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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1835-1878
We describe here Eodrepanus gen. nov., currently comprising nine species, six previously assigned to the genus Drepanocerus and three described as new (namely, E. morgani sp. nov., E. paolae sp. nov. and E. coopei sp. nov.). Two of the new species have an Afrotropical distribution, while the last is an Eemian fossil species from England. Maximum parsimony was used to analyse reciprocal relationships among the species of Eodrepanus gen. nov., and four of the 24 species remaining in Drepanocerus. Support for these phylogenies was evaluated using the Bootstrap method and Bayesian inference as implemented in MrBayes. The biogeography of Eodrepanus gen. nov. was analysed using several different methods, namely, analysis of similarity (Ochiai Index), dispersal–vicariance analysis and parsimony analysis of endemicity.  相似文献   

Two new species of mites of the genus Premicrodispus Cross, 1965 (Acari: Microdispidae) are described and illustrated from northern Iran: Premicrodispus paramaevi Hosseininaveh and Hajiqanbar sp. nov. recovered from Lucanus ibericus (Col.: Lucanidae) and Premicrodispus spinosus Hosseininaveh and Hajiqanbar sp. nov. from Corticeus unicolor (Col.: Tenebrionidae). It is the first phoretic record of the microdispid mites on beetles of the family Tenebrionidae. A key to Palaearctic species of the genus Premicrodispus is provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:49368637-B8D0-4697-9184-28B33B89962A  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1331-1401
The weevil genus Ita Tournier, 1878 Tournier, H. 1878. Sur deux genres nouveaux de Curculionides. Ann Soc Entomol Belg (C R)., 21: XVIIIXIX.  [Google Scholar] is revised, its phylogeny inferred and its historical biogeography discussed. Its nomenclatural history is detailed and its taxonomic placement within the Curculionidae is examined; the genus is ascribed to the subfamily Curculioninae, tribe Itini. The type specimens of all the described names referable to this genus were examined and lectotypes designated. Ten new species are described. The synonymy Xeronoma Iablokov-Khnzorian, 1964 Iablokov-Khnzorian, SM. 1964. New genera and species of Coleoptera from Transcaucasus and middle Asia. Zool Sb Zool Inst Akad Nauk Armyanskoi SSR, 13: 151186.  [Google Scholar] = Ita Tournier, 1878 Tournier, H. 1878. Sur deux genres nouveaux de Curculionides. Ann Soc Entomol Belg (C R)., 21: XVIIIXIX.  [Google Scholar] syn. nov. is proposed. The natural history is detailed: all the species for which data are available live in halophytic habitats and are associated with the former family Chenopodiaceae. Inference on phylogeny and hypotheses on historical biogeography are proposed: the genus has probably differentiated not later than the upper Miocene along the south-eastern coasts of the Paratethys; a subsequent radiation occurred as a consequence of the tectonic evolution of the region and through events of dispersion and dispersal.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1631-1658
The eastern Mediterranean Hydroporus bodemeyeri species complex, which so far includes three species, H. bodemeyeri Ganglbauer, 1900 Bodemeyer, E von. 1900. “Quer durch Klein-Asien in den Bulghar-Dagh”. Emmendingen, , Germany: Die Druck- und Verlags-Aktien-Gesellschaft Vormals Dölter.  [Google Scholar], Hydroporus anatolicus J.Balfour-Browne, 1963 Balfour-Browne, J. and Professor, E. 1963. Janssens journeys to Greece, 1961, and Anatolia, 1962. Haliplidae, Noteridae and Dytiscidae. Bull Inst R Sci Nat Belg., 39(17): 13.  [Google Scholar] and Hydroporus cuprescens Fery and Miller, 1995 Miller, KW and Fery, H. 1995. Hydroporus cuprescens n.sp. von der Insel Zypern (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Entomol Ztschr., 105: 405415.  [Google Scholar], is revised. Three new taxa are described: H. anatolicus koksali ssp. nov. from north-eastern Turkey, H. bodemeyeri cariaensis ssp. nov. from south-western Turkey and Rhodes, and Hydroporus kurdistanicus sp. nov. from south-eastern Turkey. Hydroporus guignoti Gschwendtner, 1935 Gschwendtner, L. 1935. Zwei neue europäische Schwimmkäfer. Entomol Anz., 15: 151152.  [Google Scholar] described from Albania and Greece and previously regarded as a synonym of H. bodemeyeri, is treated as a distinct subspecies H. bodemeyeri guignoti stat. nov. A geometric morphometric analysis of body shape within the complex is presented, which confirms the separate status of all recognized taxa, with considerable overlapping between the subspecies of H. anatolicus and H. bodemeyeri. We provide an initial hypothesis on the origin of the contemporary distribution of H. bodemeyeri and H. cuprescens, assuming their vicariant diversification from an Anatolian ancestor.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1649-1665
In this study, the host-plant range of Onciderini beetles was investigated during 4 years in an Atlantic rainforest of southeastern Brazil. Twelve species of Onciderini beetles girdled thirty-six plant species in the study site. In total, 1046 plants were girdled by Onciderini beetles as follows: 44.6% were Vochysiaceae, 15% were Mymosaceae, 12% were Melastomataceae, 9% were Lauraceae, 4% were Anacardiaceae and 15% were distributed among Meliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Bombacaceae, Fabaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Cecropiaceae, Myrtaceae, Lecythidaceae, and Myrsinaceae. Onciderini beetles did not select hosts randomly. Most of the associations (70%) with host plants were caused by polyphagous beetles and different plant families showed different ratios of polyphagous, oligophagous and monophagous Onciderini in the study site.  相似文献   

