Clavelina meridionalis, Sigillina australis and S. cyanea were not taken often. Some known species (e.g. Synoicum chrysanthemum, and Atriolum tubiporum) previously considered rare were taken at these depths in significant numbers. Other unusual taxa (Pseudodiazona longigona and Condominium spp.) are recorded from new locations but do not appear to be common.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-24):1301-1311
The Australian members of the subgenus, Sinella (Coecobrya) Yosii, are revised. A new species from Western Australia, Queensland, and the Northern Territory, Sinella (Coecobrya) tropicalis sp. nov., is described, Sinella (Coecobrya) tenebricosa Folsom, 1902 is recorded from Australia for the first time, and new records of Sinella (Coecobrya) communis Chen and Christiansen, 1997 Chen, J‐X. and Christiansen, K. A. 1997. Subgenus Coecobrya of the genus Sinella (Collembola: Entomobryidae) with special reference to the species of China.. Annals of the American Society of Entomology, 90: 119.  [Google Scholar] are documented. Sinella (Coecobrya) caeca Schött, 1896 is considered a dubious record from Australia. A key is provided to the three known Australian species and a summary given of all dorsal and lateral chaetal patterns found on the fourth abdominal segment of subgenera Sinella Brook, 1882 Brook, G. 1882. On a new genus of Collembola (Sinella) allied to Degeeria Nicolet.. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology), 16: 541545.  [Google Scholar] and Coecobrya Yosii, 1956 Yosii, R. 1956. Hohlencollembolen Japans II.. Japanese Journal of Zoology, 11(5): 609627.  [Google Scholar]. The biogeography of the subgenus is described.  相似文献   

Collections, observations and experiments were used to investigate the behavioural ecology of gall thrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) in New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. Data are presented on aspects of gall morphology, male and female morphology, behaviour, life cycles, and sex ratios for six gall-forming species, five species of inquilines (invaders that do not form galls), and one genus that uses secretions to glue phyllodes (modified petioles) together. During gall foundation on phyllodes of Acacia pendula, females of Kladothrips rugosus Froggatt fight other females to the death, males fight other males to the death, and one female or one adult of each sex remains alive within the gall to breed. In addition to the live adults, half of newly found galls contained dead bodies of from one to 13 males and females, which were apparently killed in fights. In Oncothrips tepperi Karny, which forms galls on Acacia oswaldii, single females found new galls, and females engage in lethal fighting during the period from gall initiation until closure. First-generation broods of Oncothrips tepperi comprise winged males and winged females with a sex ratio of about 1:6 female biased. Each gall also contains several wing-reduced adults with larger forelegs than winged adults, which probably either fight among themselves or defend their siblings from gall invaders. Adults of Oncothrips tepperi breed in the galls for two or more generations, whereas in all of the other species studied on Acacia only one generation occurs in a gall. Females of the inquiline Koptothrips flavicornis invade young, first-generation galls of Oncothrips tepperi, kill the foundling female, and produce their own offspring. Single females of Oncothrips antennatus (Moulton) form galls on Acacia aneura, and apparently do not fight. Winged females of Oncothrips antennatus have smaller forelegs, relative to their body size, than do winged females of Oncothrips tepperi. In Onychothrips arotrum Mound and Onychothrips tepperi (Uzel), single females from galls on Acacia aneura. In each species, females engage in lethal fighting during gall initiation. The sex ratio of Onychothrips arotrum broods is about 1:18 female biased. The inquiline Csirothrips watsoni Mound invades galls of Onychothrips arotrum, apparently after most or all of the offspring have left, and breeds inside. Females of this inquiline will kill live Onychothrips arotrum inside the galls, and they apparently plug gall entrances with cast O. arotrum exuviae. Iotatubothrips crozieri Mound and Crespi is involved in the formation of large, woody galls on stems of Casuarina, perhaps in association with a microorganism. They breed in these galls for many generations. Galls contain several to thousands of individuals, and the adult sex ratio is about 1:4 female biased. Adults of the inquilines Thaumatothrips froggatti and Phallothrips houstoni Mound and Crespi invade these galls, kill the Iotatubothrips adults, and breed therein. The Iotatubothrips occasionally attempt, ineffectually, to fight off the