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The paper describes two new Dugesia species collected from the rivers Messassi and Ntsetsensooh in Cameroon, representing the first planarian flatworms documented from this country. Based on morphological data, the new species Dugesia bijuga Harrath & Sluys, sp. nov. is characterized mainly by the presence of two diaphragms, a barrel-shaped penis that is traversed by numerous ducts of penis glands and is provided with a short nozzle, and the presence of two atrial folds. The other new species, Dugesia pustulata Harrath & Sluys, sp. nov., is characterized mainly by absence of a penis bulb, presence of a large, elongated and weakly muscular seminal vesicle, and by the ventroposterior section of the bursal canal being thrown into distinct folds. The phylogenetic position of the two new species was determined through a molecular phylogenetic tree, based on a mitochondrial and a nuclear gene, including species from the major geographical range of distribution of the genus Dugesia. The phylogenetic tree revealed that the Cameroon lineage does not constitute a monophyletic group with the other Afrotropical species; it also showed that the African continent may house a great diversity of Dugesia species that still remains to be discovered.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:007441A5-F037-4950-9F5B-AD6ED12A40ED  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2553-2566

A new genus and species of land planarian, Pichidamas piru gen. nov. sp. nov., is described from Pichidamas, province of Osorno in Southern Chile. Pichidamas piru is a sub-cylindrical and slender Geoplaninae characterized by the presence of a creeping sole extending 50% of the body width, a cephalic retractor muscle, five parenchymatic muscle layers, a male atrium with proximal tongue-like fold and distal adenodactyl; and ovovitelline ducts approaching the copulatory apparatus anteroventrally. Details of the organization of the cephalic retractor muscle, the absence of sensory pits, the existence of a parenchymatic muscle layer, located to the inside of the ventral peripheral nervous plexus, and an adenodactyl in the distal portion of the male atrium are unique traits seemingly reflecting an earlier branch of Geoplaninae.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:04423258-DB01-4CE3-A474-EF6B563C605C  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1153-1177
Three new Brazilian species of the neotropical land planarian genus Choeradoplana (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Continenticola: Geoplaninae) are described, making a total of nine species within the genus. All the new species share unique derived characters typical of the genus. Two of the new species exhibit important features representing morphological variations that were previously unknown for the genus: the dorsal cutaneous longitudinal muscle layer, as well as the ventral one, partially sunken into the parenchyma in one species, and the common ovovitelline duct approaching the copulatory apparatus ventrally in the other. As a consequence of these morphological variations, an emendation of the genus is proposed.  相似文献   

