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Torymus lasallei, sp. nov., a species with an unusual ovipositor, reared from galls of Amphibolips spp. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on Quercus spp. (Lobatae section) from Mexico, is described. The placement of this new species within the genus Torymus, and the morphology and function of its ovipositor, are discussed.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0B9F9B11-DD95-465D-A98C-53742A8099CC  相似文献   

Galls found on Ephedra nebrodensis in Spain are formed by a species of Eurytoma (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eurytomidae) which is described as new. Four other species of Chalcidoidea (two described as new) and one species of Braconidae are parasitoids or inquilines of the eurytomid. An account is given of the biology of the community of insects associated with the gall.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):2293-2314
A new genus and species of Rotoitidae, Chiloe micropteron Gibson and Huber, is described from females and one male from Chile. The taxon is the second known genus and species, and the male is the only one known for the family. Scanning electron micrographs illustrate external and internal structure of C. micropteron females, and external structure of Rotoita basalis  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2161-2167
The present study lists all Cynipidae reported for the Turkish fauna. We recognise 81 gall‐inducing wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Dryocosmus cerriphilus Giraud, 1859 is recorded from Turkey for the first time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25):2331-2338
Neaylax versicolor (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae), which forms galls on fumitory (Fumaria), is attacked in Spain by Rivasia fumariae, a species of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) herein described as new and assigned to a new genus. The new genus has an unusual combination of morphological characters but seems best placed in the pteromalid subfamily Ormocerinae. An account is given of the biology and larval morphology of the new species.  相似文献   

The taxonomic limits of Loxopus Townes are reviewed. The genus is characterized by the lateral margin of the clypeus projecting as subtriangular lobe; lateral lobes of fourth tarsomeres distinctly longer than mesal lobes; fore wing vein 3r-m absent; hind wing vein 2-1A absent or vestigial; and first metasomal tergite with a basolateral tooth. It occurs from Mexico to southern Brazil. Nine species are recognized, of which six are described as new: L. dodecius Santos et Aguiar, L. duckei Santos et Aguiar, L. exius Santos et Aguiar, L. ichilus Santos et Aguiar, L. tenuis Santos et Aguiar, and L. venezuelanus Santos et Aguiar. The type species, L. australis Townes, and L. multicolor Kasparyan et Ruíz-Cancino are redescribed, and a diagnosis is provided for L. unicolor Kasparyan et Ruíz-Cancino, not examined. All studied species are illustrated and distribution records are mapped. An identification key for the species of Loxopus is presented.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5B73E8B4-1288-4FD9-AABD-845B5085FFE3  相似文献   

The small eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean gobiid genus Vanneaugobius Brownell, 1978 (type-species: V. dollfusi Brownell, 1978) is redefined to include new skeletal and head lateral-line criteria. Provisionally, V. dollfusi is retained as distinct from V. pruvoti (Fage, 1907), the latter being now recorded from the Canary Islands, and a new species, V. canariensis, is described from the Canaries and Guinea. Originally associated with the Indo-Pacific Valenciennea and Asterropteryx, Vanneaugobius is actually synapomorphic with two other small eastern Atlantic genera, Wheelerigobius Miller, 1981, and Odondebuenia De Buen, 1930, in virtual separation of the pelvic fins and a trend for modification of upper and lower scales at the caudal fin origin. Vanneaugobius occupies an intermediate position between the two former genera in head lateral-line specialization. The genus-group shares a modal vertebral number of 28 with the north-eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean Gobius-Thorogobius complex.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-40):2287-2299
A survey of the nemertean fauna along the Swedish west coast found specimens of 20 genera and 32 species, of which one genus and species is new to science (Tetraneuronemertes lovgreni gen. et sp. n.). The proportions of the three taxa Hoplonemertea, Heteronemertea, and Palaeonemertea are 34, 55, and 11%, respectively, with respect to specimen numbers, and the proportions for species within these taxa are 53, 31 and 16%, respectively. The most common species encountered during the survey were the heteronemerteans Lineus bilineatus, Micrura fasciolata, and Micrura purpurea, the hoplonemertean Nipponnemertes pulcher, and the palaeonemertean Cephalothrix rufifrons.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1101-1110
The genus Haustorius is represented by six species in the world; three are described as American species, three European including a new species described from the Mediterranean. This new species, H. orientalis, is similar to H. algeriensis Mulot, from the Algerian coast but differs in rostrum slightly exceeding in length the antennal lobes, merus of pereiopod 7 with posterior margin lacking spines, and uropod 1 with two separate rows of spines.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2187-2212
The uncommon Asian braconine wasp genus Ischnobracon Baltazar is revised. Eleven species are recognized of which six are described as new, namely I. albitarsus Butcher and Quicke from mainland Malaysia, I. baltazarae Butcher and Quicke from the Philippines, I. hannongbuai Butcher and Quicke from Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and Indonesia (Sulawesi), I. morleyi Butcher and Quicke from Sri Lanka, I. feliciae Butcher and Quicke from Thailand, I. xanthoflagellaris Butcher and Quicke from Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Ischnobracon rhyssides (Enderlein) is a new junior subjective synonym of I. laboriosus (Smith).  相似文献   

