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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39):3423-3433
Billibathynella humphreysi gen. et sp. nov. is described from calcrete aquifers located in the Yilgarn Craton of north‐western Australia. This is the first parabathynellid known from the Australian Precambrian shields, which have never been inundated by the sea. A comparison of the primitive species so far known from Australia and other continents points to the new species as being the most primitive among the parabathynellids. It further suggests that the new genus has an affinity to Notobathynella Schminke, but differs in having a six‐segmented antenna and a large epipod of the male thoracopod VIII. An attempt to relate the primitiveness of the new species to the historiogeological characteristics of the region has led to the conclusion that the recent parabathynellids could have emerged from freshwater epigean ancestors. It is further assumed that the transition of their ancestors to groundwaters happened in Notogaea.  相似文献   

I present an update on the taxonomy of the filistatid genera Wandella Gray and Yardiella Gray, both endemic to Australia. Two new species are described: Wandella grayi sp. nov., known from Queensland, and Wandella infernalis sp. nov., known from a single cave in Western Australia. The male of Wandella australiensis (L. Koch) and the females of Wandella stuartensis Gray and Wandella waldockae Gray are described and illustrated for the first time. New records are given for these and other species of Australian filistatids, including the first epigeal records of Yardiella humphreysi Gray, a species so far known only from caves. Updated distribution maps are presented. Additionally, I present novel morphological data for Wandella using light and scanning electron microscopy. The cephalothorax, spinning organs, genitalia and appendages of some species are illustrated in detail. I report the presence of a putative claw extensor muscle in the male palpal cymbium, and describe interesting modifications in the clypeal region of adult males. The phylogenetic significance of these characters is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the trapdoor spider genus Moggridgea (Migidae) in Australia is reported, and two new species described: M. tingle n. sp. from southwest Western Australia and M. australis n. sp. from Kangaroo Island, South Australia. This is the first record of the subfamily Paramiginae from Australia. The historical biogeographic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The list of Phoridae recorded from Tasmania is increased from five species in three genera to at least 52 species in eight genera. One species on the original list is transferred to the status of being incertae sedis. One new genus and 37 new species are described, two being reported from mainland Australia also. One species was previously only known from New Zealand, five from mainland Australia, four from Europe but one of which is now an almost cosmopolitan tramp species and one being from the Holarctic Region. However, one of the 'European' species may have orginally been introduced to Europe from Tasmania. Keys to genera, to all known species of Aphiura, to the Tasmanian species of Megaselia and to the Australasian species of Metopina are provided. A newly named and a new mainland Australian species of Aphiura, three mainland Australasian species of Metopina and three from Papua New Guinea are described and seven undescribed males (given code letters only) of this genus are included in the key (four from Papua New Guinea, two from Western Australia and one from Tonga). Aphiura and Paraphiura are transferred to the tribe Metopinini and the tribe Beckerinini is set aside, as it cannot be satisfactorily characterized as it is currently conceived. Megaselia dissita is synonymized with M. comparabilis.  相似文献   

The type-species of the genus Xenocheira Haswell, X. fasciata Haswell, is redescribed (including the true male) from Tasmanian material. Pirlot's putative male X. fasciata from Indonesia is allocated to a new species, X. pirloti nom. nov. and K. H. Barnard's ‘X. fasciata’ from the Great Barrier Reef referred to Grandidierella gilesi Chilton. Another Xenocheira species from Western Australia is identified tentatively as X.? seurati Chevreux. Two new species of Ericthonius Milne Edwards are described, one from Tasmania (E. tacitus sp. nov.) and one from Western Australia (E. coxacanthus sp. nov.). The first record of E. pugnax Dana from mainland Australia is claimed for material from Western Australia. The taxonomic relationships of these species are evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

