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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1611-1615
Nesting behaviour and prey of two species of Pseudoplisus, a gorytine wasp genus in the sphecid subfamily Nyssoninae, are described. P. natalensis is a solitary nester in southern Africa nesting often in the soil in flower-pots. P. ranosahae in Madagascar nests in the ground in large aggregations. Both species show a high degree of prey specificity. Nests are provisioned only with large adult froghoppers (Aphrophoridae), P. natalensis preying on Ptyelus grossus and P. ranosahae on Ptyelus goudoti.  相似文献   


Nests and prey are described for three species of Australian Sphex: cognatus Smith, ephippium Smith, and bilobatus Kohl. All three prey upon Tettigoniidae. The first two make relatively deep, multicellular nests and make open, accessory burrows beside the true nest entrance; however, these accessory burrows are absent in some populations of cognatus. The nests of bilobatus are shallow and contain only one or two cells. Briefer notes are presented on two species of the related genus Prionyx: globosus (Smith) and saevus (Smith); these are predators on Acrididae.  相似文献   

Males of the eastern cicada killer wasp, Sphecius speciosus, occupy territories in which they may hover or where they may perch either in trees near one or more emergence holes or on the ground at these spots from which females may emerge. Large males are more likely to hold and defend these territories at a site in northern Virginia. When resident males were captured, held and weighed, the males that replaced them, which were also captured, held and weighed, had significantly lower body weights on average than the residents.  相似文献   


The known biology of Adelognathus, including new findings, is summarized. An illustrated key is given to the 15 species found in the British Isles. One species, A. stelfoxi, is described as new.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1377-1389
A key to the females of Neodohrniphora Malloch is provided. A species referred to as Apocephalus sp. by Eibl-Eibesfeldt and Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1967) is assigned to N. attae sp. nov., and to a newly designated subgenus Eibesfeldtphora for the N. curvinervis (Malloch) group of species. Neodohrniphora frontalis (Curran) is confirmed as a synonym of N. (E). curvinervis. The paratype of N. (N.) acromyrmecis Borgmeier differs from the lectotype, and is reassigned to N. (N.) similis Prado. A new subgenus, Wallerphora, is designated for N. (W.) mexicanae sp. nov. from Mexico.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1297-1307
Prey records are presented for 17 Australian species of the digger wasp genus Cerceris. Collectively beetles of 10 families were found to serve as prey. Several species appear to be specialists, taking only members of certain genera or subfamilies, while others accept members of several families. It is common to find several species nesting together in areas of suitable substrate. In such areas it is evidently to the advantage of all species either to specialize to ‘share’ the available beetle prey or to become generalists, taking advantage of whatever beetles of suitable size are abundant in the surrounding vegetation.  相似文献   

The first published observations on the nesting and predatory behavior of Tachysphex antennatus Fox, T. occidentalis Pulawski, T. williamsi Bohart, T. yolo Pulawski, T. alpestris Rohwer, T. clarconis Viereck, T. apricus Pulawski, and T. cockerellae Rohwer are presented herein. Also included are host and behavioral data on T. tarsatus (Say), T. apicalis fusus Fox, T. similis Rohwer, T. ashmeadii Fox, and T. mundus exsectus Fox.      相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29):2705-2714
The aim of this work is to propose the use of the Spheciformes wasps (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Ampulicidae, Sphecidae and Crabronidae) as indicators of European biodiversity. One advantage of studying this group of insects lies in the regulating effects that such wasps have on other insect populations. We discuss the applicability of seven criteria, taken from the literature, to use the Spheciformes wasps as an indicator group, with respect to which parameters this group offers guarantees of being good indicators of biodiversity, both for predicting the diversity of other groups of animals and for all the species of a given area.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29):2745-2758
Solitary and presocial aculueate Hymenoptera are parasitized by a range of dipteran species in the families Anthomyiidae, Bombyliidae, Conopidae, Phoridae, and Sarcophagidae that are likely to impact on their hosts. We undertook a study over several years of a univoltine and communal bee, Andrena agilissima, and its main dipteran parasites, in particular the satellite fly Leucophora personata (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Behavioural and ecological data were collected from one nesting aggregation of the host bee on the island of Elba, Italy, from 1993 to 2003, and from a foraging site of the bee, ca 5?km from the nesting aggregation. Other Diptera associated with A. agilissima at the field site were the bee fly Bombylius fimbriatus (Bombyliidae), the conopid fly Zodion cinereum (Conopidae), and the scuttle fly Megaselia andrenae (Phoridae). The phenology of the Diptera broadly overlapped with that of their host across the season of activity (end of April and all of May). Diurnal activity patterns differed slightly; L. personata in particular was active at the host's nesting site before A. agilissima. Female satellite flies also showed a range of behaviours in gaining entry to a host nest. We summarize published data on this and other Leucophora species that parasitize Andrena host bees. Host bees returning to their nests occasionally undertook zig‐zag flight manoeuvres if followed by a satellite fly that were generally successful in evading the fly. Satellite flies that entered a nest, presumably to oviposit, were less likely to remain therein if another host bee entered the same nest, suggesting that one advantage to communal nesting for this host is a reduction in brood cell parasitism by L. personata. We provide the first clear evidence for parasitism by a Zodion of any Andrena host. Both L. personata and M. andrenae concentrated their parasitic activities in the zone of the host nesting aggregation with highest nest densities. Three of the Diptera, L. personata, B. fimbriatus, and Z. cinereum, seemed to have extremely low rates of parasitism whilst that of M. andrenae appeared low. Though they have refined parasitic behaviour that allows them to gain entry into host nests (L. personata, B. fimbriatus, and M. andrenae) or to parasitize adults (Z. cinereum), these parasites seem not to impact upon the dynamics of the host A. agilissima at the nesting aggregation, and the host possesses traits to reduce parasitism.  相似文献   

