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Gas exchange and carbon isotope ratios were measured on 2 facultative hemiparasites, Castilleja linariifolia Benth. (Indian paintbrush); Scrophulariaceae) and Othrocarpus tomiei H. & A. (Tolmie owl clover, Scrophulariaceae), and their Artemisia tridentata L. (big sagebrush; Asteraceae) hosts. Photosynthetic rates differed greatly between years; rates in 1995 were more than double those in 1994, likely due to more precipitation and less water stress during 1995. Despite the difference in precipitation, photosynthetic rates for C. linariifolia were not different from those of their hosts for either year. However, carbon isotope ratios of C. linariifolia and O. tolmiei were up to 3% more negative than those of their A. tridentata hosts. Using measured δ 13 C ratios in conjunction with δ 13 C predicted from gas exchange measurements, we calculated that C. linariifolia derived, on average, 40% of its leaf carbon heterotrophically. Contrary to current suggestions that high photosynthetic rates of hemiparasites are an indication of reduced heterotrophy, C. linariifolia exhibited photosynthetic rates similar to autotrophic plants and used a substantial amount of host-derived carbon. Moreover, this evidence shows that manipulation of a heterotrophic carbon supply transcends obligate hemiparasites to include those plants whose parasitism is facultative.  相似文献   

The taxa centering around Phlox austromontana Coville are revised. Named as a new variety is P. austromontana var. lutescens Welsh from eastern Garfield County, Utah. A new combination is provided as P. austromontana var.  jonesii (Wherry) Welsh.       相似文献   

From April to July 2008, we surveyed for breeding plovers at 32 sites in the semiarid highlands of Jalisco, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, and San Luis Potosí, in the Central Mexican High Plateau. We documented evidence or presumption of breeding Snowy Plovers ( Charadrius alexandrinus ) at 3 sites, Killdeer ( C. vociferus ) at 15 sites, and Mountain Plovers ( C. montanus ) at 1 site. Our surveys showed that the region is important breeding ground for only the Killdeer. We documented an apparent breeding range extension of the Mountain Plover to slightly more than 200 km south of its previously known breeding range.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1689-1727
The hoplonemertean genera Prosadenoporus Bürger, 1890 Bürger, O. 1890. Untersuchungen über die anatomie und histologie der nemertinen nebst beiträgen zur systematik [Studies of anatomy and histology of nemerteans with contribution to systematics].. Z Wiss Zool., 50: 1277. German [Google Scholar] and Pantinonemertes Moore and Gibson, 1981 Moore, J. and Gibson, R. 1981. The Geonemertes problem (Nemertea).. J Zool., 194: 175201.  [Google Scholar] are revised and synonymized based on a morphological re‐evaluation. We redefine Prosadenoporus Bürger, 1890 Bürger, O. 1890. Untersuchungen über die anatomie und histologie der nemertinen nebst beiträgen zur systematik [Studies of anatomy and histology of nemerteans with contribution to systematics].. Z Wiss Zool., 50: 1277. German [Google Scholar] on the basis of characters held in common by the eight species: Prosadenoporus agricola (Willemoes‐Suhm, 1874 Willemoes‐Suhm, R. 1874. On a land‐nemertean found in the Bermudas.. Ann Mag Nat Hist. Ser 4., 13: 409411.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus arenarius Bürger, 1890 Bürger, O. 1890. Untersuchungen über die anatomie und histologie der nemertinen nebst beiträgen zur systematik [Studies of anatomy and histology of nemerteans with contribution to systematics].. Z Wiss Zool., 50: 1277. German [Google Scholar], Prosadenoporus spectaculum (Yamaoka, 1940 Yamaoka, T. 1940. Two nemerteans from the Riukiu Islands.. Annot Zool Japon., 19: 1318.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus winsori (Moore and Gibson, 1981 Moore, J. and Gibson, R. 1981. The Geonemertes problem (Nemertea).. J Zool., 194: 175201.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus enalios (Moore and Gibson, 1981 Moore, J. and Gibson, R. 1981. The Geonemertes problem (Nemertea).. J Zool., 194: 175201.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus mooreae (Gibson, 1982b Gibson, R. 1982b. Nemerteans of the Great Barrier Reef. 5. Enopla Hoplonemertea (Monostilifera).. Zool J Linn Soc., 75: 269296.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., Prosadenoporus mortoni (Gibson, 1990 Gibson, R. 1990. “The macrobenthic nemertean fauna of Hong Kong.”. In The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China, Edited by: Morton, B. 33212. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. and Prosadenoporus fujianensis (Sun, 2001 Sun, S. 2001. A new mangrove‐dwelling nemertean from China.. Hydrobiologia, 456: 199209.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. We describe a new semi‐terrestrial species Prosadenoporus floridensis sp. nov. from Belize and Florida and compare its morphology to other species of Prosadenoporus. The average sequence divergence of P. floridensis sp. nov. from other congeners is 9.15% (16S) and 10.65% (COI) and 7.8% and 10.3% respectively from the nearest sequenced congener P. mortoni.  相似文献   


