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Landscape modification is a key driver of global species extinction. Thus, understanding how species react to changes is essential for effective conservation management in modified landscapes. We examined the impact of selected land use patterns on the critically endangered Ceratophora tennentii in the Knuckles mountain range of Sri Lanka where lizards occupy patches of both natural undisturbed forests and modified plantations – evidently, those with a forest canopy. We tested three potential explanations for non-random habitat selection: availability of suitable microhabitat pockets, availability of prey and direct threats from humans. The microhabitat pockets occupied by the lizards were characterised by shade, humidity and the density of perches. Most lizards were found in mixed cardamom forests followed by natural forests and cardamom plantations, but none were observed in the pine plantations. Food availability showed similar patterns among habitats. Direct mortality by humans did not influence the distribution of this species. Our work indicates that habitat modifications that retain the structural complexity of the vegetation would still permit the existence of the species in densities equal to or greater than that of undisturbed forest patches. It adds to a growing body of literature that signifies the importance of disturbed habitats (intermediate disturbance hypothesis) in protecting threatened species of fauna. It is highly unlikely that some disturbed habitats will be ever be returned to their former pristine state in time frames that are important for species’ conservation. Hence, attention is needed in developing suitable approaches to manage and conserve species across disturbed habitats.  相似文献   


Observations were made on four sympatric species of sphecid wasps of the genus Philanthus that nest in late summer and prey upon Hymenoptera. All four species nest in a restricted locale, but with little overlap in nesting areas. Comparison of nest contents of females demonstrated limited overlap in prey utilization among the four species, but only when both size and taxonomic category of prey were considered. The ultimate cause of this resource partitioning is unknown. Review of 30 populations of 16 species of North American Philanthus reveals varying degrees of specialization on prey types. Although populations of one species, separated in either time or space, tend to have similar niche breadths, this is not always the case. Intra-and inter-populational comparisons of prey records suggest behavioural plasticity allowing response to variations in prey availability. Some of the divergence in prey use among species is due to differences in predator size.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2785-2794
We studied the diet of Enyalius bilineatus (Leiosauridae: Squamata) at the Inhotim Institute, southeastern Brazil, through induced regurgitation. We obtained 27 individuals using pitfall traps with drift-fence, active search, opportunistic encounters and capture by persons not directly involved in the study. We quantified prey availability at the site using pitfall traps and used electivity indices to identify preferred prey items based on ingested and available prey. Preferred prey included Lepidoptera larvae considering number of prey ingested and Orthoptera considering volume ingested. We obtained the available data on diet of Enyalius species from the literature and compared a phylogenetic distance matrix with a diet dissimilarity matrix, showing that phylogenetically closer species tended to have less dissimilar diets. We used independent contrasts to show that environmental impact did not reduce Enyalius population trophic niches, excluding the effects of phylogeny on niche breadth. Species of Enyalius may adapt to some disturbance in their habitats.  相似文献   

This study reviews the taxonomy of the southern Australian scincid lizards previously referred to Leiolopisma entrecasteauxii (Duméril and Bibron, 1839) and L. baudini Greer, 1982; here placed along with L. spenceri and the recently described L. rawlinsoni in the genus Pseudemoia. Electrophoretic, karyotypic and morphological data show that populations assigned to P. entrecasteauxii belong to three species. The name Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii is restricted here to a morphologically variable species which occurs in woodlands, forests and heathlands from the Blue Mountains, NSW, through the southeastern mainland, Bass Strait islands and Tasmania, to the islands of Spencer Gulf, SA. Populations designated as L. entrecasteauxii Form B by recent authors are mostly referrable to P. entrecasteauxii (s.s.). Pseudemoia pagenstecheri (Lindholm, 1901) is resurrected to apply to strongly striped populations disjunctly distributed in open grassland habitats from Tasmania, south-central Victoria, the southeast Australian highlands, Blue Mountains and New England Tableland. This species largely encompasses those populations referred to by several workers as L. entrecasteauxii Form A. A neotype for Lygosoma (Liolepisma) pagenstecheri is designated. A new species, P. cryodroma, is restricted to alpine and subalpine habitats on the high plains of Victoria. Pseudemoia cryodroma may have had a hybrid origin from P. entrecasteauxii and P. pagenstecheri. Pseudemoia baudini, hitherto known only from the unique holotype, is redescribed. This species extends eastward along the coast of the Great Australian Bight as far as the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. A key to the species of Pseudemoia is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):825-841
The predatory biology of the ant Pyramica benten, a short‐mandibulate form in the tribe Dacetini, Myrmicinae, was studied in the field and laboratory. Pyramica benten prefers disturbed habitats, where they hunt predominantly collembolans of Entomobryidae. Laboratory observation and experiments revealed that this ant hunted such entomobryids more efficiently than collembolans of Tomocelidae and Isotomidae. The hunting behaviour of the ants is characterized by their grabbing the prey near the mouthparts and ambushing without approaching the prey. Success in this stealthy hunting is most probably enhanced by luring the prey with body smearing using organic material. Strumigenys are closely related to Pyramica but they are long‐mandibulate forms. Both genera are speciose and specialized predators on Collembola. Coleoptera is another group that has evolved specialized predators on Collembola so these dacetines and the coleopterans are compared for their hunting tactics and species diversity.  相似文献   