Small (c. 1 cm long) terrestrial planarians found in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and France are described as a new species, Marionfyfea adventor sp. nov. Individuals of the new species have a patchy brown external appearance with small, seemingly random pale blue-ish patches. They have multiple eyes, uniserial around the anterior end, biserial or triserial laterally for a short distance then sparsely uniserial and lateral to the posterior end. The anatomy is characterized by five or six pairs of ventral testes and a single pair of ovaries adjacent to the pharyngeal pouch. The base of each ovary is surrounded by parovarian cells. The penis is of the inverted type with a basal hemispherical seminal vesicle. Two adenodactyls, one ventral, one dorsal, are present in the common antrum. The only other known species of Marionfyfea is recorded only from the Auckland Islands, New Zealand and we assume that the new species has been introduced to Europe.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7AC3D565-0BEB-4B67-8BEC-11A13A70D663  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):601-613
In the present study, we review the genus Nippoptilia of Korea. In total, four species are recognized, including a new species, Nippoptilia distigmata sp. nov., and two new records, Nippoptilia cinctipedalis (Walker) and N. issikii Yano, for Korea. All the available information, such as distributional ranges and biology of each taxon, is provided. The keys to the genus Nippoptilia in Korea are provided, along with illustrations of external and genitalic characteristics.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1429-1455
The Atlantic and Mediterranean species of the genus Andaniexis Stebbing, 1906 (Amphipoda: Stegocephalidae) are reviewed, and three new species are described. The species Andaniexis abyssi (Boeck, 1871) which previously was considered a widely distributed species (from Baffin Bay to both Spitzbergen and the Skagerrak), is here divided into three species: Andaniexis abyssi s.str., Andaniexis gracilis n.sp. and Andaniexis lupus n.sp. These species, together with Andaniexis mimonectes Ruffo, 1975, all have allopatric distributions. This is especially evident in northern Norway, where A. abyssi has its northernmost limit: A. abyssi is found in Solbergfjorden (69°10′N), while Andaniexis lupus is found in the adjacent fjord Malangen (69°30′N, the southern limit of this species along the Norwegian coast). Andaniexis eilae n.sp. is described from Iceland. This species is not closely related to the other North Atlantic species of the same genus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2391-2423
The present study raises the number of Ampelisca species recorded from the Brazilian coast from 18 to 21. The amphipod fauna of the Brazilian northeast coast is hardly known compared to that of the southeast coast. In this study, we describe three new species from the northeast coast: Ampelisca pseudobicarinata sp. nov., Ampelisca rocasensis sp. nov. and Ampelisca cristianae sp. nov, recorded previously as Ampelisca aff. lobata (Serejo et al. 2000 Serejo, CS, Wakabara, Y and Valério-Berardo, MT. 2000. Taxonomy and geographic distribution of Ampelisca (Amphipoda: Gammaridea) from the Brazilian coast. Polsk Archiw Hydrobiol., 47(3–4): 495510.  [Google Scholar]). We also report a new record of Ampelisca burkei Barnard and Thomas, 1989 Barnard, JL and Thomas, JD. 1989. A new species, Ampelisca burkei, (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Florida. Proc Biol Soc Washington., 102(2): 375384.  [Google Scholar]. From the southeast coast a new species Ampelisca angraensis sp. nov. is described. An obscure species, Ampelisca soleata, which is very similar to Ampelisca brevisimulata, is herein redescribed and a neotype is designated. An updated key with all species of Ampelisca recorded from the Brazilian coast and comments on geographic distribution are given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2925-2935
Two new species of the genus Alloclubionoides from two National Parks of Korea are described with detailed illustrations, leg spination, trichobothrium patterns and scanning electron micrographs. Alloclubionoides wolchulsanensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from other Alloclubionoides spiders by a heart-shaped conductor with rounded base in the male palp and a large genital opening situated in the middle of the atrium, and a broadly cylinder-like copulatory duct in female. Alloclubionoides jirisanensis sp. nov. resembles Alloclubionoides napolovi (Ovtchinnikov, 1999 Zhang, ZS, Zhu, MS and Song, DX. 2007. Three new species of the genus Ambanus Ovtchinnikov, 1999 from China (Araneae: Amaurobiidae: Coelotinae). Zootaxa., 1425: 2128.  [Google Scholar]) but can be distinguished from it by the ‘Y’-shaped conductor dorsal apophysis and wound distal part of conductor.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2387-2400
The identity of Alloclubionoides paikwunensis (Kim and Jung, 1993 Kim, JP and Jung, CH. 1993. A new species of the genus Coelotes (Araneae: Agelenidae) from Korea. Kor Arachnol., 9: 16.  [Google Scholar]) is clarified by examination of type specimen and the female of the species is redescribed with additional collections and illustrated. Alloclubionoides solea sp. nov. from the Dadohaehaesang Marine National Park, southern Korea is described with detailed illustrations, leg spination, trichobothrium patterns and scanning electron micrographs. The new species can be distinguished from other Alloclubionoides spiders by the male palpal organs, which feature an embolus with a crescent-shaped distal part surrounded by a large conductor, and by the female genitalia, which feature a large genital opening situated in the side of atrium and broadly spiral copulatory ducts. Furthermore, Coelotes samaksanensis Namkung, 2001 Namkung, J. 2001. The spiders of Korea, 648Seoul (South Korea): Kyo-Hak Pub. Co.. in Korean [Google Scholar] is found to be a junior synonym of A. paikwunensis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1529-1546
Amaga amagensis, the type species of the genus Amaga, and Amaga bogotensis are re-described. Detailed analysis of the morphology of A. amagensis revealed important taxonomic features, such as testes located dorsally to the supraintestinal parenchymal muscular layer, and secretory accumulations opening through the lateral margins of the body. These characters, as well as other morphological features, are discussed, culminating in an emendation of the generic diagnosis of Amaga. Amaga bogotensis exhibits a characteristic set of morphological features, namely an eversible penis, a male atrium lined with large musculosecretory papillae, and independent muscular coats around both male and female atrium. Therefore, a new genus is proposed for this species.  相似文献   

