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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1849-1863
Based on morphometric and allozyme data of a large sample of black-chinned tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron, originating from over its entire geographical distribution range, the subspecific classification of this species has been revised. One subspecies, S. m. paludinosus, is synonymized with S. m. heudelotii. The validity of another subspecies, S. m. leonensis, is questioned. The remaining three subspecies, S. m. melanotheron, S. m. heudelotii and S. m. nigripinnis are clearly distinguished as separate taxa.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1879-1897
The distribution range of ants of the genus Gnamptogenys is analysed, with special reference to the Old World species, and two closely related genera: Rhytidoponera and Ectatomma. The study is based upon a cladistic biogeographic analysis, recognizing the following areas of endemism: Central America, South America, Philippine Islands, New Guinea, Australia, Solomons/Fiji and South-East Asia. These results are followed by a consensus of different information sources (phylogenetic, natural history, past and present distribution, palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatological) for explaining the present and past distribution of Gnamptogenys and related genera. The area cladogram shows repeated instances of sister relations between Old World and New World taxa at different depths within the tree. Subtree analysis further suggests a common sister relation between Gondwanan landmasses. The distribution of the Gnamptogenys is interpreted as a product of vicariance, starting with the separation of Gondwana, and subsequent dispersal into South-East Asia and Melanesia via rafting on the Australian craton. The desiccation of Australia during the Oligocene was detrimental to the presence of Gnamptogenys but favoured expansion of Rhytidoponera. The study illustrates that a cladistic biogeographic scenario may be supported by a consensus of data from various sources, and also suggests a pre-Tertiary diversification of ant fauna.  相似文献   

Two new species of rhagidiid mites are described from Oetztal Alps, Tyrol, Troglocheles archetypica n. sp. and T. aggerata n. sp. Their interspecific relationships are discussed and two new species-groups, T. strasseri and T. vornatscheri, are defined. A key to the known adult species of the genus Troglocheles Zacharda is given. Phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships among the known talus- and cave-dwelling species of this genus are briefly outlined, including the possibilities of sympatric versus allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):355-372
A species group, the Protohermes parcus group of the dobsonfly genus Protohermes, is proposed by the unique male genitalic structures. Five species belonging to the proposed species group from China and Nepal are described and illustrated, including three species new to science. A cladistic analysis is conducted to reconstruct the interspecific phylogeny within the proposed species group based on the morphological data. The biogeography of the proposed species group is also discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1089-1192
The genus Mothocya is fully revised. Irona Schioedte and Meinert is placed in synonymy with Mothocya. All named species but one, including 18 new species, are described and figured in detail. A further eight undescribed species are listed. With one exception Mothocya species are all gill parasites found principally on atherinomorph fishes of the families Hemiramphidae, Belonidae, and Atherinidae. Brief accounts are given of the biogeography, biology and host-parasite interaction of the species of Mothocya. Keys to the species are provided for the different major biogeographic regions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1609-1630
Cephalastor Giordani Soika is a small Neotropical genus of eumenine wasps comprising 12 species, most of them described at the beginning of this century. The genus was revised by Garcete-Barrett, and a cladistic analysis carried out. Cephalastor humeralis n. sp. and C. minarum n. sp. are described herein, and the phylogenetic relationships among the species of the genus inferred from morphological data. A total of 34 characters were constructed (an increase of more than 209% from Garcete-Barrett's 2003 Garcete-Barrett, BR. 2003. La taxonomía del género Cephalastor Soika (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), parte II. Bol Mus Nac Hist Nat Parag., 14(1–2): 8097.  [Google Scholar] study) and new taxa added as outgroups. The monophyly of the genus was corroborated, and the relationships were stable under both equal and implied weighting schemes. New collecting records are added for Cephalastor bossanova Garcete-Barrett and Cephalastor estela Garcete-Barrett.  相似文献   

Six new species of Pityophthorus from Mexico are described. The new species, all in the Scriptor group, are: atkinsoni, diminutivus, equihuai, thamnus, trunculus and zexmenivora . An additional locality record for P. coronarius Blackman is included. A new key to the 22 species included in the Scriptor group is presented.      相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1179-1197
Explorations by the German Research Vessel Sonne in the fore-arc and back-arc basins of the western Pacific Ocean have collected vestimentiferan tube worms from both warm vent and cold seep sites. Edison Seamount is a small volcanic cone on the southern flank of Lihir Island, in the Tabar-Feni island chain. Beds of vesicomyid clams on the summit (1450 m depth) are associated with hydrothermal effluent, whereas an uplifted scarp (1600 m depth) nearby is covered by low temperature gas-rich sediments. A methane anomaly has been detected in the water column above the scarp. The benthic fauna includes vestimentiferan tubeworms and bathymodiolid mussels. Bottom photographs show that the vestimentiferans occur singly or in small groups. Four specimens were collected by TV-guided grab. They are described as a new species of a new genus, related to the cold-seep genus Escarpia, of the family Escarpiidae. A single specimen obtained from the landward slope of the Java Trench (1500m) is identified as the same species, extending its area of distribution by some 6000 km westward. Arcovestia ivanovi, already known from hydrothermal vents in the Manus Basin, has now been obtained from a hydrothermal site in the North Fiji Basin.  相似文献   


A note is given on the status of Pseudathyma callina Grose-Smith and Pseudathyma sybillina Staudinger. A new species is described, and one name synonymized.  相似文献   

