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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-16):771-777
Twelve species of ptyctimous mite have been found in new localities in forest litter, in two National Parks of Ecuador: Bombuscaro and Cajanuma. The ptyctimous mite fauna has been shown to differ totally between the two parks. Two new species are described: Euphthiracarus bombuscaroensis sp. nov. and Austrophthiracarus cajanumaensis sp. nov. Three species are reported from Ecuador for the first time. The specimens of two species: Protophthiracarus quasiminisetosus Niedba?a and Illig, 2006 Niedba?a, W. and Illig, J. 2006. New species of ptyctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) from Ecuador.. Tropical Zoology, 20(1): 107122.  [Google Scholar] and Notophthiracarus aculeatus Niedba?a, 1988 found in Ecuador have some morphological characters different from their analogues in the type specimens.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):969-992
A remarkable new species of black fungus gnat Pnyxiopalpus roslii sp. nov., was discovered from nests of the termite Nasutitermes proatripennis in Ulu Gombak, Malaysia, and is described based on the female morphology and DNA barcodes. This is the first record of a termitophilous black fungus gnat from South-east Asia. The new species is easily distinguished from its known congeners by the degeneration of all thoracic setae into tiny setulae. This species is described as a symbiont of the host termite based on field observations and the examination of specimens. The “wing stump” structure of the new species indicates that this species has wings after eclosion and later loses them, an adaptation to a cryptic life. A second still undescribed termitophilous species of Pnyxiopalpus was observed walking in a marching column of the termite Longipeditermes longipes in Ulu Gombak.  相似文献   

A total of 21 species of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) are recorded from heat-extracted samples of soil and plant material collected in the Falkland Is., South Atlantic. Previous records of a further 11 species provide a total of 32 species. The distribution of each non-endemic species recorded from the Falkland Is. is figured. The oribatid mite fauna of these islands belongs to the Neotropical Region with strong sub-Antarctic elements and some similarities with New Zealand.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):423-433
Five new species of two genera of ptyctimous, soil mites (Acari, Oribatida, Steganacaridae) are described: Protophthiracarus aethes sp. nov., Protophthiracarus pinarensis sp. nov., Protophthiracarus ruseki sp. nov., Notophthiracarus granpiedraensis sp. nov. and Notophthiracarus obturatus sp. nov. The identification key for determination of Protophthiracarus species of Cuba is provided. One of the genera, Notophthiracarus, is newly found in the Antilles. New described species have increased the number of endemic species for Cuba and increased the number of the known species of ptyctimous mites to 47.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1059-1067
Eleven species of oribatid mites are reported from 26 maritime Antarctic islands. The oribatid faunas of Fredriksen, Atriceps (South Orkney Is.), Cockburn, Seymour, Vega, Brabant, Adelaide, Lagoon, Léonie, Horseshoe, Alexander Islands and Peter I Øy were studied for the first time. Austroppia crozetensis (Richters, 1908) and Magellozetes processus Hammer, 1962 are first records for the Antarctic Region. Halozetes belgicae longiseta Wallwork, 1967 is a new record for the South Orkney Is., Edwardzetes dentifer Hammer, 1962, is new for the South Shetland Is., Magellozetes processus Hammer, 1962 is new for Graham Land whilst Globoppia loxolineata longipilosa Covarrubias, 1968 and Magellozetes antarcticus (Michael, 1895) are new records for Palmer Land. The distribution patterns of the 11 species of oribatid mites are figured and their zoogeographical relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):737-768
A list of newly collected and identified oribatids from Kenya is presented, two of them represent new genera; Sceletoppia gen. nov. (Oppiidae) and Mahnertozetes gen. nov. (Haplozetidae). Twelve species, belonging to the families Steganacaridae, Lohmanniidae, Tetracondylidae, Microzetidae, Zetomotrichidae and Galumnidae are new to science. Taxonomical notes on two other species are given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1239-1260
Three new species of oribatid mites belonging to the genus Liebstadia are described from Mongolia. The new species are characterized by the poorly developed pteromorphae; the club-shaped head of the sensilli; the absence of the dorsosejugal suture; the dorso-ventral thickness, and the length and arrangement of notogastral setae. In addition, L. similis (Michael, 1888) is redescribed and recorded for the first time in Mongolia. Protoribates serratomarginatus Mahunka, 1983 is synonymized with L. similis. A key to the known species of the genus Liebstadia is given.  相似文献   

This paper redescribes the classical taxon Amerus troisi (Berlese, 1883) on the basis of topotypical material. A new species, Amerus cuspidatus, characterized by short interlamellar setae and a distinct rostral morphology, is also described. In spite of overlapping biogeographical distributions, biochemical analysis indicates that the two Amerus species are clearly differentiated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1373-1379
Two new oppiid species (Gressittoppia luxtoni, Anomaloppia ozkani) and one new subspecies (Graptoppia sundensis acuta) are described from Turkish soils, and two known species are recorded for the first time. The genera Gressittoppia, Anomaloppia and Graptoppia are redefined and keys provided to the known species.  相似文献   

