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Formosatettix serrifemora Deng sp. nov., Formosatettix zhejiangensis Deng sp. nov. and Formosatettix guposhanensis Deng sp. nov. are described with detailed illustrations of external morphology. New synonymy is proposed: Formosatettix tianmushanensis Zheng and Li = Formosatettix xiai Zheng, Shi and Yin, syn. nov. An updated key to species of the genus is given.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D64FA763-EBA7-453C-9D76-7209F5659478  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2377-2386
The species of Bannatettix Zheng, 1993 Zheng, ZM. 1993a. One new genus and three new species of Tetriginae from Yunnan province (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae). J Shaanxi Normal Univ., 21(1): 4650.  [Google Scholar] are listed. A total of 11 species of Bannatettix Zheng were systematically researched in this paper. One new species, Bannatettix barbifemura sp. nov. is described as new to science. The distribution and an updated key to the species are presented. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China.  相似文献   

Trimusculotrema warnaki gen. et sp. nov. is described from the skin of Himantura uarank Forsskål. Trimusculotrema is distinguished from other genera in the Benedeniinae by the following combination of anatomical features: accessory sclerites and anterior hamuli small; haptor with two or three intrinsic, concentric muscle bands; haptor papillate ventrally; cirrus sac with internal seminal vesicle and spermatophore matrix reservoir; separate male and female pores opening ventrally and dorsally respectively; vagina short. On the basis of these features Benedenia micracantha Euzet and Maillard, 1967 from the skin and B. leucanthemum Euzet and Maillard, 1967 from the gills of Dasyatis marmorata Steindachner off Senegal are transferred to the new genus as Trimusculotrema micracantha comb. nov. and T. leucanthemum comb. nov. The presence of haptoral papillae, noted previously in some species of Entobdella, perhaps indicates that the new genus is more closely related to entobdellids than to benedeniids. Several living specimens of T. uarnaki had 7 (2–17) eggs in early cleavage projecting from the body, their appendages gripped in a muscular sphincter at the uterine opening. These egg bundles appear to be shed from the parasite soon after laying.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2083-2096
Two new species of the tetrigid genus Eucriotettix Hebard from China, namely Eucriotettix tridentatus sp. nov. and Eucriotettix torulisinotus sp. nov. are described. The distribution and an updated key to the species of the genus from China is given.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E7E5EA3B-92ED-450F-9D1C-74569148D4F8  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1895-1904
Two new species, Onychiurus gulinensis sp. nov. and Onychiurus antennalis sp. nov., are described from Eastern China. The two new species share most features with Onychiurus, but possess 11 chaetae in the distal whorl of tibiotarsus (seven or nine in Onychiurus), granulated sense clubs on Ant. III organ (smooth in Onychiurus) and three manubrial rows of chaetae present (two in Onychiurus). Here we place the two new species in Onychiurus rather than erect a new genus and the three characters considered to be unstable in many genera are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1459-1494
On the basis of morphometrics and geographic distribution, we revise Xystodesmus martensii Peters and its related forms in Japan, which had been recognized as ten species belonging to five genera. In delimitation of species, first we sought the biggest pheno-geographic units based on the dendrogram from a cluster analysis and geographic distribution; a pheno-geographic unit is defined as an aggregation of populations being phenetically closely similar and geographically closely distributed to each other. Then, we decided whether each unit was warranted as a species. As a result, we propose that these forms constitute a single genus Xystodesmus comprising six species including one new species. The newly defined Xystodesmus is characterized by high variation in gonopod morphology and conservative coloration, body form and size. The status of some populations is still uncertain because of lack of material. The tribe Xystodesmini, to which Xystodesmus belongs, and the tribe Harpaphini are so similar that we could not warrant their separation. We propose the following new synonymies: the tribe Harpaphini with the tribe Xystodesmini; Phrurodesmus Takakuwa and Nikkonus Chamberlin and Wang with Xystodesmus; Xystodesmus scabra Verhoeff, Rhysodesmus tuberculatus Takakuwa, Rh. ikaoensis Takakuwa, and Rh. kitazawai Miyosi, with X. martensii; Phrurodesmus kinshaensis Murakami with X. gracilipes (Takakuwa). Riukiaria shirozui Takakuwa, Rh. serrulatus Miyosi, and P. gracilipes Takakuwa, are transferred to Xystodesmus. We describe X. tokaiensis as a new species.  相似文献   


Individual variation has been examined in each song parameter of the decticine bush cricket Platycleis albopunctata. Each individual has a characteristic song within the species specific limits. These limits are defined by the range of variation encountered which may, for many song parameters, be considerable, even within one population. The extent of variation in the spectral parameters implies broad-band reception in these bush crickets. The implications of such variation for the generation of song has also been discussed.