In semi-arid Iberian ecosystems, the dung beetle community associated with rabbit dung heaps shows high complexity in spite of adverse factors, such as the low water and nutritional content of rabbit pellets and the arid climate of environments. A total of 24 species showing optional telecoprid, paracoprid and endocoprid (including kleptocoprid) patterns were studied. Acquisition of many morphological adaptations from aridity (flightlessness), exploitation of dry dung (mouthpart modifications) and behavioural specializations are described. These adaptations may explain the exploitation of dry dung and the high rate of endemism observed in the dung beetle community studied. All morphological and behavioural specializations described can be considered as derived characters for the exploitation of fibrous and dry dung, showing a secondary evolutionary line that suggests the return of these beetles to saprophagy.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1163-1175
This paper reports range extensions for seven hermatypic coral species in the Gulf of California. An analysis of the distribution and fossil record of the 12 hermatypic species of the Gulf shows that the coral communities of the Gulf are the oldest ones in the eastern Pacific. Two species have been recorded in the Gulf (or nearby) since the Pliocene and several other species since the Pleistocene. The uninterrupted fossil record falsifies the hypothesis of a total extinction of reef corals in the eastern Pacific during the Pleistocene. The fossil evidence and temperature calculations support the conjecture that the Gulf of California was a refuge zone for corals and other warm-water biotas during the same epoch. Also it is suggested that some species of the genera Porites may have an Atlantic origin, contrary to the accepted idea of an exclusive Indo-Pacific origin of the eastern Pacific coral fauna.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of reptiles is known to be climate dependent. Our analysis of literature data from the Palearctic confirmed that snakes, as a group (186 species), tend to extend further to the north, into cooler climate, than lizards (460 species). This has also been reported for the Nearctic. On a smaller scale, as a model, we investigated the expansion of reptiles from the warm southern desert of Israel northwards along the Jordan valley into cooler climate, based on 587 locality records of 17 species. It transpired that the snakes significantly extend further to the north than the lizards, paralleling and exemplifying the global scale. The ability of snakes to inhabit relatively cooler climates appears to accord with three physiological traits of snakes: lower optimal body temperatures, absence of temperature-dependent sex determination, and ability to thrive on infrequent meals.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1085-1101
A review of the genus Amphiops occurring in China is provided. A new species, Amphiops coelopunctatus sp. nov., is described from Hainan, China. Based on a study of the type material, Amphiops yunnanensis Pu, 1963, is proposed as a junior synonym of Amphiops mirabilis Sharp, 1890. Amphiops pedestris Sharp, 1890 and Amphiops annamita Régimbart, 1903 are confirmed as synonyms of Amphiops mater Sharp, 1873. Amphiops coomani d’Orchymont, 1926 is reported from China for the first time. Amphiops globus Erichson, 1843, previously reported from Macau, is found to be a misidentification. An identification key to Chinese species of the genus is provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:47C95EED-8B09-4BE0-A335-7E8B7CB23FE7  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):579-588
Eight new species and one new record of Elasmopus Costa, 1853 are described from Australian waters including the extended offshore territories of Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Indian Ocean), Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), Ashmore Reef (Timor Sea), Norfolk Island (Tasman Sea) and Lord Howe Island (Tasman Sea). Range extensions are reported for seven described Australian species. Twenty-three species are now known from Australian waters. Elasmopus arafura sp. nov., E. carteri sp. nov., E. hyperopia sp. nov., E. leveque sp. nov., E. mcluerensis sp. nov., E. otus sp. nov., E. shepherdi sp. nov. and E. woodjonesi sp. nov. are described herein.  相似文献   

