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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):203-236
We assessed road edge effects on leaf-litter macroinvertebrates in laurel and pine forests in Tenerife (Canary Islands), studying composition, abundance, richness and diversity, and the role of environmental gradients. We sorted species to the finest taxonomic resolution possible and used a morphospecies approach when necessary. In all, 15,824 invertebrates were identified from 388 litter samples (from >500 species, five major phyla and 31 orders). Alien invasive species of Oligochaeta, Pulmonata, Isopoda, Diplopoda and Hymenoptera were frequent in both forests. Richness, diversity and rarefaction pointed to a disturbance threshold within the first 10 m off the road, and edge effects were steeper in laurel forest than in pine forest. Overabundant aliens were partially responsible for highly disturbed litter assemblages on this edge zone in both forests. Proximity to road edge caused gradients of disturbance of forest structure. Litter moisture, rock and litter cover in laurel forest, and grass and canopy cover in pine forest were the best predictors of community variation. Results seemed to give some empirical support to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. This altered road edge zone may accumulate regionally causing net reductions of ecosystem area and quality, impacting on its integrity and biodiversity.  相似文献   

We measured predation on 120 artificial Sage Grouse ( Centrarcus urophasianus ) nests in montane sagebrush grassland in northern Utah. We examined nests in areas that had been chained and seeded 25 years previously (treated areas) and in areas that were untreated. Predation rates of artificial nests were higher in areas of untreated sagebrush, even though these areas had greater sagebrush cover, taller shrubs, and greater horizontal plant cover. These results differ from those previously hypothesized for treated sagebrush habitat and may reflect a greater abundance of other potential prey species, especially lagomorphs, in untreated areas that attracted greater densities of predators. In addition, over 80% of nests were depredated by mammals, which hunt using olfaction and are less likely than avian predators to be affected by nest cover. We conclude that, after treated sagebrush has recovered to some degree, predation rates of Sage Grouse nests may be lower in treated sagebrush. Consequently, factors other than nest predation (e.g., winter food, thermal cover, insects, perennial forb abundance) may be more important reasons for preserving mature sagebrush stands for Sage Grouse.  相似文献   

Nest predation on artificial nests was examined in relation to nest type, grassland type, and shrub encroachment in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands in southern New Mexico. Open-cup ground, open-cup shrub, and spherical shrub nests ( n = 210), mimicking Eastern Meadowlarks ( Sturnella magna ), Black-throated Sparrows ( Amphispiza bilineata ), and Cactus Wrens ( Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus ), were placed in 10 grasslands of tobosa ( Pleuraphis mutica ) and black grama ( Bouteloua eripoda ) with low and heavy levels of mesquite encroachment. Nest predation varied among nest types, grassland types, and shrub encroachment, with highest levels of predation occurring on open-cup shrub nests in tobosa grasslands with heavy shrub encroachment. We detected a significant interaction between nest type and shrub encroachment, but not between grassland type and nest type or grassland type and shrub encroachment. Combined predation rates from the 3 nest types were positively associated with shrub density. The encroachment of shrubs into desert grasslands may act as a corridor for a diversity of species historically not associated with desert grasslands to occupy or move through a patch, increasing vulnerability to nest predation.  相似文献   

From 1999 through 2001 we located and monitored Western Tanager ( Piranga ludoviciana ) nests in public open-space properties in Boulder County, Colorado. Fifty-four of 58 nests were located in ponderosa pine and the remainder in Douglas-fir. Nests were generally placed near the midpoint of branches in areas of high canopy cover (> 50%) in the middle section of nest trees. Nest height varied as a function of nest tree height, and nests were oriented randomly in relation to trunks of nest trees. Tanager nesting success varied annually, with estimates using the Mayfield method ranging from 11.3% in 2000 to 75.3% in 2001. At least 8 nests were predated, and predation was the primary cause of nest failure. Parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) occurred in 7 of 17 (41%) nests found during egg-laying or incubation. Clutch size averaged 3.8 in 10 unparasitized nests, but only 2.4 in 8 parasitized nests. Brood parasitism dramatically reduced the number of tanager fledglings produced per nest.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1247-1258
The seed dispersal system formed by the fleshy-fruited shrub Viburnum tinus L. (Caprifoliaceae) and the bird Erithacus rubecula L. is known to occur in both the Mediterranean basin and the laurel forest of the Canary Islands. The latter is invaded by the ship rat Rattus rattus L. This situation allows (1) the comparison of oceanic island and mainland situations for the bird-plant interaction, and (2) quantification of the possible effects of an invading species on the plant, and thus on the whole seed dispersal system. Fruit removal by birds and rats was studied for V. tinus in a laurel forest of Tenerife during a fruiting season to assess patterns of disperser and predator's use of the plant. Fruits were persistent in time and spontaneous fruit loss rate was low. It was exploited by a reduced frugivorous community. Its fruits were dispersed almost exclusively by E. rubecula at extremely low rates, whereas R. rattus rapidly predated the bulk of the crops. Fruit removal by E. rubecula was influenced by vegetation structure and fruit crop size (higher removal rates from gaps or sparse and low canopy patches, and from larger fruit displays). Fruit predation by R. rattus was not related to microhabitat or individual plant traits. Fruit removal by R. rattus had no apparent influence on the pattern of bird frugivory. However, later in the fruiting season, heavy fruit depletion by rats restrained fruit availability for birds. The mainland (Mediterranean) V. tinus-E. rubecula dispersal system is strikingly different from this island counterpart in: (1) the virtual irrelevance of rodent seed predation, and (2) the comparatively high incidence of bird frugivory by the exclusive seed disperser, E. rubecula.  相似文献   

