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Plagues of small mammals in Australia are nearly confined to rodents, both native and introduced. Only in the arid regions do small marsupials reach plague numbers.

Records of plagues have been found as early as 1845, but in many of them there is insufficient information to identify the species involved.

Plagues can develop under three main conditions, namely (a) when species are introduced into new environments, (b) in the artificial environment of crop plants, and (c) in the natural environment.

There are records of the introduced Rattus rattus forming plagues. On colonizing Lord Howe Island in 1918 the species built up to plague numbers in two years. On other islands the species is likely to have built up large populations also. Of various reported plagues on the Australian mainland, Rattus rattus has been identified definitely on only one occasion, in western New South Wales in 1887. There are earlier reports of the introduced rats and mice occurring in large numbers in unsettled areas, but it seems more likely that the animals were native species, wrongly identified, than introduced species which had spread into the areas concerned.

Two groups of species build up to plague numbers in the artificial environment of crop plants. These are Rattus conatus and some other native species which infest sugar-cane in Queensland, and Mus musculus which often infests wheatfields but also forms plagues in other habitats. Both groups infect the crop from a neighbouring natural habitat. Detailed ecological studies have been carried out on both these types of infestation. Reports of dispersal of plagues of Mus musculus need investigation.

Mus musculus can form plagues over a wide range of habitats, from the arid regions of central Australia to the high rainfall areas of tropical Queensland. The status of the form inhabiting the arid regions needs study.

The arid regions of Australia provide a special environment in which live a number of species of small mammals, both eutherians (rodents) and marsupials. In this habitat breeding occurs when there is a sufficient rainfall, and is not regulated at its extremes by an annual climatic cycle. Some of the riverine lands within the region receive drainage from outside, and this modifies the relationship with rainfall in the Lake Eyre Basin particularly. Under favourable conditions several species of the small mammals can build up to plague numbers. In this they appear to differ markedly from the small mammals of other deserts of the world. The special features of the Australian arid environment which allow this are unknown.

Plagues of Rattus villosissimus are generated in the tablelands to the south of the Gulf of Carpentaria, and hordes of the rodents disperse in large numbers, mostly moving out of the home territory along the course of rivers draining it to the south, and sometimes also to the north. The little information available concerning the populations suggests similarities with the cyclic changes which take place in populations of voles and lemmings in the northern hemisphere. There is no good information about the period of recurrence of the plagues, present records showing a range from three to seventeen years.

The little information available about the plagues of small mammals in Australia suggests parallels with such plagues elsewhere. The common factors are a small size, an herbivorous (? or insectivorous) diet, a high reproductive potential and a polymorphism which permits quick adaptation to the different population structures found under different population densities.  相似文献   


Collections of crabs in the forest zone of West Cameroon produced three species—Potamonautes africanus, P. orthostylis and P. pobeguini. The P. africanus carried populations of immature Simulium ovazzae.

Analysis of crabs collected by hand and those collected in traps indicates very little overlap in the sizes of the crabs obtained by the two techniques. This problem is discussed.

The infestation rates of S. ovazzae on P. africanus were found to be highest on medium-sized crabs. The attachment sites of the S. ovazzae on the crabs were found to vary with both the size of the crab and the size of the Simulium larva.

The size distributions of S. ovazzae larvae on small crabs were found to be different from those on medium and large crabs. The characteristic deficiency of smaller larvae on medium and large crabs reported for other crab-phoretic species was also found with S. ovazzae but the smaller crabs showed a deficiency of larger larvae. A hypothesis is put forward to explain the dearth of larger larvae on the smaller crabs and the higher infestation rate on medium crabs.

