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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2721-2734
Seasonality and abundance of an insect herbivore population are regulated by a complex array of forces from the bottom up, from the top down, and from competition and the environment. This paper examines the effect that two host plants have on an insect herbivore in the absence of top‐down regulation or competition. Metamasius callizona is an invasive bromeliad‐eating weevil in south Florida that has escaped its natural parasitoid in its home range. A 4‐year field study shows the weevil to be present and active year‐round, but to exhibit different patterns of seasonality and abundance on two of its host plants. It is argued that this demographic variability is generated by the differences in leaf type and growth habit that exist between the two host plants.  相似文献   

Two unusual types of behaviour (wandering and intraspecific aggressive behaviour) have been observed when rearing larvae of two species of the tribe Hyperini. Wandering of Hypera postica in search for food was observed in L1, L2 and L3 larvae, as well as in young L4 larvae. L1 larvae also disperse in response to crowding. Wandering of L2 to young L4 instars was a response to food shortage. Wandering of late L4 larva (‘prepupa’) occurs because of searching for a place to spin the cocoon and pupate. Encounters between the larvae may result in agonistic behaviour, and some larvae may die as a consequence of fighting. This aggression increases with food limitation. Agonistic intraspecific behaviour has not been described to date in weevil’s larvae and it probably may not occur under natural conditions when there is a plenty of food and larval densities are decreased by pathogens or parasitoids.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2339-2345
The morphological effects of nematode parasitism by Pheromermis myrmecophila were investigated in two species of ants, Lasius flavus and Lasius niger, collected on Clare Island, Ireland. Infected males and queens were found for L. flavus but only infected queens in L. niger. The numbers of nematodes present in each infected specimen were counted and their lengths were measured. Head width, femur length and wing measurements were made for infected and non-infected individuals of both species. In queens, the length of the nematodes decreased as the number per ant increased. When single nematodes were present their mean lengths were significantly greater in L. flavus than in L. niger. In addition to the reduction in wing size for all parasitized specimens, head widths and femur lengths of the queens were significantly different in both species. A log–log graph of radial cell length versus width suggested a linear reduction of wing size.  相似文献   

A new genus, Aplanusiella (type-species, Aplanusiella utahensis , n. sp.) and two new species, A. utahensis and A. californiensis , are described and illustrated. The two species are allopatric and coexist on the same host genus ( Atriplex ) with members of a closely allied leafhopper genus, Aplanus . Notes on distribution of hosts and leafhoppers as well as leafhopper intergenetic relationships are also given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2641-2651
The co‐occurrence of amphipods Niphargus timavi and Gammarus fossarum was studied. A small brook in SW Slovenia was sampled monthly for one year. Below the primary spring the brook sinks, flows for about 150 m below the surface and springs again. Gammarus fossarum never reached the stretch above the sink. Both species were found at all sampling sites below the secondary spring throughout the year, but the abundance of the two varied along the stream spatially and temporarily. Differences in life cycles between G. fossarum and N. timavi were not informative; however, the estimated reproductive potential of G. fossarum was much higher than of N. timavi. A result of the higher reproductive potential may be the dominance of gammarids in permanent waters, while N. timavi may invade a surrounding fissure system where it survives gammarid competition and summer desiccations when the gammarid population becomes extinct.  相似文献   