The utilization of the stinger and the predatory technique of the scorpion, Paruroctonus boreus, was studied under laboratory conditions. During the study, 83 feedings were observed. Age of the scorpions and the percentage of prey stung by them were used to classify the scorpions into groups. The scorpions aged 13–61 days always stung prey. After 62 days the scorpions began to selectively utilize the stinger. Utilization declined until it reached 30 percent in the adult stage. The stinger is apparently necessary for prey capture only in the early life stages.    相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1957-1969
Multivariate prey trait analysis is a functional approach to understand predator–prey relationships. In the present study, six prey macroinvertebrate ecological traits were used to identify several key factors in the handling efficiency of seven predatory larval newt species. The results revealed a remarkable similarity in the feeding behaviour among species, suggesting a foraging behaviour convergence among species in the prey-handling efficiency of larval newts. Nevertheless, larvae of some newt species showed clear preferences for particular categories of ecological trait; for example, Lissotriton vulgaris tended to feed on macroinvertebrate taxa with random trajectory, and Calotriton asper fed on macroinvertebrate taxa with high agility. In contrast, Mesotriton alpestris showed a clear ability to feed on prey with movable accessories (cases/tubes) and patterned concealment. This study shows how multivariate approaches can complement traditional diet analyses, and the method has wide applicability across life-stages and species.  相似文献   

Information about interpopulational variation of diet is important for thoroughly understanding the ecological niche of a species, the possible attributes that have allowed it to live in different habitats and ecosystems (if it is the case) and the degree of dietary specialization. This study compared dietary composition and diversity, size of prey consumed and feeding intensity between two geographically proximate populations of Craugastor alfredi, inhabiting contrasting habitats: one located in a remnant tropical rainforest and the other population located within a cave entrance, in eastern Mexico. A total of 118 frogs (50 from rainforest and 68 from cave) were stomach-flushed and, from those, 86 had at least one prey item (42 from rainforest and 44 from cave). Consumption proportions of orthopterans differed between habitats, with frogs from the cave having higher importance values of this prey than frogs from the rainforest. Additionally, both dietary diversity and feeding intensity were higher in the rainforest population. It was concluded that the generalized diet of C. alfredi, besides the high consumption of orthopterans by the cave population, may have contributed to its success in cave entrances. Nonetheless, other non-feeding attributes like small body size, direct development and semiarboreality may also facilitate the use of rock crevices in caves for foraging and reproduction.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17):1299-1305
We studied relationships among blood haemogregarines (Apicomplexa), ectoparasitic mites (Ophyonissus; Acari: Trombiculidae) and an endemic lizard host (Gallotia atlantica, Lacertidae) on an oceanic islet (Alegranza, Canary Islands). We asked whether blood infection, mite load and body condition were related in lizard subpopulations at two contrasting habitats. Both haemogregarine prevalence (100%) and intensity of parasitism (>1) were strikingly higher than values found for congeneric lizards from the other Canary Islands. There were few differences between habitats in infection levels, suggesting low influence of habitat on parasite performance. Both mite prevalence and intensity were very high, though only prevalence differed between habitats (higher in the richest and climatically more sheltered site). Body condition in lizards did not differ significantly between habitats. We found no association among blood parasite load, mite infection and lizard body condition. Results are discussed in the context of parasite‐host relationships on small islands as compared to larger areas such as continents.  相似文献   

