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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35):3217-3226
Animal mating systems are moulded by ecological factors, mainly the temporal patterns of reproduction. We report the reproductive period, use of microhabitats, clutch and egg sizes, reproductive efforts, occurrence of sexual size dimorphism, and the relation between body size and fecundity in the gravid females of Trachycephalus venulosus and Scinax fuscovarius at Serra da Bodoquena, Central Brazil. The reproduction of both species was correlated with the rainy season. Females of T. venulosus produced more eggs and their eggs were larger than those of S. fuscovarius. The females of both species were larger and heavier than males. The reproductive effort was measured as the ratio of gonad mass in relation to body mass. Females of both species presented similar reproductive efforts, but males of S. fuscovarius invested more in gonads compared to males of T. venulosus. Trachycephalus venulosus presented significant correlation between snout–vent length versus number of mature eggs and body mass versus number of mature eggs and ovarian mass. Scinax fuscovarius showed significant correlation between body mass versus ovarian mass. Trachycephalus venulosus is an explosive breeder, whereas S. fuscovarius has prolonged reproduction. These species are able to adapt to several types of habitat, due to behavioural and physiological plasticity.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):237-251
In this study we analysed the body size, age structure, age at maturity, longevity and growth pattern of Argenteohyla siemersi pederseni in north-eastern Argentina using skeletochronological methods. Body size was sexually dimorphic; females were significantly larger and heavier than males, regardless of age. As A. s. pederseni is an explosive breeder with only one reproductive episode per year, we assumed that each Line of Arrested Growth (LAG) observed was equivalent to one period of decreasing growth, LAGs reflecting a direct estimation of individual age. The minimum number of LAGs counted was two for males and three for females, but there was no sexual difference in longevity. The von Bertalanffy's growth coefficients (K) were higher in males than in females for both size and body mass. Females had a lower growth rate than males, took longer to reach the minimum maturation size, and were older and larger at reproduction.  相似文献   

The Leptodactylus pentadactylus species group is comprised of medium to large species of Neotropical frogs. Leptodactylus knudseni, a member of this species group, has a wide distribution throughout the Amazon Basin. Herein we describe aspects of the reproductive biology of L. knudseni and provide notes about the ontogenetic variation of its tadpoles based on a population in a non-flooded forest near Manaus, Amazonian Brazil. Amplectant pairs of L. knudseni lay foam nests in excavated basins on the edge of temporary ponds located on clay soil and at least 50 m from a stream. The tadpole development happens initially in the foam nests with access to the pond after the rain flooding the basins. Studied clutches lacked trophic eggs and tadpoles did not produce foam. Ontogenetic variations in L. knudseni tadpoles are related to size, teeth formulae and body colour. The use of excavated basins for the deposition of foam nests has been reported in several species of the L. pentadactylus group. The absence of trophic eggs and production of foam by the tadpoles differ from other species of the L. pentadactylus group. The tadpole morphology is similar to that described for other species of the group.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1295-1309
In social Hymenoptera, foraging, nest building, brood care and all other colony maintenance functions are carried out by the females while males function solely as reproductives. This asymmetry in social roles of the two sexes has led social insect researchers to focus almost exclusively on the females whereas males have remained relatively neglected. We studied two sympatric, primitively eusocial wasps, Ropalidia marginata and Ropalidia cyathiformis, and compared the morphological and behavioural profiles of males and females. Males of both species are smaller in size and weigh less compared to females. Males of the two species live in the nest for different durations. Borrowing from the ecological literature we use novel methods to compute and compare behavioural diversity and behavioural richness and show that females of both species are behaviourally richer and more diverse than the males.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1225-1238
The natural history of the lizard Enyalius perditus was studied from August 2005 to July 2006, at Parque Estadual Nova Baden, in the municipality of Lambari, State of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. We found that E. perditus may be considered a semi-arboreal species, like other species in the genus, sleeping on vegetation (slim branches or large leaves) at night, possibly to minimize predation. Females with enlarged follicles or oviducal eggs were found from November to January and juveniles recruited at the end of the dry season and beginning of the rainy season, in October. The diet of this lizard is composed mainly of Lepidoptera larvae, Araneae and Formicidae. Females were larger than males, and juvenile coloration is similar to that of adult females.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1189-1202
Allocosa alticeps and Allocosa brasiliensis are two sex-role-reversed spiders. Females locate males and initiate courtship. Copulation occurs inside male burrows and after copulation the males deliver their burrows to the females. We explored the occurrence of differences in morphological traits related to sex roles in both Allocosa species and compared the results with two non-burrowing wolf spiders with typical sex roles. We measured the length of the foreleg's tibia-patella and the chelicerae. Scanning electron micrographs of palpal tarsus distal sections were taken. Males showed higher values than females in all the traits considered. Adult and penultimate males lacked true claws compared with juveniles and females, but showed modified spines. The palpal organ was more proximal to the tibia compared with the non-burrowing lycosids considered in this study. Spines and palpal organ location could be associated with more effective digging. We discuss how natural and sexual selection could interact on morphology in this scenario.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1181-1198