invaders, and they apparently make partitions within the gall to protect themselves from takeover. Adults of Lichanothrips spp. glue phyllodes of Acacia harpophylla together using eggs and patches of secretion, and they breed in the resultant narrow space. Xanothrips xantes Mound breed in these spaces after the Lichanothrips have left. Fighting in Kladothrips rugosus, Oncothrips tepperi and Onychothrips tepperi involves two adults rearing up head to head, sparring with their enlarged, armed forelegs raised, and attempting to grasp and hold their opponent with their forelegs and drive their sharply pointed fore-tarsal teeth into their opponent's body. Females of Onychothrips arotrum also grasp, stab and kill with their forelegs, but they have not been observed to rear up head to head. Three of the inquiline species, Csirothrips watsoni, Thaumatothrips froggatti and Phallothrips houstoni, kill the original gall inhabitants by extending their forelegs directly in front of their bodies, tilting their heads back, remaining in this position for variable periods of time, and sharply pulling their armed fore tibiae towards the fore femora when their victim is near. Inquilinism in gall thrips may have evolved from lethal intraspecific fighting. Certain aspects of behaviour and morphology in Australian gall thrips, such as high prevalence of lethal fighting, gall ‘plugging’ in Csirothrips watsoni, attempted gall defence and apparent formation of partitions in Iotatubothrips crozieri, and the presence of wing-reduced adults in Oncothrips tepperi, indicate that these species exhibit some of the most complex behaviour thus far discovered in Thysanoptera.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1345-1381
Polystomoides scottae n. sp. is described from the urinary and accessory bladders of Chelodina expansa. Four species of Neopolystoma are described from the conjunctival sacs of Australian freshwater turtles (Chelidae): Neopolystoma cribbi n. sp. from Emydura signata, E. macquarii, Elseya latisternum and Chelodina expansa; Neopolystoma spratti n. sp. from Chelodina longicollis; Neopolystoma tinsleyi n. sp. from Chelodina expansa; and Neopolystoma queenslandensis n. sp. from Emydura signata and E. macquarii. Polystomoides australiensis, Neopolystoma macleayi and N. chelodinae are redescribed from new individuals. Neopolystoma australis is made a junior synonym of N. kreffti. P. australiensis, N. macleayi and N. cribbi produced on average 5·6, 4·3 and 0·7 eggs per day, respectively. Eggs of P. australiensis take 33–57 days at 18–24°C and 30–33 days at 24–28°C to develop and hatch. Oncomiracidia of P. australiensis and N. macleayi had 64 ciliated cells; the patterns of the ciliated cells are the same for both species. Different sizes of worms in different sites in the hosts suggest strongly that the oncomiracidia of P. australiensis and N. macleayi enter the host, migrate to the ureters, possibly to the kidneys, then to the urinary bladder and finally to either the accessory bladders or cloaca. Successful cross-infection experiments between host genera (Emydura to Elseya) indicated that P. australiensis and N. macleayi have a low degree of host specificity.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1297-1307
Prey records are presented for 17 Australian species of the digger wasp genus Cerceris. Collectively beetles of 10 families were found to serve as prey. Several species appear to be specialists, taking only members of certain genera or subfamilies, while others accept members of several families. It is common to find several species nesting together in areas of suitable substrate. In such areas it is evidently to the advantage of all species either to specialize to ‘share’ the available beetle prey or to become generalists, taking advantage of whatever beetles of suitable size are abundant in the surrounding vegetation.  相似文献   


Nests and prey are described for three species of Australian Sphex: cognatus Smith, ephippium Smith, and bilobatus Kohl. All three prey upon Tettigoniidae. The first two make relatively deep, multicellular nests and make open, accessory burrows beside the true nest entrance; however, these accessory burrows are absent in some populations of cognatus. The nests of bilobatus are shallow and contain only one or two cells. Briefer notes are presented on two species of the related genus Prionyx: globosus (Smith) and saevus (Smith); these are predators on Acrididae.  相似文献   