A total of 28 Swainson's Hawk ( Buteo swainsoni ) and 30 Red-tailed Hawk ( B. jamaicensis ) nests were found in Cache Valley, Utah, during the summers of 1992 and 1993. All nests were in trees, but only Red-tailed Hawks nested in dead trees (30%). In the intensive study area, nesting densities were 0.10 nests/km 2 for Swainson's Hawk and 0.08 nests/km 2 for Red-tailed Hawk. Nearest-neighbor nest distances were significantly shorter among Swainson's Hawks (1.74 km) than among Red-tailed Hawks (2.83 km). Congeneric nearest-neighbor distances were significantly shorter than conspecific distances for Red-tailed Hawks (1.59 vs 2.83 km) but not for Swainson's Hawks (1.52 vs. 1.74). GIS analysis of habitat types was made for 2-km radii around nest sites. Cropland was the dominant land cover type at nest sites of both species and no significant difference was found between species. Swainson's Hawk nest sites contained significantly more pasture, whereas Red-tailed Hawk nest sites contained significantly more juniper, maple, and sagebrush. Only Red-tailed Hawk nests ( n = 8; 27%) were found on the periphery of the valley at the base of foothills of the Cache Mountains. This preference resulted in a significantly higher elevation for Red-tailed Hawk nest sites. Swainson's Hawk nests occurred only on the valley floor on level terrain. Distance to the nearest paved road and building was very similar for both species, implying that little difference exists in tolerance levels for human activities. Overall, multivariate niche overlap for habitat was high (0.89), indicating a lack of habitat partitioning between these 2 Buteos in Cache Valley.  相似文献   

Avian species with expansive ranges or those that occupy more than one vegetative association may vary in aspects of their life histories across their ranges. The distribution of Dusky Flycatchers encompasses a variety of vegetative associations, including riparian communities. However, much of the literature on this species details studies conducted in upland areas. Our objectives were to describe the breeding ecology and fecundity of Dusky Flycatchers nesting in montane meadows of the central Sierra Nevada, California. We monitored 36 territories and located 37 Dusky Flycatcher nests in 8 meadows. Average clutch size was 3.9 eggs. Egg laying, incubation, and nestling stages were 4, 15.4, and 16.4 days, respectively. Eighteen nests successfully fledged young, with an average of 3.3 fledglings per successful nest. Nest success was 43% and nest predation was the leading cause of nest failure. Estimated annual fecundity was 1.62 fledglings per pair; however, because all renesting attempts were not located, this should be viewed as the minimum annual fecundity. Dusky Flycatchers we monitored may have had higher fecundity than those nesting in upland areas because riparian areas often have higher arthropod abundances. While the importance of riparian conservation to riparian-obligate bird species is obvious, our study indicates that these areas also may be of value to Dusky Flycatchers that breed in riparian areas and upland areas.  相似文献   

