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A brief account of the present state of weevil taxonomy is followed by a detailed study of certain structures used in their classification, namely the venter, abdominal tergites, sternite 8 of the male, apex of the hind tibia and deciduous mandibular processes. A key to some 50 families and subfamilies of Curculionoidea is followed by a list of family-group taxa. The following changes are made: Brachyceridae, Erirhinidae, Cryptolaryngidae and Raymondionymidae are promoted to family rank from Curculionidae; Antliarhininae is demoted to a subfamily of Brentidae, and Allocoryninae to a subfamily of Oxycorynidae; Coptonotini is demoted to a tribe of Curculionidae-Scolytinae; Carinae, Subfam. n. is erected for Car Blackburn (genus incertae sedis) is Belidae; Dinomorphini is demoted to a tribe of Molytinae and Brachyceropsidinae is revived from synonymy with Dinomorphinae (Curculionidae); Brachyderini, Eremnini, Otiorhynchini and Sitonini are demoted to tribes of Entiminae; Desmidophorinae is transferred from Brentidae to Brachyceridae; Ocladiini is promoted to a tribe of Desmidophorinae (from Curculionidae-Cryptorhynchinae); Campyloscelini (including Phaenomerina) is transferred from Rhynchophoridae to Curculionidae-Zygopinae; Carphodicticinae is promoted to subfamily rank and transferred from Curculionidae-Scolytinae to Platypodidae; Perieges Schönherr is transferred from Curculionidae-Thecesterninae to Cryptolaryngidae and Agriochaeta Pascoe from Cryptorhynchinae to Hyperinae (Curculionidae); Schedlarius Wood and Mecopelmus Blackman are transferred from Coptonotidae to Platypodidae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1507-1516
Limnoria kautensis and Paralimnoria asterosa are two limnoriids new to science. They were found at a depth of 8–9 m in marine conditions burrowing in rainforest logs of timber species sufficiently dense to sink when lost during log-transporting operations. L. kautensis most closely resembles. L. pfefferi, from which it can be distinguished by the absence of a Y-shaped carina on pleonite 5, the bilobed nature of the lacinia mobilis of the mandible and differences in the proportions of the maxilliped, flagellum of antenna 2 and uropods. Paralimnoria asterosa differs from the only other member of its genus, P. andrewsi, in having a pronounced ring of basally-sheated radiating setae on pleonites 4 and 5 plus the pleotelson, and in details of the pattern of carinae, tubercles and depressions on the pleon and pleotelson.  相似文献   

During the course of a recent investigation into the phylogeny of the Cynipoidea (Fergusson, 1990) a new species was discovered which is unusually elongate and has a remarkably deep incision between the metanotum and propodeum. This species constitutes a new genus, Eileenella, which is described below.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1923-1935
Four hundred and forty‐six individuals representing 11 species of Emoia (Scincidae), E. atrocostata, E. battersbyi, E. caeruleocauda, E. impar, E. jakati, E. kordoana, E. longicauda, E. obscura, E. pallidiceps, E. physicae and E. popei, collected in Papua New Guinea were examined for helminths. Two species of Cestoda (Adenobrechmos greeri, Cylindrotaenia hickmani); five species of Digenea (Mesocoelium monas, Paradistomoides gregarium, Saurokoilophilia kinsellai, Spelotrema brevicaeca, Zeylanurotrema sphenomorphi); 14 species of Nematoda, (gravid individuals of Abbreviata oligopapillata, Hedruris hanleyae, Kreisiella chrysocampa, Maxvachonia adamsoni, Meteterakis crombiei, Parapharyngodon maplestoni, Physaloperoides milnensis, Pseudoreticularia dipsarilis, Raillietnema nanus, Skrjabinodon sp. 1, Skrjabinodon sp. 2 and larvae (in cysts) of Abbreviata sp., Acuariidae gen. sp., and Riticulariidae gen. sp.) were found. The mean helminth species richness for infected skinks was 6.4±4.7 SD (range 1–14 species). Fifty‐three new host records are reported.  相似文献   