A preliminary list of Diptera (Insecta) in Garf Raydah Nature Reserve (GRNR), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) with remarks on their zoogeographic affinities is presented. This is the first in a series of planned faunal studies on different insect orders as an output of a project proposed to study the entire entomofauna of GRNR. A total number of 177 Diptera species belonging to 130 genera, representing 38 families has been listed. Some species have been identified only to genus and listed herein as genera that were not previously recorded from KSA or of a taxonomic or faunal importance. The list records five families, 11 genera and 31 species for the first time in KSA, namely: the families Acroceridae, Asteiidae, Chamaemyiidae, Heleomyzidae and Pipunculidae; the genera Acrocera (Acroceridae), Eremisca (Asilidae), Asteia (Asteiidae), Chamaemyia sp. (Chamaemyiidae), Ochthera (Ephydridae), Physoconops (Conopidae), Pseudoleria (Heleo-myzidae), Salentia (Therevidae), Sapromyza (Lauxaniidae), Sternobrithes (Stratiomyidae), Tomosvaryella (Pipunculidae); and the species Apoclea algira (Linnaeus), Apoclea femoralis (Wiedemann), Promachus rectangularis Loew, Eremisca sp. and Oligopogon nitidus Efflatoun [Asilidae]; Phycus sp., Salentia sp. and Thereva nobilitata (Fabricius) [Therevidae]; Drapetis flavipes Macquartand Platypalpus flavicornis (Meigen) [Hybotidae]; Acrocera sp.1 and Acrocera sp.2 [Acroceridae]; Aspida-cantha atra Kertesz and Sternobrithes sp. [Stratiomyidae]; Tomos-varyella sp.1 and Tomosvaryella sp.2 [Pipunculidae]; Eristalinus taeniops (Wiedemann) and Eumerus amoenus Loew [Syrphidae]; Asteia sp. [Asteiidae]; Chamaemyia sp. [Chamaemyiidae]; Physoconops sp., and Thecophora fulvipes Rubineau-Desvoidy [Conopidae]; Ochthera sp. [Ephydridae]; Pseudoleria pectinata (Loew) [Heleomyzidae]; Cestrotus megacephalus Loew and Sapromyza sp. [Lauxaniidae]; Campylocera oculata Hendel [Pyrgotidae]; Australosepsis niveipennis (Becker) [Sepsidae]; Metasphenisca transilis Munro [Tephritidae]; Anthomyia xanthopus (Hennig) [Anthomyiidae]; and Sarcophaga inaequalis Austen [Sarcophagidae]. More than 50% of the recorded fly species are of an Afrotropical affinity, whereas the Palaearctic elements did not exceed 20%. Only 7% of the species were of both Afrotropical and Palaearctic affinities, and Oriental elements were close to nil. This emphasizes the fact that the southwestern part of KSA, including the study area, belonging to Asir Province, ought to be part of the Afrotropical Region rather than the the Palaearctic Region.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):485-496
Previously known species of the genus Ceratanisus Gemminger, 1870 are studied, based on a comparison of specimens. This study is a first attempt to scrutinize the composition of this poorly known genus, as a preliminary approach to the tribe Ceratanisini Gebien, 1937. As a result of this study three previously described taxa are recognized as valid species and three new species from Turkey, Ceratanisus selimi sp. nov., Ceratanisus labriquei sp. nov. and Ceratanisus andiberti sp. nov., are described. A key for the separation of the genera of Ceratanisini is presented, including the new species described herein.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(4):1111-1119
Species associations of oribatid mites in maritime lichens on the island of Ailsa Craig, Firth of Clyde, were investigated. The thirteen lichen species examined yielded a total of seventeen oribatid species assignable to two discrete associations. One was characteristic of foliose lichens on exposed rocks and the other was found in terricolous fruticose lichen on acid healthland. Morphology of the lichen thallus and altitude of the collection site were found to influence the abundance, occurrence and species diversity of the mites.  相似文献   