Nest construction behaviour and nest site selection are described for seven species of Afrotropical Ammophila.

Four species were atypical in their nest siting. Ammophila beniniensis selected shaded sites in well vegetated habitats, A. vulcania selected small clumps of vegetation in otherwise open habitats. A. insignis nested in vertical banks, old animal burrows and caves. A. braunsi is unique amongst Ammophila in its use of abandoned burrows of other wasps in non-friable clay soils. A. ferrugineipes, A. dolichodera and A. dolichocephala nested mostly in open habitats.

Methods of soil waste disposal, sealing of nests and their final coverage, differed interspecifically, in some cases intraspecifically, but often apparently in response to the habitat.

Temperature conditions, affected by habitat, influenced the depth to which nests were dug by some species. A. insignis switched sites in response to seasonal changes in temperature regimes in vertical banks.

The existence in particular species of both primitive and advanced aspects of nesting behaviour questions their use in assessing the evolutionary status of these species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2815-2840
The species Monoeca haemorrhoidalis, the largest species in the genus, occurs in the Atlantic rainforest of southeastern and southern Brazil. The aim of this study was to investigate the nesting ecology of Mhaemorrhoidalis and its interactions with natural enemies. Nest aggregations were studied in an area at the transition between Dense and Mixed Temperate Rainforest, south Brazil. The period of nest construction and cell provisioning started in October and stopped in February. Plant species of the families Orchidaceae, Styracaceae and, mainly, Malpighiaceae, were the most important pollen and floral oil resources that were used in brood cell provisioning. During the nest construction activities, 27 insect species were observed at the nesting sites. The cleptoparasitic bee Protosiris gigas was one of the main causes of Mhaemorrhoidalis mortality. Some behavioural and biological data of P. gigas are also reported.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):345-358
Termite raiding behaviour of the African poneromorph ant Pachycondyla analis was studied at Mpala, Kenya. In all, 330 raids were observed with the raiding activity showing peaks in the morning and evening. Time spent at the termite source was positively correlated with the numbers of termites taken. The sizes of foraging parties, number of termites taken, distance travelled and time spent at termite sources also showed a positive correlation. Pachycondyla analis preyed significantly more on Microtermes spp. than they did on Odontotermes spp. but no significant differences were found in terms of predator efficiency even though many ants were injured in raids on Odontotermes spp. compared with those on Microtermes spp. Our results indicate that P. analis seems to forage optimally, balancing the costs of energy with prey reward and prey choices were not only influenced by prey abundance, but also by the costs of foraging, as influenced by prey defences, size and foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