In an attempt to better document the invertebrate biodiversity of the threatened fauna of Papua New Guinea (PNG), 208 microhylid frogs representing 13 species collected in 2009 and 2010 in PNG were examined for endoparasitic helminths. This study found mature individuals of one species of Digenea (Opisthioglyphe cophixali), adults of two species of Cestoda (Nematotaenia hylae, Cylindrotaenia sp.) and cysticerci of an unidentified cestode species; adults of nine species of Nematoda (Aplectana krausi, Bakeria bakeri, Cosmocerca novaeguineae, Cosmocercella phrynomantisi, Falcaustra papuensis, Icosiella papuensis, Ochtoterenella papuensis, Parathelandros allisoni, Parathelandros andersoni), and one species of Acanthocephala (cystacanths in the family Centrorhynchidae). There was a high degree of endemism among the helminth species infecting the microhylids, with 83% of the species known only from PNG. Yet the helminth fauna infecting Papuan microhylids are generalists with direct life cycles (no intermediate host) that also infect other anuran species. We thus conclude infection is more dependent upon habitat conditions than diet. Twenty-nine new host records are reported.  相似文献   

We describe nematomorph specimens from New Zealand and compare them to museum specimens of Gordius paranensis Camerano, 1892 from Chile. Although specimens from New Zealand and Chile vary from each other, especially in body dimensions and coloration, literature data on other South American specimens of G. paranensis correspond to the New Zealand specimens which are therefore considered to belong to this species. A conspicuous character of G. paranensis is a precloacal, parabolic row of bristles that has been observed elsewhere only in G. difficilis (Montgomery, 1898).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1987-2007
Five hundred and sixty microhylid frogs representing 26 species collected from 2002 to 2005 in Papua New Guinea were examined for helminths. Found were three species of Digenea, two species of Cestoda, nineteen species of Nematoda, and two species of Acanthocephala. One hundred and eleven new host records were recorded. Nematodes comprised 73% (19/26) of the species present and 95% (10,581/11,107) of the individuals present. Seventeen of the 26 (65%) helminth species found are currently known only from Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1891-1910
One hundred and ninety-one frogs collected in Papua New Guinea from 10 species of the genus Litoria, namely, L. angiana, L. arfakiana, L. caerulea, L. congenita, L. eurynastes, L. gasconi, L. infrafrenata, L. iris, L. kumae and L. modica, were examined for helminths. Eighteen species of helminths were found: one species of Monogenea, Parapolystoma bulliense; three species of Digenea, Diplodiscus amphichrus, Halipegus zweifeli and Mesocoelium monas; 13 species of Nematoda, gravid specimens of Aplectana macintoshii, Cosmocerca novaeguineae, Falcaustra papuensis, Maxvachonia adamsoni, Maxvachonia flindersi, Maxvachonia ingens, Meteterakis crombiei, Moaciria moraveci, Parathelandros mastigurus, Physalopteroides milnensis, Pseudorictularia dipsarilis, Seuratascaris numidica, and larvae (in cysts) of Abbreviata sp. and, one species of Acanthocephala, Pseudoacanthocephalus bufonis. Mean number of helminth species per host species was 3.0 ± 1.4 SD (range 1–5), mean number of helminth species per infected frog was 1.1 ± 0.4 SD (range 1–2), and mean number of helminths per infected host was 33.3 ± 5.8 SD (range 1–36). Twenty-eight new host records and two new locality records are reported. The biogeography of the recovered helminths is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):509-522
Three hundred and ninety‐nine individuals representing 10 species of Litoria and five species of Nyctimystes (Hylidae), L. arfakiana, L. bibonius, L. eucnemis, L. genimaculata, L. impura, L. infrafrenata, L. modica, L. nasuta, L. thesaurensis, L. wollastoni, N. gularis, N. kubori, N. papua, N. pulcher and N. semipalmatus collected in Papua New Guinea were examined for helminths. Gravid individuals representing one species of Monogenea (Parapolystoma bulliense), one species of Digenea (Mesocoelium monas), 18 species of Nematoda (Aplectana krausi, Aplectana macintoshi, Aplectana zweifeli, Cosmocerca novaeguineae, Falcaustra papuensis, Icosiella papuensis, Maxvachonia