The Australian Chloropinae are revised and keys are provided to the 22 genera and 110 species now known. Two genera and 50 new species are described, and nine genera and eight species, previously known in the Oriental Region to the north, are recorded as new to Australia. The new taxa and taxonomic changes proposed are listed in the Appendix. Distribution within Australia, the phylogeny of the genera known in Australia and the biology of the Chloropidae are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1263-1272
A new genus and species of marine sphaeromatid isopod is described from the North West Shelf (Indian Ocean) tropical Western Australia. Kranosphaera haptomela gen. nov. sp. nov. (Sphaeromatinae) is distinguished from other hemibranchiate genera by the strongly rugose and deeply pitted body surfaces, projecting epistome, uniramous uropodal rami, and in the male by modified pereopod 5 which is greatly expanded and 6 which has a coupling flange on the ischium. It is known only from the vicinity of the type locality.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1115-1127
A new species of Pisione Grube, 1857, Pisione garciavaldecasasi n. sp. (Polychaeta: Pisionidae) is described from several small rivers in Cobia Is., Pacific, off Panama. This is the first report of a freshwater Pisionidae and it is one of very few known species of true freshwater polychaetes. The species is characterized by large size, by dorsal cirri of setiger 2 and ventral cirri of setiger 1 only slightly elongated, by non-successive male copulatory organs, and by parapodia each with one compound seta with long blade and three others with short blades.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-48):2919-2978
Keys are presented to the 11 genera and 50 species, including 21 new species, of Thysanoptera in Australia that are related to the worldwide genus Haplothrips Amyot and Serville. These taxa belong to what, in recent literature, has been called the “Haplothrips‐lineage”, that is, one of the three major radiations among the 2700 species and 350 genera of Thysanoptera Phlaeothripinae. The group is redefined, and the available tribal name Haplothripini shown to be appropriate. The character states on which the definition is based are discussed, and a list given of the 34 genera worldwide that can be included. The Australian species in these genera exhibit a diversity of biologies. Three genera involve species that invade galls induced by other thrips: Androthrips monsterae (Moulton) from New Guinea is newly recorded from Australia; Mesothrips jordani Zimmermann from South‐East Asia is newly recorded from Australia, with two new synonyms; the Asia‐Pacific genus, Euoplothrips Hood, includes two species in northern Australia. Three haplothripine genera are associated with grasses: one widespread genus, Apterygothrips Priesner, considered polyphyletic, includes only one Australian species; the only known species of Dyothrips Kudo is Oriental but extends into tropical Australia; Podothrips Hood, a circum‐tropical genus of thrips predatory on grass‐living coccoids, has 11 Australian species, six newly described. One grass‐associated genus, Bamboosiella Ananthakrishnan, is excluded from the Haplothripini. An Oriental genus of leaf‐ and flower‐living species, Dolichothrips Karny, includes one species in northern Australia, D. reuteri (Karny); Membrothrips Bhatti in which this species has been placed is considered a synonym. Karnyothrips Watson includes two species introduced to Australia, both predators of coccoids. Priesneria Bagnall includes three species from Australia, of which one fungus‐feeding species is newly described. Xylaplothrips Priesner is a widespread but ill‐defined, polyphyletic genus that currently includes three little‐known Australian species. Haplothrips is the main focus of this study, and character state variation among the Australian species is discussed. In total 24 species of Haplothrips from Australia are recognised, 14 being new species. Also included are the following, one new generic synonym, four new species synonyms, and one new combination. The 250 species worldwide in the genus are usually associated with the flowers of Asteraceae and Poaceae. In Australia, several of the species are specific to flowers, particularly of Poaceae and Cyperaceae but not Asteraceae. Almost half of these Australian species are presumed to be predatory on other small arthropods, and two have unusual host associations—with salt marsh Chenopodiaceae, and with the sori of Dicksonia tree ferns.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1807-1829