Eight new species of Promalactis were discovered from Indonesia: Promalactis diazomatis sp. nov., Promalactis hamatella sp. nov., Promalactis ingenticula sp. nov., Promalactis laetusella sp. nov., Promalactis latifundus sp. nov., Promalactis minutispina sp. nov., Promalactis mooatana sp. nov. and Promalactis trigonilancis sp. nov. Illustrations of adults and genitalia of the new species and taxonomic information for the six previously known species from Indonesia are provided. A checklist of the genus in Indonesia is given.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E25224C7-2D41-4F5A-A4BB-41AA1307E0C0  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2519-2535
Most species of the Old World pseudoscorpion genus Megachernes are associated with mammals, either within their nests or in their pelage, whereas others are found in cave systems, usually in bat guano. The first Sri Lankan species of the genus, Megachernes kanneliyensis, is described from the fur of an endemic, threatened Sri Lankan mouse, Mus mayori pococki from the Kanneliya rainforest. The species is compared with other species of the genus. Host associations of all named and several unnamed species of Megachernes are reviewed, with two main habitat types, those found in mammal nests and in their pelage, and those found in bat guano. Based on similarities with Megachernes, Chiridiochernes is transferred to Lamprochernetinae as the spermathecae are T-shaped, the sole diagnostic feature of the subfamily.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):259-285
The genus Sanyuania Zhao and Han, 1980 Zhao, G. and Han, D. 1980. “Late Quaternary brackish‐water ostracod faunas from the area to the west of Weishanhu Lake, Jiangsu and their significance.”. In Papers on Marine Micropaleontology, Edited by: Wang, P. 120129. Beijing (China): Ocean Press.  [Google Scholar] is here transferred from the Cytherideidae to the Loxoconchidae, based on the morphology of valves and soft parts. Sanyuania segersi sp. nov., is described from a freshwater habitat, a river, in Thailand. This is the first record of this genus in Southeast Asia. The new species has a number of remarkable characters distinguishing it from other members in the genus and family: invicidont hinge, spearhead‐like protruding posterior extremity of carapace in dorsal view, subtriangular shape of carapace in lateral view, sieve plate without a central seta (sensillum) and an aberrant chaetotaxy of first and second antennae. The new taxon is compared with other recent freshwater loxoconchids [Cytheromorpha fuscata (Brady, 1869 Brady, G. S. 1869. Contributions to the study of the Entomostraca. IV. Ostracoda from the River Scheldt and the Grecian Archipelago.. Ann Mag Nat Hist ser 4., 3: 4450.  [Google Scholar]), Elofsonia baltica (Hirschmann, 1909), Loxoconcha elliptica Brady, 1868, Loxoconcha galilea Lerner‐Seggev, 1968, Pseudolimnocythere hartmanni Danielopol, 1979 Danielopol, D. L. 1979. On the origin and the antiquity of the Pseudolimnocythere species (Ostracoda, Loxoconchidae).. Biol Gallo‐Hellen., 8: 99107.  [Google Scholar], Pseudolimnocythere hypogaea Klie, 1938 Klie, W. 1938. Ostracoden aus unterirdischen Gewässern in Süditalien.. Zool Anz., 123: 148154.  [Google Scholar]] using (1) phylogenetic analyses and (2) analyses of the chaetotaxy of the first antenna and second and third thoracopods, by comparison with an ontogenetic series of Loxoconcha japonica Ishizaki, 1968. The results from both types of analyses are congruent and reveal that Sanyuania segersi sp. nov., Pseudolimnocythere and Loxoconcha are in a more derived clade in the Loxoconchidae and are closely related to each other, whereas Cytheromorpha and Elofsonia are more ancestral.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2049-2064
Two new species of the genus Crassolabium are described from natural areas in Vietnam. Crassolabium aenigmaticum sp. nov. is characterized by its body 1.23–1.58 mm long, lip region continuous, odontostyle 17.0–19.0 μm long, neck 320.0–397.0 μm long, uterus tripartite, pars refringens vaginae with two triangular pieces separated by an intermediate sclerotized area, V?=?54–59, vulva longitudinal, tail short and rounded in both sexes, spicules 43.0–48.0 μm long, and seven to eight spaced ventromedian supplements. C. vietnamense sp. nov. can be distinguished in having body 1.55–1.88 mm long, lip region offset by constriction, odontostyle 19.5–22.0 μm long, neck 370.0–448.0 μm long, uterus very long and tripartite, pars refringens vaginae with two close together pieces, V?= 55–59, vulva transverse and usually covered with a plug, tail short and rounded in both sexes, spicules 53.0–55.0 μm long, and eight to nine spaced ventromedian supplements, two of them within the range of spicules.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1279-1298
A new genus of freshwater crab, Ghatiana, with two new species, Ghatiana aurantiaca and Ghatiana hyacintha, and a new species of Gubernatoriana Bott, 1970, are described from the Western Ghat Mountains in Maharashtra State, India. Ghatiana is most similar to Gubernatoriana by its wide, highly arched carapace and by the shape of the male abdomen. Nevertheless, the new genus can be distinguished from Gubernatoriana by the broadness of carapace, length of male abdomen, shape of sixth abdominal somite, length of telson and length of G1 terminal article. Ghatiana aurantiaca sp. nov. and G. hyacintha sp. nov. are distinguished by differences in body colour, carapace width, and G1 morphology, whereas Gubernatoriana triangulus sp. nov. is distinguished from two other known species [Gubernatoriana gubernatoris (Alcock, 1909) and Gubernatoriana pilosipes (Alcock, 1909)] by its triangular G1 subterminal segment and by its carapace morphology. Keys to the species of both the genera are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:36BAA1EA-DC15-4B06-BA09-7BD26C63FF54  相似文献   

Taxonomy of a tetrigid genus Saussurella Bolivar is reviewed. One new species, Saussurella brachycornis sp. nov. is described from China and an updated identification key to all known species of the genus is given, as well as brief comments on phylogenetic relationships and distributions of the genus.  相似文献   

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