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Six new species of Microstigmus are described and illustrated. Nests and other aspects of their biology, when known, are also described. Microstigmus puncticeps sp. n. (northern Brazil and Peru) and M. xanthosceles sp. n. (Central America and western Colombia) belong to two distinct groups not closely related to previously described species. Microstigmus cooperi sp. n. and M. crucifex sp. n. (both from northern Brazil and Colombia) represent basal lineages within the large group including M. brasiliensis, M. theridii, M. lobifex, etc. Microstigmus flavus sp. n. (southeastern Brazil) is closely related to M. lobifex. Microstigmus simplex sp. n. (northern Brazil) is a basal lineage within the group containing M. guianensis and M. arlei. Reuse of nests of M. nigrophthalmus by M. flavus sp. n. and of M. crucifex sp. n. by a species of the M. theridii complex is reported for the first time for Microstigmus.  相似文献   

Revision of the Palaearctic species of the genus Clinocentrus Haliday is given. The composition and geographic distribution of the genus Clinocentrus and the probable generic position of fossil species described by Brues (1933) as Clinocentrus are discussed. The systematic position of this genus in Exothecinae is also discussed and arguments presented to support the differentiation of exothecines and rogadines. Nine species of Clinocentrus are figured and re-described. Three new species and two new subspecies are figured and described: C. kalmyk from Kalmykia, C. kozlovi from Mongolia, C. rhysipoloides from Primorsk Territory of Russia, C. umbratilis ssp. disruptus from Taiwan and C. vestigator ssp. orientalis from Primorsk Territory of Russia. C. stigmaticus Marshall, 1897 and C. jaroshevskyi Telenga, 1941 are synonymized with C. vestigator (Haliday, 1836); C. tarsalis Ashmead, 1894—with C. exsertor (Nees, 1812) and C. gracilipes (Thomson, 1891)—with C. cunctator (Haliday, 1836), Lectotypes of Exothecus analis Wesmael, 1838 and C. antefurcalis Granger, 1949 are designated. The new combination is given: Rhysipolis antefurcalis (Granger). A key to 12 Palaearctic species of Clinocentrus is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1611-1615
Nesting behaviour and prey of two species of Pseudoplisus, a gorytine wasp genus in the sphecid subfamily Nyssoninae, are described. P. natalensis is a solitary nester in southern Africa nesting often in the soil in flower-pots. P. ranosahae in Madagascar nests in the ground in large aggregations. Both species show a high degree of prey specificity. Nests are provisioned only with large adult froghoppers (Aphrophoridae), P. natalensis preying on Ptyelus grossus and P. ranosahae on Ptyelus goudoti.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1331-1337
A study of the biology of Stizus perrisii ibericus revealed some aspects about the behaviour of males, the nesting behaviour of females, and larval development. The slow mass provisioning of this species is compared with the provisioning behaviour of S. continuus and S. pulcherrimus. Cocoons are constructed in seven stages although, compared with other species, there are differences in the duration of each stage. Natural enemies of the wasp include miltogrammine flies, several cuckoo wasps, and velvet ants.  相似文献   

Nest construction behaviour and nest site selection are described for seven species of Afrotropical Ammophila.

Four species were atypical in their nest siting. Ammophila beniniensis selected shaded sites in well vegetated habitats, A. vulcania selected small clumps of vegetation in otherwise open habitats. A. insignis nested in vertical banks, old animal burrows and caves. A. braunsi is unique amongst Ammophila in its use of abandoned burrows of other wasps in non-friable clay soils. A. ferrugineipes, A. dolichodera and A. dolichocephala nested mostly in open habitats.

Methods of soil waste disposal, sealing of nests and their final coverage, differed interspecifically, in some cases intraspecifically, but often apparently in response to the habitat.

Temperature conditions, affected by habitat, influenced the depth to which nests were dug by some species. A. insignis switched sites in response to seasonal changes in temperature regimes in vertical banks.

The existence in particular species of both primitive and advanced aspects of nesting behaviour questions their use in assessing the evolutionary status of these species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2559-2575
The parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of Macrosiphoniella del Guercio (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from the western Palaearctic region are reviewed and keyed. The host associations and distribution of each species are summarized. Aphidius stigmaticus sp. nov. reared from Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria on Tanacetum polycephalum, which is another member of the Macrosiphoniella aphid parasitoid guild from high-mountain habitats in western Iran, is described in the present contribution. Some taxonomic problems within Macrosiphoniella parasitoid guilds are discussed as well.  相似文献   