The vocal repertoire is a tool that can be used to support systematics, conservation, ecology and behavioural studies. We characterize the acoustic parameters of the vocal repertoire of the white-bibbed antbird (Myrmeciza loricata) and describe the possible functions of each vocalization. The male’s song is related to territorial defence, and we found three calls in the repertoire. Call I is an alarm call, and call II is used for mutual recognition and remaining in contact with one another. Call III was emitted when the animals were foraging and when the individuals of the couple were very near to each other. Males and females sing as a duet, and their songs were individually distinct. The duet is possibly related to maintaining the pair bond, synchronizing breeding and warning potential intruders of the mated condition of the pair. This work is the first to describe the vocal repertoire of the white-bibbed antbird.  相似文献   

Many agamid lizards are known to show sexual dimorphism in body shape, colour and ornamentation or a combination of these traits. Adult males of Salea horsfieldii have a discontinuous dorsal crest at the nuchal region, which is a sexually dimorphic character. However, there is no information about the age or size at which this dimorphic ornamentation develops and if the species exhibits sexual shape dimorphism (SShD). The authors studied the morphology of S. horsfieldii and found that its ornamentation is an ontogenetically stable character present in all males, including juveniles. Seven morphological characters were measured to determine if they exhibited SShD at adult and juvenile stages. Analysis of covariance was used to identify differences in morphology between sexes. The results show that only adults exhibited SShD, but not juveniles. Adult males had larger head and foot lengths in comparison to females of the same size. Larger head length in adult males is a sexual fitness trait, which increases bite-force during intra-sexual combats. Although the presence of sexually dimorphic ornamentation right from the juvenile stage is rare in agamids, S. horsfieldii is an exception . The role of sexually dimorphic ornamentation at juvenile stages remains unknown and requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Reproduction is a critical event in the life cycle of animals, and a high amount of energy is allocated to it. The aim of this study was to characterize the reproductive biology of two recently described species of Hyalella from the north-east region of state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. The specimens were collected during 12 months from a stream source (Hyalella georginae) and from a water reservoir (H. gauchensis), in Palmeira das Missões municipality, state of Rio Grande do Sul. Upon sampling, ovigerous females and pairs in precopulatory behaviour were separated into microtubes. In the laboratory, the cephalothorax length (CL in mm) of all specimens was measured. Male size at onset of sexual maturity was larger than that of the females, in both species. There was a correlation between the size of paired males and females: larger males carried larger females, in both Hyalella species. Precopulatory pairs were found throughout the year; however, H. georginae had a higher frequency in spring, and H. gauchensis in autumn. There was a positive correlation between the CL of ovigerous females and the number of eggs/juveniles. A reduction in the number of eggs throughout the embryonic development was observed in H. georginae. The average fecundity of H. georginae was significantly higher than H. gauchensis. The differences between the reproductive biology of these species may be related to the physical and environmental conditions at which they are exposed in their habitats.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):1121-1128
Anadromous fish could have intraspecific groups with different life histories; identification of these is very important for management and conservation. Geometric morphometrics represents a quick and cost-effective method to identify such intraspecific groups. In this study, geometric morphometrics of Pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) migrants from the Danube River were investigated, as was Fulton's condition factor (K), hepatosomatic index (HSI) and gonadosomatic index (GSI). Pontic shad specimens were collected during April and May of 2004 and 2006. The sample comprised four groups (65 males and 56 females in 2004; 110 males and 78 females in 2006). Geometric morphometrics revealed differences in shape that were statistically significant for both year (nested analysis of variance: F = 13.84; p < 0.001) and sex (nested analysis of variance: sex nested in year, F = 1.71; p < 0.01). The major differences between years were in head shape and position of fins. The most significant difference between females and males was in the dorsolateral expansion of the mid-body section with emphasis on the higher dorsal part of the body. Values for K in this work (0.65–0.70) were the lowest recorded for Pontic shad in the Danube River. Additional investigations involving both geometric morphometrics and molecular genetics are necessary to confirm the presence of races. This could be important information for conservation purposes as Pontic shad is listed as Vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature list.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-32):1841-1851
Phyllomedusa azurea and P. sauvagii are treefrogs from seasonal dry environments of Central Brazil. We report on reproductive and other natural history features of these species. The study was carried out in Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The reproductive period was determined by the presence of vocalizing males, amplectant pair or presence of tadpoles. The reproductive effort was measured as the ratio of gonad mass in relation to body mass (BM). The reproduction of both species was correlated with the rainy season. Female P. sauvagii produced more eggs and their eggs were larger than those of P. azurea. Both species showed sexual dimorphism in relation to the snout–vent length (SVL) and BM. The mating behaviour of both species was similar. Males in both species showed similar reproductive efforts, but females of P. azurea invested more in gonads compared to the males of P. sauvagii. Phyllomedusa azurea showed a significant relation between SVL versus number of the mature eggs (NME), and P. sauvagii between SVL versus NME and BM versus ovarian mass.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):945-957
A new tephritid species from Pakistan, Stemonocera longisystylis sp. nov. Singh, Hancock & Ramamurthy is described and Stemonocera cervicornis (Brunetti) is redescribed with details of external morphology including genitalia and sexual dimorphism. A new combination Acidiostigma discale (Brunetti) is proposed for Acidia discalis Brunetti, previously included in Stemonocera.