adamsoni, Maxvachonia ewersi, Meteterakis crombiei, Moaciria moraveci, Ochoterenella papuensis, Oswaldocruzia bakeri, Parapharyngdon maplestoni, Parathelandros allisoni, Parathelandros andersoni, Physalopteroides milnensis, Rhabdias australiensis, Seuratascaris numidica) and one species of Acanthocephala (Acanthocephalus bufonis) were found. Also included were immature forms representing one species of Cestoda (as a metacestode), three species of Nematoda (Abbreviata sp., Rictulariidae gen. sp., Ascarididae gen. sp. in cysts), one species of Acanthocephala (unidentified cystacanth), and one species of Pentastomida [Raillietiella sp. (nymph)]. The mean helminth species richness for infected hosts was 1.3±0.6 SD (range one to three species). Sixty‐seven new host records and two new locality records are reported.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1259-1278
The complete larval development of Petalomera japonica (Henderson) is described, based on laboratory rearing. The species has two zoeal stages and a megalopa. Detailed comparisons are made with other dromiid larvae, particularly those of Petalomera wilsoni.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):2209-2239
The Neotropical lacconotine genus Physiomorphus Pic (Coleoptera: Mycteridae) is reviewed, and redescribed. Larvae are described and illustrated for three species, based on reared specimens. Detailed information is included on biology, rearing and habitat. New synonymies presented are: Physiomorphus Pic 1917 = Batobiomorphus Pic 1920; Laccoderus melanurus Champion 1916 = Batobiomorphus laticollis Pic 1920; Physiomorphus atricolor Pic 1917 = Physiomorphus rufotinctus Pic 1921. The following new species are described: Physiomorphus rufolineatus; P. antennatus; P. angustus; P. mimeticus, and P. subcostulatus, bringing the total number of known species to eight. Comparisons are made between larvae and adults of Physiomorphus and other described lacconotines. Details are given on Brazilian localities where Physiomorphus larvae were collected.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1683-1706
The weevils known to develop in Syzygium and Eugenia (Myrtaceae) fruit are reviewed. These weevils belong to the genera Curculio, Alcidodes, Acythopeus, Apotomorhinus (Curculionidae: Curculioninae, Molytinae and (the last two) Baridinae respectively) and Sitophilus (Dryophthoridae) in the Old World, and Atractomerus (Curculionidae: Anthonominae) in the Neotropics; two undescribed baridine species (one in Australia and the other in the USA) are also known to feed on the fruits, and the Omophorine Teleuropus (Curculionidae: Molytinae) has been found associated with them. Particular attention is paid to species of Alcidodes from aseasonal dipterocarp-dominated forests in South-East Asia. Two Bornean species (Alcidodes janetae sp. n. and A. eugeniophilus sp. n.) are the first of their genus to be reared from the fruit of Syzygium or Eugenia. These species, plus two other (A. expansitarsis sp. n. from Assam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos, and A. gymnasticus sp. n. from Malaysia) belong to a previously undescribed species group of Alcidodes; all four species are described and keyed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1789-1809
Nebalia brucei sp. nov. is described from specimens taken in traps from Unguja Island (Zanzibar), Tanzania, East Africa. The species is characterized by the following unique combination of characters: a short and broad rostrum; a carapace that is large compared to overall body size and that covers pleonite 4; a basally narrow compound eye; and acutely pointed denticles at the dorsal margin of pleon segments 6 and 7. Cladistic analyses of the relationships of the seven recognized leptostracan genera resulted in two hypotheses. One tree has Nebaliopsis as sister group to the remaining leptostracans and supports the monophyly of Nebaliidae. The other tree has Paranebalia as sister group to the remaining leptostracans and Nebaliidae as paraphyletic with respect to Nebaliopsis. Both trees contain a Nebalia/Dahlella/Sarsinebalia clade.  相似文献   

Four new species of Mexican Pityophthorus in the Lautus group are described: P. indefessus (Jalisco), P. inhabilis (Guerrero), P. tutulus (Veracruz), and P. vegrandis (Quintana Roo) and a new locality record is given for P. corruptus Wood.  相似文献   