  • 1. A morphological study of five body regions of the Lepidoptera has been made, these being (a) the radial system of the mesothoracic wing, (b) the mesothoracic sternopleural region, (c) the ventral thoraco-abdominal articulative (and adjacent) structures, including the integumental components of the tympanum where present, (d) the dorsal thoraco-abdominal articulation, etc., and (e) the metathoracic furca or endosternite. These regions were selected because the nature of the variation they exhibit suggested that, of the much larger number of regions primarily investigated, they are the most likely to provide information on the evolution of the higher taxa in the order. None of these regions had been investigated at all fully previously, and therefore a considerable amount of basic morphological study was necessary as a preliminary to phylogenetic discussion. This morphological work has been extended to include the primitive Lepidoptera (with the Trichoptera) in the case of the mesosternopleural region, and in the regions of thoraco-abdominal articulation, in order to clarify basic homologies where these were obscure in the Ditrysia.

  • 2. Included also in the preliminary morphological treatment are two other body regions, the variation of which is not complex, and can be more briefly described. These regions are the prothoracic sclerites and the metanotal subdivisions—both of these showing interesting variation throughout the order which can be easily interpreted from the phylogenetic standpoint.

  • 3. Following reference to the basic morphology of each region studied, a broad outline of the evolutionary dynamics of each character complex is given in order to provide a basis for discussion of the evolutionary trends manifested within the superfamilies.

  • 4. In sections four and five of this work, the character complexes which were the subject of morphological study earlier are examined further with regard to their dynamics as manifested within each of the Ditrysian superfamilies. The formation of the concepts which are outlined here is based on consideration of all information derivable from all of these character complexes along with previously published information on other aspects of Lepidopterous anatomy. Resulting from this, a re-organization of the superfamilies has been possible on a phylogenetic basis. The chaotic state of the past literature on the classification of the Lepidoptera, the result of superficial taxonomic work, renders the comparison of the present system with previous ones clearly impossible within the scope of the present paper, but it is noted that many of the superfamily groupings do not differ very widely from those in some of the more comprehensive early studies, such as Forbes (1923). Through lack of material, no radical re-organization of the primitive Ditrysian superfamilies included in the Tinaeoid complex has been attempted, and for the same attempting to convey a very great deal of information by means of varied labelling of the two components of the suture. Reference both to the text, and to the figures given in the introductory (morphological) section of this paper, should however, enable anyone to appreciate these factors from the figures given. (3) Abbreviations used with reference to wing veins and pupal tracheae follow the standard Comstock-Needham system, apart from the identification of Cu2, which follows Tillyard's (1969) interpretation.

Note also that a few of the less common structures have been explained with the captions to the figures.  相似文献   

Observational data from spring and fall 1996 and spring 1997 for the region near Mulegé, Baja California Sur, Mexico, are summarized in tabular form. In addition, new or noteworthy data for 17 species are annotated to provide clarification of previously published records. A uniquely plumaged bird, too far south for a female American Robin ( Turdus migratorius ) in basic plumage and too far north for the endemic ""San Lucas"" Robin ( Turdus migratorius confinis ) and intermediate in coloration between the two, was recorded. Range expansions are documented for several species including the European Starling ( Sturnus vulgaris ), Anna's Hummingbird ( Calypte anna ), Western Meadowlark ( Sturnella neglecta ), White-faced Ibis ( Plegadis chichi ), and White-fronted Goose ( Anser albifrons ). Lease Grebes ( Tachybaptus dominicus ), a species of concern which is apparently declining in numbers, and Belding's Yellowthroat ( Geothlypis beldingi ) a species endemic to Baja California Sur, were observed in the freshwater marsh during all 3 study periods.  相似文献   