Studies on the predatory behaviour of land planarians have focused mainly on established invasive species, while the feeding habits of non-invasive planarians are poorly understood. We analyse the predatory behaviour of Obama ladislavii, a land planarian native to southern Brazil that is common in both natural and human-disturbed areas. Observations were performed in the laboratory. Several groups of invertebrates were offered as possible prey and interactions between these invertebrates and planarians were recorded. Obama ladislavii fed on the introduced land gastropods Bradybaena similaris, Helix aspersa and Deroceras laeve, ignoring other invertebrates. Once potential prey were identified, we tested the ability of O. ladislavii to recognize and follow slime trails, and demonstrated the planarian’s ability to follow chemical trails from prey in the environment. The consumption of exotic species indicates a flexible, generalist diet that is consistent with the ability of O. ladislavii to adapt to environments altered by human activities. Thus, this species may become invasive if introduced outside of its original distribution, but it also has the potential to be used in biological control programs for pest management in its native range.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2665-2676

Corbicula fluminea is a bivalve considered to be among the 100 worst invasive species in Europe due to its economic and ecological impacts in freshwater ecosystems. Here, we report for the first time a phenomenon of shell erosion observed in two distinct populations of C. fluminea collected in 2015 from two semi-natural small streams of the River Ticino hydrographic basin (Northern Italy). We measured several biometric variables in order to quantify the shell damage: length and thickness of the right valve and the shell free dry weight of each specimen and compared results with those of ‘normal’ populations from another stream of the same area. Our results confirmed that there was abnormal shell erosion and a reduction in shell thickness in both populations. We hypothesised several potential causes for the observed erosion, but none of them could provide sufficient explanation: neither the pH of the water, nor the level of calcium or total hardness of the water or granulometry of the substrates differed among streams. Similarly, predation pressure cannot be considered a reasonable explanation, since in the study area only a few animals actively prey on these bivalves and the marks they leave on the shells are completely different from the ones observed on our specimens. Lastly, we hypothesised that the bivalves may have been affected by a disease or parasitic infestation that had weakened their shells or prevented them from self-repairing and identified a fungal parasite that could possibly cause a disease to C. fluminea, namely the Ascomycota Geotrichum candidum. However, this species occurred only in one of the two abnormally eroded populations. In conclusion, a valid explanation for the morphological alteration that our study revealed has yet to be found.  相似文献   

In this study, we have examined the effect of vegetation structure on the three major vertebrate taxa in Great Basin habitats of southwestern Utah. The effect of increasing vegetation heterogeneity, both horizontally and vertically, on the diversities of lizards, rodents, and postbreeding birds was investigated. We found no statistically significant relationship between diversity of all animal taxa and horizontal vegetation heterogeneity, although lizard diversity tended to decrease with increasing heterogeneity and rodent diversity tended to increase. Bird species diversity was positively correlated with vertical habitat heterogeneity. Abundances were highest for rodents in pinyon/juniper habitat and highest for lizards and birds in areas with the highest grass cover. Species richness was highest in sagebrush habitat for rodents but highest for lizards and birds in pinyon/juniper. Evenness values were relatively similar and high for birds and rodents and were relatively high for lizards in all habitats except for pinyon/juniper, which had an evenness value of 0.38. For rodents and lizards, abundance was significantly correlated with the index for horizontal habitat heterogeneity. After logarithmic transformation, abundance of lizards was positively correlated with increasing vegetation complexity. Combined abundance of lizards and rodents was also positively correlated with vegetation complexity. Rodent and lizard abundances, however, were affected by different aspects of the habitat. After logarithmic transformation, lizard abundances increased significantly with increasing grass cover, whereas rodent abundances increased significantly with increasing shrub cover.  相似文献   