Two new species of potamonautid freshwater crabs from eastern Uganda, Africa are described, and Potamonautes niloticus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) is re-diagnosed with key characters illustrated photographically. A total of four species of crabs are now known to occur on Mount Elgon, which borders both Kenya and Uganda. Two of these species are endemic to the mountain and the distribution patterns of all four species indicate a distinct altitudinal preference. All taxa are compared with similar species and their distributions and natural history are reviewed. Furthermore, three of the crabs recorded from Mount Elgon have been implicated in the transmission of onchocerciasis in East Africa.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ciliated protozoa living in the crater-lake of an extinct volcano in Australia. Our principal objective was to discover if such a habitat— geographically distant and isolated from Europe (the latter having provided most of the diversity on which ciliate taxonomy is based)— could yield species that were unusual, and perhaps new to science. Numerous samples were taken from the superficial layer of lake sediment, and examined fresh in the laboratory. Thereafter, the samples were manipulated to encourage growth of rare and cryptic ciliate species. Eighty-five species of ciliated protozoa were identified. None of these was new, all having been found previously in fresh-or brackish water, sea water, or soil. All, apart from one (Oxytricha salmastra), are already known from Europe. In order to test our ability to discover new ciliate species, we examined a variety of water samples from other lakes, including those known to harbour endemic algae. One new ciliate species (Lembadion curvatum) was discovered in a lake in Western Tasmania. We conclude that the ciliate fauna of Australia is remarkably similar to that in Europe and other parts of the world. This is supported by the example of those ‘endemic’ ciliate species described in the literature which have, in response to additional sampling, been found elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-36):2099-2265
The species of Encarsia Förster known from Australia are revised. This study is based mainly on material collected over the last 10 years. Ninety‐four species are recognized, including 38 new species, and seven new records for Australia. All species are fully described or diagnosed, and illustrated by microphotographs. Seven new specific synonymies are proposed and two lectotypes are designated. A key to the females of Australian species of Encarsia is provided. The known hosts and distribution are summarized. The diversity of the Australian Encarsia fauna is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2243-2256
The Indonesian island Sulawesi is well known for its fascinating fauna. Among the atyid and palaemonid freshwater shrimps described from Sulawesi are also a number of endemic species. In contrast, freshwater shrimps have never been reported from the nearby and smaller Peleng Island. Here we describe Caridina thomasi sp. nov. as a first record of an atyid freshwater shrimp from Peleng and compare it with atyids from Sulawesi and other localities. The new species is probably endemic to the island and shows some characters never described in the genus Caridina before. However, a molecular phylogeny of atyid shrimps from the Indo‐West Pacific based on mitochondrial DNA (16S) places C. thomasi within a clade of typical species of Caridina. We tentatively assign the new species to the genus Caridina and discuss the possibility of future changes in the classification of species in this genus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1001-1012
Three new species of Paratemnopteryx Saussure (Blattellidae) cockroaches from Australia are described. One surface dwelling species, P. rosensis, was collected from south-east Queensland, and two cavernicolous species, P. kookabinnensis and P. weinsteini, were collected from central Western Australia and north-east Queensland respectively. All three species demonstrate eye and wing reduction, consistent with adaptation to a homogeneous environment. P. weinsteini and P. rosensis species demonstrate sexual wing dimorphism, which is most clear in the former. P. weinsteini is very similar to P. rosensis, and they are probably sister species. I suggest that some surface dwelling species may have given rise to cavernicolous species as a result of isolation in moist refugia during periods of increasing aridity in Australia in the late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):993-1079
Ten new species of Brevisomabathynella Cho, Park and Ranga Reddy, 2006 Cho, JL, Park, JG and Ranga Reddy, Y. 2006. Brevisomabathynella gen. nov. with two new species from Western Australia (Bathynellacea, Syncarida): the first definitive evidence of predation in Parabathynellidae. Zootaxa., 1247: 2542.  [Google Scholar] are described and illustrated from the arid region of Western Australia. Comparison of the external morphology revealed the presence of three common characters distributed among the 10 species: the five-segmented antenna, the absence of the basipodal seta on the male thoracopod VIII and the absence of a basiventral seta on the uropodal exopod. This character combination is not found in Notobathynella and Billibathynella, but only in Brevisomabathynella, a genus known from two described species both with unusual characters. Despite the three common attributes, the 10 new species differ remarkably from these two described species, but could not be defined by their own synapomorphy. Consequently, and cognizant of a previously performed molecular analysis, we assign the 10 new species to Brevisomabathynella and amend the generic diagnosis. The species inhabit shallow aquifers in groundwater calcretes and each appears to be endemic to a given calcrete formation. The two species previously known and the 10 species now described include four sympatric species pairs, with similar-sized sympatric species differing markedly in body form. Brevisomabathynella inhabit groundwater up to at least marine salinity.  相似文献   