S. ovazzae are shown to arrive on their hosts as single larvae carried by the current.

Six adult S. ovazzae were reared from pupae in the laboratory. Small numbers of presumed S. ovazzae biting man in Cameroon are reported.  相似文献   

Brood size was found to be correlated linearly with female body length in all species studied, except Ampelisca macrocephala, which is usually a single brooded species. Of the six multi-brooded species, Lembos websteri, Stegocephaloides christianiensis, Echinogammarus pirloti and Gammaropsis nitida produced small numbers of large eggs in the winter and large numbers of small eggs in the summer. In Bathyporeia pilosa larger numbers of smaller eggs were produced by the overwintering generation. In Corophium bonnellii, both maximum and minimum brood sizes were produced by the summer generation. The largest broods relative to female body size were produced by the smaller species. In L. websteri, C. bonnellii and B. pilosa mean female size was smaller in the summer than the winter generation.  相似文献   


Seven species of armoured scale insects infest avocado in Israel. Hemiberlesia lataniae (Signoret) and Abgrallaspis cyanophylli (Signoret) are the most abundant. Avocado seedlings become infested in the nurseries, thus serving as important sources for commercial grove contamination. Because larger diaspidid populations develop at the inside of the trees (as compared to their outside), and at height levels of 1·5–2·0 m (compared to 5·0–6·0 m), these regions were regularly sampled. Equal-area examinations of bark and leaf revealed that H. lataniae prefers the bark, A. cyanophylli the leaves. The populations of both scales undergo similar annual cycles on leaves, peaking during winter, ebbing in early summer. The specific settling pattern of most diaspidids on avocado leaves were figured. The somewhat-different settling sites of H. lataniae and A. cyanophylli apparently preclude competition when low numbers are present, but the former may be partially inhibited when large populations develop. Several predators and hymenopterous parasitoids attack the diaspidids, the parasitoids being most active in early summer. No economic injury to local avocado fruit by armoured scale insects has been reported in recent years. The reasons for this are discussed, and it is recommended that the present situation, in which no insecticides are used in avocado groves, be maintained.  相似文献   


We describe two diminutive species of rattlesnakes (genus Crotalus) from small nearshore islands off the coast of Baja California in the western Gulf of California, Mexico. In order to test the hypothesis that some island populations represent cohesive species entities, we applied linear discriminant analysis and uniform validation procedures to multiple classes of intrinsic trait data. By using previously recognised species to establish a threshold for species recognition, we found that assignment of specimens to either new species was as probable as with other established rattlesnake species within the speckled rattlesnake (Crotalus mitchellii) complex. We also found that assignment of specimens from other island populations was not as probable as for the established species, and these populations are referable to C. pyrrhus. The species endemic to Piojo Island is most closely related to other island and mainland populations of C. pyrrhus whereas the species endemic to Cabeza de Caballo Island is apparently most closely related to C. angelensis, a nearby island endemic of large body size. However, patterns from both mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies, and phenotypic variation, indicate that evolutionary trajectories of both of these species have been influenced by introgression from C. angelensis. We speculate that collective evidence based on contrasting patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial evolution supports a hybrid origin of the species from Cabeza de Caballo Island followed by exceptionally rapid mitochondrial evolution. Consistent with small body size, both species show a reduction in various scale counts relative to other species of the C. mitchellii species complex, suggesting that dwarfism is not simply a plastic response to insular conditions.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn.lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FBC8A11B-04A3-4231-85CA-3972DF5A42FF  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19):1627-1640
The structure of two populations of the fiddler crab Uca rapax in two subtropical mangrove habitats near Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil were compared. The size–frequency distribution, sex ratio, and recruitment were evaluated. Sampling was performed monthly from April 2001 to March 2002 in the Itamambuca and Ubatumirim habitats. Crabs were caught manually for 15?min by two collectors during low tide. The carapace width of each crab was measured with a digital caliper, and the sex and ovigerous state were recorded. The median size of the carapace width of males was greater than that of females at both sites (P<0.05). The median size of the crabs from Itamambuca was larger than at Ubatumirim (P<0.05). Only 28 ovigerous females were obtained from both mangroves, which suggested that females might remain in their burrows during the incubation period. The highest recruitment pulse occurred in winter for both populations, probably as a consequence of high reproductive activity during summer. The sex ratio in the size classes showed an anomalous pattern, with a higher frequency of females in the intermediate size classes. This may be related to a greater energy requirement for reproduction in females, thus delaying growth. The variable environmental conditions to which Uca rapax populations are subject appear to act directly or indirectly on the population, causing variations in growth and reproductive processes in the different populations investigated here.  相似文献   


