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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1359-1358
Increasing oil-exploration activity and associated ecological surveying west of the Shetlands is leading to the discovery of many poorly known or undescribed tanaidaceans. Three species of the typhlotanaid genus Paratyphlotanais Kudinova-Pasternak and Pasternak, 1978 Kudinova-Pasternak R. K Pasternak F. A 1978 Deep sea Tanaidacea collected from the Caribbean Sea and Puerto Rico trench during the 16th cruise of RV ‘Akademik Kurchatov’ and the resemblance between the fauna of deep-sea Tanaidacea of the Caribbean region and the Pacific Trudy Instituta Okeanologiii. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 113, 115–135 (in Russian)  [Google Scholar] have been recorded from shelf and bathyal depths between Iceland, the Faroe Islands and the western margin of the British Isles. Two, P. gracilipes (Hansen) and P. microcheles (G. O. Sars), formerly belonging to the genus Typhlotanais, are redescribed and a new species is described. A key to their identification is included. Inhabiting largely discrete zoogeographic areas, these species help define regional macrofaunal associations.  相似文献   

We documented a southern range extension and new specimens of western gray squirrel ( Sciurus griseus anthonyi ) for the state of Baja California, México. The most recent specimen was collected in the town Cataviña and represents the southernmost record for the species and subspecies. Repeated observations of individuals in this new location suggest the presence of a marginal population in Mediterranean chaparral–desert scrub transition vegetation. Documentamos la extension de ámbito más sureño y nuevos especímenes de a ardilla gris occidental ( Sciurus griseus anthonyi ) para el Estado de Baja California, México. El espécimen más reciente fue recolectado en el poblado de Cataviña y representa el registro más sureño para la especie y subespecie. Observaciones repetidas de individuos en esta última localidad sureña sugiere la presencia de una población marginal en vegetación de transición de chaparral mediterráneo–matorral desértico.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39):3435-3452
Four new species of Stenothoidae were collected from the Azores Triple Junction zone during different French cruises on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. One of the species belongs to the genus Torometopa (T. saldanhae) and is the first record of this genus in the Atlantic Ocean. The three other species belong to the genus Stenothoe (S. divae, S. marvela, and S. menezgweni). It is not possible to determine from morphological and ecological characters whether these amphipod species are endemic to hydrothermal systems or are bathyal species that may be found away from vent sites.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(42):3663-3685
The reproductive phenology of the cloud forest tree Protium tovarense (Burseraceae) is analysed for one population in northern Venezuela. Reproductive phenophases were monitored using both long‐term(21 years) and detailed short‐term (4 years) surveys of flower and fruit set. The reproductive phenology of this tree varies, with periods in which the species behaves as a supra‐annual reproducer, and other periods in which it reproduces annually, at the end of the rainy season. Marked spatial variation in reproductive condition was also observed, with subpopulations separated by less than 2 km showing contrasting phenological stages. Larval infestation of seeds by a braconid wasp was observed for a period of 1 year and is described. This wasp, the first obligately phytophagous species of Braconinae, is described as Bracon phytophagus Quicke sp. n. Percentage fruit infestation by this wasp was relatively high (50–60%) during the entire period (~10 months) of fruit development. The larval stages are described and illustrated, and compared with those of other phytophagous Ichneumonoidea. DNA sequencing of wasp colour variants provided no indication that multiple species were involved. Two related braconine species described in the genus Iphiaulax are transferred to Bracon, hence, B. flavipalpisimus replacement name (Szépligeti) ( = Iphiaulax flavipalpis Szépligeti, 1901 Szépligeti, G v. 1901. Tropische Cenocoeliden und Braconidae aus der Sammlung des Ungarischens National‐Museums.. Természetrajzi Füzetek, 24: 353402.  [Google Scholar] not B. flavipalpis Thomson, 1892) and B. glabrescens (Szépligeti) n. comb. ( = Iphiaulax glabrescens Szépligeti, 1901 Szépligeti, G v. 1901. Tropische Cenocoeliden und Braconidae aus der Sammlung des Ungarischens National‐Museums.. Természetrajzi Füzetek, 24: 353402.  [Google Scholar]). Evolutionary routes to phytophagy in braconid wasps and hypothetical scenarios in which this plant–seed predator interaction can be maintained are discussed.  相似文献   