Some notes on temperature-dependent variation have been included, amongst which are data showing a hitherto unreported change in the number of syllables in the chirp according to ambient temperature.  相似文献   

The present revision covers all known species of the genus Lepidastheniella Monro, 1924 (i.e. Lepidastheniella comma (Thomson, 1902), L. phillippensis Monro, 1924 and L. monroi Benham, 1950). The comparison of the available type material showed that L. monroi is a junior synonym of L. comma and that specimens from a collection of scale worms from off Shimoda (Japan) belong to the new species L. nishii sp. nov. described herein. The generic diagnosis of Lepidastheniella is emended and an identification key to all valid species given. Additionally, the subfamily affiliation of Lepidastheniella is discussed, distinctive characters of all genera belonging to the subfamily Lepidastheniinae Pettibone, 1989 are described, and an identification key to these genera is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1879-1890
The genus Mimopodabrus Wittmer is reviewed, and the genus diagnosis is re-described. Three new species are described, M. multidentatus sp. nov. (Guangdong, China), M. variabilis sp. nov. (Yunnan, China) and M. diversefoveolatus sp. nov. (Lao Cai, Vietnam), with illustrations of habitus, antennae and aedeagus. A species is transferred from Micropodabrus to this genus, M. bicoloriceps (Wittmer, 1989 Wittmer, W. 1989. 42. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae und Malachiidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 13: 209237.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. A species is synonymized, M. bicoloriceps (Wittmer, 1989 Wittmer, W. 1989. 42. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae und Malachiidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 13: 209237.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov.?=?M. bicoloriceps Wittmer, 1997 syn. nov. and the definition of M. yunnanus (Wittmer, 1993 Wittmer, W. 1993. Zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen und indo-malaiischen Cantharidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 16: 203253.  [Google Scholar]) is restricted. A key to all known species of this genus is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45):3847-3901
Ten species, four new to science, five formerly belonging to genus Typhlotanais, and Peraeospinosus pushkini (Tzareva, 1982 Tzareva, L. A. 1982. “Dopolnenie k faune kleshnienosnykh oslikov (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) shelfovykh zon Antarktiki i Subantarktiki.”. In Fauna i raspredelenie rakoobraznych notal'nych i antarkticheskikh vod, Edited by: Kavanov, A. I. 119Vladivostok: Akademia Nauk SSSR.  [Google Scholar]) are congeneric species, based on the following set of characters: a row of setae is present on the dorsal margin of the cheliped carpus, the distal seta of pereopods 4–5 exceeds the bifurcated unguis, large prickly tubercles on pereopods 4–6 surrounded by well‐calcified spines, the pleopods semi‐elliptical, and the rami of the uropod subequal in length. The new definition of the genus is proposed together with a key for identification of the females. The present‐day distribution of the genus does not in itself indicate geographical origin, although the possibility of a deep‐water origin cannot be excluded. It is assumed that phylogenetically young, blind Peraeospinosus could have colonized Antarctic free niches and then radiated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2873-2915
Southwest China is one of three famous karst areas of the world but research on cave spiders of the area is sparse. A Chinese endemic midget spider genus and species, Qianleptoneta quinquespinata (Leptonetidae) was erected by Chen and Zhu, 2008 Chen, HM and Zhu, MS. 2008. One new genus and species of troglobite spiders (Araneae, Leptonetidae) from Guizhou, China. J Dali Univ., 7(12): 1114.  [Google Scholar]. Here, based on numerous materials collected from Guizhou Province, the mainly karst area of southwest China, Qianleptoneta is revised. Ten new species are described and illustrated: Q. triangula, Q. nuda, Q. identica, Q. lycotropa, Q. multiseta, Q. lophacantha, Q. robustispina, Q. palmata, Q. sublunata and Q. megaloda. The natural history of each species is presented.  相似文献   

The Chinese fauna represents a small portion of the species diversity of the psyllid genus Pseudophacopteron (Phacopteronidae) of the world. Here, Pseudophacopteron from China is revised, and four species are recognized. Pseudophacopteron quinquipannis sp. nov. is described; Pseudophacopteron alstonium is synonymized with Pseudophacopteron tuberculatum; Pseudophacopteron album, Pseudophacopteron aphanamixis and P. tuberculatum are redescribed. Comparison is made between the four species and Phacopteron. The latter possesses unsplit fields of radular spinules in cells m1, m2 and cu1 of the fore wing, and thick tibiae covered by dense long and slender setae, which are different from Pseudophacopteron.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:08B185EB-462F-46CF-B4CB-B733D1E1A864  相似文献   