Observations were made on four sympatric species of sphecid wasps of the genus Philanthus that nest in late summer and prey upon Hymenoptera. All four species nest in a restricted locale, but with little overlap in nesting areas. Comparison of nest contents of females demonstrated limited overlap in prey utilization among the four species, but only when both size and taxonomic category of prey were considered. The ultimate cause of this resource partitioning is unknown. Review of 30 populations of 16 species of North American Philanthus reveals varying degrees of specialization on prey types. Although populations of one species, separated in either time or space, tend to have similar niche breadths, this is not always the case. Intra-and inter-populational comparisons of prey records suggest behavioural plasticity allowing response to variations in prey availability. Some of the divergence in prey use among species is due to differences in predator size.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2151-2159
Larval competition was investigated in foam‐nesting frogs with contrasting breeding strategies. Leptodactylus fuscus nests in burrows with moderate numbers of large eggs, mainly on dry nights; Engystomops pustulosus makes floating nests with large numbers of small eggs, mainly on wet nights. Both use the same temporary pools in open habitat over an extended breeding season. Larval growth to metamorphosis was assessed in a semi‐natural experiment and in the laboratory. Tanks contained either single species or equal numbers of both species. Inter‐specific competition was asymmetric; L. fuscus survived as well as or better in competition with E. pustulosus than in intra‐specific competition. Leptodactylus fuscus attained larger sizes with E. pustulosus present. In interspecific competition E. pustulosus showed worse survival and grew slower and to a smaller size. Outdoors, both species tolerated water temperatures that often rose to 42°C and reached metamorphosis in very short times: 14 days after oviposition in L. fuscus and 17 days in E. pustulosus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(24):2187-2201
A new species of the genus Pseudomonocelis (P. caribbea sp. n.) is described. It is distinguished from congenerics by shape and size of the copulatory organ and relative positions of mouth and genital openings. It is the first species of the genus found in America. Sampling in east Africa (Zanzibar island) revealed two species, attributed to P. pardii and, tentatively, to P. cavernicola, both originally described from Somaliland. Morphological differences between Tanzanian and Somali specimens are reported. The Mediterranean P. ophiocephala, based on extensive morphological and karyological survey of 13 populations, is interpreted as constituting at least two sibling species, distinguishable solely on the basis of karyotype. Results support the notion that the present perception of the contribution of interstitial Rhabditophora to marine biodiversity may be unrepresentative.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1927-1940
Ten populations representing four species of the ‘Carabodes marginatus’ group, as C. marginatus, C. affinis, C. quadrangulus and C. montanus from central Italy have been studied for genetic variation at 16 enzymatic loci by electrophoresis. Morphotypes close to C. marginatus but easily distinguishable by the shorter marginal notogastral setae were also included in the analysis to evaluate their systematic status. Carabodes arduinii, a very different species from the ‘coriaceus’ group, was employed as an out-group. Phylogenetic relationships among different species were studied and inferred data demonstrated that cladogenetic events occurred, even though rates of molecular and morphological evolution do not correlate. Morphotypes related to C. marginatus were genetically very close to the type specimens, but a different pattern of allele frequency was observed in sympatric populations of the two setal forms. Possible explanations for this finding are suggested in relation to historical processes. The rate of gene flow among populations of the two morphs was estimated by both Wright's F st and Slatkin's Nm methods. These two different procedures yielded contradictory results.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2339-2345
The morphological effects of nematode parasitism by Pheromermis myrmecophila were investigated in two species of ants, Lasius flavus and Lasius niger, collected on Clare Island, Ireland. Infected males and queens were found for L. flavus but only infected queens in L. niger. The numbers of nematodes present in each infected specimen were counted and their lengths were measured. Head width, femur length and wing measurements were made for infected and non-infected individuals of both species. In queens, the length of the nematodes decreased as the number per ant increased. When single nematodes were present their mean lengths were significantly greater in L. flavus than in L. niger. In addition to the reduction in wing size for all parasitized specimens, head widths and femur lengths of the queens were significantly different in both species. A log–log graph of radial cell length versus width suggested a linear reduction of wing size.  相似文献   