Nests of Schneider’s dwarf caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus, were located in the forests around three streams that drain into the Xingu River, Brazilian Amazonia, in October 2014. Camera traps were installed at the edge of four nests to document predators and female parental care. At two nests, females unsuccessfully defended their nests against one or more giant armadillos, Priodontes maximus, and nine-banded armadillos, Dasypus novemcinctus. Both armadillo species responded to the attack by fleeing and returning on the opposite side of the nest by going around the tree under which the nest was located. Giant armadillos have never before been recorded consuming caiman eggs and their diet has been described as consisting mostly of ants and termites. Another species of armadillo, Cabassous unicinctus, was also registered digging into a nest and probably consuming eggs, though it is generally considered to be primarily insectivorous. A tayra (Eira barbara), lizard (Tupinambis teguixin) and coati (Nasua nasua) were also registered taking eggs from nests during the day, but we obtained no registers of nest defence by caimans during the day. The three nests were attacked after 60 days of incubation, when the eggs were well developed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2103-2115
The nests of Myrmelachista are found in tree trunk cavities and branches. The biology of these arboreal ants is still relatively unknown. We investigated the nesting behaviour of this genus in fallen dry twigs in the Atlantic rainforest of southeastern Brazil. Physical characteristics of the nests, colony demographics, presence of breeders and ant worker sizes were recorded. Samples were collected weekly for 12 months, along open, sunny and undisturbed trails within forest remnants. In all, 202 nests were collected and six species were recorded. Myrmelachista ruszkii had the highest population of immatures and the greatest number of nests found. Myrmelachista nodigera had the smallest workers, was the least populous and the colony was housed in the finest branches. These results expand the current knowledge about the diversity and biology of Myrmelachista in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, and describe polydomic nests and competitive behaviour of M. ruszkii.  相似文献   

Previous studies of nest-site selection on a fine scale may reveal limiting resources within habitat types. The red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea Scopoli, 1786) is a common bird species that lives in the subtropical forests of Asia. Despite many reports of this species from introduced populations, little information has been obtained from its native range. From 2011 to 2013, we studied nest-site selection of red-billed leiothrix at micro-scales in Daweishan Nature Reserve, Hunan Province, central China. A total of 363 nests were found in five vegetation types. We measured the habitat variables and constructed nest-site selection models for nests found in the forest and scrub-grassland. Among the 18 variables measured in the forest, six variables were selected to construct the nest-site selection model: distance to forest edge (DTE), distance to water (DTW), vegetation comprehensive coverage, tree coverage, bamboo coverage and shrub height. According to Akaike’s information criterion, the best model consisted of five of these variables (excluding vegetation comprehensive coverage), and distance to forest edge, distance to water, tree coverage and bamboo coverage had negative effects on nest-site selection. In scrub-grassland, the DTE, DTW, and bush coverage (BUC) were selected from the 13 variables measured, and, accordingly, the best model consisted of DTE and BUC. Model averaging suggested that BUC had a positive effect on nest-site selection. In contrast, DTE has a reverse effect. In addition, DTE differed significantly between successful and failed nests in forest and scrub-grassland. More successful nests were found near the forest edge. Taken together, these findings emphasise the power of fine-scale habitat selection models in identifying relevant habitat variables with a significant effect on preferred habitat and eventually, breeding success.  相似文献   

Camera traps were set up in forest nests in 2009, 2010 and 2012 to capture images of possible predators eating eggs of the Pantanal caiman, Caiman crocodilus yacare. We monitored 57 caiman nests; 42 nests were opened and the eggs were counted (mean = 25 eggs/nest, SD = 4.3). Females were present and captured at 38 of those nests. The remaining 15 nests were used as controls, and we did not capture the females or open the egg cavities of these nests. Most of the nests had the eggs eaten by predators, in both the disturbed group (38 nests) and the control group (13 nests). The main predators were carnivorous mammals, such as crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous), coatis (Nasua nasua) and tayras (Eira barbara), although feral pigs (Sus scrofa) and armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) were also photographed eating caiman eggs. The lizard Salvator merianae was photographed eating eggs of two nests.  相似文献   

Landscape modification is a key driver of global species extinction. Thus, understanding how species react to changes is essential for effective conservation management in modified landscapes. We examined the impact of selected land use patterns on the critically endangered Ceratophora tennentii in the Knuckles mountain range of Sri Lanka where lizards occupy patches of both natural undisturbed forests and modified plantations – evidently, those with a forest canopy. We tested three potential explanations for non-random habitat selection: availability of suitable microhabitat pockets, availability of prey and direct threats from humans. The microhabitat pockets occupied by the lizards were characterised by shade, humidity and the density of perches. Most lizards were found in mixed cardamom forests followed by natural forests and cardamom plantations, but none were observed in the pine plantations. Food availability showed similar patterns among habitats. Direct mortality by humans did not influence the distribution of this species. Our work indicates that habitat modifications that retain the structural complexity of the vegetation would still permit the existence of the species in densities equal to or greater than that of undisturbed forest patches. It adds to a growing body of literature that signifies the importance of disturbed habitats (intermediate disturbance hypothesis) in protecting threatened species of fauna. It is highly unlikely that some disturbed habitats will be ever be returned to their former pristine state in time frames that are important for species’ conservation. Hence, attention is needed in developing suitable approaches to manage and conserve species across disturbed habitats.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1889-1903