A total of 80 fly species (Insecta: Diptera) belonging to 66 genera, and representing 26 families was identified from three natural areas or ‘Rawdhats’ in the Riyadh Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The Rawdhats surveyed are Al-Harmaliyah (Al Quwayiyah Province), Al-Sabalah (Azulfi Province) and Farshet Sheaal (Al Aflaj Province). One family, one subfamily, 11 genera and 18 species were recorded for the first time from KSA, namely: the family Trixoscelididae; the subfamily Suilliinae (Heleomyzidae); the genera Oligodranes (Bombyliidae), Pseudomphrale (Scenopinidae), Actorthia (Therevidae), Crossopalpus (Hybotidae), Scatella (Ephydridae), Suillia (Heleomyzidae), Trixoscelis (Trixoscelididae), Renocera [Sciomyzidae], Melanophora and Stevenia [Rhinophoridae], Miltogramma [Sarcophagidae]; and the species Eremisca heleni (Efflatoun) and Ommatius tenellus van der Wulp [Asilidae], Oligodranes sp. [Bombyliidae], Pseudomphrale flavoscutellata Kröber [Scenopinidae], Actorthia lacteipennis (Becker), Actorthia sp. and Efflatouniella sinatica Mohammad and Badrawy [Therevidae], Crossopalpus hirsutipes Collin [Hybotidae], Eumerus mucidus Bezzi [Syrphidae], Ephydra riparia Fallén and Scatella sp. [Ephydridae], Suillia apicalis (Loew) [Heleomyzidae], Trixoscelis sp. (Trixoscelididae) and Renocera pallida (Fallén) [Sciomyzidae], Goniurellia longicauda Freidberg [Tephritidae], Melanophora sp. and Stevenia sp. [Rhinophoridae], and Miltogramma sp. [Sarcophagidae]. The zoogeographic affinities of the identified species showed a closer affiliation with the Palaearctic Region (26%) than to the Afrotropical Region (12.5%), while about 16% of the species were of both Afrotropical and Palaearctic affinities. Elements from other regions were apparently absent. The result support the idea that the central Arabian Desert which includes our study area is a transitional zone between the Palaearctic and Afrotropical regions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2117-2125
A new ground beetle species, Tapinopterus (Tapinopterus) macedonicus sp. nov. (from Northern Macedonia, Mount Karad?ica, ?pela Bozguni Cave) is described and diagnosed. Male and female genitalia and other taxonomically important characters are illustrated. A comparison is carried out between the new species and the most closely related taxa. The new species is clearly distinct from its closest congeners and represents an endemic relict inhabiting a limited area in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. In addition, its current distribution and some notes on its ecology are also presented.  相似文献   

The status of Homichloda barkeri (Jacoby) n. comb. is discussed. A key is presented to four Afrotropical Homichloda species, including fulva n. sp. The eggs, larvae and pupae of H. barkeri are described for the first time. Unusual adult and immature stage characters are discussed in relation to the placement of Homichloda in the Alticinae.  相似文献   

The seed beetles, Acanthoscelides quadridentatus and Acanthoscelides winderi are here recorded for the first time feeding on seeds of Mimosa setosa var. paludosa in the Brazilian Cerrado. Our main aims were to describe the temporal distribution, seed damage, and notes on the natural history of these two species on their host plant. We hypothesised that: (a) healthy seeds from infested fruits would have worse germination rate than healthy seeds from noninfested fruits, and (b) females of seed beetles would lay more eggs on large fruits. We made field observations and an experimental field study with the presence of seed beetles versus their exclusion on plants. Results revealed that seed beetles are synchronised with fruiting, with a temporal partitioning in occurrence. Attacked seeds did not germinate, whereas healthy seeds from infested fruits had worse germination rate than healthy seeds from noninfested fruits. Females of seed beetles laid more eggs on large fruits. These results suggest that seed beetles avoid competition through a temporal partitioning curcial for their coexistence, and select large fruits to oviposit as these fruits probably provide more food resource for their offspring. Furthermore, plants might perceive seed beetles’ damage and then reduce resource allocation on infested fruits.  相似文献   

A new species of Pseudolepturges from Bolivia is described and illustrated; a key to the species is also provided. Based on the similar body size, orange-yellowish colour, behaviour, and close co-occurrence on a Triplaris americana tree, we suggest that Pseudolepturges triplarinus sp. nov. is a mimic of the ant Pseudomyrmex triplarinus.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6DF38C64-6986-4A79-8D9A-645DA89149F2  相似文献   

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