In this paper we examined newly collected specimens of the Neoserica Brenske, 1894 (sensu stricto) species group housed in Chinese collections. Four new species are described from China: Neoserica (s. str.) mengsongensis Liu & Ahrens, sp. nov. (Yunnan Prov.), Neoserica (s. str.) pseudosangangana Liu & Ahrens, sp. nov. (Guizhou Prov.), Neoserica (s. str.) taibaiensis Liu & Ahrens, sp. nov. (Shaanxi Prov.) and Neoserica (s. str.) yongkangensis Liu & Ahrens, sp. nov. (Zhejiang Prov.). Habitus and the male genitalia are illustrated. Additionally, we provide new distribution records, an updated distribution map and an updated key to the species of the Neoserica (sensu stricto) group.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A3C6B300-EAC3-445E-8B14-E1DBB7BBFB7F  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1619-1636
The published records of the already known Macrodinychid species are summarized and a key to the known species of the family is given. New records of the different Macrodinychus species are presented from Saint Lucia, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Costa Rica, Suriname, Fiji, New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Thailand. Two new species (Macrodinychus malayicus sp. nov. and Macrodinychus extremicus sp. nov.) are described and illustrated. The species Macrodinychus paraguayensis Hirschmann, 1975 is proved to be the junior synonym of Macrodinychus parallelepipedus (Berlese, 1916 Berlese, A. 1916. Centuria seconda di Acari nuovi. Redia., 12: 125177.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1043-1065
A new Fridericia species (Fridericia lacii sp. nov.) is described. Including this new species the number of valid Fridericia species with two diverticula per spermatheca is 50. The present study provides an opportunity for the comparison and separation of Fridericia species on the basis of spermatheca and diverticulum characteristics. Nine tables summarize the two larger groups and five subgroups of species possessing bidiverticulate spermathecae. The new species is distinguished from all known valid congeners in this assemblage by the following combination of traits: (1) 4–7 mm long, 200–290 µm wide (in vivo) with 30–36 segments; (2) maximum four chaetae per bundle; (3) all pairs of pharyngeal glands with ventral lobes, the third is the largest with posterior projections; (4) only three pairs of preclitellar nephridia; (5) oesophageal appendages type a; (6) mucocytes type a, lenticytes small; (7) chylus cells in preclitellar segments; (8) clitellum girdle‐shaped, glands in transverse rows, between the bursal slits only granulocytes; bursal slit is longitudinal; (9) seminal vesicle small or absent; (10) sperm funnel one‐half as long as the body diameter, collar narrower than the funnel body; (11) subneural glands absent; (12) the ampulla of the spermatheca with two sessile (or with short stalks), spherical, thin‐walled diverticula, communication with the oesophagus separate, ectal duct about as long as body diameter, one floppy ectal gland at the orifice.  相似文献   


Six new species of Orasema are described. Four species are placed into a newly recognised lasallei species group: Orasema lasallei sp. nov. (Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua), O. janzeni sp. nov. (Costa Rica), O. peckorum sp. nov. (Brazil) and O. vasquezi sp. nov. (Colombia). One species is placed in the wayqecha group, Orasema masneri sp. nov. (Ecuador). One other species is currently unplaced to species group, O. longinoi sp. nov. (Costa Rica). Orasema lasallei was taken from a nest of Pheidole vorax (Fabr.) and an undescribed species near O. longinoi from a nest of Pheidole dossena Wilson (Myrmicinae). The morphology of the digitate labrum is discussed with respect to other Eucharitidae.  相似文献   

A new species, Forcipomyia (Trichohelea) papuensis, is described from New Guinea, where it is ectoparasitic on butterflies. The modifications and diagnostic characters of this species are compared with those of the other Australasian Trichohelea.  相似文献   

Five new species of the family Euphthiracaridae are described, identified and figured from the Afrotropical region: Oribotritia breviseta sp. nov. from Andasibe National Park of Madagascar; Acrotritia paraardua sp. nov. from Vohimana Experimental Reserve, Ambohitanely Special Reserve and Andasibe National Park of Madagascar; Acrotritia paradikra sp. nov. from Ranomafana National Park and Ankarafantsika National Park of Masagascar; Microtritia diaphoros sp. nov. from the Nguru Mountains of Tanzania; and Microtritia parahauseri sp. nov from the Uluguru Mountains of Tanzania. A comparison with the most closely related species of the genera Oribotritia, Acrotritia and Microtritia is also presented.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7965FE4C-0AF8-49C4-B894-75D4EFD049BB  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23):2849-2862
Myiomma cobbeni n. sp. and Paloniella nodifrons n. sp. are described from the Ivory Coast. Additionally, M. maculata n. sp., Isometopus yemenensis n. sp. and I. quadrivittatus n. sp. are described from the Republic of Yemen. The new species from Yemen represent the first records of Myiomma Puton and the subgenus Jehania Distant of Isometopus Fieber from the Middle East.  相似文献   