Nonnative brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) have been implicated in declines of stream-living Lahontan cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi ), a threatened trout endemic to the Lahontan Basin of northeastern California, southeastern Oregon, and northern Nevada. Brook trout may displace Lahontan cutthroat trout through 2 mechanisms: interspecific predation and competition for food. To evaluate the evidence for these alternatives, we examined stomach contents of 30 trout of each species captured in the North Fork Humboldt River, northeastern Nevada, to compare number, size, and taxonomic composition of prey. Taxonomic dietary overlap was high (81.4%) between brook and Lahontan cutthroat trout. Both species were nonselective in their feeding habits. Lahontan cutthroat trout consumed over 2.5 times as many prey on average, but brook trout consumed significantly larger prey. No trout of either species occurred in fish diets. Only a single fish, a Paiute sculpin ( Cottus beldingi ), was found in stomachs, and the majority (>90%) of prey consisted of insect taxa. Size and number of prey consumed were positively related to fish size for Lahontan cutthroat trout, but not for brook trout. These results do not provide compelling evidence to suggest feeding by Lahontan cutthroat trout is limited by presence of large numbers of brook trout in the North Fork Humboldt River. However, fundamental differences in each species utilization of food in this system indicate that a better understanding of observed differences may help to explain the variable success of brook trout invasions across stream habitats in the Lahontan Basin and their potential effects on Lahontan cutthroat trout.  相似文献   


We describe two diminutive species of rattlesnakes (genus Crotalus) from small nearshore islands off the coast of Baja California in the western Gulf of California, Mexico. In order to test the hypothesis that some island populations represent cohesive species entities, we applied linear discriminant analysis and uniform validation procedures to multiple classes of intrinsic trait data. By using previously recognised species to establish a threshold for species recognition, we found that assignment of specimens to either new species was as probable as with other established rattlesnake species within the speckled rattlesnake (Crotalus mitchellii) complex. We also found that assignment of specimens from other island populations was not as probable as for the established species, and these populations are referable to C. pyrrhus. The species endemic to Piojo Island is most closely related to other island and mainland populations of C. pyrrhus whereas the species endemic to Cabeza de Caballo Island is apparently most closely related to C. angelensis, a nearby island endemic of large body size. However, patterns from both mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies, and phenotypic variation, indicate that evolutionary trajectories of both of these species have been influenced by introgression from C. angelensis. We speculate that collective evidence based on contrasting patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial evolution supports a hybrid origin of the species from Cabeza de Caballo Island followed by exceptionally rapid mitochondrial evolution. Consistent with small body size, both species show a reduction in various scale counts relative to other species of the C. mitchellii species complex, suggesting that dwarfism is not simply a plastic response to insular conditions.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn.lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FBC8A11B-04A3-4231-85CA-3972DF5A42FF  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(18):1431-1442
Predator‐induced defence responses have been reported in 15 species of ciliates representing three subclasses: Hypotrichia, Stichotrichia and Hymenostomia. However, the discovery of this phenomenon in such distantly related groups suggests that it could be more widespread within the Ciliophora. In laboratory experiments, we tested 23 potential prey species with a range of potential predators including other ciliates (12 spp.), amoebae (two spp.), rotifers (two spp.), a turbellarian worm (Stenostomum sphagnetorum), and an oligochaete worm (Chaetogaster sp.). In each experiment, one predator species was incubated for 24?h with one potential prey species and the latter was examined for evidence of a defence response. One new example of predator‐induced morphological change was recorded (Euplotes viridis) and detailed observations were made for one poorly known example (E. eurystomus). Both species significantly increased their width (by about 35% and 23%, respectively) in the presence of the turbellarian worm S. sphagnetorum. An induced life cycle change was recorded for the first time among hypotrichs with E. muscorum exhibiting significantly increased rates of encystation in the presence of the ciliate predators Dileptus anser and Spathidium sp. Finally, Euplotes patella, Euplotes sp. and Stylonychia pustulata, which are usually regarded as omnivorous rather than predatory ciliates, all induced morphological change in Colpidium kleini, the C. kleini cells becoming significantly shorter and wider. No examples of induced defence response were found among groups other than hypotrichs and hymenostomes.  相似文献   

Nest construction behaviour and nest site selection are described for seven species of Afrotropical Ammophila.