A second species of Josephiella Narendran, J. microcarpae, is described and figured, based on specimens reared in Hawaii, California and the Canary Islands. This wasp develops in galls on the leaves of Ficus microcarpa L., a widely cultivated ornamental banyan tree that is native to South-East Asia and adjacent islands. It has not been found on any other hosts. Both sexes are described, and males, which are apparently all fully winged, are relatively rare. We postulate that this wasp is a recent introduction into Hawaii, California and the Canary Islands, from an unknown location in South-East Asia, where Ficus microcarpa is native.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1587-1605
Five genera of Eunotinae are included in this paper. Ophelosia, Moranila, Cephaleta, Eunotus are reviewed and a new genus Cavitas is described. Four new species, Cavitas concava sp. nov., Eunotus applanatus sp. nov., E. strenus sp. nov. and E. aequalivenus sp. nov. are described. The type specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1517-1563
A total of 53 Amiota (s. str.) species (75% of the world total) from Asia and Europe, including 10 new species, kamui, kimurai and planata from Japan, and aristata, cuii, macai, magniflava, nuerhachii, spinata and watabei from China, are reviewed with designation of two new synonymies and phylogenetic analysis. Based upon the result of cladistic analysis with 31 adult male morphological characters, the following conclusions are deduced: (1) The subgenus Amiota is monophyletic, so far as the Asian and European forms are concerned. (2) Seven monophyletic groups are recognized within this subgenus. Two of them correspond to known species-groups, the apodemata and sinuata groups, and the remaining five are established as new species-groups, the nagatai, basdeni, taurusata, alboguttata and rufescens groups. A key to all the studied species from Asia and Europe is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1131-1164
One new genus Songmachilis and six new species in family Machilidae are described from China: Songmachilis xinxiangensis gen. sp. nov., Coreamachilis songi sp. nov., Pedetontinus jiuzhaiensis sp. nov., Pedetontinus maijiensis sp. nov., Pedetontinus taishanensis sp. nov. and. Pedetontinus wudangensis sp. nov. A key to all Chinese species of Pedetontinus is given. We also examined the relationships among Chinese machilids based on partial sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). The molecular study further supported the species status of the six new taxa.  相似文献   

The present catalogue lists 144 species and one subspecies described by Delucchi (134), Delucchi et al. (eight), Ferrière in Delucchi (two), and Ferrière and Delucchi (one). Name-bearing types are deposited in the entomological collections at the Lund University (three), the Natural History Museums of Budapest (three), Geneva (nine), London (four), Oxford (one), Paris (three), and Vienna (35), the Royal Africa Museum, Tervuren (26), and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (60). The actual depository of the name-bearing types of one species and the subspecies (Scelionidae) is unknown. Lectotypes of 15 species are here designated. Twenty new synonyms are established, Eulophidae: Entedon erdoesi Delucchi= E. metatarsalis Thomson. Pteromalidae: Gitognathus gibberosus Delucchi and Lamprotatus kerrichi Delucchi= Sphaeripalpus viridis Förster; Glyphognathus umbelliferae Graham= G. convexus (Delucchi); Kentema viride Delucchi= Merismus megapterus Walker; Lamprotatus cupreus Delucchi, L. ornatus Delucchi, and L. rusticus Delucchi= L. splendens Westwood; Lamprotatus flavus Delucchi= L. crassipes Thomson; Lamprotatus montanus Delucchi= L. picinervis Thomson; Miscogaster fulgens Delucchi= M. rufipes Walker; Miscogaster lucens Delucchi= M. hortensis Walker; Seladerma agreste Delucchi= S. convexum Walker; Seladerma luteolum Delucchi= S. bicolor Walker; Seladerma nobile Delucchi and S. violaceum Delucchi= S. laetum Walker; Skeloceras cerebrosum Delucchi= Lamprotatus truncatus (Fonscolombe); Skeloceras glaucum Delucchi= Lamprotatus novickyi (Delucchi); Stictomischus lamprosomus Graham= S. nitentis Delucchi; Telepsogos helveticus Delucchi= Seladerma nigrum (Delucchi). Twelve new combinations are proposed, Eulophidae: Achrysocharoides parva (Delucchi) (from Enaysma); Aprostocetus hanangensis (Delucchi), A. longiscutulum (Delucchi), A. scutellaris (Delucchi), Neotrichoporoides crassianulus (Delucchi), N. microstigma (Delucchi), and Pracetus stramenticius (Delucchi) (all from Tetrastichus); Notanisomorphella bicolor (Delucchi) (from Sunha); Platyplectrus meruensis (Delucchi) (from Euplectromorpha). Pteromalidae: Glyphognathus convexus (Delucchi) (from Stictomischus) and G. nitidus (Delucchi) (from Sphaeripalpus); Theocolax oblonga (Delucchi) (from Cerocephala). The paper provides taxonomic notes on several species, references to published figures of and detailed information on type specimens. Parts of them, mostly antennae and wings, were mounted on slides by Delucchi and were contained in a hitherto unknown slide collection. These slides are individually associated with the respective specimens.  相似文献   