Propomacrus cypriacus a saproxylic beetle endemic to Cyprus, was described as a species distinct from P. bimucronatus on the basis of a few morphological characters and has been evaluated as Critically Endangered by IUCN, as it depends on veteran trees and has a restricted distribution. Herein we explored the distribution, ecology, morphology and genetic variation of the populations from Cyprus, and we attempted a phylogenetic analysis including related species based on two mitochondrial and one nuclear DNA markers. We also used published mtDNA divergence rates to date cladogenetic events. Despite extensive sampling, we found only a small number of individuals, adding a few additional localities to the known distribution of the species, and we identified two more host species to those previously reported. Morphological examination showed that only the form of male protibiae differs consistently in Cyprus populations compared to those of P. bimucronatus from Turkey and the Lebanon. Nevertheless, genetic analyses do not support a distinct species status for populations from Cyprus, which should instead be considered as a subspecies of P. bimucronatus. Morphological and ecological data further support this conclusion. Cyprus populations have diverged from nearby continental ones in mid to late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1991-2010
Four new and four known species of soil nematodes belonging to the superfamily Tylencholaimoidea Filipjev, 1934 are reported from China. Tylencholaimus orientalis sp. nov. is characterized by having a 0.45–0.61‐mm body; a 5–6‐µm odontostyle; a monoprodelphic genital system with a short post‐uterine sac; and a conoid to hemispheroid tail. Tylencholaimus sinensis sp. nov. is characterized by having a 0.76–0.82‐mm body; a 7–7.5‐µm odontostyle; an amphidelphic genital system; a conoid to hemispheroid tail; and males with 32‐µm spicules and three ventromedians. Proleptonchus sinensis sp. nov. is characterized by having a 1.4–1.7‐mm body; wide amphids; 8–9‐µm odontostyle; a monoprodelphic genital system, the posterior branch with well‐developed uterus and oviduct rudiments; slender and slightly arcuate spicules; and a short conoid tail with thick cuticle at terminus. Dorylaimoides alpinus sp. nov. is characterized by having a 1.4–1.5‐mm body; a lip region offset by a depression; a 12–13‐µm odontostyle; an arcuate odontophore; an amphidelphic genital system with transverse vulva; and a tail that gradually tapers to a blunt terminus.  相似文献   

The conservation of land snails has become an urgent issue because of the current global decline of this group. Detailed knowledge of population dynamics is needed to develop an appropriate strategy for conservation. We investigated the population dynamics of two threatened European land snail species: Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana. Although the species may be found at the same site, V. moulinsiana is more tolerant of wetter conditions than is V. angustior. Abundance data for the two species were collected at two sites (one drier and one wetter) in western Poland biweekly during the spring and summer months in 2008 and 2009. In the drier year, snail abundance was similar between the drier and wetter sites. In the wetter year, snail abundances were generally higher than in the dry year, except that the inundation-intolerant V. angustior became less abundant at the wetter site. We conclude that weather affects different species differently and therefore should be considered along with the habitat features in interpreting survey results for land snails.  相似文献   