The genus Acanthacris Uvarov is revised and four species are recognized: A. aithioptera sp. nov., A. deckeni (Gerstäcker), A. elgonensis Sjöstedt and A. ruficornis (Fabricius). Acanthacris elgonensis is raised to specific status for the first time. Acanthacris ruficornis is considered as two distinct geographical races: A. r. ruficornis and A. r. citrina (Serville). The following nominal taxa have been synonymized with A. r. ruficornis: A. ruficornis yemenita Uvarov, Gryllus locusta lineatus Stoll and Acridium ruficorne var. subimmaculata Finot. An identification key is provided for males, based largely on external morphological characters combined with those of the phallic complex. All the valid taxa are redescribed. Measurements, figures of genitalia and distribution maps are provided.  相似文献   

The genus Tanaella is revised and the generic diagnosis redefined. Both genders of the type species, Tanaella unguicillata and T. ochracea are redescribed. Two new species, T. prolixcauda and T. mclellandi, are described from deep-sea localities in the Gulf of Mexico. Male Tanaella possess fully functional mouthparts resembling, but not identical to, those of the females. Distribution and ecological information are given for all species in the genus and a key to Tanaella is also given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1513-1543
The extant Pelecinidae consist of the single genus Pelecinus Latreille. This group is restricted to the continental New World; miscellaneous reports and specimens from Jamaica, Australia, India and Malaysia are errors. Three species are recognized: the widespread Pelecinus polyturator (Drury), found from the southern portions of the eastern provinces of Canada, the eastern USA (west to North Dakota, Colorado and New Mexico) and Mexico south to northern Argentina; Pelecinus thoracicus Klug revised status, from western Mexico; and Pelecinus dichrous Perty revised status from northern Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and south-eastern Brazil. Pelecinus rufus Klug, 1841 and Pelecinus annulatus Klug, 1841 are treated as junior synonyms of Pelecinus dichrous Perty, 1833. The status of Pelecinus polyturator var. apicalis Roman is discussed and the name is treated as a synonym of P. polyturator. The only recorded host species for the genus are for P. polyturator: Phyllophaga anxia (LeConte), P. drakei Kirby, P. futilis (LeConte), P. rugosa (Melsheimer) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae); and Podischnus agenor Olivier (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1511-1531
The Castniidae, or butterfly moths, are characteristically colourful diurnal moths, distributed throughout the tropics except in Africa. The Neotropical representatives forage almost exclusively on monocotyledonous plants and many species are crop pests with more than 60% of the Neotropical castniids found or endemic in Brazil. Research studies that focus on taxonomy, systematics, and morphology of this group are scarce. In this study, Yagra Oiticica, a small genus restricted to south-eastern South America, is revised and the diagnostic morphological characters of male and female genitalia are illustrated. This research is part of long-term study on the Castniidae for future phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2641-2647
The monotypic genus Cylindrommata is revised, and three new species are described from Brazil. Cylindrommata aurantia sp. nov. is recorded from the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and differs from other species principally by having the prothorax tuberculate at the sides, pronotum subplane and elytra orangish. Cylindrommata lustrata sp. nov. is from Minas Gerais, and has the prothorax without tubercles, rounded at the sides, and elytra short and black with dark-blue reflections. Cylindrommata susanae sp. nov. is from Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, and has the prothorax without tubercles, parallel at the sides, and elytra yellowish. A key to the species is provided, and all the species are illustrated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):387-402
The genus Ischnocolus is redefined based on type material, and extra specimens. Representatives of the genus are distinguished by clavate tarsal trichobothria arranged in median apical row; by the maxillae with lighter colour on prolateral edge. Males of the genus Ischnocolus Ausserer are recognized by the cheliceral intumescence, sigmoid ventral furrow on palpal tibia, unequal cymbium lobes, tibial apophysis absent, great number of spines on ventral side of tibia I, and male superior tarsal claws bipectinate. Species included are: Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour) [= I. holosericeus L. Koch, I. triangulifer Ausserer, I. algericus Thorell, I. fuscostriatus Simon, I. maroccanus (Simon), I. mogadorensis (Simon), I. numidus Simon, I. tripolitanus Caporiacco, Avicularia andalusiaca Simon], Ischnocolus hancocki Smith, Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch (senior-synonym of Chaetopelma adenense Simon) and Ischnocolus ignoratus sp. nov. Ischnocolus tomentosus Thorell is considered incertae sedis. The following species are considered species inquirenda: I. tunetanus Pavesi and I. fasciculatus Strand. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:207143F4-A235-4411-96D4-D4787ABF271F  相似文献   

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