An increasing amount of natural vegetation is being cleared in the tropics, prompting the questions of how disturbance influences the fauna, and the possible value of disturbed habitats as a means to conserve biodiversity. Three habitat types experiencing difference levels of disturbance farmland (most disturbed), cocoa plantations, and secondary forest (least disturbed) were examined in this study. Six localities of each of three disturbed habitat types were sampled for the spider families Araneidae, Tetragnathidae and Nephilidae, and compared to previous data from 46 localities of 16 natural habitats. Observed and estimated species richness, evenness and dominance of orb-weaving spiders differed significantly among the disturbed habitat types, with secondary forest having greater diversity than the mean for natural habitats in all these measures. Overall, disturbed habitats were not significantly different from natural habitats in species richness, evenness and dominance, and were therefore of conservation value.  相似文献   

Predation of eggs or nestlings is generally believed to be the most influential factor limiting passerine reproductive success. Thus, there should be strong selective pressures for birds to place their nests in sites that are inaccessible to predators or that are less likely to be discovered by them. We found and monitored 231 nests of 4 species of arboreal, cup-nesting birds: Western Wood-Pewee ( Contopus sordidulus ), Warbling Vireo ( Vireo gilvus ), American Robin ( Turdus migratorius ), and Yellow-rumped Warbler ( Dendroica coronata ). We determined strength of nest tree species selection by comparing nest trees and tree species availability. Western Wood-Pewees and Warbling Vireos demonstrated strong preference for placing nests in quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides ). Yellow-rumped Warblers showed a weak preference for aspen, and American Robins demonstrated no preference. We designed a series of experiments to determine whether yellow pine chipmunks ( Tamias amoenus ), an abundant nest predator, could climb aspen trees and, if so, what factors might prevent them from doing so. Yellow pine chipmunks were unable to climb aspen but showed no difficulty in climbing and maneuvering on lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta ) boles, which were identical in diameter to aspen boles. Refuge from chipmunks as potential nest predators is likely contributing to nest site selection for a few arboreal cup-nesting bird species where aspen trees are available.  相似文献   

Deciduous riparian ecosystems in the western United States provide habitat for a higher density of breeding birds than reported for any other avian habitat type and provide habitat for more breeding bird species than adjacent uplands. On the east slope of the Sierra Nevada, riparian ecosystems make up Molothrus ater )—an obligate brood parasite that forages on bare ground and feedlots but typically commutes to distinct shrubland or woodland habitats for breeding. We examined nest survival, brood parasitism, breeding phenology, and causes of nest failure for birds at North Lake and Rock Creek: 2 high-elevation (>2500 m) riparian breeding habitats adjacent to recreational development and within cowbird commuting distance to additional potential foraging sites. Nest survival tended to be higher for host species at Rock Creek than for those at North Lake, but parasitism rates were not significantly different between plots. Of 21 open-cup nesting species, 12 were parasitized. We found the highest rate of parasitism (92%) for Warbling Vireos ( Vireo gilvus ) at North Lake, and parasitism contributed to lower total nest survival there (14%). For nearly all species, parasitized nests were less successful and produced fewer young than nonparasitized nests. However, predation was the leading cause of complete nest failure across all species and contributed to the lowest total nest survival estimates for Western Wood-Pewees ( Contopus sordidulus, 11%) and Dusky Flycatchers ( Empidonax oberholseri, 15%) at North Lake and for Dark-eyed Juncos ( Junco hyemalis, 15%) at Rock Creek. Nest survival was relatively high for Western Wood-Pewees (41%) at Rock Creek and for Yellow Warblers ( Dendroica petechia, 47%) at North Lake. We noted whether the arrival of pack animals at pack-station corrals contributed to variation in cowbird numbers at corrals or in parasitism rates at the 2 sites. Cowbirds occupied corrals before and after pack-stock arrival, and most host clutches were completed prior to pack-stock arrival at nearby corrals, suggesting that the presence of pack animals did not directly affect cowbird host species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):713-735
Phintella piatensis is an unusual jumping spider because, despite being neither myrmecophagic nor myrmecomorphic, it associates with ants, including dangerous weaver ants. Although salticids typically spin cocoon‐like nests for use as shelters, the nests of Phintella are unusually dense. These play an important role in how Phintella adapts to living with ants. In experiments, intraspecific interaction and mating increased the risk of being killed by ants when there was no accessible nest, while access to a nest eliminated this risk. Additionally, while outside nests, seeing ants made Phintella reluctant to mate, this being an unusual example of a small animal with exceptional eyesight compensating for predation risk when making vision‐based mating decisions. On the whole, the behaviour of Phintella during intraspecific interaction had broad similarity to the pattern that is common in salticids, but with some of the details of courtship suggesting further adaptation to interacting in the presence of dangerous ants.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Crax globulosa is virtually unknown, this knowledge comprised of only a few anecdotal notes. We found nine nests of Crax globulosa in the middle section of the Juruá River, western Brazilian Amazon, during the dry season. Nests averaged 22.5 m from water and 13.3 m above the ground. We observed two nest types: five made of twigs, leaves and vines, and four within a bromeliad. All nests contained two eggs, but six (67%) were subsequently predated. A female tagged with a transmitter nested twice during the same breeding season. A chick was monitored together with its parents for > 10 months. In addition to hunting and habitat loss, nest predation could be another threat to this endangered species.  相似文献   