Four species were atypical in their nest siting. Ammophila beniniensis selected shaded sites in well vegetated habitats, A. vulcania selected small clumps of vegetation in otherwise open habitats. A. insignis nested in vertical banks, old animal burrows and caves. A. braunsi is unique amongst Ammophila in its use of abandoned burrows of other wasps in non-friable clay soils. A. ferrugineipes, A. dolichodera and A. dolichocephala nested mostly in open habitats.

Methods of soil waste disposal, sealing of nests and their final coverage, differed interspecifically, in some cases intraspecifically, but often apparently in response to the habitat.

Temperature conditions, affected by habitat, influenced the depth to which nests were dug by some species. A. insignis switched sites in response to seasonal changes in temperature regimes in vertical banks.

The existence in particular species of both primitive and advanced aspects of nesting behaviour questions their use in assessing the evolutionary status of these species.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in body size, shape and colour is widespread in lizards as well as in other taxa. In the context of sexual selection, these sex differences are commonly manifested as exaggerated male traits, which are selected by females to assess the quality of males. However, differences in sex by environment interactions can also lead to sexual dimorphism. The genus of Anolis lizards is particularly well known for sharp sexual dimorphism in dewlap colour and size; however, this is not the case in all anole species. Using digital image analyses, I assessed the existence of sexual differences in the diurnal change in colour and size of a conspicuous patch on the tail of the lizard Anolis heterodermus Duméril 1851. Results showed that the tail patch of both males and females changed in colour, but not size, from red to blue throughout the day in a similar fashion. This process took almost half a day to complete and occurred in the absence of conspecifics, suggesting that the change itself may not have an active role in social communication. However, the colour patches of males were consistently larger. The cause of the substantial variation in colour and size of the tail patch of A. heterodermus is still unknown and deserves more research. This study highlights the importance of continuous wildlife observations to identify life history traits that may be important in animal behaviour but are challenging to observe in nature.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):369-377
Natural history data on snakes collected in situ are scarce because of the great sampling effort required to record individuals with methods that do not interfere with their activities (e.g. visual surveys). We collected data on relative abundance and natural history, including records of ingested prey, microhabitat use, and behaviour of a snake assemblage along transects marked alongside a river in south-eastern Brazil. We recorded eight species from two families, Viperidae and Dipsadidae using visual searches over 12 months. We quantified available microhabitats in the sampled transects and used electivity indices to determine preferred microhabitats for the pit viper Bothrops moojeni, the most frequent species. Several species of snakes use riverside habitats where they can find food and suitable microhabitats, even in areas that are not pristine, adding to the importance of preserving the remaining riverside vegetation and habitat structure in such areas.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2487-2500
Morphological characters and partial cytochrome oxidase (COI) DNA sequences were used to investigate intra- and interpopulation differences among three Cretan brackish-water populations of Heleobia maltzani snails. The morphology of male and female reproductive organs of H. maltzani did not differ within studied populations or in comparison with closely related species. In contrast, analysis of shell morphology revealed substantial variation not supported by the genetic data. Genetics results showed surprisingly low differentiation between all Cretan populations and also mainland populations of Heleobia. They also showed that H. maltzani is conspecific with four other European species of Heleobia, thus implying that there is only one species of brackish-water Heleobia in Europe. Such a low level of genotypic differentiation is unusual for typical island species and is most probably the consequence of recent colonization of Crete. Possible scenarios of such processes are discussed.  相似文献   


Data are presented on the nests and prey of seven species of Crabro from diverse localities in North America. In two instances (virgatus and largior) this is the first published report. Further information is provided for the following previously studied species: argusinus, advena, cribrellifer, latipes, and monticola. Behavioural differences among these species are not conspicuous. Most are rather general fly predators, but cribrellifer appears to show a strong preference for Asilidae. There are also differences in type of soil used for nesting and in antipredator behaviour such as approach flights and daily cycles of activity. Two species, largior and monticola, provision their nests early in the morning, before miltogrammine flies are active in numbers. All species probably make cells of two sizes, larger cells containing more prey and producing females, smaller cells males.  相似文献   

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