Climate change and fire suppression have facilitated expansion of pinyon-juniper woodlands into sagebrush-steppe ecosystems of the Great Basin, USA, resulting in a loss of biological diversity. To assess the effects of using prescribed fire in restoration efforts, ant abundance, species richness, and composition were examined pre- and post-burn along the elevation and tree cover gradients encompassed by a pinyon-juniper woodland in a central Nevada watershed. Ants were sampled using pitfall traps in 6 sites for the elevation study and in 2 sites for the tree cover study, representing paired burn and control sites in a randomized block design. Vegetation and ground cover variables were also sampled to determine how variation in ant populations was correlated with differences in vegetation and ground cover. Ant species richness remained unchanged for all treatments. Tree cover had no significant effect on ant populations. Significantly more ants were trapped after the burn treatment on burn plots. Variation in ant populations was not directly correlated with any of the vegetation or ground cover variables. According to ANOVA and multivariate analyses, elevation had the greatest effect on changes in ant communities, likely due to increased moisture availability. Our results suggest that management for conservation of sagebrush-steppe ecosystems in this and similar watersheds should include a range of elevations to ensure maximum ant species diversity.  相似文献   

New taxa include: Cryptantha cinerea (Torr.) Cronq. var. arenicola Higgins & Welsh; Physaria chambersii Rollins var. sobolifera Welsh (Cruciferae); Phacelia demissa Gray var. minor N. D. Atwood (Hydrophyllaceae); Iris pariensis Welsh (Iridaceae); Astragalus preussii var. cutleri Barneby and Pediomelum aromaticum (Payson) Welsh var. tuhyi Welsh (Leguminosae); Abronia nana Wats. var. harrisii Welsh (Nyctaginaceae); Camissonia atwoodii Cronq. (Onagraceae); Habenaria zothecina Higgins & Welsh (Orchidaceae); Aqiiilegia formosa Fisch. in DC. var. fosteri Welsh (Ranunculaceae). New nomenclatural combinations include: Rhus aromatica Ait. var. simplicifolia (Greene) Cronq. (Anacardiaceae); Lomatium kingii (Wats.) Cronq., L. kingii var. alpinum (Wats.) Cronq. (Apiaceae); Cryptantha cinerea (Torr.) Cronq. var. laxa (Macbr.) Higgins; Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC. var. nivalis (Wats.) Higgins (Boraginaceae); Opuntia erinacea Engelm. var. aurea (Baxter) Welsh (Cactaceae); Arenaria fendleri Gray var. aculeata (Wats.) Welsh, A. fendleri var. eastwoodiae (Rydb.) Welsh, Lychnis apetala L. var. kingii (Wats.) Welsh, Stellaria longipes Goldie var. monantha (Hulten) Welsh (Caryophyllaceae); Draba densifolia Nutt. ex T. & G. var. apiculata (C. L. Hitchc.) Welsh, D. oligosperma Hook. var. juniperina (Dorn) Welsh, Physaria acutifolia Rydb. var. stylosa (Rollins) Welsh, Thelypodiopsis sagittata (Nutt.) Schulz var. ovalifolia (Rydb.) Welsh (Cruciferae); Lotus plebeius (T. Brandg.) Barneby, Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. in Edwards var. ammophilus (Greene) Barneby, L polyphyllus var. humicola (A. Nels.) Barneby, L. argenteus Pursh var. fulvomaculatus (Payson) Barneby, L. argenteus var. palmeri (Wats.) Barneby, Pediomelum aromaticum (Payson) Welsh, P. epipsilum (Barneby) Welsh, Psoralidium lanceolatum (Pursh) Rydb. var. stenophyllum (Rydb.) Welsh, and P. lanceolatum var. stenostachys (Rydb.) Welsh (Leguminosae); Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Hiemerl var. decipiens (Standl.) Welsh (Nyctaginaceae); Camissonia boothii var. condensata (Munz) Cronq., C. boothii var. villosa (Wats.) Cronq., C. clavaeformis (Torr. & Frem.) Raven var. purpurascens (Wats.) Cronq., C. scapoidea (T. & G.) var. utahensis (Raven) Welsh, Oenothera caespitosa var. macroglottis (Rydb.) Cronq., Oe. caespitosa var. navajoensis (Wagner, Stockhouse, & Klein) Cronq., Oe. flava (A. Nels.) Garrett var. acutissima (W. L. Wagner) Welsh, and Oe. primiveris Gray var. bufonis (Jones) Cronq. (Onagraceae); Papaver radicatum Rottb. var. pygmaeum (Rydb.) Welsh (Papaveraceae); Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merr. var. zionense (Eastw.) Welsh (Primulaceae); Aquilegia flavescens Wats. var. rubicunda (Tidestr.) Welsh, Delphinium andersonii Gray var. scaposum (Greene) Welsh, D. occidentalis (Wats.) Wats. var. barbeyi (Huth) Welsh, and Ranunculus andersonii Gray var. juniperinus (Jones) Welsh (Ranunculaceae); Purshia mexicana (D. Don) Welsh and P. mexicana var. stansburyi (Torr.) Welsh (Rosaceae); Galium mexicanum H.B.K. var. asperrimum (Gray) Higgins & Welsh (Rubiaceae); Castilleja parvula Rydb. var. revealii (N. Holmgren) N. D. Atwood and C. rhexifolia Rydb. var. sulphurea (Rydb.) N. D. Atwood (Scrophulariaceae).  相似文献   