Cipo Canastero (Asthenes luizae) is a bird endemic to Brazilian mountaintops, inhabiting rock outcrop habitats of the campos rupestres in the southern Espinhaço Range. Available data about Cipo Canastero’s breeding biology are scarce, incomplete or inconsistent. All nests found to date were built in the plant Vellozia nivea. Based on 84 nests found from 2009 to 2017 in four sites at Serra do Cipó, we described in detail their nesting habits focusing on three groups of characters: nest architecture, composition, and placement. Also, we described nest building. Our major new findings on the nesting habits of A. luizae were: three nest layers distinguishable, inner lining covering the entire nest interior, tunnels and tubes are absent, and the nest sites are not restricted to V. nivea. We recorded a wide range of nest sites, from ground, grasses and rupicolous bromeliads to shrubs and trees, including at least 30 supporting-plant species. Nest supports varied among study sites. Nest building lasted 22 days (one nest) and was done by both members of the pair. Our data can be useful for species conservation and contribute to the knowledge of the natural history of the genus Asthenes.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1139-1154
Females of the digger wasp Clypeadon laticinctus prey exclusively on workers of the western harvester ant Pogonomyrmex occidentalis. There is considerable variability in the size of ant workers both within and between ant mounds, and wasps tend to select larger workers as prey. Worker ants were most likely to be outside the nest at surface temperatures of 25–35°C. Wasps were seen at ant mounds most frequently when surface temperatures were between 40 and 50°C. Wasps captured ants outside and inside ant nests. Predation attempts were equally likely to result in a successful capture in either location, but entering the ant nests was more time consuming. Approximately 63% of visits by wasps to ant mounds resulted in a successful prey capture. In general, ant mounds that were visually conspicuous or close to wasp nest aggregations were more likely to be visited by wasps. However, frequency of visitation and rates of predation at a given mound varied considerably from week to week. Agonistic interactions between female wasps involving chases and occasional fights were likely to occur whenever two wasps were simultaneously present at an ant mound, especially when the only access to prey was by entering the mound.  相似文献   

We qualified nest site characteristics, breeding densities, and migratory chronology of Long-billed Curlews at the Great Salt Lake, Utah. The species is apparently declining in Utah, and little is known about their breeding in the eastern Great Basin Desert. This study was designed to provide wildlife biologist with the baseline data useful for their successful management. Curlews arrived in northern Utah in late March and generally departed by mid-August. Nest densities at Great Salt Lake ranged from 0.64 to 2.36 males/km 2 . The habitat at curlew nest sites consisted of significantly shorter vegetation than nearby random locations ( ˉx = 5.7 versus 9.0 cm, respectively; P < .01). Nests tended to be located in small patches of vegetation near barren ground. Maintenance of relatively short vegetation appears to be important in managing curlew habitat. In addition, only 2 of 10 nests we monitored in 1992 were successful, with most lost to mammalian predators. Further research is needed to determine impact of mammalian predators on curlew populations.  相似文献   

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