Two akanthophoreid taxa, Chauliopleona and the new genus Saurotipleona, are modest contributors to tanaidacean diversity in the benthos of seas from Iceland to the British Isles along the ‘Atlantic Margin’. Three of H.J. Hansen’s ‘Ingolf’ species, originally within the genus Leptognathia, are rediagnosed, i.e. Chauliopleona amdrupii, C. armata and C. hastata. One new species, C. bamberi, from British waters is described and a new genus and species, Saurotipleona julii, is described from bathyal depths in the Irminger and Iceland basins. The latter is similar to Chauliopleona in having a sternal spur on pleonite-5 but this is of a slightly different form and is ventrally directed; it also has two superodistal spines on the propodus of pereopod-5, a distinctly plesiomorphic character in the family. A distribution map and key to the identification of these species are given.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E7EF8C72-D1C6-438E-B9C2-A5CE637FB75A  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-16):925-936
Morphological and genetic data for the Iberian golden‐striped salamander, Chioglossa lusitanica, demonstrate the existence of two groups with southern and northern ranges, connected by a zone of intergradation in central Portugal. Because reproductive isolation between them is incomplete we consider the groups to be subspecies. The type locality of C. lusitanica (Buçaco near Lousã) is situated inside the mixed zone. This necessitates identification of the nominotypical subspecies. We sequenced a fragment of mitochondrial DNA from one of the species' syntypes and we determined what position over a latitudinal transect maximizes the morphological discrimination between the groups. Both approaches indicate that C. lusitanica from Buçaco represents the southern subspecies. A new subspecies of C. lusitanica is described from a northern locality (Valongo near Porto in north‐western Portugal). A lectotype is designated for Chioglossa lusitanica.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):1011-1025
Diet composition of slow worms (Anguis fragilis) from a Danish population was recorded from May to September 2006. Slow worms were maintained in cool conditions (at 8°C) for a maximum of 126 h, which made approximately half of the animals regurgitate. The method worked equally well on juveniles and adults. The regurgitations revealed that the slow worms preyed on small snails, slugs, pill millipedes (Glomeris marginata), earthworms and Lepidoptera larvae. There were seasonal changes in taxon composition of the diet but no ontogenetic or sex‐related differences. The food quality of selected prey types was tested on juveniles in a laboratory experiment. Mealworms gave a significantly lower gain in mass and snout–vent length than slugs, earthworms and a mix of all three prey types. A supplementary experiment revealed that slow worms from the present population completely rejected mealworms as prey. Earthworms seemed to be nutritionally inferior to molluscs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(48):4081-4099
Three species of scale‐worms inhabiting chaetopterid tubes have been found during routine studies of benthic communities. Anotochaetonoe michelbhaudi gen. and sp. nov. occurred in the East Atlantic off Congo in association with Spiochaetopterus sp. and Phyllochaetopterus sp. It has a relatively short body (fewer than 50 segments); elytra in posterior part of the body arranged on chaetigers 23, 26, 29, 32, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, present to posterior end; achaetous notopodia; neuropodia long, with longer subtriangular prechaetal lobes and shorter postchaetal lobes rounded distally; upper neurochaetae unidentate and lower bidentate; globular ciliated papillae present between ventral cirri and ventral basis of neuropodia. Lepidasthenia brunnea occurred in the Mediterranean Sea off the French coast both free‐living and in association with Phyllochaetopterus sp. Ophthalmonoe pettiboneae was found in Vietnam (South China Sea) in association with Chaetopterus sp. This is the second finding of the species. The characteristics of the associations between chaetopterid genera and symbiotic polychaetes are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):447-468
Three hundred and three individuals representing 14 species of lizards (Scincidae), collected in Papua New Guinea, were examined for metazoan endoparasites. Two species of Digenea, four species of Cestoda, 21 species of Nematoda (adults and larvae in cysts), two species of Acanthocephala and one species of Pentastomida were found. Forty-two new host records and two new locality records are reported. Skinks from Papua New Guinea are infected by “generalist” endoparasites, which parasitize a variety of reptile or amphibian hosts. Mean endoparasite species diversity per skink species was 5.0 ± 3.3 SD, range: 1–11.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2689-2701
One of the first reported gall‐associated braconids, from 1910, Bracon mendocinus Kieffer and Jörgensen, is removed from the subfamily Braconinae and transferred to the doryctine genus Allorhogas, A. mendocinus (Kieffer and Jörgensen) comb. nov. A new species morphologically similar to A. mendocinus, A. joergenseni Martinez and Zaldivar‐Riverón sp. nov., is also described. Additionally a neotype is designated for B. mendocinus Kieffer and Jörgensen. We base our conclusions on the morphological examination of recently collected specimens from central Argentina associated with galls on Lycium chilense (Solanaceae), as well as on the DNA variation at 28S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial DNA genes.  相似文献   

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