Indocaris gen. nov. with two new species, Indocaris imbricata sp. nov. and Indocaris inopinata sp. nov., and also for the already known Indocaris tirupatiensis (Ranga Reddy 2011a) comb. nov. – all from the groundwaters in peninsular India. The highly diagnostic synapomorphy of the new genus is a composite character associated with the male leg 4 basis: five or six prominent, imbricate, enlarged, petal-like spinules, arranged as a semi-whorl at the insertion of the endopod and increasing in size from internal to external. Another distinctive feature of the same appendage is that its one-segmented endopod is dilated or bulbous in the proximal half, produced distally into an incurved spiniform or horn-like structure about as long as the corresponding first exopodal segment, and ornamented with three or four fine spinules on the subproximal outer margin. The three species also share a unique constellation of other salient morphologic features, which along with the phylogenetic position of Indocaris gen. nov. within the family Parastenocarididae are discussed. Indocaris gen. nov. has closest phylogenetic affinity with the Neotropical Remaneicari Jakobi, 1972. A short note on the ecology and biogeography of the parastenocaridid species of the Indian subcontinent is provided besides a key for their identification.  相似文献   

A key to females of 11 Eretmocerus species occurring in Taiwan is provided. Two new species, E. tongxiaoensis Shih & Polaszek, sp. nov. and E. lannae Shih & Polaszek, sp. nov. found infesting Crenidorsum turpiniae (Takahashi) and Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) respectively, are described. Five more Eretmocerus species are recorded here as new to Taiwan: E. bisetae Hayat, E. flavus Krishnan & David, E. queenslandensis Naumann & Schmidt, E. rui Zolnerowich & Rose and E. trialeurodis Hayat. New host records for four of these Eretmocerus species from five whitefly species are presented. The whitefly Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) is recorded for the first time from Taiwan.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1245-1262
Three new West African species of gobiid fishes are described from the Gulf of Guinea in the tropical eastern Atlantic. These are Corcyrogobius lubbocki sp. nov., Thorogobius rofeni sp. nov. and Wheelerigobius wirtzi sp. nov. Generic features are discussed. T. rofeni, known from only the holotype, was trawled on the upper continental slope, an unusually deep occurrence for a gobiid species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2349-2376
Four new species and two new genera belonging to the family Oedicerotidae are reported from Korea and Vietnam. Two new genera, Orthomanus and Imbachoculodes are described, with three new species, namely Orthomanus koreanus gen. et sp. nov., Imbachoculodes namhaensis gen. et sp. nov. and Imbachoculodes vietnamensis gen. et sp. nov. The monotypic genus Orthomanus is characterized by the very short carpi and transverse palms of gnathopods 1 and 2, the reduced dactyli on pereopods 3–6, and the greatly enlarged distolateral spine-tooth on the outer plate of maxilla 1. Imbachoculodes has slender gnathopods 1 and 2 with elongated carpi, pereopods 3 and 4 with elongated dactyli, and a narrow basis of pereopod 7. The fourth new species, Sinoediceros hwanghaensis sp. nov. has a greatly reduced flagellum on antenna 2, a broadened meri on pereopods 3 and 4, and an elongated maxilliped outer plate. Keys are provided to 1) the North Pacific genera of the Synchelidium group, 2) species of Imbachoculodes, and 3) species of Sinoediceros.  相似文献   

Brosmodorsalis persicinus n. gen., n. sp. is described from specimens collected from shallow coastal rocky reefs of northern New Zealand. Brosmodorsalis is placed in the bythitid fish subfamily Brosmophycinae because it has the caudal fin separate from the dorsal and anal fins. The genus differs from all others within the subfamily by the origin of the dorsal fin being well in advance of the posterior margin of the operculum and the anterior dorsal fin rays being free of membrane.  相似文献   

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