Five new species of the family Euphthiracaridae are described, identified and figured from the Afrotropical region: Oribotritia breviseta sp. nov. from Andasibe National Park of Madagascar; Acrotritia paraardua sp. nov. from Vohimana Experimental Reserve, Ambohitanely Special Reserve and Andasibe National Park of Madagascar; Acrotritia paradikra sp. nov. from Ranomafana National Park and Ankarafantsika National Park of Masagascar; Microtritia diaphoros sp. nov. from the Nguru Mountains of Tanzania; and Microtritia parahauseri sp. nov from the Uluguru Mountains of Tanzania. A comparison with the most closely related species of the genera Oribotritia, Acrotritia and Microtritia is also presented.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7965FE4C-0AF8-49C4-B894-75D4EFD049BB  相似文献   

Two new earthworms species, Beddardiella soforei n.sp. and Beddardiella numanensis n.sp., are described from Michika and Numan in north eastern Nigeria. They, like their earlier described congeners, are characterized by non-continuity of the lumen of the thecovarian duct with that of the spermatheca, the locations of two oesophageal gizzards in either V–VI or VI–VII (as against a single gizzard in V in other Eudrilinae), the location of ventral oesophageal sacs in X–XII as against IX–XI, and the location of calciferous glands in XV as against XIII. These probably represent sufficient reasons to erect a new subfamily to accommodate the genus Beddardiella. But, as a continuing analysis reveals more variations among the Eudrilinae it is recommended that this awaits a more comprehensive reclassification of the family.  相似文献   

First collections of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from Honduras indicate a rich fauna. Nineteen species from just three sites yielded six species new to science. New species described and discussed are: Hydrodroma moralesi n. sp., Flabellifrontipoda triscutata n. sp., Monatractides angelae n. sp., Pseudotorrenticola espinasseae n. sp., Atractides jenniferae n. sp. and Recifella cusucoensis n. sp.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1959-1982
The immature stages of Sigara santiagiensis are described and illustrated for the first time. The eggs of Sigara can be distinguished by the chorionic surface. The main characters separating the five nymphal instars of S. santiagiensis are: body and head lengths; body, head and eye widths; ocular index; numbers of transverse sulcations of the rostrum, setae on the inner surface of protibiotarsus, campaniform sensilla on posterior surface of protrochanter, spines on posteroventral surface of mesotibia and on tibial comb of metaleg, long, slender setae on posterodorsal surface of mesotarsus, spines and swimming hairs on anteroventral and posterodorsal surfaces of metatarsus; and grade of development of the wing pads. The body length, the chaetotaxy of the mesonotum, profemora and metafemora, protibiotarsus, metatibia, metatarsus and urosternites distinguish species or group of species of instars I and V of some of the species of the genus Sigara described up to now.  相似文献   

Brosmodorsalis persicinus n. gen., n. sp. is described from specimens collected from shallow coastal rocky reefs of northern New Zealand. Brosmodorsalis is placed in the bythitid fish subfamily Brosmophycinae because it has the caudal fin separate from the dorsal and anal fins. The genus differs from all others within the subfamily by the origin of the dorsal fin being well in advance of the posterior margin of the operculum and the anterior dorsal fin rays being free of membrane.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2537-2546
Two new species of the genus Epimerella, E. luxtoni sp. nov. and E. subiasi sp. nov. collected from Yozgat Pine Grove National Park in Turkey are described. A key to the species of Epimerella is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):357-360
A new species, Arphthicarus andamanensis sp. nov., from the Andaman Islands is described and illustrated. Some known species of ptyctimous mites from the northern and southern islands of the Andamans and the Eastern Ghats of continental India are noted.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2719-2739
A checklist of 63 species of tardigrades from the Tsinling Mountains is given in this paper. Thirty‐seven species of tardigrades that had never been found in the Tsinling Mountains were reported here. Twenty of them are new records for the mountains, 15 of them are new records for China, two of them are new to science. Pseudechiniscus pilatoi sp. n. is similar to Pseudechiniscus quadrilobatus Iharos, 1969 Iharos, G. 1969. Einige Angaben zur Tardigradenfauna Vietnams.. Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest, 9(2): 273277.  [Google Scholar]. It differs from P. quadrilobatus in different cuticular sculpture, in the joints of paired‐plates, near the dorsal median line, uplifting but not protruding backward, and in lacking notches on terminal plate. Echiniscus marleyi sp. n. differs from E. canadensis Murray in having filaments D; it differs from E. mediantus Marcus in lacking filaments C but in having filaments D; it differs from E. spinulosus (Doyère) in lacking teeth B, C, E, and in having filaments D instead of teeth D.  相似文献   

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