The Desert Goby Chlamydogobius eremius (Zietz, 1896) is a gobiid teleost fish endemic to the Central Australian Basin, occurring mostly in artesian springs. Generic features for Chlamydogobius Whitley are supplied with emphasis on the modified head lateral-line system and on osteology. Comparisons with other Indo-Pacific genera suggest closest affinity with Mugilogobius Smitt, within a monophyletic grouping which also includes Weberogobius Koumans, Redigobius Herre, Pseudogobius Aurich, Brachygobius Bleeker, Hemigobius Bleeker, and Pandaka Herre. The origin of Ch. eremius is considered in the light of the Tertiary and Quaternary climatic history of the Central Australian Basin. The adaptiveness of certain morphological and life-history features found in Ch. eremius, such as elongate gut, black peritoneum, short pelvic disc, and large egg-size, is also discussed in relation to present habitat.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1397-1441
The state of knowledge of Australian fish parasitic ascardioids is briefly reviewed. The following species are described in full: Hysterothylacium cornutum, H. pelagicum, H. scomberoidei n. sp. Additional data are provided for Iheringascaris inquies. Maricostula n. gen. is established for those species that have lips with lateral flanges, deep postlabial grooves, interlabia, and elongate intestinal caecum, pyriform ventriculus, long sac-like ventricular appendix, an expanded filamentar excretory system and excretory pore near the nerve ring. The males of all the species have precloacal crests. Species included are: M. caballeroi (Deloya), M. cenatica n. sp., M. histiophori (Yamaguti), M. incurva (Rudolphi), M. makairi n. sp. and M. tetrapteri n. sp. All are recorded from billfishes, and all but M. caballeroi are recorded from Australian waters. The systematic position of the genus is discussed. New characters of taxonomic utility used in the discrimination of fish parasitic ascaridoids are discussed. These include fine details of alae, male caudal crests and papillae. We demonstrate that these characters can be used to separate species of Maricostula. Remarks are also given on nomenclatural problems within the Indo-Pacific fish parasitic Ascardioidea.  相似文献   


The type species of six hitherto poorly described genera of Paradoxosomatidae from Australia have been re-examined. The name Cladethosoma Chamberlin, 1920, should replace Leucotessara Verhoeff, 1928; its type-species Australiosoma (C.) clarum Chamberlin, 1920, being conspecific with Leucotessara verhoeffi (Attems, 1931). The allocation of Somethus Chamberlin, 1920, and Paraustraliosoma Verhoeff, 1924, to the tribe Australiosomatini is confirmed. Australodesmus Chamberlin, 1920, formerly tentatively referred to the Australiosomatini, belongs to the Antichiropodini. The reference to the same tribe of Notodesmus Chamberlin, 1920, and Mjoebergodesmus Verhoeff, 1924, is substantiated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-48):2919-2978
Keys are presented to the 11 genera and 50 species, including 21 new species, of Thysanoptera in Australia that are related to the worldwide genus Haplothrips Amyot and Serville. These taxa belong to what, in recent literature, has been called the “Haplothrips‐lineage”, that is, one of the three major radiations among the 2700 species and 350 genera of Thysanoptera Phlaeothripinae. The group is redefined, and the available tribal name Haplothripini shown to be appropriate. The character states on which the definition is based are discussed, and a list given of the 34 genera worldwide that can be included. The Australian species in these genera exhibit a diversity of biologies. Three genera involve species that invade galls induced by other thrips: Androthrips monsterae (Moulton) from New Guinea is newly recorded from Australia; Mesothrips jordani Zimmermann from South‐East Asia is newly recorded from Australia, with two new synonyms; the Asia‐Pacific genus, Euoplothrips Hood, includes two species in northern Australia. Three haplothripine genera are associated with grasses: one widespread genus, Apterygothrips Priesner, considered polyphyletic, includes only one Australian species; the only known species of Dyothrips Kudo is Oriental but extends into tropical Australia; Podothrips Hood, a circum‐tropical genus of thrips predatory on grass‐living coccoids, has 11 Australian species, six newly described. One grass‐associated genus, Bamboosiella Ananthakrishnan, is excluded from the Haplothripini. An Oriental genus of leaf‐ and flower‐living species, Dolichothrips Karny, includes one species in northern Australia, D. reuteri (Karny); Membrothrips Bhatti in which this species has been placed is considered a synonym. Karnyothrips Watson includes two species introduced to Australia, both predators of coccoids. Priesneria Bagnall includes three species from Australia, of which one fungus‐feeding species is newly described. Xylaplothrips Priesner is a widespread but ill‐defined, polyphyletic genus that currently includes three little‐known Australian species. Haplothrips is the main focus of this study, and character state variation among the Australian species is discussed. In total 24 species of Haplothrips from Australia are recognised, 14 being new species. Also included are the following, one new generic synonym, four new species synonyms, and one new combination. The 250 species worldwide in the genus are usually associated with the flowers of Asteraceae and Poaceae. In Australia, several of the species are specific to flowers, particularly of Poaceae and Cyperaceae but not Asteraceae. Almost half of these Australian species are presumed to be predatory on other small arthropods, and two have unusual host associations—with salt marsh Chenopodiaceae, and with the sori of Dicksonia tree ferns.