An illustrated key to the females of Euurobracon is provided. Three new species and two new subspecies are described: E. interstitialis sp. nov. from Malaysia; E. denticephalus sp. nov. from Dutch New Guinea; E. latitempus sp. nov. from New Guinea; E. cephalotes sumatranus ssp. nov. from Sumatra; impossibilis curticaudis ssp. nov. from Papua New Guinea. E. quadriceps var. apicalis Roman is raised to specific status. The following new synonyms are proposed: Euurobracon maculipennis (Cameron, 1910) (= E. triplagiata (Cameron, 1900)); E. melanospilus (Cameron, 1910) (= E. yokahamae (Dalla Torre, 1898)); E. merinotoides (Enderlein, 1920) (= E. forticornis (Cameron, 1905)); E. montivagus (Cameron, 1910) (= E. cephalotes cephalotes (Smith, 1858); stat. nov.); Collastes nigropectus (Cameron, 1911) (= E. yokahamae (Dalla Torre, 1898)). Two species are excluded from Euurobracon for the first time: E. nitidulus Brues, 1922 and E. mandibularis Brues, 1924. Each species of Euurobracon is fully described.  相似文献   

Cerceris species are remarkably constant in their prey preferences. Records are presented from diverse localities that confirm prey constancy in five species. An apparent exception is noted in the case of C. crotonella Viereck & Cockerell. A mixed aggregation of C. fumipennis Say and C. californica Cresson is reported, both preying upon Buprestidae and using some of the same species. Nest and prey of C. conifrons Mickel are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Sixty-two species of primarily ground-nesting Sphercidae were studied in order to assess their counter-cleptoparasitic behaviour against nine species of associated cleptoparastic miltogrammine flies. Fly larviposition was altered or thwarted by species-specific nesting patterns and distinctive behavioural components of the wasps. Pre-larvipositional, counter-cleptoparasitic behaviours included freeze-stops, face-offs, diversionary and chasing flights, butting, stinging and male nestguarding. Post-larvipositional counter-cleptoparasitic behaviours involved the actual removal of maggots from the prey by the wasp, cell and burrow cleaning, prey and cell abandonment and maggot destruction by the larvae of progressive provisioning species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1849-1859
Four members of the small, mainly Neotropical, whitefly subfamily Aleurodicinae, Aleurodicus dispersus Russell, Paraleyrodes bondari Peracchi, P. citricolus Costa Lima and P. minei Iaccarino, are now established in the western Palaearctic, where all have economic impact. Keys are presented to enable their identification. The puparium of P. citricolus is redescribed, and the adult male is described for the first time.  相似文献   


Data are presented on the nests and prey of seven species of Crabro from diverse localities in North America. In two instances (virgatus and largior) this is the first published report. Further information is provided for the following previously studied species: argusinus, advena, cribrellifer, latipes, and monticola. Behavioural differences among these species are not conspicuous. Most are rather general fly predators, but cribrellifer appears to show a strong preference for Asilidae. There are also differences in type of soil used for nesting and in antipredator behaviour such as approach flights and daily cycles of activity. Two species, largior and monticola, provision their nests early in the morning, before miltogrammine flies are active in numbers. All species probably make cells of two sizes, larger cells containing more prey and producing females, smaller cells males.  相似文献   

An account is given of Simulium xanthinum, an unfamiliar simuliid of the southwestern Palaearctic area remarkable for its mainly bright orange-yellow adult and for the clear yellow-green colour of its larva when alive. The species is described in all life stages (except the unknown egg), and the name Simulium gaudi confirmed as a new synonym of S. xanthinum after examination of types and other material. The finding is reported of pupae and larvae in several limestone streams of Andalusia (southern Spain), notably in the headwaters of the Rio Guadalquivir. SEM examination of the heavily sculptured surface of the pupal gill seems to reveal the occurrence of rows of micropores, and this finding is briefly discussed for its bearing on current debate about the nature of the simuliid pupal gill plastron.  相似文献   

The list of Phoridae recorded from Tasmania is increased from five species in three genera to at least 52 species in eight genera. One species on the original list is transferred to the status of being incertae sedis. One new genus and 37 new species are described, two being reported from mainland Australia also. One species was previously only known from New Zealand, five from mainland Australia, four from Europe but one of which is now an almost cosmopolitan tramp species and one being from the Holarctic Region. However, one of the 'European' species may have orginally been introduced to Europe from Tasmania. Keys to genera, to all known species of Aphiura, to the Tasmanian species of Megaselia and to the Australasian species of Metopina are provided. A newly named and a new mainland Australian species of Aphiura, three mainland Australasian species of Metopina and three from Papua New Guinea are described and seven undescribed males (given code letters only) of this genus are included in the key (four from Papua New Guinea, two from Western Australia and one from Tonga). Aphiura and Paraphiura are transferred to the tribe Metopinini and the tribe Beckerinini is set aside, as it cannot be satisfactorily characterized as it is currently conceived. Megaselia dissita is synonymized with M. comparabilis.  相似文献   

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