The tropical African species of the genus Exoprosopa Macquart placed by Bezzi (1924) in his group 10, E. busiris are reviewed. A key, short diagnoses and outline distributions are provided for each species. E. albonigra Bezzi and E. saskae Szilády are shown to be synonyms of E. luteicosta Bezzi; E. engyoptera Hesse a synonym of E. brevinasis Bezzi; and E. ferrieri Hesse a synonym of E. decastroi Hesse. Two new species are described; E. selenops from Kenya and E. glossops from Nigeria.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(14):1765-1777
Taxonomic families of insectivorous lizards are usually characterized by one of two distinct foraging modes, namely ambush ‘sit-and-wait’ or active ‘widely foraging’. In the Gekkonomorpha the situation has been unclear and in dispute, and among these, that in the Sphaerodactylini is almost unreported. We, therefore, examined the foraging mode of three sphaerodactylin species on Trinidad and Tobago, in May—June 2000 (totalling 72 individuals, observations averaging 23.6 min/individual). In terms of species averages, Gonatodes vittatus, G. humeralis and G. ocellatus all moved for only 1.6–3.55% of observation time (PTM, percent time moving), and switched from sitting to locomoting only 0.18–0.36 times per minute (MPM, moves per minute). The genus thus is a strict sit-and-wait forager. In G. vittatus, the foraging mode was unaffected by sex or habitat structure. In all three species, foraging mode was unaffected by the time of day or air temperature. In G. humeralis, foraging activity (PTM or MPM) correlated with light intensity in the forest within a population (at least MPM) and among populations (at least PTM). Among the three species, too, foraging activity (PTM and MPM) ranked with light intensity during sampling. In all three species, the geckos perched for 68–76% of the time (at any height) with the head pointing down, apparently so as to see better. In conclusion, the three species are strict sit-and-wait' visual hunters that are dependent on light.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):589-603
There are few detailed analyses of the building materials used in bird nests. This study was part of a project on interrelations between northern Patagonian plants and birds. Nests of two hummingbird species distributed in the Andean portion of southern South America: the Green‐backed Firecrown Sephanoides sephaniodes and the White‐sided Hillstar Oreotrochilus leucopleurus, were collected along a precipitation gradient in northwestern Patagonia (Argentina). Nest morphology, structure, and composition (mostly botanical in origin) were analysed. Plants used as building materials are presented for each nest, arranged by location. The main structural materials were mosses (especially those with falcate leaves) entangled with spider web. Nests were concealed in their environments by the presence of mimetic material on the outer layer (spider cocoons, leprose lichens, feathers, and hairs). Soft material was the main component of the lining (pappi, feathers, spider web, and manufactured cotton). The variety of nesting materials decreased along the precipitation gradient, while the main structural components are generally fixed.  相似文献   

Six new species of Microstigmus are described and illustrated. Nests and other aspects of their biology, when known, are also described. Microstigmus puncticeps sp. n. (northern Brazil and Peru) and M. xanthosceles sp. n. (Central America and western Colombia) belong to two distinct groups not closely related to previously described species. Microstigmus cooperi sp. n. and M. crucifex sp. n. (both from northern Brazil and Colombia) represent basal lineages within the large group including M. brasiliensis, M. theridii, M. lobifex, etc. Microstigmus flavus sp. n. (southeastern Brazil) is closely related to M. lobifex. Microstigmus simplex sp. n. (northern Brazil) is a basal lineage within the group containing M. guianensis and M. arlei. Reuse of nests of M. nigrophthalmus by M. flavus sp. n. and of M. crucifex sp. n. by a species of the M. theridii complex is reported for the first time for Microstigmus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2691-2699
The wasp genera included in the Polysphincta genus-group develop exclusively as koinobiont ectoparasitoids of spiders, an unusual pattern within Hymenoptera. All known species of Hymenoepimecis attack orb-web spiders and Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga was previously described inducing a sudden modification of its host's web-building behaviour. Information on parasitoid–host interactions and even on host identities for most members of the genus-group, however, remain scarce. In this study we describe two new species of Hymenoepimecis and present information on their hosts, spiders of the genera Leucauge (Tetragnathidae) and Manogea (Araneidae). Cocoon webs of both host species are distinct from their normal webs. The modified cocoon web of Leucauge roseosignata constructed under the influence of Hymenoepimecis japi sp. nov. is very similar to the cocoon web described for Leucauge argyra. It is composed of three axes, including several radial threads each, and a hub used by the larva to attach the cocoon's suspension line. Spiral viscous threads, present in normal webs and in webs of parasitized spiders carrying larvae in the initial instars, are absent in cocoon webs. In the cocoon web of Manogea porracea the horizontal sheet is poorly structured and the cocoon is attached far from the spider's normal resting position, in an area composed of a densely tangled structure.  相似文献   

Gymnonerius fuscus and Telostylinus sp. near duplicatus are two neriid flies which breed in rot-holes (often beetle larval borings) in fallen trees in tropical forests. Males of both species attempt to establish territories beside rot-holes likely to attract females for egg-laying purposes. Monopolization of incoming females and paternity of any eggs laid are therefore assured. Aggression between males of the larger species G. fuscus is largely through ritualized intimidatory signalling, i.e. wing-flicks. Actual physical aggression only occurs when opponents are evenly matched. By contrast, lengthy and hectic wrestling matches on stilted legs is the normal method of establishing site-ownership in the smaller species T. near duplicatus. Males only seek to exclude conspecific males, such that both species may establish simultaneous ownership of a single rot-hole without interacting. Males of G. fuscus who ‘sneak’ matings away from the territories of larger males, or who manage to mate within a territory, gain little or no reproductive benefit. This is because the territory-owner prevents all females, other than his own current mate, from laying eggs within his territory and females seem reluctant to utilize non-territorial rot-holes for oviposition.  相似文献   

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