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1335-1346
A new species of sawfly, Clarissa tasbates, is described from high subalpine (860 m), grassy eucalypt woodland in western Tasmania. Females have abbreviated wings with reduced venation, are nocturnal or crepuscular, and occur on the ground or on grass tussocks. Males are macropterous and both nocturnal and diurnal. Presumed larvae are ground dwelling and feed on Ranunculus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1309-1327
Exechohypopion therephaga sp. nov. (Bombyliidae) emerged from the pupa of Parapsilocephala ambocerina sp. nov. (Therevidae) collected near Wentworth, New South Wales, Australia. The adults, pupae and mature larvae of the bombyliid and therevid are described and illustrated. Because the therevid host was collected from soil as a larva, the first instar bombyliid planidium is presumed to attach to the therevid in the larval stage. This is the second known record of a therevid being parasitised. Both known cases occurred in Australia and involved a bombyliid parasitoid.  相似文献   


Noyesaphytis Polaszek & Woolley gen. nov. (type species Noyesaphytis lasallei Polaszek & Woolley sp. n. ) is described from Berenty, Tuléar, Madagascar. The genus differs from its closest relatives primarily in the structure of the female antenna, which has a single, elongate flagellum preceded by four anelli, the largest of which could be interpreted as a single anelliform funicle. This type of antenna is unknown in other Aphytini, but approaches the condition found in many Signiphoridae. Noyesaphytis possesses a character state that was until now thought to be an autapomorphy of Azotidae (sole genus Ablerus), being the groove in front of the propodeal spiracle. A second putative autapomorphy shared by Azotidae and Signiphoridae, and also Noyesaphytis, is the presence of anterior projections on the metasomal sterna. However, in Azotidae and Signiphoridae these are narrow, whereas as they are broader in Noyesaphytis. The form of the wing is consistent with Aphytini, although lacking a linea calva. The presumed male of Noyesaphytis lasallei has an antennal structure completely unknown in Aphelinidae, with a 1-segmented clava preceded by an extremely elongate single funicle, and four anelli. Differences between the female and male are discussed, some of which could indicate that the male might eventually be shown to belong to a different species, although the species are undoubtedly congeneric, despite the striking difference in antennal structure which is common in Aphelinidae. The male genitalia also suggest Aphytini. Based on a phylogenetic analysis of 50 morphological characters, we provisionally place Noyesaphytis in Aphytini pending the results of a forthcoming phylogenomic analysis. The new genus is named for its collector, John Noyes (NHM, London), and the new species is named after the late John La Salle.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6EE6F35C-32A4-4E91-AE39-5E2C173E58BF  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1231-1237
Two new species of physalopterid nematodes are described from a skink (Scincidae) and a gecko (Gekkonidae) from the West Australian desert. Kreisiella chrysocampa gen. et sp. nov. (Spirurida: Physaloperidae) from Egernia inornata is characterized by the possession of a row of straight parallel denticles along the medial pseudolabial margins, male caudal alae unsupported by papillae, a truncated female tail and an anteriorly-placed vulva. The original female specimen of Physaloptera heterocephala Kreis, 1940 is transferred to this genus. In Physalopteroides filicauda sp. nov. (Physalopteridae) from Nephrurus laevissimus the external apical tooth present in immature worms is represented in adults by a knob-like structure, larger on the left pseudolabium. Both sexes possess a long slender tail terminating in a small knob. The spicules are markedly dissimilar and the vulva is surrounded anteriorly and posteriorly by horizontal rows of tubercules.  相似文献   

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