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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1401-1406
A helminthological investigation was carried out on the lacertid lizard, Gallotia atlantica (Peters and Doria, 1882) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from Lanzarote, Canary Islands (Spain). One hundred and three digenean trematodes were found in the small intestine. Based on morphological and morphometric analysis of 35 specimens, it is concluded to be a new species which is here named Pseudoparadistomum yaizaensis gen. et sp. nov. referring to the locality where the hosts were caught. Pseudoparadistomum n.g. most closely resembles members of Paradistomum and Paradistomoidella, but is characterized by a V-shaped excretory vesicle, a spined tegument, and the position of the ovary relative to the testes.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses, using parsimony and compatibility methods, were carried out on the South African lacertid lizards assigned in recent times to Aporosaura, Meroles and Pedioplanis. These were based on 80 primary and 102 binary morphological characters which were drawn from osteology, external features, muscles, kidneys and reproductive systems. Contrary to some previous interpretations, there are two well-defined clades: Meroles plus Aporosaura, and Pedioplanis; these form successive branches on the main stem of the phylogeny of advanced lacertids. The clades show considerable parallel development of derived features, presumably because they had very similar initial genetic potential. Relationships within the two groups are shown on p. 800 and p. 802. As Aporosaura anchietae is sister taxon to a clade consisting of three of the seven species of Meroles, it has been transferred to that genus. Relationships in Meroles-Aporosaura are very well substantiated, in contrast to the situation in Pedioplanis. This difference appears to be related to the different kinds of evolutionary history that the two groups have had. The Meroles-Aporosaura clade has spread progressively into increasingly stringent and singular aeolian sand environments which have elicited the production of many, often unique, derived character states related to the functional problems of survival in such situations. As these states are rarely duplicated in outgroups, the characters concerned are easily polarized. This, together with their abundance, means that a robust basis for phylogenetic inference is available. In contrast, Pedioplanis exhibits relatively limited ecological radiation of a kind that also occurs in related groups, and the functionally related derived states elicited are fewer and less distinctive. In fact, production of a phylogeny for Pedioplanis is very dependent on genital characters which seem to be substantially independent of the main ecological changes that have occurred in the genus. The premaxilla is embraced dorsally by the anterior processes of the maxillae in most lacertids, but the processes are less extensive in two sister species of Pedioplanis, P. burchelli and P. laticeps. This modified condition also occurs in the genera Eremias, Acanthodactylus, Mesalina and Ophisops, which together constitute a clade that forms the sister group of Pedioplanis. The modification provides extra evidence for the holophyly of the clade, even though presence in some Pedioplanis shows it to be homoplasious.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29):2745-2758
Solitary and presocial aculueate Hymenoptera are parasitized by a range of dipteran species in the families Anthomyiidae, Bombyliidae, Conopidae, Phoridae, and Sarcophagidae that are likely to impact on their hosts. We undertook a study over several years of a univoltine and communal bee, Andrena agilissima, and its main dipteran parasites, in particular the satellite fly Leucophora personata (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Behavioural and ecological data were collected from one nesting aggregation of the host bee on the island of Elba, Italy, from 1993 to 2003, and from a foraging site of the bee, ca 5?km from the nesting aggregation. Other Diptera associated with A. agilissima at the field site were the bee fly Bombylius fimbriatus (Bombyliidae), the conopid fly Zodion cinereum (Conopidae), and the scuttle fly Megaselia andrenae (Phoridae). The phenology of the Diptera broadly overlapped with that of their host across the season of activity (end of April and all of May). Diurnal activity patterns differed slightly; L. personata in particular was active at the host's nesting site before A. agilissima. Female satellite flies also showed a range of behaviours in gaining entry to a host nest. We summarize published data on this and other Leucophora species that parasitize Andrena host bees. Host bees returning to their nests occasionally undertook zig‐zag flight manoeuvres if followed by a satellite fly that were generally successful in evading the fly. Satellite flies that entered a nest, presumably to oviposit, were less likely to remain therein if another host bee entered the same nest, suggesting that one advantage to communal nesting for this host is a reduction in brood cell parasitism by L. personata. We provide the first clear evidence for parasitism by a Zodion of any Andrena host. Both L. personata and M. andrenae concentrated their parasitic activities in the zone of the host nesting aggregation with highest nest densities. Three of the Diptera, L. personata, B. fimbriatus, and Z. cinereum, seemed to have extremely low rates of parasitism whilst that of M. andrenae appeared low. Though they have refined parasitic behaviour that allows them to gain entry into host nests (L. personata, B. fimbriatus, and M. andrenae) or to parasitize adults (Z. cinereum), these parasites seem not to impact upon the dynamics of the host A. agilissima at the nesting aggregation, and the host possesses traits to reduce parasitism.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(4):1111-1119
Species associations of oribatid mites in maritime lichens on the island of Ailsa Craig, Firth of Clyde, were investigated. The thirteen lichen species examined yielded a total of seventeen oribatid species assignable to two discrete associations. One was characteristic of foliose lichens on exposed rocks and the other was found in terricolous fruticose lichen on acid healthland. Morphology of the lichen thallus and altitude of the collection site were found to influence the abundance, occurrence and species diversity of the mites.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1787-1797

The lizard Ameivula nigrigula is endemic to Caatinga vegetation and the transition zone between the Caatinga and Cerrado domains in Brazil. It was recently described, but little is known about its biology. We analysed microhabitat use and the diet of this species in Caatinga vegetation in Santo Inácio, Bahia State. Its diet consisted mainly of arthropods and plant material, and in particular aggregate (e.g. termites) and large preys (e.g. Coleoptera, insect larvae and spiders), reflecting their nutritional and energy values and high water contents. With regard to habitat use, we found A. nigrigula using microhabitats with tall vegetation over accumulated leaf litter, which could potentially contribute to temperature regulation. Together, those characteristics contribute to the survival of lizards in environments with low water availability and high temperatures, such as the Caatinga domain.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1729-1741
We describe the spatial pattern of variation in body size and sexual size dimorphism in the giant spiny frog, Paa spinosa (David, 1875). The study also aims to identify potential factors responsible for geographic morphological variation in the frog. The results indicate that primary production, which positively correlates with precipitation and summer temperature in China, had an important effect on body size of P. spinosa, whereas Bergmann's rule was more efficient to explain the influence of average minimum temperature in January. The species was sexually dimorphic for body size and body shape: the body size, jaw length and forelimb length of males were significantly larger than those of females. Furthermore, the degree of sexual size dimorphism varied geographically, but the relationship between the geographic variation of sexual size dimorphism and the climate was complex. Specifically, absolute sexual size dimorphism was positively correlated with the increased ambient temperature and decreased precipitation.  相似文献   

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