http://zoobank.org/73F6BC90-8699-4C0A-9BA7-45349D32A8C3  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1287-1307
Larval ontogeny of the scarab Mecynorhina polyphemus was monitored throughout all instars, and larvae were weighed at 7-day intervals. Durations of the prepupal, pupal and postpupal stages were recorded. Larvae increase their body masses over 300 times during ontogeny. Male imagines are larger than females, and this is primarily a function of faster growth rates during instar III, resulting in significantly heavier larvae at the end of this instar. The durations of the three instars are not significantly different in males and females, but the duration of the prepupal and postpupal phases is significantly longer in males. There is a strong correlation in both sexes between maximal larval mass and the mass of the imago, but larval mass–imago mass scales with significantly different slopes in males and females. Male larvae must allocate increasingly more resources into production of cephalic horns with increments in larval mass, requiring differently proportioned pupal chambers.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2039-2047
We describe a species of the exclusively Neotropical dorylomorph ant genus Leptanilloides (Leptanilloidinae), Leptanilloides atlantica sp. nov., based on workers collected in the Atlantic Forest, São Paulo, south-eastern Brazil. The 11 species of Leptanilloides described are known from relatively high altitudes in western America (from the Andes foothills in Bolivia to Sierra Morena in Mexico). The discovery of a Leptanilloides species in south-eastern Brazil represents a significant range extension for the genus; this new species shares characters with Leptanilloides biconstricta (Bolivia), Leptanilloides femoralis (Venezuela) and Leptanilloides gracilis (Mexico) and may be distinguished based on a combination of traits. The hypogaeic habits of Leptanilloidinae combined with inefficient collecting techniques may explain the paucity of information and of specimens of this group in most museum collections as well as its present apparent disjunct distribution. We compare Leptanilloides distribution to that of other organisms that show similar disjunct patterns in the Andes and montane sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E7E334AA-58C0-455D-A0A6-724D29226DD0  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2497-2507
Brachycephalus garbeanus is an aposematic toadlet, endemic to the Atlantic Forest in the mountains of the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Information regarding the ecology of species in this genus is scarce, with no information on most species, including B. garbeanus. We provide ecological information about B. garbeanus, in particular regarding microhabitat use, sexual dimorphism in body size, and feeding habits. Our study was conducted in a montane area of the Parque Estadual dos Três Picos, the largest State park in Rio de Janeiro. Most of the B. garbeanus in the study area were found on the forest floor leaf litter. Females were larger on average than males. Brachycephalus garbeanus consumed a wide array of prey, comprising exclusively invertebrates and predominantly arthropods. There were seasonal differences in the diet composition, but mites and ants were important in both wet and dry seasons.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2305-2320
Recent studies indicate that populations historically called Leptodactylus fuscus (Schneider, 1799) comprise at least three well‐differentiated lineages. Herein, we describe the reproductive ecology of a southeastern clade population of L. fuscus, and review the characters of the reproductive ecology for several populations of the northern and southeastern clades. Most reproductive activity occurred in December and January, which coincided with the highest rainfall period. Males had an aggregated spatial distribution in the central area of the ponds. Three courtship interactions were observed. A female was observed closing the entrance to a burrow with moist sand after oviposition. This behaviour is described for the first time in L. fuscus. The review of the reproductive biology of the northern and southeastern clades indicates a relatively high plasticity in L. fuscus. Furthermore, the results corroborate the suggestion, based on molecular data, that the northern and southeastern clades of L. fuscus represent distinct evolutionary units.  相似文献   

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