New synonymies and new data affecting North American Pityophthorus are proposed as follows: chalcoensis Hopkins ( = herrerai Hopkins) and nigricans Blandford ( = chiapensi s Bright). Neotypes are designated for the following species described by Eichhoff: concentralis, cribripennis, infans, puchellus, and tuberculatus. New species are: carinatus (Canada), cavatus (Manitoba, Saskatchewan), euterpes (Mexico), hesperius (British Columbia), impexus (Mexico), intentus (Arizona), laticeps (Mexico), malleatus (Arizona), mesembria (Guatemala), montezumae (Mexico), scalptus (British Columbia, Colorado), trepidus (California), and vespertinus (Mexico).  相似文献   


The corallanid isopods, C. nodosa, C. estuaria sp. nov. C. bidentata sp. nov. and C. tridentata sp. nov. have been found within timbers of mangroves and man-made structures in marine and brackish waters around Papua New Guinea. Corallana estuaria, C. bidentata and C. tridentata are new to science and are described in detail. In addition, aspects of the ecology of all four species are considered, including their association with the marine-boring isopods, Sphaeroma terebrans and S. triste.  相似文献   

The gall-forming psylloid fauna associated with the temperate Neotropical plant genus Schinus (Anacardiaceae) is revised, and keys are provided for adults, larvae and galls. Fourteen species are recognized in the genus Calophya (Calophyidae), 10 of which are described as new; C. gallifex and C. schini are reinstated from former synonymy with C. rubra. An additional closely related new species, C. clavuligera sp. n., is described from Lithrea spp. In the genus Tainarys (Psyllidae, Rhinocolinae), six species are recognized and, for five of these, Schinus species are confirmed hosts. Two of them are described as new and one is recombined from Leurolophus. A new Leurolophus species is described from Lithrea molleoides. Based on a cladistic analysis Pelmatobrachia, Microceropsylla and Neocalophya are synonymized with Calophya, producing five new and one revised species combinations as well as one nomen nov. A list of the 59 currently recognized species is provided with information on synonymy, distribution and host plants. The cladistic analyses suggest that the Schinus inhabiting calophyids form two monophyletic groups, the C. rubra and C. hermicitae groups, respectively. A discriminant analysis of 15 variables for both males and females provides morphometric characters for separating the morphologically very homogenous adults of the C. rubra group. The phylogenetic relationships of the Rhinocolinae are re-evaluated, and the genera Tainarys and Leurolophus are redefined. Notophyllura is transferred from the Euphyllurinae to the Rhinocolinae. Tainarys forms the sister group of Leurolophus + Notophyllura. Based on mapped distributions four areas of endemism (distribution) are defined: A (Eastern temperate South America), B (Central and Southern Chile, including adjacent parts of Argentina), C (Central Argentina) and D (Peru, Far Northern Chile, and Eastern Bolivia). Cladistic biogeographical analyses with TAS, COMPONENT and an algorithm by Enghoff yielded the general area cladogram (A +(C +(B +D))); the one calculated with BPA differed in the position of D: (D +(A +(B +C))). The reconstruction of vicariant events using a protocol by Hovenkamp, corroborates the former general area cladogram, which is compared to competing hypotheses. The history of dispersal and vicariance events is reconstructed with the programme DIVA. Evidence for cospeciation of Schinus with its associated psylloids is evaluated with COMPONENT and TREE MAP. The likelihood for cospeciation is high in the Calophya hermicitae group, but low in the Calophya rubra group and in Tainarys. The gall shape depends partly from the psylloid, partly from the Schinus phylogeny.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1517-1563
A total of 53 Amiota (s. str.) species (75% of the world total) from Asia and Europe, including 10 new species, kamui, kimurai and planata from Japan, and aristata, cuii, macai, magniflava, nuerhachii, spinata and watabei from China, are reviewed with designation of two new synonymies and phylogenetic analysis. Based upon the result of cladistic analysis with 31 adult male morphological characters, the following conclusions are deduced: (1) The subgenus Amiota is monophyletic, so far as the Asian and European forms are concerned. (2) Seven monophyletic groups are recognized within this subgenus. Two of them correspond to known species-groups, the apodemata and sinuata groups, and the remaining five are established as new species-groups, the nagatai, basdeni, taurusata, alboguttata and rufescens groups. A key to all the studied species from Asia and Europe is provided.  相似文献   

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