Known host-plant associations are listed for the 16 species of Eupteryx occurring in Britain. A total of 77 species in 17 plant families are exploited. The most frequently represented plant family is the Labiatae. Degrees of specificity range from strict monophagy (four spp.) to broad polyphagy (five spp.). In general, host-plant overlap between species is low. The detailed relationships between three Eupteryx species and three members of the Urticaceae were explored using field populations and laboratory feeding experiments, survival tests and examination of patterns of oviposition. Eupteryx urticae, E. cyclops and E. aurata all utilized Urtica dioica as their primary host plant. However, the only regularly recorded association with other members of the Urticaceae was the host range expansion of E. urticae onto Parietaria judaica in the second generation. These findings were supported by the laboratory experiments. The spatial distributions of E. urticae oviposition sites and levels of attack by mymarid parasitoids were similar in populations on the two plant species. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1969-1997
Sympatric reed frog species were studied in Gabon (Monts Cristal: Hyperolius mosaicus, H. pardalis, H. tuberculatus) and Kenya (Kakamega Forest: Hyperolius acuticeps, H. cf. cinnamomeoventris, H. kivuensis, H. lateralis, H. viridiflavus). For each taxon, a standardized diagnosis covering 11 aspects of adult and in part tadpole morphology as well as the sequence of a 560 bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA of the 16S ribosomal gene are provided. In addition, behavioural data are given for each species including measurable parameters of advertisement calls. The Monts Cristal Hyperolius species clearly differ in their spatial arrangement through the choice of breeding site. Hyperolius species at the Kakamega Forest share the same breeding sites but in part differ in their activity pattern throughout the year. Advertisement calls of sympatric species in both regions mainly differ in temporal parameters.  相似文献   

Little is known about the ecology of the rare and vulnerable Bhutan takin Budorcas taxicolor whitei, a large and basically forest-dwelling goat-antelope inhabiting mountain valleys in northern Bhutan. In Tsharijathang valley (3800 m asl) in Jigme Dorji National Park, we described the summer habitat of this takin subspecies through vegetation transects and by studying diet via microhistological analysis of faeces supplemented by examination of feeding sites. The habitats utilized by the c.250 animals occupying the valley consisted of six main vegetation types with roughly equal coverages, viz. three forest types (dominated by Juniperus, Betula or Abies), alpine scrub (mainly low Rhododendron shrubs), open alpine meadow (mainly graminoids and forbs) and semi-open willow shrub (mainly Salix and forbs). Sixty-eight food species were identified in the feeding sites, but the bulk of the diet consisted of ≈10 species, the same species that also dominated the faecal material. With >50% of the diet consisting of shrubs, mainly Salix myrtillacea, the takins were mainly browsers. When foraging, they exhibited a weak form of selection by choosing sites with a slightly higher coverage of the most important food species and, while at these, proportionally more feeding signs were recorded. Domestic yak Bos grunniens are allowed to graze in the study area during winter when the takins have descended to lower elevation. At the present grazing pressure, the wintering yaks probably benefit the takin by maintaining the open vegetation structure, but their numbers and impact on the habitat should be monitored to prevent adverse effects.  相似文献   


This study investigated the influence of temporal and seasonal variation (rainy/dry cycle) on the component community structure and infracommunities of parasites in Metynnis lippincottianus from the eastern Amazon (Brazil). A total of 8,774 parasites representing 9 species and 22,765 parasites representing 12 species was collected in 2011 and 2016 respectively, but only 42.8% of the species were common to both study years. In both years, there was a dominance of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and the component community was 51% dissimilar. The species richness of parasites and the Berger–Parker dominance were higher in 2016, while the evenness and Brillouin diversity were higher in 2011. The prevalence and abundance of I. multifiliis and P. pillulare, as well as the prevalence of Contracaecum sp. were higher in the rainy season. The abundance of Anacanthorus strongylophalus, Urocleidoides sp., Dadayus pacupeva and Dadaytrema oxycephala was higher in the dry season. Infection with Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus was not influenced by the season, while by Trichodina sp. occurred only in the dry season and Ergasilus xinguensis only in the rainy season. The species richness of parasites, Brillouin diversity index and evenness were higher in the dry season, while the Berger–Parker index was higher in the rainy season. Temporal variation of communities and infracommunities of parasites was influenced by the body size of host populations and increase in anthropogenic impacts. Effect of seasons on environmental quality, host size and availability of infective stages of parasites were the determining factors in structuring the component communities and infracommunities of parasites.  相似文献   

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