Monstrilloid copepods collected during zooplankton surveys carried out over several years (2009–2016) in the Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea, were examined. A total of seven species were found, of which six are undescribed, five of Cymbasoma and one of Monstrilla. These new species are described, illustrated and compared herein with its known congeners. Two of them are related to the C. rigidum species complex. One of these species is described based on both the male and the female; sexes were linked by identical details of the cephalic structure and the antennulary armature. Two previous reports of females attributed to C. tumorifrons from the Mediterranean relate to specimens that in fact belong to a new species, C. mediterranea. The most abundant species was M. grandis, which had a remarkable aggregation around the Trieste harbour in 2015. Male and female specimens of this assumedly widespread species were examined and the observed intra-specific morphological variability is reported and compared with previous illustrated reports; this nominal species probably this nominal species, probably represents a species complex. The addition of the new species here described brings the number of nominal species in the Mediterranean-Black Sea region to 26.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3D4B38E4-CCCD-4BD6-AC57-B59343A865F7  相似文献   


A new species of the genus Setelacher Bou?ek, S. lasallei sp. nov. Gumovsky and van Noort, is described from the Afrotropical region (Central African Republic, Gabon and Uganda). It confirms the presence of the genus in the region. The only described species of the genus, S. fasciatus Bou?ek, is of Australasian and Indo-Malayan distribution, and one undescribed species was previously recorded from South Africa. All images presented here are available on www.waspweb.org

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D6AA0B15-6EA7-4C93-827C-1807E69BD6D2  相似文献   

We here fix the types of Schizoporella lepralioides Calvet in Jullien and Calvet, type species of the genus Metroperiella Canu & Bassler, and redescribe the species based on scanning electron microscope examination. Metroperiella populations from the Mediterranean Sea, which have hitherto been regarded as conspecific with Metroperiella lepralioides, are introduced as a new species, Metroperiella mesogeia sp. nov. Accordingly, the geographic distribution of M. lepralioides is restricted to its type locality, the Azores Archipelago (central North Atlantic). Another species, Metroperiella porellidesia sp. nov., which occurs sympatrically with M. lepralioides, is also newly described.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:523EA5DE-B023-48ED-8D85-37CAF5475164  相似文献   


The Philippine cruise of the U.S. Fisheries Steamer Albatross 1907–10 collected 61 species of spider crabs from the Philippine Islands bringing the total number of species known from the area to 71; 28 new species were described by Rathbun and the present report records 19 species not previously known from the area; included are nine widespread Indo-west Pacific forms, four previously known from Japan and four Indian Ocean species.

Hyastenus sebae White is renamed H. whitei and the former name is applied to H. oryx A. Milne Edwards. Hyastenus tuberculosus Rathbun is confirmed as a synonym of H. convexus Miers, Platymaia remifera Rathbun is reduced to synonomy with P. wyvillethomsoni Miers and Chorilia sphenocarcinoides Rathbun is transferred to the genus Sphenocarcinus.

The majority of species (51) occur around the central and southern islands of the archipelago and most of these (35 speciesl occur at varying depths on the continental shelf. Twelve species occur intertidally and 21 species are known from depths over 100 fms, some occurring as deep as 800 fms.

The spider crab fauna is clearly part of the Indo-west Pacific, 25 species being widespread ones; 26 species are shared with Japan, 24 with Australia and 31 with the Indian Ocean. However, 20 species appear to be confined to the Philippine Islands. The relationships of the Philippine fauna with that of the rest of Indonesia is not yet clear  相似文献   

The number of halacarid genera and the approximate number of species in deep and shallow waters are listed, together with the halacarid species recorded from depths of over 1000 m. The vertical and horizontal distribution of genera are discussed, as well as morphological adaptions to life in the abyss. Eurybathic species are rare, and endemic deep-sea genera presumably do not exist. Algibiont and arenicolous genera have not been found in the abyss. Striking morphological features such as long legs, epimeral and anal protuberances, and dense coatings with cuticular filaments are independent of water depth and hydrostatic pressure, but correlate with life in very soft sediments. The deep-sea species, Lohmannella cygna nov. spec., is described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1111-1123
Wallaceaphytis Polaszek and Fusu gen. nov. (type species Wallaceaphytis kikiae Ayshford and Polaszek sp. nov.) is described from Danum Valley, Sabah, in Malaysian Borneo. Although known from just a single female individual, the genus is extremely unusual morphologically, being the only member of the large subfamily Aphelininae with four-segmented tarsi. The form of the fore wings and head are also unique in the subfamily, and its status as a new genus is confirmed by analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA. DNA sequence analysis was undertaken by comparison with more than 60 aphelinid sequences from GenBank. The sequence for the standard DNA barcode region (cytochrome oxidase c subunit I; COI) is provided. The new genus is named in honour of Alfred Russel Wallace, co-discoverer of the theory of evolution by natural selection. The new genus and species are published on the exact date of the centenary of his death.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:700D2B2A-1586-4100-85D2-24844EFE3F90  相似文献   

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