Since the pioneering works of the Norwegian biologist G.O. Sars, little attention has been given to the freshwater harpacticoids in Norway. The prime purpose of this paper is to present the state of current knowledge about the Norwegian freshwater harpacticoid fauna based on all known published and unpublished literature and archive material. We highlight the contribution of G.O. Sars to the knowledge of this group by presenting his remaining unpublished archive material. We present two Norwegian species checklists – one for freshwater harpacticoids (16 species) and another for freshwater-associated/brackish-water harpacticoids (nine species). Four of the freshwater harpacticoid species are described by G.O. Sars. Original unpublished plates with drawings of those species are included in the paper. In addition, an overview of species distributions throughout the country is given.  相似文献   

Members of the algal class Phaeophyceae (brown algae) are almost entirely marine species. A few genera have been described from freshwater habitats, but their distribution and ecological requirements, especially in North America, are very poorly known. The 1st specimens of a freshwater species of brown algae from Oregon, Heribaudiella fluviatilis , were discovered in 3 localities of the McKenzie River, near McKenzie Bridge and Belknap Springs (44°22′N, 122°00′-15′W). This is the 4th extant population of this species known from the United States. The alga forms distinctive, macroscopic, dark brown patches on rocks in rapidly flowing water. In the McKenzie River it co-occurs, apparently year-round, with several other macrophytic algal species, including Prasiola Mexicana , Zygnema sp. (sterile), Nostoc parmelioides , N. vemlcossum , and Phormidium cf. autumnale . In cooler months the macroalgal species Ulothrix zonata and Hydrurus foetidus are also present with Heribaudiella . Photographs and ecological information are provided. We report a 380-km range extension south for the species, and thus far the most southerly population known from North America. This new record suggests that the alga may be more widespread than previously recognized and that other localities may be discovered with further study.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):1569-1588
Only seven species of freshwater Nematomorpha (Gordiida) are known from Australia, four of which belong to the genus Chordodes. This paper describes two new species: C. queenslandi and C. brevipilus. Chordodes queenslandi is characterized by a polymorphism of crowned areoles which appear as two types with distinct distribution patterns. Chordodes brevipilus is characterized by crowned areoles with very short apical filaments. One specimen previously determined as C. modiglianii (Camerano, 1892) belongs to C. queenslandi. Chordodes jandae Camerano, 1895 is redescribed according to the terminology introduced for C. queenslandi and C. brevipilus. Two further species, C. annulatus Linstow, 1906 and C. undulatus Linstow, 1906 do not belong to Chordodes. The newly reported specimens were collected emerging from praying mantids in the vicinity of water and escaped by contact of the host's abdomen with water. The active movement of mantids towards water suggests an internal stimulus of the nematomorph parasite to its host.  相似文献   

Five species of Nephtyidae new to Australia are described from the North West Shelf, and a key to the 18 known species of Australian nephtyids is given. Four of the species described are new: three species of Aglaophamus (A. foliocirrata sp. nov., A. hedlandensis sp. nov. and A. victoriae sp. nov.) and a new species of Inermonephtys (I. tetrophthalmos sp. nov.). Difficulties in the clear definition of Aglaophamus, Micronephthys and Nephtys indicate the need for systematic revision of the family.  相似文献   

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