Nests of Schneider’s dwarf caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus, were located in the forests around three streams that drain into the Xingu River, Brazilian Amazonia, in October 2014. Camera traps were installed at the edge of four nests to document predators and female parental care. At two nests, females unsuccessfully defended their nests against one or more giant armadillos, Priodontes maximus, and nine-banded armadillos, Dasypus novemcinctus. Both armadillo species responded to the attack by fleeing and returning on the opposite side of the nest by going around the tree under which the nest was located. Giant armadillos have never before been recorded consuming caiman eggs and their diet has been described as consisting mostly of ants and termites. Another species of armadillo, Cabassous unicinctus, was also registered digging into a nest and probably consuming eggs, though it is generally considered to be primarily insectivorous. A tayra (Eira barbara), lizard (Tupinambis teguixin) and coati (Nasua nasua) were also registered taking eggs from nests during the day, but we obtained no registers of nest defence by caimans during the day. The three nests were attacked after 60 days of incubation, when the eggs were well developed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2355-2362
Diagnostic characters are presented for Appias nero corazonae, a pierid butterfly from the Sulu Archipelago, Philippines, that exhibits female-limited polymorphism. The potential significance of A. n. corazonae for genetic investigations into Darwinian transference, the hypothetical process whereby bright colouration first evolves in the males of a species and is later ‘transferred’ to the females, is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive characteristics of 2 syntopic lizard species, Sceloporus gadoviae and Sceloporus jalapae (Phrynosomatidae). Specimens of S. gadoviae ( N = 105) and S. jalapae ( N = 41) were collected in a tropical arid forest from Tehuacán Valley, Puebla, México. Males of S. gadoviae reached sexual maturity at the same snoutvent length (SVL; 45.0 mm) as S. jalapae , and a similar pattern occurred in females of both species (SVL; 41.0 and 42.0 mm, respectively). Males of S. gadoviae exhibited reproductive activity throughout the year, with a longer activity during the dry (November to May) and part of the wet season (June to September). In contrast, reproductive activity in S. jalapae males occurred during the wet season (July to September). Females of S. gadoviae showed continuous reproduction, whereas females of S. jalapae exhibited seasonal reproduction. Mean SVL of sexually mature females was higher for S. gadoviae ( ̄ x ± s ̄x = 50.4 ± 0.52) than for S. jalapae (46.0 ± 0.54, P S. gadoviae was lower (3.9 ± 0.14 eggs) than for S. jalapae (5.6 ± 0.43). There was no significant correlation between snout-vent length of females and clutch size of S. gadoviae ( r 2 = 0.22, P > 0.05) or S. jalapae ( r 2 = 0.48, P > 0.05). Our study suggests that although both species inhabit the same environment, they have different reproductive characteristics.  相似文献   


The island of New Guinea has been identified as biologically megadiverse but many taxa are still poorly known. This is especially the case for many of the island’s snakes, which by their very nature can be difficult to collect and study. Here we examine the phylogenetic and phylogeographic structure of a poorly studied snake genus, Stegonotus, focusing on the species of New Guinea; until now, Stegonotus has never been examined using modern phylogenetic methods. Using molecular data from 49 individuals representing eight of the ten described species, and including all New Guinea taxa, we estimate a multilocus phylogeny and examine population structure to help identify undescribed taxa. We use morphological data from the corresponding museum vouchered specimens (where available) and also examine additional specimens for taxa not included in the molecular data set to determine morphological differences among putative taxa. We find molecular evidence for four new species of Stegonotus, both morphologically obvious and cryptic, and describe them herein. The recognition of these four species indicates that Stegonotus diversity has been previously underestimated and also suggests that there are likely additional undescribed taxa within the genus. These four taxa increase the number of described species by 40% and further confirm New Guinea as the centre of diversity for the genus.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9E21390E-3FD4-40EB-9442-31BC92A76B4F  相似文献   

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