A new species of scavenger amphipod of the genus Stephonyx is described and illustrated. The specimen was caught at 1150 m depth with a modified rectangular lobster trap positioned on the sea bottom in the central Gulf of California, Mexico. The new species is characterised by the absence of eyes; the lateral cephalic lobes medially developed and acute; antennae subequal in length; gnathopod 1 chelate, dactylus simple with three distal stout setae, inner margin sinuous with minute setae; gnathopod 2 subchelate, carpus with ventral margin crenulate, propodus subovate, palm deeply excavate, and dactylus slightly shorter than palm; maxilliped inner plate laceolate, with seven marginal nodular robust setae, distally; telson, each lobe with two dorsal robust setae, distal margin truncated, with one penicillate and two simple setae, in addition to two short spines. Stephonyx californiensis sp. nov. is morphologically similar to S. arabiensis, S talismani, S. laqueus and S. perexcavatus. The new species increases the number of Stephonyx species around the world to 14, with one species inhabiting from the continental shelf to abyssal depths (to 3000 m), 11 species occurring in bathyal depths (201–2000 m), and two other species restricted to abyssal depths (2001–4000 m).

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:346C3B15-E56A-4E17-9C5F-C9FDBB2AED92  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1841-1847
Bees of the genus Megalopta have gained attention as a result of their social nesting and nocturnal foraging. Seventeen nests of Meglaopta atra from the highlands of Chiriqui Province, Panama, were collected at the end of the dry season when brood rearing is expected to be at its peak. Most nests contained single females; within multifemale nests only one female possessed enlarged ovarioles, although some non‐reproductive individuals were inseminated. In two of these nests reproductive individuals were clearly larger in body size than nestmates, but body size variation and macrocephaly were equivalent to those found in other Neotropical augochlorines. There was no evidence of a non‐reproductive worker‐like caste and multifemale nests did not appear to be more productive than solitary nests, which may represent pre‐reproductive assemblages. Megalopta atra appears to be isolated by altitude from co‐geners common in Panama, this is discussed in comparison with temperate halictine bees, in which environmental clines separate solitary from social populations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1507-1516
Thrybius togashii Kusigemati is found to be an ectoparasitoid of larvae of a phytophagous eurytomid, Tetramesa sp. (Hymenoptera), growing gregariously in internodal cavities of reeds (Phragmites japonica Steud.), in Japan. The female of T. togashii oviposits into reed canes and its predaceous larva consumes almost all eurytomid larvae in an internodal cavity. This species is bivoltine. The mode of parasitism of this species is unique in some respects. First, when the female oviposits, no food resources are available in the reed. Second, the parasitoid allows part of the host larvae to grow and exploits increasing food resources. The egg, pupa and first to final instar larvae and adult male are described and figured for the first time. Colour dimorphism in both sexes and adult morphology adapted to habitat and ovipositional substrate are also discussed.  相似文献   


This study investigated the influence of temporal and seasonal variation (rainy/dry cycle) on the component community structure and infracommunities of parasites in Metynnis lippincottianus from the eastern Amazon (Brazil). A total of 8,774 parasites representing 9 species and 22,765 parasites representing 12 species was collected in 2011 and 2016 respectively, but only 42.8% of the species were common to both study years. In both years, there was a dominance of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and the component community was 51% dissimilar. The species richness of parasites and the Berger–Parker dominance were higher in 2016, while the evenness and Brillouin diversity were higher in 2011. The prevalence and abundance of I. multifiliis and P. pillulare, as well as the prevalence of Contracaecum sp. were higher in the rainy season. The abundance of Anacanthorus strongylophalus, Urocleidoides sp., Dadayus pacupeva and Dadaytrema oxycephala was higher in the dry season. Infection with Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus was not influenced by the season, while by Trichodina sp. occurred only in the dry season and Ergasilus xinguensis only in the rainy season. The species richness of parasites, Brillouin diversity index and evenness were higher in the dry season, while the Berger–Parker index was higher in the rainy season. Temporal variation of communities and infracommunities of parasites was influenced by the body size of host populations and increase in anthropogenic impacts. Effect of seasons on environmental quality, host size and availability of infective stages of parasites were the determining factors in structuring the component communities and infracommunities of parasites.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):2293-2314
A new genus and species of Rotoitidae, Chiloe micropteron Gibson and Huber, is described from females and one male from Chile. The taxon is the second known genus and species, and the male is the only one known for the family. Scanning electron micrographs illustrate external and internal structure of C. micropteron females, and external structure of Rotoita basalis  相似文献   


Brachygaster minutus is a parasite of the oothecae of three species of British field-dwelling cockroaches belonging to the genus Ectobius. This species has previously received very little attention probably due to its restricted occurrence in Britain and the difficulties encountered in its collection. The life cycle and development of the parasite is described. The species is solitary in habit, the single larva overwintering within the ootheca as a final instar. The emergence of the adult the following summer is perfectly synchronized with the occurrence in the field of the particular cockroach species. Aspects of the mating and oviposition behaviour of the parasite are described.  相似文献   

Lycastopsis catarractarum Feuerborn, 1931 is redescribed and a neotype designated. A full synonymy is given and all known records of the species are examined. Gut contents are analysed for two populations (Papua New Guinea and Fiji) and the feeding biology and ecology are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2889-2895
The parasitic isopod genus Scyracepon Tattersall, 1905 is recorded from China for the first time, and a new species, Scyracepon distincta, is described from the host Jonas distinctus (Brachyura: Corystidae). Females of the new species can be distinguished from those of the other six species of Scyracepon by their subequal mid-dorsal projections on pereomeres 6 and 7 (lacking on other pereomeres) and pleonal segments with medial but not lateral fusion. Males of the new species have the first two pleomeres free, pleomeres 3–5 fused, and bear midventral tubercles on all pereomeres and the first pleomere. This is the first record of any species of Corystidae bearing parasitic isopods. Remarks on, and a key to, the seven known species of Scyracepon are provided.  相似文献   

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